Senior Golden Sneakers - January 2011



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    HAppy birthday JP AN and get eady to party and try out those new knees Love 'ya Marie :flowerforyou: Looking forward to you coming back.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
  • viliberty1957

    I think I might have it now I did it. And by the way what is you take on Walking poles?

    The Sunbonnet Sue quilt is absolutely beautiful. I always planned to do one, but haven't so far. Good job. I'd like to see it up close.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :flowerforyou: Good moring ladies,

    Happy Birthday JoAn...hope your knees aren't too painful. :tongue:

    Happy birthday to Will...

    Marie-glad you are back! I really missed you!
    :heart: {{{hugs}}}

    To everyone else...I am a lurker lately....

    Funny stories?? I'm thinking:smokin:

    Miss Phoebe too!!

    Get back with you!!!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Hope you are all enjoying your Monday!
    It feels like Tuesday or Wednesday to me.
    I'm psyching myself up to start back on Met. Miracle on Feb 1. I entered my foods for a few days and I see where my bad habits are. I'll log with the new plan and see how it affects my calorie intake. Plus by then I should be enrolled in the system with Anytime Fitness nationwide so I can go when we have a break. Be safe. For some reason, I don't have photos on here when using mt phone. I did unntil a few days ago. So I hope to see all these pics you are posting when we. Are home again.
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Hope you are all enjoying your Monday!
    It feels like Tuesday or Wednesday to me.
    I'm psyching myself up to start back on Met. Miracle on Feb 1. I entered my foods for a few days and I see where my bad habits are. I'll log with the new plan and see how it affects my calorie intake. Plus by then I should be enrolled in the system with Anytime Fitness nationwide so I can go when we have a break. Be safe. For some reason, I don't have photos on here when using mt phone. I did unntil a few days ago. So I hope to see all these pics you are posting when we. Are home again.

    This sounds just like South Beach, have you heard of that??
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey Mattie, I heard it is gonna get plenty cold up in Pa. You stay warm. We had a nice day today but night time get pretty cold And my feet are so cold right now.

    Phoebe You did will well on Met B. It just did work for me.. But this 21 Day No binge challange sure is.

    Have Gayla got back yet.?
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Any one watch Oprah Winfrey yesterday? Or any of the talk news shows today? Oprah has been united with a half-sister she never knew even existed. Sound far fetched? I think it happens more than most people think - at least for people in our generation.

    I am the oldest of six kids born to my mother and father. My mother died when I was a young woman. She was 50 years old. Growing up, I knew my mother had worked as a nanny for a physician's family in Chicago. She often told me that one of her charges was a little girl named Connie, and I was named after her. I never thought to ask more questions.

    Many, many years after my mother's death, and after receiving a life-ending diagnosis of cancer, my uncle, her brother, and his wife called and asked to come and visit. They brought with them some newspaper clippings about a 15-year old girl who was "missing" from her home and the police search for her. Another told of a joyous reunion between the "missing" girl and her family some three years later. I had never seen or heard about any of this. They then said that while it was never discussed in the family, they believed she had "gone away" because she was pregnant.

    Later that week I talked to my mother-in-law about what I had been told. She confirmed that, at the time, it was rumored that my mother had fallen victim to a local businessman for whom she worked. He had a reputation for molesting the help and had gotten two other girls pregnant. I was stunned. I had to keep reminding myself that all of this took place in the 30s, long before there were laws to protect children from predators. I asked her why she had never told me any of this. She said she thought I knew and simply wanted it kept secret.

    The long and the short of all of this is that I likely have a half brother or sister in their mid-70s who was born to a 15-year old girl somewhere in Chicago in 1935. The adoption was probably handled by a Catholic agency. The attending physician might have been the doctor for whom my mother worked, a Dr. Frederick Schroeter, Schraeder or Schroeder. He had two children, Freddie and Connie. I spent many, many years searching. I have registered at dozens of "adoption" web sites, and been disappointed numerous times. I finally decided that I had to stop fretting about what might be and concentrate on what is. Both of my brothers are gone. I'm so much older than my three sisters that we don't have a lot in common. I have my kids and grandkids and a circle of friends I consider family.

    Not an Oprah "moment" but a story that still haunts me when I get blue.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,130 Member
    Wow Connie, that is some story. I can't imagine how you must feel having a half sister out there somewhere. There is show on TV that watched a couple of times that brings adopted children to their biological families, have you ever tried on of these services? May I ask how your mother in law knew this information, did your mother's family confide in her? With your mother being missing for three years it must have been devestating for your grandparents. I am sorry you don't have the answers you need but sometimes God's plan is not what we would want, there may be a reason you are not meant to find her.

    With having three adopted grandchildren I wonder if in their future they will want to reconnect with their biological families. In my daughters case she wanted an open adoption so her son could be in contact with them, but they declined and never responded to any of her letters. He is now 13 and prays for them by name every night.
    Their other son is adopted from Russia so they have no idea who his parents are so that reunion sounds doubtful. My step sons adopted daughter's family was adopted within miles of their home but if it is up to him she will never meet them, his views are so wrong I can't even talk about it.

    My brother in law who has since passed away did find out he had half brothers and was reunited with them, it was a wonderful experience for him and brought him much happiness.

    I will keep you in my prayers Connie and if it is meant to be, I hope you find your sister.
  • californiagramma
    Hi there
    Not sure i am doing this right, but I am new to this site.My name is June I am an Ex brit living in Boise Idaho with my husband of 50 years.We have two daughters one in Boston and one here in Boise 5 grandkids.We came to USA in 1968 lived in lots of places came to Boise 6 years ago to be closer to one of our daughters.I am a lifetime member of weight watchers but am not liking the new program, so I thought I would try something different. I am about 6 or 7 pound saway from goal and having a really hard time getting motivated HELP!!!! We are going on our annual vacation to Jamaica in three weeks if I don't get my head in the right place before then, I will probably be more pounds away from goal Any suggestions welcome.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :flowerforyou: Introducing yourself to others who struggle is a good start. I have found logging my food, no matter what, helps me to put a lot more effort into watching what I am doing. In the beginning, it has to be your way of life to think of it all the time. Then it can become more your life habit rather than the ones you might have now. So, lots of us do not stay on the "straight path" all the time...if we continue to post and get encouragement, we soon get back to it. That is what is good about all this for me. Some of the others, who have been on here longer and are successful, will have even better tips.

    This is a great forum that includes alll kinds of personalities and it helps to chat with others who have some of the same struggles, feelings and "ups and downs."

    Good Luck and welcome:flowerforyou:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,130 Member
    Hi June, welcome to our group. :flowerforyou: We have another Brit with our group, that would be Pam who is from England. We are from all over the world, but mostly from the US. I personally am from Itasca, Illinois which is about 25 miles west of Chicago. I also am 68 soon to be 69 in March and have lost of the weight I have wanted except for those last few pounds. We all have different ideas but we all record our calories, drink lots of water and do some sort of exercise if we want the program to work. :heart: I also watch my sugar in take but that is my personal thing. :tongue: Record your calories even if you go over, it will help keep you motivated to stay under those calories and exercise to gain a few more. :drinker: Hope you enjoy us and stay with us. :bigsmile:

    That being said I have been watching my calories, exercising, maybe not drinking enough water but I am gaining instead of losing. :explode: What is up with that???? Could it be muscle? Or maybe too much salt? Frustrated!!!! Help Me!!!
  • dayh1ker
    dayh1ker Posts: 83 Member
    That's some story, Connie! I'd love to think that you could be united with your sibling. I wonder if he/she even knows you exist. You're lucky that you came from a larger family and have your children, too. You're right to count those blessings. I have a half-brother that is 14 years younger than I, and I never had much opportunity to get to know him. I was out of the house when he was only 4 years old. A couple of years ago I was able to get in touch with him and we talked by phone several times, but he disappeared last year and I doubt I will ever hear from him again. (long story) My parents split when I was 7 and I didn't know my father and my mother and I weren't close at all. I left home when I was 18 and we went our separate ways. I never had kids, so my only family is my husband and I treasure him. I understand some of what you're going through, but when you get the blues, remember that what you have is what others must certainly envy. Although my family is very small, we've built a wonderful life and we have no regrets. Life is too short to look back at the past. It's more fun to make our future what we want it to be.

    Welcome, Californiagramma. I think you'll like this thread. Lots of nice women!

    Tried Zumba for the first time today and all I have to say is...WOW! They're not joking when they say you can burn 1000 calories in an hour. I danced (more like flailing) for 33 minutes and according to my heart rate monitor, I burned 454 calories. And, boy, was I sweating! I got the DVD through my library to see if I'd like it and it is a lot of fun, but it made me realize how uncoordinated I had become!:laugh: :laugh: It's much more fun than the treadmill and I'm able to get to and sustain my maximum heart rate better than the treadmill. They say that you should be able to drop a size in ten days. So, I'll be ordering the DVDs today and I'll find out. Let's see if this old gal can shake her money-maker like those cuties on the DVDs!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Has anyone heard from JoAn? I sent her an email with get well wishes and was hoping that she was feeling up to getting online and checking in with the Sneakers yesterday for her birthday. I hope she's doing okay, but the longer she's absent the more I worry about her. Knee surgery can really be brutal. She needs her friends.

    Congrats to you Packers fans. My condolences to the Bears fans. I'm not a football fan...I get my sports thrills with hockey. I'm a HUGE Redwings fan, so when it comes time for the Stanley Cup playoffs, I hope to find more hockey fans out there. Hockey is almost a religion here in Michigan and just about everything centers around when the games are on. My brother-in-law and his son have a backyard rink and is trying to talk my husband into digging out his skates and giving it a go. He hasn't played in years, so I don't know if he'll do it or not. I'd pay to see it!!! They say it's like riding a get right back into it. I'd probably spend more time on my butt than on my skates!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I love the photo of the Sunbonnet Sue quilt. What a great job! Maybe, once I get all my work done, I can sit behind my machine and work on my wallhanging. I'd love to get it finished. Maybe I'll figure out how to post a pix of it when it's done. I just love show & tell. Show more, please!

    Have a great day, Sneakers. I'll pop in again sometime!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,130 Member

    Tried Zumba for the first time today and all I have to say is...WOW! They're not joking when they say you can burn 1000 calories in an hour. I danced (more like flailing) for 33 minutes and according to my heart rate monitor, I burned 454 calories. And, boy, was I sweating! I got the DVD through my library to see if I'd like it and it is a lot of fun, but it made me realize how uncoordinated I had become!:laugh: :laugh: It's much more fun than the treadmill and I'm able to get to and sustain my maximum heart rate better than the treadmill. They say that you should be able to drop a size in ten days. So, I'll be ordering the DVDs today and I'll find out. Let's see if this old gal can shake her money-maker like those cuties on the DVDs!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    How was this on your knees Viki? I wanted to try it but just watching it on On Demand looked like it was hard on the knees.
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    So, here's my story. All my life I remembered having a sister and a brother. I could remember my sister's nickname but nothing about the brother. I remember walking her to someones house (and I can still remember the house) and when my mother and I walked back, she wasn't with us. When I would talk to my husband about it, he would say that I was too little, it must have been a dream. Well, long story short,

    It wasn't a dream. When my mother's sister was dying last year, I asked her and she mumbled that it was true. However, she was referring to the fact that her son, my cousin, was actually my brother as she had had a brief affair with my father. My mother and her sister were both pregnant at the same time. So I talked to him and I already love him so much I was glad to have him as a brother.

    I came home and talked to my mother and she told me that I was right. She had been following the newspaper for any news of them and so she had a clipping of her engagement, wedding and birth of her son. I won't go into details or we will be here all day. But, it was the "old" days and things were different.

    I called her and left a message. She knew nothing about it. I called again and they hung up on me. Then she checked with her only living aunt and she verified everything. It's almost a year since we all met and I love her more than you can imagine. My brother is a very quiet person who keeps to himself and so I don't know him as well. They were adopted by the same people so they grew up together.

    She has already started to call my mother "mom" and has forgiven all. She is a Christian, and a very sweet one. There's more out there than you can imagine. My sons, my brother and my sister have all accepted this and love them as well. My mother and her sister were very close, although now, I can't imagine how. Only God's Grace can do that! It was a huge weight off of my mother's back. That's for sure. Forgiveness is a powerful thing!!!
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member

    Tried Zumba for the first time today and all I have to say is...WOW! They're not joking when they say you can burn 1000 calories in an hour. I danced (more like flailing) for 33 minutes and according to my heart rate monitor, I burned 454 calories. And, boy, was I sweating! I got the DVD through my library to see if I'd like it and it is a lot of fun, but it made me realize how uncoordinated I had become!:laugh: :laugh: It's much more fun than the treadmill and I'm able to get to and sustain my maximum heart rate better than the treadmill. They say that you should be able to drop a size in ten days. So, I'll be ordering the DVDs today and I'll find out. Let's see if this old gal can shake her money-maker like those cuties on the DVDs!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    How was this on your knees Viki? I wanted to try it but just watching it on On Demand looked like it was hard on the knees.

    I'm waiting for zumba Wii to get here. Ordered from Amazon. Has really good reviews.
  • dayh1ker
    dayh1ker Posts: 83 Member

    Tried Zumba for the first time today and all I have to say is...WOW! They're not joking when they say you can burn 1000 calories in an hour. I danced (more like flailing) for 33 minutes and according to my heart rate monitor, I burned 454 calories. And, boy, was I sweating! I got the DVD through my library to see if I'd like it and it is a lot of fun, but it made me realize how uncoordinated I had become!:laugh: :laugh: It's much more fun than the treadmill and I'm able to get to and sustain my maximum heart rate better than the treadmill. They say that you should be able to drop a size in ten days. So, I'll be ordering the DVDs today and I'll find out. Let's see if this old gal can shake her money-maker like those cuties on the DVDs!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    How was this on your knees Viki? I wanted to try it but just watching it on On Demand looked like it was hard on the knees.

    It wasn't hard on my knees at all and I've been pampering the one I had surgery on. No biggie. Now, I may change my tune tomorrow, but for now, the knees feel fine. You can dance as slow or as fast as you like. I think the most important thing is to keep moving and get your calorie-burn on! I had to slow down a couple of times because my HRM was telling me I was too close to my maximum heart rate, and I didn't even realize it. That's my kind of exercise!
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Okay, we are having an ice/snow storm coming in mind was on white sandy beaches and sunshine and I remembered a funny story...
    Marie requested a funny was funny to me.

    My 2 Sons, DIL, DH and I were in Daytona Beach. This has been at least 8 years ago because I have two DILS now.

    Anyway. My DIL and I were in the wooden chairs that are on the beach. My 2 Sons were playing volleyball. My DH was in the room. There were a long line of those wooden chairs. All of them had women, my age or younger. I was 45-46 at the time.
    We were lying there basking in the sun and fun. Down the beach to our right came a guy running. He was all muscle and one of those that from a distance were like....uh um..woo hoo. He came closer and he had blonde hair, tanned (George Hamilton-style) but the closer he came we could tell he was somewhere between 45-50. All the women were watching...(a line of women)...then he gets past us and the guy has on a thong!!:laugh: You thought speedos were something to it isn't a bad view ....but not what we were expecting to see...when he was a respectable distance down the beach, we all laughed and laughed...I ran up to my sons and told them...while I was telling them, we see the guy turn and start back...evidently he wanted all the women in the line to have a re-run. My Sons were like, :blushing: MOM! They followed me back though their curiosity got the best of them too. The guy goes running back by ....he did this twice...:laugh: :laugh: Every time all the women could barely hold the laughter until he was far enough of the things was his ego to run up and down in front of a line of women just so we could gaze.:laugh: Humans being what they are ...We Did!:laugh: :laugh:
    Now some beaches you may see this alot...but not Panama City, Daytona or Ft Lauderdale.

    When I returned home I was telling my Doctor about it. We are always exchanging funny happenings in our lives. He thought I should compile a book of funny stories and name it Squirrels and Thongs....The squirrel story is another story but anyway, he thought it would sell because no one could resist picking it up to see what it was about.:laugh: :laugh:

    Hope it brought a smile ....if it did what it was suppose to.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,130 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    The ego's of some people are just funny!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello all of you young Seniors Sneakers, My this thread has been busy this morning. and afternoon. Enjoying reading all of your post.

    It is up in the 50's here but I am still ao cold.
    my feet stayed cold all of the time. Poor old me.

    we are waiting to hear what time Jerry goes into the hospital Friday Morning. Alice My daughter will come out Thurs to spend the night and will take us in. She lives 50 miles away and would have to frive clear across Dallas in all the traffic. to get here very early. Kathy My other daughter lives 50 miles East of us I think she is coming too. I am pretty tensed up about it. Not knowing what they will fine out.

    Looked like you all have been busy With stories and exercise. Very interest Read. Thanks for sharing.

    Welcome to our new member. so glad to have you here. BEtter go get me some more Hot tea.
