Can you LOSE 50+ pounds by July 1st? CHALLENGE!!!



  • MamaJess
    MamaJess Posts: 181 Member
    My current weight is 235.8
    Do you want measurements also or just weight?
  • Hello all,

    I know I am a few weeks late but, I just found this thread, so I hope it is ok for me to join.

    I have a goal to loose 60 by July. My ultimate goal is to loose about 125lbs, But this is a good starting place.

    My goal is 8-10 lbs a month, I know this will require some serious work but, I am so tired of feeling the way that I do that I am ready to put in the work to get this done once and for all. I am currently doing Turbo Fire, by Chalene Johnson. I plan to do one Turbo Fire workout in the morning and some other type of workout in the evening, right now it will just be the DVD workouts that I have until I purchase a treadmill. (which will be soon) I am also monitoring my calories burned with a heart rate monitor.

    As far as my diet I am reading Tosca Reno's book The Eat Clean Diet, Recharged, and am learning a whole lot about the importance of nutrition in weight loss. I am incorporating the principles in that book slowly. I am starting with the six small meals a day and using MFP to track my calories.

    I started last week at 265, and when I weighed today I was at 262.4, so I am happy to see progress. This week will be my first week with two workouts so I hope that my progress when I check in on Saturday will be even better. O and are u guys doing measureents?

    Well I hope to check in with you all soon,
    screenname- shondarss
  • delllis06
    delllis06 Posts: 18 Member
    I thought I went on here on sunday but checked in on the other topic. was only down .5 lb but its better than gaining. work out more this week is my goal and need to be better about doing my calorie check.
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    -WALK @ LEAST 5000 STEPS

    my first day of FINALLY doing the cardio kickbox and for a 30 min workout i burned 105 calories...SWEATED LIKE CRAZY towards the end....UNFORTUNATELY though i didn't make it to the self workout...

    TODAY after i go to sleep and wakeup this is what my day looks like:

    -WALK @ LEAST 5000 STEPS

  • WhitneyW78
    WhitneyW78 Posts: 186 Member
    My weight as of Saturday was 335.2... just 0.4 ounces...
  • Yay!! I'm excited to get started!

    Screen Name: hannahh13
    Starting Weight: 222 lbs.
    Goal by July 1st, 2011: about 30 pounds
    Why do you want to lose 50+ pounds?: I really need to lose weight, but since I'm in college, its difficult for me to work out consistently since I have to study so much for tests :( so I think 30 pounds is more realistic for me by July 1st. My main reason for losing weight is to be healthier. I like to run and workout, but I don't like that I huff and puff so much right now. I want to be able to run for fun, not for working out.
    What are your eating and exercise plans to lose 50+ pounds?: Right now, I eat pretty well, I either lose weight or keep at a consistent level. But it is difficult for me to stay on track when finals are coming up and I'm up all night studying for them. For exercise, I just got Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and have done level 1 a few times. I'm amazed at how good of a workout it is for only being 25 minutes! I really like that it's short, it makes it easier for me to do it since I don't have to spend an hour working out everyday.
  • ChristineM1953
    ChristineM1953 Posts: 135 Member
    Okay - just found this blog - and I think it is a good challenge for me!
    Screen Name: Hankyholic

    Starting Weight (On January 1st 2011): 254.2
    Goal by July 1st, 2011 (can be more than 50 lbs, whatever you wish for): 200

    Why do you want to lose 50+ pounds?: I want to lose the weight for many purposes - generally better health, looking better in clothes, having more energy, all the right reasons! The reason I want to lose 50# by July 1 - I will turn 58 July 14. I want to be able to swim this summer without looking like a whale at the beach! I just like looking better. I do better with goals and I love a challenge!

    What are your eating and exercise plans to lose 50+ pounds?: I am tracking food on MyFitnessPal - how easy is that? I have been watching my calorie, fat and fiber intake. I exercise 4 days a week - 2 days of Zumba, and 2 days of the gym. I plan to up that to 6 days a week - include the home program I am just starting.

    Wish me luck! I will check in on saturday.
  • Hi Everyone! I'm Char and i just found this group. I joined this site, weighed in and started losing on Jan 3rd. I think I've been off to a great start but could use some help keeping motivated. I would love to be a part of your challenge. I would like to shoot for 60 pounds by July.

  • I'm so happy that peeps are still joining up. It's encouraging to see so many people take charge of their lives. We are so gonna rock this year! ;-) Whooo hoooo!


  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    Hello??? Can I join? I've been strugglng with weight...up and down all throughout college. This is my last semester and I want to make a change with myself. None of my friends are really serious about losing weight (they're all skinny anyways!) so this would definitely help!
  • sarahmckinley
    sarahmckinley Posts: 23 Member
    hey ladies (and maybe gentlemen? i haven't seen any i don't think...)!
    sorry i'm freaking FOUR days late posting...been out of town and the MFP app on my iphone doesn't let you post on boards, but you better believe it lets you log food and exercise!

    i burned about 2200 calories last week...i have a hard time eating enough calories on days that i go to the gym (yeah, I know, this is so ridiculous) so i had to take a couple of days off. i'm working hard this week on getting my protein up and instead of 5000 calories at the gym i'm going to shoot for 5 hours of gym and see if i can manage that with my eating. OH, and I am going to try ZUMBA! haha, it will be interesting, I'm sure!

    Soooo my stats,

    screenname: sarahmckinley
    starting: 211
    last week: 209
    current: 208

    hope you guys are having an AWESOME WEEK!!! :)
  • carlamorris
    carlamorris Posts: 29 Member
    Gee whiz, Carla. I'm so sorry to hear about the lightning and all. Gracious! I'm glad (I assume) everyone's alright, though. Geez!

    It still shows mega-dedication that you went to a friend's to post. I think that's super awesome.

    Now, for everyone else...I hope you're kickin' some fat cells this week and buildin' some super-strong muscle.

    *Let's do this*


    yes everyone is ok and the internet is back up :) Yay!!! i am so ready to get back trackjing my food . even though i have not be able to do it for the last few days i am proud to say that i have still lost :)
  • The chart is coming tonight, i swear. sorry its late. my internet went out
  • I am down to 222.5 I can not wait to meet my goal.
  • elf618
    elf618 Posts: 317 Member
    Ooh, steph, i thought you weren't doing the chart this week? Thanks for all you do. I finally have a valid scale and a weigh in for the week if you check back. 196.0 :) Yea, finally movement in the right direction.

    I also got in a >1000 cal run/walk yesterday. 8.25 mi on the treadmill for 100 min (60 running and 40 walking mostly at 4:1 ratio with a few extra walk breaks :) )

    Great job everyone! Keep with it!
  • I'm new here and would love to join this group if it isn't too late!

    Screen Name:melanienj
    Starting Weight (On January 1st 2011):268
    Goal by July 1st, 2011 (can be more than 50 lbs, whatever you wish for): 170
    Why do you want to lose 50+ pounds?: I want to be back to pre pregnancy, pre-marriage weight for my 10 year anniversary
    What are your eating and exercise plans to lose 50+ pounds?: I'm doing high protein (because of my blood type and low thyroid and clean eating. Exercising at least 30 minutes every day
  • Am I too late? Oh well, I'll still try!!
    Screen Name:Weslfuss
    Starting Weight (On January 1st 2011): 236
    Goal by July 1st, 2011: 186 (50lbs)
    Why do you want to lose 50+ pounds?: To feel healthier and be able to shop in more stores! x3
    What are your eating and exercise plans to lose 50+ pounds?: Staying under my calorie goal, Running and Pilates.
  • sarahmckinley
    sarahmckinley Posts: 23 Member
    Why do you want to lose 50+ pounds?: To feel healthier and be able to shop in more stores! x3

    I can't WAIT to shop with my mom and sister for jeans!!!
  • Why do you want to lose 50+ pounds?: To feel healthier and be able to shop in more stores! x3

    I want to shop in "regular" stores AND buy the clothes I like.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hello all,

    I wish I had more time to support you all but I am so busy at work these days! I am doing OK this week. I hope to have lost something but I don't think it will be another huge weight loss this week. I had a few not so good days and one missed workout too.

    I am drinking a lot of water and I am going to attempt to squeeze in some extra workouts today and tomorrow for my last chance workouts and to keep my 360 min in exercise quota for the week.

    Stay strong everyone and remember Stephanie's signature, nothing feel as good as skinny feels! I am keeping 344 in my mind for the next 11 days of this month. I want to get to 344 by January 31st.

    Keep up the good work peeps!:flowerforyou:
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