Do you get a lot more attention after weight loss?



  • keithaj1
    keithaj1 Posts: 71 Member
    Two things happen when you have a significant weight loss. One, you are more attractive to others. Two, you are more confident about yourself. The combination of these two things can and will lead to you receiving and be open to interest from others.
  • spa407
    spa407 Posts: 47 Member
    I really think its mainly confidence. When you don't feel attractive because you're not happy with your weight you look sad. People don't like sad, unconfident people.

    Conversely, when you feel sexy and toned (even if you statistically still are overweight), you just ooze happiness and good vibes. People are attracted to happy, confident people.

    Take it all in stride. Be complimented and feel good and then use that as fire to keep going.

    I have to agree. The attention is often a confidence issue.
  • SeanSilk
    SeanSilk Posts: 12
    Awesome story. I lost a lot of weight due to Anti-Depressant med change. Then I got in shape and I've noticing female attention both at the gym and in public. It's a shame how people can be so superficial. But don't pay them any mind. I am getting married to a woman who got to know me as a person, not because I work out. I wouldn't settle for a shallow women. And your husband sounds like a great guy.
  • KezShiels
    KezShiels Posts: 6
    My weight has fluctuated over the years but I tend to get more attention at 84kg than I ever do 15-20kg lighter
  • Becksga
    Becksga Posts: 70 Member
    i think that hiding was my main reason for allowing myself to reach the size i did. i didn't want people to see me, so i made myself invisible in the largest way possible. weird, isn't it?

    I so get this.

    It is very irritating because I am the exact same person I have always been and now, NOW people who have known me for years want to show me attention?!!?? Uhm, no thanks.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Yes. I get hit on constantly. I wish that when I tell dudes I am married, they would respect that and stop it. That ring is on my finger for a reason. Compliments are one thing, but actual attempts are rather disrespectful under the circumstances.
  • Wookinpanub
    Wookinpanub Posts: 635 Member
    Excellent topic!

    I am married and frankly everyone I associate or socialize with know that I am married so the opportunities are not there. I don't even wear a ring bc I got too fat for it to fit comfortably. I must admit I am curious to see if "I still got it" after dropping 40 lbs and I will try to make eye contact with an attractive lady or strike up a random conversation. Nothing I would consider flirting back to me.

    Funny because when I was at my heaviest last fall, I was at a resort in Phoenix with my wife and this hot younger girl gave me the eff me eyes and it made my night.
  • LovelyVegetarian
    LovelyVegetarian Posts: 117 Member
    I am happily married for almost 10 years. I gained 56 lbs with kid 1 and 70 with kid 2 and never quite got back to pre-preggo weight until recently. I have noticed a direct correlation between my husband's sex drive and how fit/slim I am. When I am exercising, watching what I eat and feeling confident, he is literally constantly all over me - to the point of harrassment (LOL!). Whenever I fall a bit off the wagon, he is still very much all over me but a bit less. He has a very high sex drive and it's all good but I have noticed that the minute I am looking (and feeling) better, he reacts immediately. It's not concious. He has loved me every shape and size, even when I was a huge pregnant person, he wanted up in my business. He says he's not aware of it but I most certainly am!

    As for others, yes, at work I get a lot more attention. I think that has to do with better fitting clothes too. Outside of work, yes I sometimes get hit on. It mostly makes me feel uncomfortable.
  • Brodybee
    Brodybee Posts: 11 Member
    lol same as above, my husband's sex drive has shot up....with strangers i don't notice it right away because i still have fat goggles so when guys stare i always think i have something on my face until someone says, you know that so and so is checking you out. oh well, i'm sure i'll get used to it eventually and not dart to the bathroom to check the mirror every time someone looks at me :p
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    nope can't say that I have...from my husband anyway he didn't care what I weighed as it was the confidence I have regardless of weight that attracted him

    As for other men...maybe a bit but it's fleeting...very rarely do they go over board with it..but they never did regardless of my size...

    I have this look I get...they shrivel....literally..and if they don't I have words I use...then it's all done and I am called a nasty name.
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    It seems like I do, but I also fart in public quite often....soooo.
  • pikanchi
    pikanchi Posts: 72 Member
    I dress better than when I was bigger, but I also suffer from *****y Resting Face (fat or thin), so confident or not, unless I'm actively making an effort to smile, I do look haughty/miserable/some combination of the two. Despite (or in spite, your opinion!) this, I get way more attention than I used to. I've been hit on in the street and when travelling via public transport, had guys do double takes, get flirted with regularly etc. etc. It's certainly not all positive - whilst it is flattering when it remains harmless, it does get tiresome, and I've had guys think I owe them attention because I... am attractive to them? Or something?

    On the other hand, as a general rule, I'd say people are nicer to me - more conversational and willing to answer a question/whatever if I stop them for something. I've found that a disappointing revelation.
  • Ldbg289
    Ldbg289 Posts: 236 Member
    Romantic But I think part of that is I, with my body language, make it quite clear that I am not interested. But I have been noticed by lots of people because I've lost a lot of weight.
  • hilaria81
    hilaria81 Posts: 84 Member
    I lost a lot of weight in high school and absolutely got a lot more attention from guys. It was crazy. Now I'm married, so I expect it will be different. (I got hit on recently online, but that stopped pretty fast when I put up a profile picture that was clearly from my wedding!) My husband always was supportive, even when I was at my highest weight, but he is really proud of how I've been doing and often says so. I'm trying to be healthier in our marriage than I was while we were dating!
  • mmd575
    mmd575 Posts: 88 Member
    i think that hiding was my main reason for allowing myself to reach the size i did. i didn't want people to see me, so i made myself invisible in the largest way possible. weird, isn't it?

    I so get this.

    It is very irritating because I am the exact same person I have always been and now, NOW people who have known me for years want to show me attention?!!?? Uhm, no thanks.

    ^ All of this!!!!!! My first dramatic weight loss was about 10 years ago and I did receive a lot of attention. And I wasn't used to it, my I did notice that people were nicer to me. But I do agree with the other posters, I think that it has to do with a combo of looking better and feeling better. I wasn't one to really flirt but when I lost that weight I didn't care. Man I miss being that person, I will find her again. :)
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    I get a lot of attention in the weight section. Some sexusl, mainly harmless
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    yes, random guys wave at me all the time or hold doors for me or let me go in front of them in line. whatever. its weird but great for my confidence. i don't tell my hubby this but it happens when i am with him too and he makes comments about me being his trophy wife. lol. . i think its funny.
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    I'm puzzled as to why people are saying 'I'm the same person I've always been why now' etc. The fact're not. As we've already established, you're more confident, outgoing, you have new hobbies and interests (health, fitness, caring about good food and what goes into it). Why shouldn't people notice those changes and decide that they like them?

    And yes, of course people are shallow and base a lot on appearance - I'm sure that so do you if you're honest!
  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    Not to me, though my partner has given me more compliments which feels great!
    I think part of it is the way you carry yourself, too. Whether or not you have caught up mentally with all of your progress and let the renewed confidence show on the outside :)
    My best friend lost 30kgs and she used to be mainly a jeans kinda girl, but she started dressing up in things she'd never felt she could pull of before, she really started to shine, wore some gorgeous fitted dresses, heels, rocked red lippie and smiled a lot more. Every man under the sun was chasing after her and she got into a little bit of trouble when even the ex who'd left her for somebody else as a bigger girl came drooling after her again! haha.
  • zkjmum
    zkjmum Posts: 96 Member
    I think if I start getting more attention from the opposite sex it will slightly terrify me. I've been raising my children on my own for 4 1/2 years now and have had no attention in that time (have been obese that entire time). Before that I was with their father for over 8 years (from when I was 18) and we had been friends since school. I've never had to deal with that kind of attention as an adult...and only had to deal with it from one or two guys in school (who were basically told to bugger off because they were sleazes). Hopefully the right person will just come along at the right time and slip quietly into my life without making a fuss LOL
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