Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • trulydivyn725
    trulydivyn725 Posts: 92 Member
    Tuesday - Feeling great and my energy level is right where I want it to be. Someone gave me a Fitbit today, but they didn't have a charger, so I have to find one of those. I'm super excited to see what that will do versus using 3 different apps on my cellphone. LOL! My goal for today is to stay focused as I'm stressed over work items out of my control. I've got assignments due and I'm procrastinating them, so that's the 2nd part of my goal today - complete my assignment!

    My August Challenge is to stay under my 1500 calorie choice, not the MFP count of 1910.

    8/1: Under
    8/2: Under
    8/3: Under
    8/4: 46 calories over
    8/5: so far, I've got about 700 calories left open for dinner and snack, so I'm on track with where I need to be.

    @ Skinnyjeanzbo - thank you very much for your insight! How can I share what I eat with you privately? I know I can see my daughters "food" because she's my friend on here too, so if I add you as a friend then you can see my "food" too?

    @Kah68 - Great point about adding protein back after intense depletion of our resource fuel from work out or sauna!

    Everyone is different as you both stated, and since I've done this before, I'm going with what worked for me before. I guess I'm just really curious to see what differences there will be since I'm over 50 now, and feel very different than I did when I started this intensity of getting rid of my weight at 39yrs old. I should tell you guys that 39yrs old and 386 pounds, I was not completely out of touch with the damages being done to my body and how fantastic I felt as I took off the weight. It was slow and steady for me, and I know it will be again possibly this time. It took me over 2 years to break under 200 pounds, and that's because I had several plateaus and such along the way and thought I would take breaks because 250 sounded and felt good enough then, 220 sounded and felt good enough, etc. What felt "right" for me was 191 to 205 and my goal is to eventually get back to there. I may trick myself into believing I'll be okay again at 220, but I have to ensure I convince myself that 250 is just the first goal to reach this time too!!

    Off to walk the property (where I work) towards getting my 5,000 steps per day in!! I'm hoping my new Fitbit (once I get a charger) will be more accurate than my cellphone since I can't always have it on me in some of the locations I have to go at work. Anyways, you guys have a great day today!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    So far I'm on track for my August goals of staying under my calorie goal, although I have used more of my exercise calories than I wanted to a couple of times.
    My personal goal this week is to be ready for company by Thursday evening, and then enjoy the weekend. I baked 4 dozen lavender lemon poppy seed scones this afternoon. No more scones to bake! This morning I cleaned my refrigerator. All I can say about that is 'I should have company more often'. Its clean now and there are no 'science experiments' growing.
    You all keep me going. Thank you. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Tuesday Goals: It feels good to be back, but I need to stay focused on my August Challenge. While I will not hit it 100%, I like the accountability of it and realize it’s OK if I’m not 100% accurate. This is definitely one of my inner battles is I’m too hard on myself and then I just want to give up. I’m working on that though.

    August Challenge – Monday, 8/4

    1) Logging – Day 5. Woo Hoo!
    2) Calories – 13 calories under
    3) Water – Approximately 60 oz. Baby steps.
    4) Gym – Eliptical, 10 minutes; Treadmill, 60 minutes at 3.5. Steps-12,184. I can’t believe how out of shape I felt on the elliptical. I was up to 45 minutes before. Wow.
    5) Protein – 115 grams

    @ GrammyWhammy – Doesn’t it feel great getting back in the swing of things? So proud of you for making this commitment.

    @ Newbies – Welcome Derrickyoung, Msbizybee, Shelliecollins, TVMama, Apruiett. You’ve found our little hidden gem on MFP. The thread moves quite a bit during the week, but quieter on the weekends. We like to chat, but chat is support and this group is AWESOME!!

    @ Shelliecollins – It was years ago, but I was a nanny too. I loved it!! I did it for 6 years out of college. I lived in Connecticut, Miami and finally Atlanta. I loved all of my families. My very first family was with a 6-month old named Alex. Well, now Alex is 24 and lives in Washington, D.C. working for Uber. So proud of him!!! Of course, I feel soooo old. Hope you have a great family. It makes a world of difference. Hang in there. We didn’t put on this weight overnight and it’s not coming off overnight either. You can do it!!!!

    @ Trulydvyn725 – For your August Goals, you mentioned drinking ½ your weight weekly. Is that a daily goal? I’ve heard that from a trainer and other folks to try and drink half, but for me that’s like 150 oz of water. I would literally be going potty ALL day. I try to hit 100, but that’s about it for me. Regarding your other post, I know everyone sees things differently and has to do what works best for you. I was working with a trainer for awhile and she was on me constantly for not eating enough. I know it was explained to me by Skinny or Laurie that our bodies are like a fire and it needs kindling all day to keep the fire going. Our body needs food and enough food to keep our metabolism going. I’m probably eating a little lower than I should for my current weight, but I’m trying to kick start my loss again and get refocused. I’ll gradually add more when I increase my exercise level. Just my two sense.

    @ Skinny/Karen – Thanks. It’s good to be back too. I’ve definitely missed my friends that’s for sure. Sorry about the doctor’s visit. Always hate dealing with that stuff. I need to make an appointment myself I’m afraid. I may be pre-menopausal. Not sure, but some funky things are happening that’s for sure. Blah.

    @ Kateirving – Nice loss. Good job!!!

    @ Laurie – Thank you my friend. We will definitely chat soon I promise. Can’t wait for NYC!!!

    @ Tanya – Power walker or not you’re steps always amaze me. Hope the feet get better soon though. I know how tough that is for you.

    @ eBailey – Baby steps. It takes a while to get use to a new eating plan especially if you’re looking to limit or eliminate a certain food. I agree with Skinny and normally focus on a certain 1 or 2 macros like protein and carbs for me. I’ve never had an issue with sodium even though my sodium is often very high. I definitely focus more on the calories and watch the protein/carbs, but that’s it.

    @ FeraFila – God has spoken. LOL!! Well, at least He led the church. Congratulations to your and your hubby on this next chapter of your life. You guys will do great!!

    @ Lives2Travel – You’ve got this!! I know you’re going to find the right balance. I know how difficult it can be and there were some bumps along my road, but I’m gradually finding that balance. I know you will too.

    @Tlh0407- Great work out yesterday. I dread trying my planks again. I was actually up to 3 minutes and now can probably not last 30 seconds. I’m so mad at myself for stopping. The important thing is we’re both back!!
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    Swimming is awesome exercise. I can't walk without pain due to severe arthritis in one knee so I started a swimming routine last October.
    At first I could only swim one full lap. Now I swim 3/4 of a mile, 3 to 4 times a week. In addition to laps, I do the aqua aerobics and strength exercises. Like you don't feel the exertion, but boy it burns up the calories! Best of's fun!
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    I tried yet another pair of shoes for work today, my feet were still quite sore. I am going back to the running shoes tomorrow. I am quite frustrated that I could not get a good walk in. I know rest is the best thing but it is August, I don't want to rest!! :angry:

    I found a recipe for strawberry chia seed jam, so picked up some strawberries and made some today. Took about 5 min to prepare, another hour to set and was so tasty! I can't wait to have some on toast tomorrow for breakfast.

    August goals:

    CALORIES: (2000-2400) PROTEIN: (over 120g)

    8/1: 2381 in, 3090 out ** 129g
    8/2: 2370 in, 3008 out **127g
    8/3: 2373 in, 3343 out **135g
    8/4: 2399 in, 2219 out ** 135g
    8/5: 2389 in, ____ out ** 121g


    Sunday: 17k steps(20,858), 55s plank and arm challenge, 3X circuit ALL DONE
    Monday: 17k steps(14,177) 55s plank, DONE 25 min run NOT DONE
    Tuesday: 12k steps, 1min 10s plank and arm challenge DONE, 3X circuit (NOT DONE but did 1 min wall sit)
    Wednesday: 12k steps, 1m 10s plank and arm challenge
    Thursday: 12k steps, 3X circuit, arm challenge
    Friday: 12k steps, 1m 10s plank
    Saturday: 15k steps, 1m 25s plank and arm challenge
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    I am tired and have a cold so will be going to bed early tonight.

    Hitting all my goals. Feeling those lunges I did yesterday. Run this morning was great.
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Hey everyone! I had to work today, which is normally my day off, so I'm a little tired out. :yawn:

    I've had two really good days at staying under my calories and getting my exercise in. And this morning I finally dropped another pound on my ticker!!! :drinker: :bigsmile:

    I'm off tomorrow and will come back and read all the threads and catch up. :smile:

    Hello to all you newly joined members. This is a great group so stick around!! :flowerforyou:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! :flowerforyou:

    @teresa--yay for another pound lost!:drinker:

    @erienne--yuck--summer colds suck. :sick: Feel better!

    @tanya--sorry about your foot pain. I've been having some heel pain lately which I know is do to too much time in flip-flops. I'm trying to spend more time in my runners or at least my Dr. Scholls "topsiders" but my feet like their freedom in the summertime. :ohwell:

    @susan--looks like you are doing great on your protein--I'm really struggling with it. :ohwell:

    @kaye--reading about your scones made me drool a little.

    @truly--I'll send you a friend request. Then if you set your food diary to "friends only" I should be able to see it without it being public. That's how I have mine set up. If you want it to be super private, you can set up a password and then just give that to the people you want to see it.

    @lelser--my dog sometimes tries to help me with my laptop. :laugh:

    @tracy--the running tally works pretty well for me--I just really like the flexibility of ot. Good luck getting your kitchen unpacked.

    @marsha, kelley, kaye, and a few others--how do you manage not to eat back your exercise calories when you have a really big burn? I am set at 1390 calories, but on a gym day I typically burn about 800 calories. If I didn't eat those back I would only net 590 calories for the day, and I would be STARVING!!! Even on days when I work out later at night and don't eat everything back, I wake up really hungry. I just can't imagine burning 700 calories and only eating back 8. Obviously it works for you guys--I wish I could do that b/c maybe I would lose some more weight, but I just can't live on 600 calories.

    @kelley--I also don't understand your calorie goals. I thought you followed TDEE, but what calculator do you use to get a base of 2000 calories before exercise? Does that 2000 daily goal I see in your food diary already include your activity, and is that why you try not to eat back the exercise calories you log? B/c they are already accounted for in the calculations? Sorry, I feel like you've explained it to me before, but you know I'm terrible with numbers. :blushing:

    @holly--even if you aren't staying under the sodium goal every day, it sounds like you are doing much better through the effort. I'm having the same issue with protein. I'm not hitting the 100g, but I'm getting a lot closer and making (some) better choices b/c I'm being mindful of the macros.

    @mel--I'm in the same boat. Doing pretty good with exercise, but not always the best with food.

    @tom--OMG, I love me some oysters on the half-shell! When I wnet to NOLA in 2005 with garetie and another friend, I think we ordered a dozen oysters at every bar/restaurant we entered. ANd since garetie doesn't like oysters, the other friend and I were forced to eat them all. :laugh:


    Tuesday Goals:
    I'm still working on the protein, and I know I can do better than I've done the past few days. For example, I could have had cottage cheese as my side for dinner instead of the french fries my husband decided to make. :blushing: However, I've found I'm using the need to hit my protein goal as an excuse to eat even when I'm not hungry, so I've decided to make that a secondary goal. My primary goal is to keep my running tally as close to zero or in the positive, and then focus on protein.

    Today I was at 86g of protein.

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    August Challenge:
    Cumulative calorie surplus (shortage) = (83)
    100g of protein = 3/31 days
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Skinny (Karen) Since I don't go to the gym, and get most of my exercise from walking, I don't have the problem of huge calorie burns. I usually do eat back some of my exercise calories. I'm sure I would be eating more if I was getting bigger burns. Kaye
  • trulydivyn725
    trulydivyn725 Posts: 92 Member
    @ Susan2396 - I'm not one to exercise like I should, or like I used to...but I'm working on it! Yes, I meant half my body weight in ounces of water daily....I feel I've accomplished a major battle to get 100 ounces in per day too!! To get 130ish in per day may not seem like a lot to some people, but when you're used to drinking maybe 20 or 30 ounces a day, it's a BIG deal to get to half your body weight in ounces of water per day!! Yes, like you Susan, I do have to pee ALL day, and that's a real problem when I'm standing at a podium often or out inspecting some location that doesn't have a restroom, then I'm suffering and playing catch up when I'm on my way home and throughout the evening, which then means I'm up all night too....LOL!! So, I try to get in at least 100 ounces, but my goal is to focus on 130 ounces instead! It's just a few more sips per day!

    @skinnyjeanzbo - I accepted your friend request...can you check and see if you have access to my food journal? I am not sure I set it up properly, but hope so!

    Until tomorrow!! Sleep well everyone....
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member

    @skinnyjeanzbo - I accepted your friend request...can you check and see if you have access to my food journal? I am not sure I set it up properly, but hope so!

    Yes, I can see it now. It looks like most days you are still netting about 1200 calories, so unless you're hungry or have low energy, you should be fine. You may find you need to eat slightly more on the days you are burning 800+ calories, but just listen to your body.
  • Brenda_1129
    Brenda_1129 Posts: 56 Member
    Tuesday goals: I have a few god this week. First is to make it to the gym 4 days and the other is to log everything. Seems simple right?!!

    Wednesday wishes: Today my wish is that I remember to think positive. I also wish everyone a wonderful day

  • kateirving
    kateirving Posts: 37 Member
    I have been really trying to stay away from all my foods that are not healthy for me. I have done it, and yet the scale keeps going up and down, and not down enough. I am a salt freak and I know that I retain fluid, but when will I see some progress. I am trying to be active, do more walking but sometimes I have a hard time motivating myself. I have started some weight routines, without the weight because I want to start slow and not hurt myself.
  • kateirving
    kateirving Posts: 37 Member
    That is what I really am trying to do, because it is the negative chatter in my head that can derail all my progress. It can be done, because if I can do it, we all can do it.
  • kateirving
    kateirving Posts: 37 Member
    I really like this group of people, and look forward to getting to know people. I have had a hard time finding this kind of support and really like this website.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Wed :bigsmile: My wish is that we all take the time to see what we are and should be grateful for. I know myself I lose track of this sometimes and I have had a couple of good blessings lately that remind me to stay grounded.

    Home computer is dying and online app I can't see message boards or don't know how. So it may take longer to catch up than I think but I am still reading.

    For those that commented on the sodium I understand that eating out and packaged items have way more. I actually didn't track either till I was having issues a few months ago with being tired and because at that time my BP had overnight became abnormal I started tracking. I found out BP was high due to stress and dr couldn't find a reason for being tired all blood work was good. I may just stop tracking.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Hiroshima Day - Hiroshima Day commemorates 6 August 1945, the day when an atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, followed a few days later by another dropped on the city of Nagasaki.
    The bombings effectively ended World War II by bringing about the surrender of Japan, but at a terrible price - the two cities were destroyed and casualties, mostly civilians, were estimated at around 200,000, with many more people dying later from injuries and illness.
    Hiroshima Day is now a focus for anti-war and anti-nuclear discussions and demonstrations.

    “The best thing about the future is that it only comes one day at a time.” ~Abraham Lincoln

  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Wednesday Wish: I need to quit being so hard on myself whether it’s my weight, work, home, etc. . . I’m really struggling with some work stuff right now and I know that’s trickling into the rest of my life. I can’t let that happen. Life happens and I need to figure out how to deal with it.

    @ Oldmomma – I couldn’t agree more. ¾ of a mile is awesome! When I was in high school YEARS ago, I worked as a lifeguard. When all the evening swims were done, I locked everything up and it was my time. I would turn off the main lights, turn on the pool lights, jam up the music and swim solid for an hour. It felt great and was my way to just disconnect. I loved it!! My gym has a pool and I want to start adding 1-2 days of swimming and get off the dreadmill. Good for you!!

    @ ebailey – Hope you feel better!!

    @ Teresa_3266 – We’ll take that 1 pound – nice!!

    @ Skinny/Karen – You’ll get your protein in I have no doubt. You always find a way to squeeze in it like those 4 TBLS of PB!! LOL!!

    @ TrulyDivyn – Good for you! 130 oz is awesome! You’re inspiring me to push mine too. Everything I read and hear from folks water is one of the most important things we can do for our bodies. When you mentioned a podium, what do you do? I take it some kind of speaker, teacher, or professor perhaps? I sit at a desk ALL days staring at a computer so no excuse since the bathroom is only one door away. LOL!!

    @ Kateirving – I think everything you wrote I have definitely felt numerous times. I know for me when I’m eating right and getting some kind of exercise I do feel so much better. It’s just making it into a routine. One of my biggest challenges has been being so critical of myself. If I miss of day of exercise or eat more than I should, I think life is over and I get out of control again. I’ve gotten so much better, but far from being perfect that’s for sure. It’s just pushing along taking it one day at a time. Learn from a mistake and move on. Keep checking in with this group too. They will support you!

    @ MNwalkingqueen – You’re so right. I mentioned something similar in my Wednesday wish. I have so much to be thankful for yet I’m often my worst critic. Every day we should tell ourselves one thing we’re thankful for and I think it would keep our spirits up. Today I’m thankful I was able to get up and stand on two feet.

    @ Morgori/Tom – LOVED the quote. Now that I’m back on track my focus has been on day at a time and this quote is right on time.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tom (morgori)--I have taught the book "Hiroshima" by John Hersey which gives a very detailed account of that day from the perspective of 6 of the survivors. Such a sad day in our history.

    @holly--sorry about your computer. My personal laptop also died this summer, so I've been using my school issued one. However, I really should get a new personal one b/c nothing I view on the school one is private since the tech people can see whatever I do if they so choose. I doubt they are watching, but I would still prefer my privacy. You're right about being grateful--we probably all could do that more.

    @kate--staying away from unhealthy foods is a great start, but are you measuring and logging all of the healthy food you are eating? It's very possible to gain weight if you're eating too much of the healthy stuff--trust me, I've done it. :blushing: Other than that general advice, if you'd like more specific info, you could give us more info about your calorie allowance and burns or open your food diary (assuming you are logging). :flowerforyou:

    @brenda--yes, it's sometimes frustrating that losing weight is so simple in theory, but difficult in practice, :grumble:

    @kaye--thanks for the feedback about eating back your exercise calories. That makes sense, and I know you are one of those rare individuals from our group who has been able to lose the weight on a fairly low calorie allowance of 1200/day. We had another member awhile back, angelikalumiere, who did it eating 1000 cal/day with success.

    AFM--Sorry for all of the questions about calorie allowance. I know it seems like I should have this down after 3+ years, but I'm having a hard time figuring out where I need to be to lose more weight. Over the past year and a half, I've tried adjusting my intake up and down for periods of time to no avail.

    I realized last night that since I've maintained my weight within a 5 lb range during that time, I can actually use my true numbers to figure my TDEE over the past 6 months, then subtract 15-20% from that for a daily calorie goal. If I do that I won't need to worry about logging exercise or eating back those calories provided I keep the same level of activity. It's always scary to adjust my intake, but obviuosly I need to do something if I expect anything on the scale to change. Also, it's always scary when I have to do math. :laugh:

    I rescheduled the gym for today, but I really need to get the lawn done--it's been 2 weeks! :noway:

    Wednesday Wish:
    My wish is that I figure out the right TDEE and the scale starts moving again. ALso, that the next 2 weeks go by at a snails pace.

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    August Challenge:
    Cumulative calorie surplus (shortage) = (83)
    100g of protein = 3/31 days
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @Truly...Love that you are feeling energetic. I, too, struggle with procrastination. Everytime I get caught up with something I swear I'll stay on top of things and then I end up procrastinating again.

    @Kaye...I agree with the company thing. I should set a date to have a housewarming party so I can make sure my house gets to where I want it in a timely manner.

    @Susan...doing good!!

    @oldmomma...I love water aerobics. Unfortunately, my training sessions happen to fall on the two days that it's offered at my gym. :frown:

    @Tanya...I'd love to see that recipe for the jam.

    @ebailey...hope you're feeling better.

    @teresa...yay...movement on the scale!! much water are you drinking? I too struggle with salty foods (my favorite) and right now I'm struggling with getting enough water so the scale hasn't been my friend.

    @Karen...good luck with the TDEE and adjusting your calories. It is scary. I'm trying to do that and stay within my goal regardless of my workouts. I do miss seeing the increased number because I worked out so much, but it's been easier to track the calories. I still don't know if it works or not or if I'm at the right number because I haven't been good at meeting my intake goals. No more!! August I'm really watching it and hopefully I'll continue and see if I have a magic number. :bigsmile: I have decided to start logging my workouts just so I can see it better. I'm just going to ignore the added calories and stick with my 2000.

    AFM: I got through all those boxes!!! Today I have to spend some time breaking down boxes as I need more space where I've just been throwing them. :laugh: When we looked at the kitchen it seemed so much bigger but now that I'm in it, it's not a very well set up kitchen. Lots of tight spaces and shallow cabinets and corner cabinets that are hard to reach. My last kitchen had a walk in pantry that was probably 6' by 11' with shelves to the ceiling. Now it's a small closet. :angry: I've really tried to take a look at what I need and what is excess. The box for rummage is growing each day!!

    I have an eye appointment today. These headaches are still happening on a daily basis and when I looked on-line (I know, best way to think you're dying :wink: ) the way the headaches come on indicates that most likely cause is a change in eye sight and the need to adjust a prescription. Jacob needs one too so we're headed off in a few minutes. I'm not working today so I stayed up late last night doing some work around the house and will continue with that. Hoping the sun comes out so I can take the kids swimming too. Found out the one pool with actual diving boards closes this weekend and is getting a complete overhaul. Last chance for them to use those diving boards! Work out with my sister tonight.

    Wednesday Wish: That the new prescription is what will stop these headaches!!

    Have a great day!