Dating someone 22 years older?



  • andreavarangu
    andreavarangu Posts: 78 Member
    hmmmm.....eventually 50 and 72......too big an age gap IMO
  • lynnierose9
    lynnierose9 Posts: 34 Member
    I was 24 dating a 39 year old. We ended up getting married. Our ages play a part in our relationship but not much. He often forgets I am that much younger and thinks what I know what he is talking about half the time. I am a more mature woman and he is more like a child. We are 41 and 57 as I speak. Honestly, would I do the same age difference again if given a chance...I don't think so. Do I love him---absolutely!
  • Betherz82
    Betherz82 Posts: 200 Member
    I know I'm an adult and I shouldn't care what the public thinks. I was honestly just asking since I don't have parents to ask and I didn't know who else to ask.

    I guess the question should have been more like 'if you had a 20 year old daughter would you approve of her dating a 42yo'

    When I was 20 I dated a man that was 20 years older than I was. My mom was not happy about it but she tried to be open minded. My dad however threatened to kill him and would not speak to me for months after.

    I loved Ron very much, in the end it just turned out that we were in 2 very different stages in our lives so it didn't work. We are still friends however and it's 10 years since we broke it off. That was just my experience though. There are a lot of different factors to every relationship. However it works out for you, good luck. :)
  • lewoldt
    lewoldt Posts: 630 Member
    I'm dating a girl 19 years younger and we're happy and that is all that matters
  • Left4Good
    Left4Good Posts: 304
    I don't think there is anything wrong with it at all.
  • I personally can not see it. I don't have anything in common with someone that young. Although I believe that wise people come in all ages. I feel there are too many physical challenges to such an arrangement. There is documented proof of children being born deformed when old joins with young, but then again there are many cases to suggest their is no such physical limits. Then their is the social aspect. I mean what do we have in common? I have met many young people with differing views that goes against my more conservative stance in life. Then again I have met young people with views similar to my more conservative stance in life. They seem too rigid and well boring and lack a sense of humor.

    Humor is important between age groups. It is a sign of understanding. But when there is no understanding there really isn't a true relationship. But once again there are young people out there that surprise you with their maturity and their overall outlook on life.

    My point is even though I prefer a woman close to my age. I do not feel the need to judge a union between young and old because in the end these unions happen and there is nothing that can be done to stop so why judge?

    I'm all for it then. Just not for me.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    The more important question is what do YOU think?

    I think it's disgusting.

    Disgusting that I don't have a 23yo woman interested in me.

    Saw this coming a mile away...
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    Crazy but I wouldn't care if my daughter dated someone 42 when she's 20. Especially if she does find someone like her daddy. Someone who loves her, supports her, and makes her happy. As long as she's happy why should I worry myself?

    Your daughter should love HERSELF, be able to support HERSELF, and make HERSELF happy. Not rely on other people for love, support, and happiness. :grumble:

    Your partner is supposed to also love you, support you, and make you happy (within reason of course). If they don't your relationship won't last at least not in a healthy state. That's the WHOLE point of a life partner, so that you don't have to go through this life alone.

    You're both disagree is just splitting hairs.