50+ pounds to lose...who's in?



  • Treynaj
    Treynaj Posts: 1
    Starting out with a goal of 60 lbs.! My sisters and I are doing a weight loss challenge against each other, but I would also like to improve upon my overall health! So weight loss vets, I'm all ears! I can really use some pointers! thanks!
  • SonyaKilpatrick
    SonyaKilpatrick Posts: 4 Member
    Here we go...:drinker:
  • lalacarlson
    lalacarlson Posts: 1 Member
    add me please! :smile:
  • MissLexiS
    MissLexiS Posts: 22 Member
    I'm up for it!! My goal is to lose 50-70 by Feb/Mar 2015! Add Me Ladies on MFP & Follow Me On Instagram: Fitabulous_Lexi

    -100oz of water (Minimum)
    -Exercise 5x a week (1-2 classes)
    - Meal Prep on Sundays
    -5 miles a week (a mile a day)
    - One cheat Meal (trying to eliminate cheat days)
    -Log in My Fitness Pal
    -Document journey on my Fitabulous_Instagram
  • I am in :) Down 32 in a month but still have 71 to go :) Add me if you'd like.
  • cherieliny
    cherieliny Posts: 9 Member
    Today I reached my absolute lowpoint! I'm 5' 61/2" @ 207.8 pounds today. I look and feel the worst I ever have. Goal weight is 150lb. Feel free to add me because I'm going to rock this. ;)
  • Jaffy55806
    Jaffy55806 Posts: 28 Member
    add me! I need all the motivation I can get!
  • I'm in! My goal is to lose 65 pounds, but I have little milestones along the way :) The first one is to be in the 100's by the end of this month.
  • Loreigh
    Loreigh Posts: 20 Member
    Count me in!! I have started this weight loss journey more times than I can remember--trying to drop 50 lbs. I know what to do to make this happen, I just have to follow through. No one is going to lose this weight for me. I turn 48 on Wednesday and was so hopeful I would have the weight off by now. I didn't put in the work, so still carrying around this extra weight! Next years birthday will be a different story :)
  • I'm in! I need to lose 50-55lbs to get back to where I was last happy with my weight! Now that I am closer to 30 it is SO hard. I used to be able to shed 5-10lbs with hardly trying, now it is such a struggle. I need support all around!
  • sflorer
    sflorer Posts: 3 Member
    Just started last week...and have about 50 pounds or so to lose. So...I'm in too!
  • drey0422
    drey0422 Posts: 39
    I'm close to 30 too :( i need to lose 50 lbs to be at my happy confident weight... I'm still learning what clean eating is and to count calories...but I'm in!
  • navnav19
    navnav19 Posts: 1
    hi just started my weight loss, i am in :)

    need to lose the weight by march 2015,
  • Lien4health
    Lien4health Posts: 11 Member
    Sign me up. I'd like to loose 40-45 # but can't seem to get past a weekly speed bump called the weekend. I want to change my lifestyle. It's time to make things happen. I'm with you, ready to do THIS!
  • juditdell
    juditdell Posts: 32
    I'm only on day 8, with a goal of losing 50lbs. Totally in!!!
  • RNIndy
    RNIndy Posts: 3 Member
    I am in with 64 pounds to lose. I started today.
  • scon13
    scon13 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in! I start and stop this thing constantly. Really going to give it my all this time. Definitely motivated seeing all these awesome accomplishments so far from everyone else.
  • I need to lose all together 53 lbs. It would be awesome to have people with the same goal help push me through. :)
  • Yes, I am in. 50 pounds is about 22kg or thereabouts I have worked out. I have a lot more to lose than that but that is a start! Have just signed up for Lisa Curry's KISS Club yesterday. I am so over being so overweight! Want to get my sexy back! Good luck all!:happy:
  • kellyirene77
    kellyirene77 Posts: 7 Member
    My goal is 50 by July of next year. Add me if you want, I need motivation as well !