How do you burn 1000 calories by exercise per day?



  • evsplava
    evsplava Posts: 35 Member
    I'm a dog walker so I can burn 1,000 calories. I walk ALL day though. Will you have enough time to do that? I think you need to be realistic
  • m_shuman
    m_shuman Posts: 179
    Take a spin class.
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    How tall are you? I am 5'6", and I started at 165 lbs. I have never aimed for more than .5 lb a week, although I have had weeks where I managed more than that. Also, I don't think I have ever managed to burn more than 250 calories in a single workout, no matter how hard I pushed.

    Have you been listening to the advice people are giving you here? It boils down to this:

    1. 1700 might not be the right number of calories that you need to maintain your weight. You need to use a more accurate calculator. Several have been linked in this thread so far. (BTW, have you ever tried eating at 1700, while logging carefully, for any extended period? That would also tell you if that's really what you need to eat in order to maintain your current weight.)

    2. You don't need to lose a whole 2 pounds a week. That's where people start when they have like 100 pounds to lose. You do not have that much to lose. Remember that this is not a race; this is a lifestyle change. You could easily go for .5 pound a week, and have a much easier time sticking to it.

    3. If you combine diet and exercise, you can eat more! Let's say you decide to shoot for 1400 calories per day. If you also exercise away 200 calories, that means you get to eat 1600!

    4. If you can't stick with eating less, you are not going to be able to stick to 1000 calories worth of exercise a day. That is a HUGE amount of exercise.
  • sundariguru
    sundariguru Posts: 2 Member
    u have to do strict diet and strict exercise
  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    I do an hour of Zumba most mornings ... and per my Polar, it can really vary from 250 calories burned, to my high of 535. Generally, I'm happy if it registers 400. I also put in an hour on the elliptical (three 20min sessions) ... that's my TV time (I don't watch TV unless I'm exercising). My Fitbit and machine say each elliptical session is about 200, but HRM does say closer to 130. I'll often do some additional exercise, and then I just stay active (rarely sitting for very long) and my Fitbit adjustment is usually over 1000 per day ...

    But that said ... I've barely been maintaining, as I too struggle with the eating. Although I wish I could out-cardio my calories, I sure have been trying and the eating is where it's at. I wish I had a little more willpower when it comes to food!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    u have to do strict diet and strict exercise
    Disagree - my diet and exercise are not what I'd call strict, and I've dropped the fat and kept it off for over two years. Calories in, calories out - and that's the beauty of knowing your BMR and TDEE and eating in between the two.

    Also disagree with the idea of multiplying your weight by 10 to get your daily goal - my average weight is 137, and 1370 is below my BMR, and I never eat below my BMR. :bigsmile:

    All the HRMs, trackers and online calculators are just estimates, but many of them get pretty close, and with some accurate logging and tracking over time, you can really fine tune the numbers and dial them in. For me, this has made the whole process a whole lot easier and more sustainable.
  • kstar0327
    kstar0327 Posts: 54 Member
    I swim for an hr a day i burn over 1300 calories are day doing that
  • lottsamottsa
    lottsamottsa Posts: 1 Member
    I use the Arc Trainer at my gym for around 70 min and burn a little over 1000 calories. This will vary depending on your weight and level of exercise.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Most people do it by lying.

    45 minutes cleaning, vigorous effort: 9013 calories.

    This!!!! lol. Invest in a HRM please. For the love of all that is good. One with a chest strap. As I mentioned above. MFP overestimates.
    I have an HRM and a BodyMedia, the HRM shows that I hardly burning any calories when exercising, for example yesterday it showed that I burned 250 calories in a one hour zumba class which does not make sense.
    Why are you not using your BodyMedia to tell you how much you burn? That's what it does.
  • Peloton73
    Peloton73 Posts: 148 Member

    I did miss couple of days out of frustration, I just can't stay under 1700 calories

    You're eating a lot of processed food/ bought food which tends to be high in calories but adds little nutritional value. Make more things from scratch, eat more vegetables and lean proteins which are filling and lower in calories.

    And consider lowering your weight loss goals from 2lbs a week to 1.5lbs a week to give you more calories and allow you to get your diet sorted out. Supplement with an hour of good exercise 5 days a week.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    If fitbit is to be believed and judging by my how my weight loss tallies up to it it's pretty close. Then yes this is very doable. However it can't be done at high intensity. You have to commit to long hours of exercise each day to manage to burn this much. This is what I do.

    Monday : 2 Hour Walk and 1 - 1.5 Hours of High Intensity Workout. This is the "push my limits" day. Usually ends up with a 1500 Calorie fit-bit Adjustment

    Tuesday : 2 Hour Walk and 45mins - 1hour Swimming lengths in the pool. 1000 odd Calorie burn

    Wednesday 2 Hours walk and 1 - 1.5 Hours of Compound Lifting (Squats, Deadlifts, Benchpress's) And Full body exercises (Squat Jumps, Burpees) perhaps half an hour or less of Cardio Intervals IF I feel up to it. 1 - 1.5k Burn

    Thursday : 2 Hour Walk and 45mins - 1hour Swimming lengths in the pool. 1000 odd Calorie burn

    Friday : 2 Hour Walk and 1 - 1.5 Hours of Fill-In Lifting. Some work on Arms,Legs,Back and a decent amount of Core work. perhaps half an hour or less of Cardio intervals IF I feel up to it 1-1.5k Burn.

    Saturday 2 Hour walk 7-800 Calorie Burn

    Sunday 2 Hour walk 7-800 Calorie Burn

    As you can see achieving 1-1.5k burns is possible on a sane program however it requires a lot of time dedication. And a lot of diet awareness. If you don't eat a healthy nutritious diet you will not manage this at all for very long. I eat 2.5k Calories a day. The vast majority of which is wholesome food. A large amount of my time is spent walking as well which is about as low impact as you can get.

    The good news is I have lost very little lean mass and have had to replace my jeans 5 times in 7 months. And the pair I am wearing now are really too big for me. However this regime has not become this large in persuit of more weight loss. I love exercising. I mean I know I was a couch potato and I was convinced I hated it. But once I started getting fitter I really got the bug for it. I swim lengths because I really like it. I lift weights because I like that too. I spend long hours of my day walking because I want to =)

    So if ALL you want is just to force weight loss this really isn't the right path for you. If however you feel you can enjoy pushing your limits when it comes to physical activity. It has really REALLY nice side bonuses.
  • Tvilhauer76
    Tvilhauer76 Posts: 7 Member
    There are a lot of responses about not understanding why dieting won't work. I think I can relate a little bit in that I seem to have problems keeping my eating under control. I am an emotional eater, and when life gets stressful I can't feel better unless I eat. I am working hard to change that, but when I get depressed, and my anxiety kicks in then it doesn't matter any more. I get to thinking why should I care if I am thin, or fat. When I get in that mode my thinking process is "none of this matters", "what's the point", I even get to the point that I feel like I am just waiting to die, like I wish this life would just end (don't get me wrong, i'm not suicidal) sometimes I just don't see the point in life. When I get like that then I lay in bed and eat. Sometimes I lose weeks at a time like this.

    Like I said before, I am fighting HARD to get out of this slump. Four years ago I weighed 200 pounds. One day I woke up and said enough is enough, and I started walking to work, eating right, and exercising daily. I lost 65 pounds in the first year and I kept it off for three years, but over the last year my life has sort of fallen apart and so did my body. I am now back up to 180 pounds and I can't seem to find the motivation, or the will to eat right or exercise. All this does is push me deeper into my depression. It's a vicious cycle.

    Burning 1000 calories a day just isn't realistic, you will be able to do it for a few days...maybe a week then you will be so burned out that you won't be able to work out, and who knows how long it will take you to get back to it again. It's best to make small changes in your diet to start. Take baby steps. Something like dropping one soda per day, or picking one meal to moderate to begin with. Pick something small and easy, and when you have that mastered you will have the confidence to move on to something new and maybe more challenging.

    Add me. :) Maybe we can get through this together.
  • Peloton73
    Peloton73 Posts: 148 Member
    I swim for an hr a day i burn over 1300 calories are day doing that

    How did you come up with that number? That seems a little high for someone at your weight.
  • drabbits3
    drabbits3 Posts: 140 Member
    yikes--that's a lot of calories in one day. the most I have done/can do is 500--I do 100 calories on the treadmill, then 300 calories on the elliptical then 100 on the bike. it takes forever and I HATE the bike, but I figure it's good to mix it up. I don't think I could do that twice--either for lack of time or energy. I try to do that 500 twice a week, otherwise I'm around 300 per day--either swimming or walking, each for an hour.
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    weigh 300 pounds and run for an hour. calorie expenditure varies significantly based upon weight, height etc.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    You bw multiplier figures are WAY off.

    Typically BW x 14-16 is estimated maintenance.

    BW x10-12 is a good starting point for gross calories for weight loss.

    So anywhere from 1700 - 2050 would be more appropriate.

    Track ACCURATELY and CONSISTENTLY. Do that for 2 weeks at least, check weight and measurements and assess from there.

    Your plan of 1000 cal burns per day (if you are not an elite endurance athlete) are not going to end well.
  • Bryan62659
    Bryan62659 Posts: 2 Member
    Mtn biking...easy to do in couple of hours of hard riding
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Honest question, what are you going to do if (and that's a big "if") you reach your goal weight by burning 1000 calories a day, every day? You're going to have to exercise for 2-3 hours a day, every day for the rest of your life to maintain that loss?

    Ooooor you could just fix your diet and actually have a chance of losing the weight and maintaining said loss.