Nagging about saving money for IVF



  • AtmaKing
    AtmaKing Posts: 145 Member
    Having kids isn't a selfish act. It's a biological imperative that is one of the five things defining living organisms from the non-living. It's right up there with consuming energy and maintaining homeostasis.

    Sure it is. But so is not having them.

    The issue lies, she is being selfish but so is her husband. The problem is the two of them together on this issue are incongruent.
    She wants’ them i.e. her actions, he doesn’t i.e. his actions.

    They can get on the same page and move forward, or not. It is as simple as that. Everything outside of that is irrelevant.
  • laynerich15
    laynerich15 Posts: 1,918 Member
    Did like the part where people said "its selfish to not have children" "because your daddy ****ed you up you don't want kids".

    this is keeping me well amused for the day
  • bugaboo_sue
    bugaboo_sue Posts: 552 Member
    Did like the part where people said "its selfish to not have children" "because your daddy ****ed you up you don't want kids".

    this is keeping me well amused for the day

    LOL. I know right?

    My daddy didn't f-me up and I don't want nor am I having children. Although I probably am selfish because 1) I don't like them and 2) I really, really like the vacations we go on. Oh, and the disposable income we have. And being able to take naps when I want, and go where I want, and do what I want . . . .
  • laynerich15
    laynerich15 Posts: 1,918 Member
    Did like the part where people said "its selfish to not have children" "because your daddy ****ed you up you don't want kids".

    this is keeping me well amused for the day

    LOL. I know right?

    My daddy didn't f-me up and I don't want nor am I having children. Although I probably am selfish because 1) I don't like them and 2) I really, really like the vacations we go on. Oh, and the disposable income we have. And being able to take naps when I want, and go where I want, and do what I want . . . .

    yeah for fellow high brain functioning people :)

    Some of the pro babies arguments have been amusing.

    I personally come from a very good family, have a successful career, children love me and I them.

    that said I like my own time and money--- That's it, the only reason I don't want kids
  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    Did like the part where people said "its selfish to not have children" "because your daddy ****ed you up you don't want kids".

    this is keeping me well amused for the day

    LOL. I know right?

    My daddy didn't f-me up and I don't want nor am I having children. Although I probably am selfish because 1) I don't like them and 2) I really, really like the vacations we go on. Oh, and the disposable income we have. And being able to take naps when I want, and go where I want, and do what I want . . . .

    That insult was actually aimed at me as I posted this:

    So I'm wondering if all those people who say children ruin your life have children? If not, how can you be an expert about something you have no personal experience with?

    Well, as I was told by my father several times growing up; I was an accident, and I ruined his life.... I just took his word for it. Kids are bad m'kay?
  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,277 Member
    So adopting a child isn't rescuing them from the burdens and heartache of a parentless and loveless life? Saving them from foster care, the streets, and helping to instill family values and bonding?

    How motherly of you to pass on all the lemons because you want a "regular" life.

    Well, that's a gross misinterpretation of what I said, but ok. You clearly aren't interested in anything other than being smug because you successfully adopted and "saved a life".

    My point, again, in regards to that is I wasn't going through the process to get a pat on the back for being a hero and "rescuing" a baby, and I don't feel that's really a healthy attitude to have when raising a child, like they're supposed to be grateful to you forever because you picked them up off the curb and took them in out of the magnanimous goodness of your heart. I just wanted a baby, but they pretty well scared us into giving up by the time the process was three quarters finished with horror stories of what we'd be in for.
    I would never expect to hear a thank you from my kid regarding being adopted, but the fact is adoption saves lives. If you haven't seen the way the majority of the world's children that await a family are living, it isn't much better than the conditions of a rescue shelter.

    Maybe it's better that you got scared off from adopting though. If not, you may have instilled the notion in your kids that if something isn't just perfect enough, fear should stop you from persuing it.
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    Options catch up on.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,950 Member
    It seems to me that people seem to have forgotten that the OP asked for opinions concerning financial advice... not everything else since those decisions were made already..?

    Let's talk about the money again! :)

    So I'll throw out more ideas:

    - Look into mystery shopping. You won't earn much but maybe you'd get a chance to shop for groceries and have some of them paid for by someone else.

    - For the internet on your phone - I totally just pay for talk and unlimited text and I grab my bf's phone when I want to use data. Could you use his or vice versa instead of having the capability on both?

    - Could you check with your hubby to see if he'd be willing to watch sports at a friend's house and downgrade your cable (but it's ok if not)

    - When you're shopping for groceries, could you buy discount gift cards from or something first so that you can save some amount of cash on something you'd buy anyway?

    - I do like the idea of a college student renting a room - you charge for room and food and they're gone in 8 months so it temporary which is nice

    - do you have any STUFF that you honestly don't need or want that you could sell? It'd be nice to make room for the baby stuff anyhow, right?

    - do you currently own two cars? Can you potentially go down to one? You'd get the cash for the one car and save on that gas too. You might have to take groceries on the bus or use a bike with a basket for groceries and make more trips.

    I'll let you know if I can think of anything else.

    Not all these things are going to be possible but maybe put some together and it'll help out :)
    DSTMT Posts: 417 Member
    So adopting a child isn't rescuing them from the burdens and heartache of a parentless and loveless life? Saving them from foster care, the streets, and helping to instill family values and bonding?

    How motherly of you to pass on all the lemons because you want a "regular" life.

    Well, that's a gross misinterpretation of what I said, but ok. You clearly aren't interested in anything other than being smug because you successfully adopted and "saved a life".

    My point, again, in regards to that is I wasn't going through the process to get a pat on the back for being a hero and "rescuing" a baby, and I don't feel that's really a healthy attitude to have when raising a child, like they're supposed to be grateful to you forever because you picked them up off the curb and took them in out of the magnanimous goodness of your heart. I just wanted a baby, but they pretty well scared us into giving up by the time the process was three quarters finished with horror stories of what we'd be in for.
    I would never expect to hear a thank you from my kid regarding being adopted, but the fact is adoption saves lives. If you haven't seen the way the majority of the world's children that await a family are living, it isn't much better than the conditions of a rescue shelter.

    Maybe it's better that you got scared off from adopting though. If not, you may have instilled the notion in your kids that if something isn't just perfect enough, fear should stop you from persuing it.

    LOL ok.
  • AtmaKing
    AtmaKing Posts: 145 Member
    Maybe it's better that you got scared off from adopting though. If not, you may have instilled the notion in your kids that if something isn't just perfect enough, fear should stop you from perusing it.

    Damn that’s Deep!

    Now we are going into societal issues, this thread has turned out impeccable.

    Because you know, if you can’t win don’t play. Or if you lose you should beat them up or sue them. Or everyone should get a trophy. Or if it’s not going your way quit. If it’s too hard don’t do it. It’s not your fault it’s never your fault it’s ok someone else will pay for it.
  • laynerich15
    laynerich15 Posts: 1,918 Member
    Did like the part where people said "its selfish to not have children" "because your daddy ****ed you up you don't want kids".

    this is keeping me well amused for the day

    LOL. I know right?

    My daddy didn't f-me up and I don't want nor am I having children. Although I probably am selfish because 1) I don't like them and 2) I really, really like the vacations we go on. Oh, and the disposable income we have. And being able to take naps when I want, and go where I want, and do what I want . . . .

    That insult was actually aimed at me as I posted this:

    So I'm wondering if all those people who say children ruin your life have children? If not, how can you be an expert about something you have no personal experience with?

    Well, as I was told by my father several times growing up; I was an accident, and I ruined his life.... I just took his word for it. Kids are bad m'kay?

    And I am betting your dad did not realize this would have such a dramatic effect. seeing how most parents act in public it is pretty easy for words to be said to children that leave an impression.

    I don't think that anyone has not had their parents say something awful to them at some point.
  • aledba
    aledba Posts: 564 Member
    LOL! I am being SELFLESS!!! You think its fun taking medications that make you crazy, giving yourself shots, going to apt's every other day? Not really, but you know what? I will do Anything to carry a child in this world. If it doesn't work with IVF, maybe its not meant to be. But no, nothing wrong with being SELFLESS :)
    I'm still not getting how that's selfless... that's me me me me me I"LL DO ANYTHING. That has nothing to do with doing something for someone else- it's completely about doing it because that is what you want. I am in no way judging you- or thinking you're doing the wrong thing- but I am pointing out- it is selfish.

    Definition of selfless: concerned more with the needs and wishes of others than with one's own. If the wish to get pregnant was a friend or other family member's and not your own - that is selfless. But since it is your own and you will "do anything", this is a selfish act. Having kids is always selfish because it's almost always your own wish.
  • AtmaKing
    AtmaKing Posts: 145 Member
    It seems to me that people seem to have forgotten that the OP asked for opinions concerning financial advice... not everything else since those decisions were made already..?

    Yes, but the root of the financial issue is a relationship one. So the derailment was actually the intended track of this train.
  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    Did like the part where people said "its selfish to not have children" "because your daddy ****ed you up you don't want kids".

    this is keeping me well amused for the day

    LOL. I know right?

    My daddy didn't f-me up and I don't want nor am I having children. Although I probably am selfish because 1) I don't like them and 2) I really, really like the vacations we go on. Oh, and the disposable income we have. And being able to take naps when I want, and go where I want, and do what I want . . . .

    That insult was actually aimed at me as I posted this:

    So I'm wondering if all those people who say children ruin your life have children? If not, how can you be an expert about something you have no personal experience with?

    Well, as I was told by my father several times growing up; I was an accident, and I ruined his life.... I just took his word for it. Kids are bad m'kay?

    And I am betting your dad did not realize this would have such a dramatic effect. seeing how most parents act in public it is pretty easy for words to be said to children that leave an impression.

    I don't think that anyone has not had their parents say something awful to them at some point.

    Actually there was a lot of mental and physical abuse in my home growing up, but I've come to terms with it and actually have a good relationship with my family these days. I was simply proving a point earlier regarding a comment that had been said.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,950 Member
    It seems to me that people seem to have forgotten that the OP asked for opinions concerning financial advice... not everything else since those decisions were made already..?

    Yes, but the root of the financial issue is a relationship one. So the derailment was actually the intended track of this train.

    I suppose I can't judge on that... but I just thought it might be a good idea to talk about the other theme as well.
  • 2aycocks
    2aycocks Posts: 415 Member
    As someone who is infertile, I can only say - people need to stay the hell out of everyone's business, honestly. If people get pregnant and have a child, how fantastic. If people adopt and give a loving home to a child, fantastic. If people want to go the medical route and try to establish a pregnancy, fantastic.

    Every person has a different approach, and nobody should judge them for it, regardless of what way they are going. Medical procedures are not easy and very hard on people mentally, they shouldn't be made to feel like they are inadequate or wrong.
    I've had plenty of people nagging me about adoption, quite literally as if children were stray pets on the street.

    This is for me and my husband to decide, and whatever we will decide (childless/adoption), I will not take judgement from people.

    AMEN!! Very well said!!:bigsmile:
  • AtmaKing
    AtmaKing Posts: 145 Member
    It seems to me that people seem to have forgotten that the OP asked for opinions concerning financial advice... not everything else since those decisions were made already..?

    Yes, but the root of the financial issue is a relationship one. So the derailment was actually the intended track of this train.

    I suppose I can't judge on that... but I just thought it might be a good idea to talk about the other theme as well.

    Well intentions but I feel as if the underlying issue is resolved the financial one will correct itself on its own.
  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    LOL! I am being SELFLESS!!! You think its fun taking medications that make you crazy, giving yourself shots, going to apt's every other day? Not really, but you know what? I will do Anything to carry a child in this world. If it doesn't work with IVF, maybe its not meant to be. But no, nothing wrong with being SELFLESS :)
    I'm still not getting how that's selfless... that's me me me me me I"LL DO ANYTHING. That has nothing to do with doing something for someone else- it's completely about doing it because that is what you want. I am in no way judging you- or thinking you're doing the wrong thing- but I am pointing out- it is selfish.

    Definition of selfless: concerned more with the needs and wishes of others than with one's own. If the wish to get pregnant was a friend or other family member's and not your own - that is selfless. But since it is your own and you will "do anything", this is a selfish act. Having kids is always selfish because it's almost always your own wish.

    I have a feeling that she meant selfish but I could be wrong. And again being selfish is ok whether it's to have children no matter how you have them or to not have them is totally fine to.
  • whovian67
    whovian67 Posts: 608 Member
  • bugaboo_sue
    bugaboo_sue Posts: 552 Member
    As someone who is infertile, I can only say - people need to stay the hell out of everyone's business, honestly. If people get pregnant and have a child, how fantastic. If people adopt and give a loving home to a child, fantastic. If people want to go the medical route and try to establish a pregnancy, fantastic.

    Every person has a different approach, and nobody should judge them for it, regardless of what way they are going. Medical procedures are not easy and very hard on people mentally, they shouldn't be made to feel like they are inadequate or wrong.
    I've had plenty of people nagging me about adoption, quite literally as if children were stray pets on the street.

    This is for me and my husband to decide, and whatever we will decide (childless/adoption), I will not take judgement from people.

    She came on the internet and asked a question that involved the fact that she wanted to become pregnant through IVF.

    So yes people are going to judge and give opinions about the entire situation. She shouldn't have posted if she didn't want to hear it.