Jealous of the Super Obese?



  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member

    Obviously I won't do that but it sounds pretty amazing to me.

    You what mate?
  • skinnybearlyndsay
    skinnybearlyndsay Posts: 798 Member
    I know someone who had surgery. 1) It is super painful. 2) Since this person did not learn to eat properly although he lost weigh initially, it did come back - No thank you

    My dad had it and I fear he will gain all the weight back because he's eating the same crap he ate before. But he was in so much pain afterwards...not to mention there were complications with his recovery.
  • jbeans830
    jbeans830 Posts: 10 Member
    I peaked at 323. I was mierable. I was constantly in pain. I went on Diet after Diet after Diet and I couldnt stick to it. I was desperate to live a healthy life. I wanted to do things every 23 year old wanted to do, but I couldn't. I love hiking - I'd get tired too fast. I remember one time in college I went with a friend's fmaily and her grandmother was up thathill before I was. So embarassing. I'd get too tired, I couldn't fit in the ride at the amusement park, I wasn't comfortable in movie theater seats. I was flat out unhappy. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired.

    I opted for the lapband. It wasn't an easy road. It is not the "Magic Bullet." It is a tool. The shows glorify it. I got pnumonia while I was in recovery from surgery. I was on liquid diet for 2 weeks until surgery and an extremely special diet after surgery. I wanted to be healthy, and so did my family. I am about 2 1/2 years post op. I have lost a total of 93 pounds, and still have a lot to go. I am working for it. It is not the magic solution. I have a personal trainer I see once a week for half an hour (I walk 20 mins before I work with him), I got to his classes on Thursday and Saturday Mornings, I walk on the treadmill and go to Yoga on Tuesdays, on other off days, I usually just walk or do a day of the c25k program. I am working hard. I have hit a bit of a platue, but as with someone who has PCOS, and is not on the medication for it, its harder for me to lose weight (I am not just saying this - ask any doctor). You have to have a strong will to succeed.

    I am not looking for Cheers and Hoopla over this. I just think it is a bit rediclous to be "jelous of the super obese" because a select few on the tv shows get an "easy" fix. Its not easy. Some people on those shows have died due to the complications. I am not trying to be mean about this, but sometimes people really just need to think before they post about how easy something is.
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Gastric bypass plus skin removal surgery != the easy way.


    OP, I think your op is one of the most ignorant I've ever read. That is truly impressive.

    You must not read many of the posts then. Or be able to understand when someone is not serious. Please relax a little and if you don't like it don't read it.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    Have you ever actually known anyone who had weight loss surgery? You can NEVER eat normally again. You end up getting sick and having to leave a bar where you're having fun listening to music because of ONE drink. Too much fat in a meal can leave you debilitated for hours.

    Is it worth altering your life, your happiness and your standard of living? Not to mention that most people who have that surgery end up gaining at least most of the weight back. I've known several people who had it and within two years were nearly back to their "before" weight and still had to restrict what and how much they ate every day.

    Huh. I'm like that after one drink or overly fatty meal without a surgery... do you know what causes it? I'm smack dab in the middle of my healthy BMI right now.
  • LizaDK914
    LizaDK914 Posts: 54 Member
    My mom had that surgery, and I wouldn't get it myself unless a doctor literally told me I was going to die - soon - otherwise.

    Sure, it's hard work. I've had to fight tooth and nail for every single pound I've lost. And, I've got a lot of fight left. But, my mother - and some other's I've known - do NOT have a better life. She's no healthier than she was.

    When it's kind of "handed" to you like that, I think you appreciate it less. Having fought for it, we're going to remember how hard it was to get to our goal. We're going to stay focused, and we're more likely to have the will power to stay there.

    In the past year, my willpower had increased immediately. Used to be, when I craved chocolate - I'd eat it. Now, sure, there are days when I want it - but because of the decisions I've made, I only eat it rarely.

    The surgery makes you sick if you don't do it right. I'm not saying it's not great for people who medically need it and can't do it any other way. I'm just saying you should be thankful that you're not one of those people.
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    I peaked at 323. I was mierable. I was constantly in pain. I went on Diet after Diet after Diet and I couldnt stick to it. I was desperate to live a healthy life. I wanted to do things every 23 year old wanted to do, but I couldn't. I love hiking - I'd get tired too fast. I remember one time in college I went with a friend's fmaily and her grandmother was up thathill before I was. So embarassing. I'd get too tired, I couldn't fit in the ride at the amusement park, I wasn't comfortable in movie theater seats. I was flat out unhappy. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired.

    I opted for the lapband. It wasn't an easy road. It is not the "Magic Bullet." It is a tool. The shows glorify it. I got pnumonia while I was in recovery from surgery. I was on liquid diet for 2 weeks until surgery and an extremely special diet after surgery. I wanted to be healthy, and so did my family. I am about 2 1/2 years post op. I have lost a total of 93 pounds, and still have a lot to go. I am working for it. It is not the magic solution. I have a personal trainer I see once a week for half an hour (I walk 20 mins before I work with him), I got to his classes on Thursday and Saturday Mornings, I walk on the treadmill and go to Yoga on Tuesdays, on other off days, I usually just walk or do a day of the c25k program. I am working hard. I have hit a bit of a platue, but as with someone who has PCOS, and is not on the medication for it, its harder for me to lose weight (I am not just saying this - ask any doctor). You have to have a strong will to succeed.

    I am not looking for Cheers and Hoopla over this. I just think it is a bit rediclous to be "jelous of the super obese" because a select few on the tv shows get an "easy" fix. Its not easy. Some people on those shows have died due to the complications. I am not trying to be mean about this, but sometimes people really just need to think before they post about how easy something is.

    I did not mean to offend. Tv glamorizes and I was having a moment. I honestly have nothing but respect for people who need it and wish you nothing but success.
  • LizaDK914
    LizaDK914 Posts: 54 Member
    @VeryKatie - If you're not being sarcastic, you could have gallbladder problems. I'd get that checked out if I were you.
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    Gastric bypass plus skin removal surgery != the easy way.


    OP, I think your op is one of the most ignorant I've ever read. That is truly impressive.

    You must not read many of the posts then. Or be able to understand when someone is not serious. Please relax a little and if you don't like it don't read it.

    So now you're trying to crawfish into the, "I wasn't serious" defense? Might have flown if you posted this in Chit-Chat, but in here?
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Gastric bypass plus skin removal surgery != the easy way.


    OP, I think your op is one of the most ignorant I've ever read. That is truly impressive.

    You must not read many of the posts then. Or be able to understand when someone is not serious. Please relax a little and if you don't like it don't read it.

    So now you're trying to crawfish into the, "I wasn't serious" defense? Might have flown if you posted this in Chit-Chat, but in here?

    You're right, I probably should have put it there instead (I've only created like 4 threads in my time on MFP so I'm not super familiar with the boards). You don't have to believe me, and thats ok.
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member, a person that has gastric bypass has to do the same exact thing that any other person has to do to lose weight. Eat less and move more. There is no easy way. The only difference is that if you are having the gastric bypass, you were found to be at too high of a risk to wait to use conventional methods. You lose weight faster because you are eating less....not because it's a magical way to lose weight. People in general shouldn't lose weight as fast as they do with gp but the risks are higher for patient's that are morbidly obese from other medical issues, like diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. There is nothing easy about starving yourself on a liquid diet for weeks and then having to take supplements for the rest of your life because you suffer from malabsorption.
  • Fit_Housewife
    Fit_Housewife Posts: 168 Member
    um WLS is not a quick fix. It affects many aspects of your life. Many have ongoing medical issues for the rest of their lives. At 300+ lbs the quality of your life is not very well, its hard to exercise and very difficult to lose weight. After skin removal your body does not look normal, there are ugly scars, may look good on TV but that's real life. Be happy for starting at a lower weight and have less to lose. Good Luck to you
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    @VeryKatie - If you're not being sarcastic, you could have gallbladder problems. I'd get that checked out if I were you.

    I'd agree. Upper right abdominal pain is linked with gallbladder problems. I had some turned out I had 5 large gallstones. Mine was from rapid weight loss, which can happen with WLS(mine was just general depression and low appetite plus broke piggy bank and any food I had went to daughter first). I saw about 30 lbs go in a couple months time and the very low calorie eating probably is what caused my gallstones.
  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    And, for the record, as someone who has been quite successful at losing and keeping off over 200 pounds with the assistance of Gastric Bypass, the attitudes of some posts on this thread are awfully harsh toward WLS and the recipients of.

    Don't want to have surgery - how about you just don't have it. There's really no reason for the shaming of those of us that did. Thanks for the uneducated opinions on how it is to live after WLS though. It's been enlightening to see just how badly my life could get......

    I am so sorry if my post came off that way - it was unintentional. I was trying to add a note of levity and really take a look at what is important to them. Some might think that they can deal with the surgery after seeing what's on TV - but the bathroom? Fewer people are willing to take that risk.

    Honestly, I sincerely apologize if it seemed like I was being harsh.

    I know a few people who have done the surgery - and not all of them have the bathroom issues. The one person I know who does have that problem uses poopouri - which is a great product, and very few people know about the digestion issues. You can deal with anything if it's for your health.
  • I was watching one of those medical weightloss shows the other day. You know the type, where they're really really big and they get gastric bypass and lose a ton of weight with what the episode shows as little to no effort and then they get skin removal surgery and look amazing... and there was this girl who'd been 310lbs, got bypass and lost a ton of weight, got down to like 120/140. She had skin removal surgery and the dr was even able to get most of her stretch marks. She can now wear bikinis for the first time in her life, and as long as she gets one that hides the tummy scar you'd have no idea she was ever fat.

    I found myself thinking, if I just gained some weight (ok, 50-100lbs) I could just get surgery and lose it all the easy way. I was actually jealous.

    Have you ever had that thought?

    Obviously I won't do that but it sounds pretty amazing to me.
    I have had the same thoughts watching these shows.... It doesn't mean I plan to gain more weight... It also doesn't mean I need to "examine" my thinking either. Thoughts are just that.... What you do with the thought is what matters..
  • kristarablue2
    kristarablue2 Posts: 386 Member
    Interesting post and interesting thoughts....I see what you are saying, but let me give you another perspective. I was the woman that qualified for gastric bypass, however my insurance did not cover it at the time so it was not a viable option for me economically. I wanted it bad, really bad, I did all of the research, looked at costs and at the time I worked for a hospital system so i knew I would even get a 20% discount because the doctor I had chosen was in network. I even had called HR to find out when they would cover the surgery, and it was going to be soon but I had no co-morbid conditions so I was out of luck apparently.

    Anyway during this thought process which was over about a year, I saw many people with surgical complications of gastric bypass in all of it's forms, some people spent months in the ICU. Now most did very well, however some did not. So we have complications which are serious as a downfall. Also if your mindset does not change, you will regain the weight bypass or not. Many psychological implications as well and you actually have to change how you eat and drink and when you can drink.

    Ask many on here who have had surgery, it is not a free pass, they have worked very hard to lose weight, you still have to work at it AND risk so many medical complications for the rest of your life. It is a blessing for many it is wise not to judge unless you have been there...just a thought

    I urge you not to be jealous of people that qualify for Gastric bypass (remember I qualified for the surgery), be thankful you have less to lose.

    Good luck on your journey, make it the best and healthiest journey possible!
  • Atrocity108
    Atrocity108 Posts: 328 Member
    Honestly, jealousy would be normal. I have a friend who weighed as much as I did, but he is about 1/2 a foot shorter than I am. He has cheated in everything he does. It wasnt a surprise to me that he cheated in losing weight either. He had gastric bypass surgery, and lost over 100 lbs. And it pisses me off to the point that I barley speak to him anymore.

    I hate cheaters. And I hate that I have worked my *kitten* off to lose 93lbs so far. He did nothing but sit on the couch and lose weight.
  • ktaylor1188
    ktaylor1188 Posts: 141 Member
    never ever would i be jealous...i worked for it and i am who i am now because of it :)
    ...on an added note a lot of people that go through those kinds of surgeries end up with serious problems -(not so easy)
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I'd rather be healthy and strong, thanks.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Honestly, jealousy would be normal. I have a friend who weighed as much as I did, but he is about 1/2 a foot shorter than I am. He has cheated in everything he does. It wasnt a surprise to me that he cheated in losing weight either. He had gastric bypass surgery, and lost over 100 lbs. And it pisses me off to the point that I barley speak to him anymore.

    I hate cheaters. And I hate that I have worked my *kitten* off to lose 93lbs so far. He did nothing but sit on the couch and lose weight.

    Bitter, party of 1.