
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    :flowerforyou: On the subject of fewer calories as you lose weight
    MFP will never set your calories below 1200
    what helped me was to take a good look at my food diary---first to be sure I was logging everything I ate----then to see where there were many calories and not much actual food----processed foods, bread, pasta, cheese, salad dressing, sauces, desserts are all good examples
    next I worked at planning meals that had bigger piles of food for fewer calories
    busy people who work full time jobs can't exercise as much as others, but everyone can be constantly on the lookout for opportunities to be active, thus burning a few more calories each day
    take baby steps toward the goal of filling your day with nutrition dense food that provided needed energy and nutrition for fewer calories.

    :flowerforyou: When I walked the dogs after lunch, Jake went in to take a nap--when I got home and found him asleep, I lay down too, and woke up two hours later---I guess I needed the sleep.:yawn: :laugh:

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Sunday and day 3 of NO training except walking. keeping my food cals between 1600 and 2000, that is what Jeannette Jenkins tells me.and sticking to it. Last time I cut my calories I LOST muscle and gained FAT, not doing that again
    . Sunday is my normal rest and re-feed today, just posted meals and happy at 1905 even with the ice cream after our walk along the river and chocolate treat tonight.
    I am already getting disenchanted with just walking, training is calling my name LOUD. Happily scales staying same for last 3 days.
    Sorry I do not chat as time limited on computer.
    My house has never been so clean and all laundry washed, ironed and put away.
    Garden looking pretty good too
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • Okay, about cutting calories. When I go to MFP and give in my age, height and weight it tells me that my BMR is 1090 calories. That means that if I do nothing all day and eat over 1090 calories I put on weight.

    The other very frustrating thing is that the calorie counter for activities gives me a lot of calories burnt for my biking. If that would be true I would already be under 100 pounds. So something is not right, because I am very active and never eat over 1200 calories.

    Like Barbie I am cutting more and more back on high calorie food. I have never been a friend of fast or junk food, but I liked bread and cakes and pasta. All of it is completely gone from my menu. I practically live from fruit, vegetables, nuts, eggs, oatmeal, brown rice and very little chicken and fish.

    If I would have lived like this thirty years ago I would have dropped 10 pounds in 10 days. Now it takes me months to drop 10 pounds.

    And Sylvia, if you watch shows like Extreme Weight loss you will see that the contestants only lose massive amounts of weight in eh first three months and from then on it goes much slower. The more weight you lose the more difficult it gets to drop the weight.

    I am at home today doing nothing so I searched the internet and found the following which I think is important for all of us because in menopause we lose so much hormones.

    Here are some factors that contribute to estrogen dominance and weight gain, along with what you can do about it:
    Pesticides and herbicides. Check out the Dirty Dozen fruits and vegetables so you know when to buy organic. For any of your non-organic produce, soak and wash in a vinegar and water solution.
    Poultry or beef raised on hormones. As much as possible, eat free-range or grass-fed animals that are raised without hormones. When you’re eating out at restaurants, opt for the fish unless you know the beef and chicken is hormone-free.
    Chemicals found in consumer products like creams, lotions, soaps, shampoos, perfumes, hair sprays and deodorizers. The Silent Springs Institute has created a fabulous research report on which consumer products are safe and which are not. You can read the details here. Clean out your medicine cabinet and make-up drawer, and start over with a clean slate.
    Industrial solvents found in products such as glues, paints, varnishes, fingernail polish and fingernail polish remover. This can be a tough one for women, but limit your exposure to places that smell like chemicals, including styling salons and nail spas, and try to use any chemicals in fresh air and open spaces (i.e., do your nails on the back porch).
    Stress and lack of sleep. This factor actually decreases progesterone output. Easy ways to reduce stress include yoga, deep breathing and taking nature walks. Also, try planning out your day in advance so you have as much hectic-free time as possible to accomplish your daily tasks. For better sleep, limit all computer, phone and TV use before bed, stop snacking after dinner, and keep your bedroom dark and quiet.
    Calorie overconsumption. Ingesting too many calories can cause body fat which converts steroids to estrogens. Choosing foods that are higher in proteins, healthy fats and fiber can keep your appetite satiated.
    Poor liver function due to history of high alcohol intake or use of pharmaceuticals. Estrogen is metabolized primarily in the liver, so take care of it. Limit yourself to no more than one alcoholic drink per day, don’t use pharmaceutical drugs unless absolutely necessary, and introduce liver-supporting supplements into your diet, such as cucumber juice, milk thistle extract, calcium d-glucarate, folic acid and taurine.
    Magnesium deficiencies from low vegetable and fruit consumption combined with high consumption of processed foods. Magnesium is necessary for metabolizing estrogen in the liver. Use a magnesium powder before you go to bed at night, and spray topical magnesium on any sore muscles after you exercise.

    Vitamin D Deficiency Contributes to Weight Gain in Older Women
    A new study of more than 4,600 women age 65 and older shows that having low vitamin D levels can contribute to mild weight gain.1 Previous research has already showed that obese individuals tend to have low vitamin D levels. Women who had insufficient levels of vitamin D gained about two pounds more compared to those with adequate blood levels of vitamin D during the 4.5-year long study. Those with insufficient levels also weighed more at the outset of the study.

    I knew all this already, on the other hand I am getting old and forgetful, so it is good to remind myself of these things from time to time.

    I also have to say that I think it is counterproductive to constantly exchange recipes on this site. it would be more helpful to exchange new ways how to move and be active. There are plenty of sites which gives you low calorie recipes if you need them, when you are trying to lose weight you should try to eat as simple as possible and not spend so much time in the kitchen. I know from myself that I tend to eat more while I am cooking.

  • Just a quick hello, to stay somewhat where the thread goes.
    Trying to read all I can, but very busy.
    Going primal again, see if that brings the desired weight loss.

    Happy weekend all!
  • gmajacque
    gmajacque Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I'm just trying to get started. Posting to get this into my topics (at least I hope that's what will happen). Looking to lose 100 lbs or so....seems like such a lot but, I know if I can do a little at a time it will add up. I always go gung ho and then feel so restricted I give up so I'm just trying to make small changes in hopes they will become more normal. First thing is to get my before work 30 minutes in on my bike. It seems like not much to do and maybe that's why I quite after a short time. I decided to just stick with that goal for a week or two and then add something else .. maybe some upper strength work with bands. I apparently loathe tracking...I'm working on that.....:smile:
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,990 Member
    Hello everyone: I have gone horseback riding two mornings in a row now. What a pleasant way to burn calories. I have 43.38 miles done for the 100 mile challenge. Yeah! Tomorrow I sing at church at 11:00 and then we are going to Little Shop of Horrors at the community playhouse in the afternoon.

    Sounds like everyone is looking forward to fall unless they are in the southern hemisphere. I know I love the cooler days.

    I have read posts but did not take notes. Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    I spent all day helping my daughter move. The movers just didn't bother to show up!!!!! She called to check with them and the guy said he would call back. Not only did he not call back, he started declining all of her calls. Very honest reviews will be posted to their website and anywhere else we can figure out to put them! However, she is in her condo tonight with both cats. We'll get the rest of the small stuff moved this week.

    Anyway, I'm flat out exhausted and am going to bed. Catch y'all tomorrow.

    Carol in NC
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Saving my place:bigsmile:
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 486 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I had a lazy day today. I didn't work out. I made brunch for me and Hubby, took a nap then we went to church and out to dinner. I will be back at it tomorrow.

    Michele, no trick to the lentil quinoa soup. I just added 1/2 cup of quinoa to the Barefoot Contessa's recipe and omitted the sausage. Rather than try to type it here, you can find it on Food Network under her recipes. It is one of my favorite soup recipes.

    Have a great night all,

    Cindy in OK
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Jenn ... praying your appointment is moved up and that all will be well.

    gmajaque ... we all had to start somewhere! You can do this!

    Made lots of fresh tomato and basil sauce today! My farmer friend gifted me with yet MORE tomatoes. Of course, my counters are covered with tomatoes as at least a half bushel were not quite ripe.

    Prednisone helped my son who is finally feeling better. Got his homework from the school ... what little there is of it (seriously what do they do all week??) ... and hopefully he will be in attendance on Monday!

    Picked my older son up for the weekend as he has absolutely no staff until Monday evening. Very, very hard to attract reliable personal care aides. We enjoy his company though and it gives me a chance observe how he's doing with his depression and make sure he's eating well. He tends to get stuck in ruts eating the same thing every day. Thanks for the suggestions regarding places to locate aides ... we're always on the lookout for new sources of people. Currently he gets a lot of college students (but most of them went back to school, thus the holes in his schedule). Nursing students are a good source too. Unfortunately, the program that helps him pay for the aides only pays 10.15 an hour and has crazy rules that limits who is willing to work for him.

    Husband and I reworked the finances today in hopes of getting ready for retirement within the next five years. While we have extremely good insurance, medical costs have been especially high this year due to both sons' problems. Another reason to keep at the weight loss and healthy habits ... keep future medical expenses to a minimum.

    As for recipes and menu plans ... I love learning what you all are doing, especially since so many of you have been successful with your weight loss efforts.

    It's been a long day, so off I go!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Journey - welcome!

    Vicki - have fun at the wedding! I hope it warms up for you

    barbie - glad you listened to your instincts and went to that restaurant

    Sylvia - woohoo on the L fitting you. So happy for you

    There's a pic of Jessica's cat cake if you click on my avatar. If you click on that pic (even tho the top is cut off), when you scroll up to see it, you'll see the entire picture. Heather (or really anyone else) - have a question for you since you make a lot of cakes with fondant. We made the cat and then made the bed, but had trouble getting the cat on top of the bed. We were afraid that it would break in two. How do you get one layer on top of the other? Any tricks?

    Sylvia - I used to be an aide to a kid with CP. I would go to all his classes with him. I almost died at the things that they were served in the cafeteria! when I was working in the elementary schools, it was the same thing. I still say that food should be charged based on the calorie content of it. You can bet that a BK whopper would be much higher priced than a piece of fruit.

    Jane - give Violet a high-five for me!

    gmajacque - welcome. You CAN do it!

    Sue in SD - let me know how Little Shop of Horrors is. Our community theater is doing it late next year and we're interested in seeing it. As far as I'm concerned, fall can take its sweet time coming because that means less time for my pool....lol

    Carol - that's so nice of you to help your daughter like that. Glad she's in her condo.

    Went to church tonight and lectored and then was a server. Came home and Vince made hamburgers/cheeseburgers for him, Jess and Kris while I had a salmon burger. I honestly thought mine was better!

    Michele in NC
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Hello Friends,
    Back from NYC a couple pounds lighter...yay! I find great fresh salads in New York. Found a new healthy deli near Herald Square that had custom tossed salads with anything you could possibly want, including kale. Went there twice for dinner.

    Sorry no time for personal replies tonight. Unfortunately, my trip home will last for only 30 hours. Heading to Louisville tomorrow. Sending you all positive energy and peace.

    Stay strong. Stay well.

    Rori in the Colorado Foothills
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Journey: Welcome. This is a friendly and helpful group with lots of different situations and great perspective. You’ll need to count calories and move more if you want to lose weight. Take things one step at a time and do what you can do. You won’t have to sign up for a marathon or starve, but you can transform yourself if you are patient and persistent.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I am sure there is validity to school kids being unwilling to eat healthier foods, but I think that serving highly fatty and salted foods because “that is what they’re used to” is a cop out. Our school cafeteria was buying fast food and selling it to the kids the last few years I worked there.:grumble: I was not pleased with the health aspect, but it wasn’t my decision.:noway:

    Barbie: I like your points about filling your day with nutritionally dense food and looking for opportunities to be active.:flowerforyou:

    NC Carol: Congratulations to your and your daughter for getting so much of the move done. I’ve only used a professional mover to move my mom’s piano and our refrigerator. They scratched the piano. We have done all of our moves on our own up until now. Our health isn’t what it used to be, and I’m not sure we could move from here without help. Of course, we don’t want to move from here, so, maybe it won’t come up for years and years. :bigsmile: :glasses:

    Michele: I’d rather have a salmon burger any day than hamburgers/cheeseburgers. One of these your family will notice that your food is tastier than theirs and you’ll have to make more of what you eat so they can have it, too.:wink::flowerforyou:

    I have a number of favorite authors, and consider myself a “read-a-holic.” One of my favorite authors has a new book out and I can’t find it locally, so I thought I’d get a Kindle version. The publisher refuses to let people share the Kindle version, so I returned it to Amazon. I guess I’ll need to get a print copy. I think it should be my right to loan out a book I’ve paid for. I’m not sure where I’ll find the print book, because our little town doesn’t have a bookstore anymore. I guess I’ll have to make a bookstore stop the next time we go to Portland.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    September Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!

    Journey: Welcome. This is a friendly and helpful group with lots of different situations and great perspective. You’ll need to count calories and move more if you want to lose weight. Take things one step at a time and do what you can do. You won’t have to sign up for a marathon or starve, but you can transform yourself if you are patient and persistent.

    Sylvia: I am sure there is validity to school kids being unwilling to eat healthier foods, but I think that serving highly fatty and salted foods because “that is what they’re used to” is a cop out. Our school cafeteria was buying fast food and selling it to the kids the last few years I worked there. I was not pleased with the health aspect, but it wasn’t my decision.

    Barbie: I like your points about filling your day with nutritionally dense food and looking for opportunities to be active.

    NC Carol: Congratulations to your and your daughter for getting so much of the move done. I’ve only used a professional mover to move my mom’s piano and our refrigerator. They scratched the piano. We have done all of our moves on our own up until now. Our health isn’t what it used to be, and I’m not sure we could move from here without help. Of course, we don’t want to move from here, so, maybe it won’t come up for years and years.

    Michele: I’d rather have a salmon burger any day than hamburgers/cheeseburgers. One of these your family will notice that your food is tastier than theirs and you’ll have to make more of what you eat so they can have it, too.

    I have a number of favorite authors, and consider myself a “read-a-holic.” One of my favorite authors has a new book out and I can’t find it locally, so I thought I’d get a Kindle version. The publisher refuses to let people share the Kindle version, so I returned it to Amazon. I guess I’ll need to get a print copy. I think it should be my right to loan out a book I’ve paid for. I’m not sure where I’ll find the print book, because our little town doesn’t have a bookstore anymore. I guess I’ll have to make a bookstore stop the next time we go to Portland.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    September Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    I had a nice day up until dinner. Unfortunately, lack of planning meant I didn’t have breakfast or lunch. I took myself out to dinner.

    Big mistake. I ordered a half-pound burger, thinking I’d eat just half. Well, hunger said, why not eat the whole thing. And I did. Urgh.

    The first half was delicious. The second half not so much. That’s what allowing yourself to get too hungry will do though (at least to me).

    I’ll plan better next time. And, I won’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. (How I love that saying – and am amazed at how much good “hearing it” again does. Thank you to everyone who offered that quote. It’s a winner.)

    Cyndi, I’m happy to say that the caramel apple pie you described sounds absolutely disgusting, lol. Hurray for progress.

    Alison, yep, I’m right there with you. Sugar is off the plate (so to speak). I was telling DD#1 this morning how much difference not eating sugar has made. (I lump all processed foods, including bread in there with it.)

    Last time I used MFP for support and to keep myself accountable. I was happy to be losing weight and felt really good. But, somehow, it was an effort. Now, when I don’t eat sugar (etc.), staying on track is so easy.

    I’m having some fibrillation and tachycardia again. Waaaah. I’m not happy about this. I expect it will mean another ablation. I went back on rate and rhythm control meds today and feel much more tired than I have been. A call to the doc is way up there on my list for Monday.

    Barbie, your day sounds wonderful. Good friends and good food.

    Hi Jenn, My daughter had to have an ultrasound following a mammogram. Turned out to be nothing to worry about. I will hope for similar results for you.

    For me, not eating sugar makes sticking to the number of calories I want to eat a breeze. Today was an exception. No outright sugar, but did have a bun on my burger. Same thing, basically.

    I know the next couple of days will be harder. So…hang in there and avoid sugar as much as you possibly can. You have a lot to deal with all at once and it sounds as though you are doing a great job.

    Woo hoo, Sylvia. Size L is amazing! Good job.

    Re the discussion of a few extra pounds being healthy for older women – my mom showed me a 60 Minutes segment on the computer, titled 90+. One of the things they mentioned is that people who weigh a little more as they get older, do better with their health.

    I forget how many people have been involved in the study – several thousand. The docs got lucky in finding a group of people in a retirement community who had filled out extensive questionnaires in 1981. They’ve been followed up extensively.

    They also found some interesting things about who gets dementia and who doesn’t. No cures, but some thought-provoking findings. Here’s the URL:


    Meg, it is disconcerting to see max calories decrease as we lose weight. What makes up for it, I think, is gaining even more calories through exercise. MFP helped me understand that whole concept. (I knew but I didn’t KNOW really, if that makes any sense.)

    I am the world’s worst exerciser but I’m finding that my stamina is increasing little by little as I exercise more. And, of course, the best part is that the number of calories I can eat also increases! Hang in there.

    Re the hunger pangs that Katia mentioned, Barbie has the right idea. You can eat an incredible volume of food if you eat the veggies and fruit. They can taste really good too if you prepare them right. (As some of you might remember, I always liked to roast veggies. They are delicious fixed that way.)

    Anne, the diversity on the site is one of the things I like about it. I can’t use all the recipes, but I have picked up some good tips. Ditto with exercise. I WISH I could use everything I read about but I’m not in the same place, fitness-wise, as everyone else. But reading about it does help inspire me.

    I tried riding a bike a couple of months ago. You would have fallen down laughing. I wobbled all the way down the block then walked the bike back. It’s a minor miracle that I didn’t fall. My balance is so bad that I have to hold on (seriously) when I walk on the treadmill. How embarrassing.

    BTW, for those of you losing a lot of weight – I’m in the same boat. I started at 324 in 2001. Since then, I’ve lost a little at a time. The last 75 lbs is what I show on my ticker. We can do it!!! (And, don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.)

    Sue, horseback riding sounds like so much fun. Lucky you – and way to go. I like hearing about fun ways people get exercise. (Of course fun to one person is not fun to another.)

    Thinking of you all.

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hello, all!

    Made the trip to Staunton, Va. to pick up the never-got-delivered china which is now in my livingroom and I've started putting my mom's special pieces in it. It's one of those with curved glass sides and door. It still has the top of the back piece intact and the key which still works! Could not rent a vehicle (minivan, SUV) here since all were spoken for as replacements for those who got their cars flooded last week, so I had the man measure it (63") and we managed to (just!!!) fit it in the Cruiser with the back seats taken out and our seats pulled up as far as they would go---felt like I was hugging the steering wheel all the drive home. Did more shopping (small stuff; no room in the car!!) and saw two plays during our days there at the American Shakespeare Center
    Hamlet and Edward II; the second is not Shakespeare, that one is by Marlowe. Arrived home about 2p and had to be at a BBQ/mtg. for the running club by 4p. Had an unintended nap this evening; sleep was awful last night, think I was worried about the trip home. DH was pretty much against us (DD and myself) bringing it in the car, but, after 2 yrears of promises of delivery, I wanted it here!! The shop owner really is a sweetheart, just not dependable when it comes to long distance delivery. He gifted DD with ruby and pearl drop earings to make up for the non-delivery and celebrate her college graduation (he's an ex-teacher). SO.........I'm wide awake at 1am. I have a Golden Corral breakfast in the am with the people from the gym.......may just skip that, LOL.

    Also stopped in at Trinity Episcopal Church (1746) in Staunton.........always have to go sit in there for a bit and tour the Tiffany windows, well-kept, gorgeous old church, marvelous stained glass windows. Had it all to myself which was wonderful!!!

    Caught up on reading, I think. Saw the 90yr. old dance.........amazing, just amazing!

    Anne.........YAY for Tom Ford; a man with some sense.

    Patty.............Congrats on your new job!

    Linda...........Hope you win the $30.00 and stay on that bus!

    Sylvia..........So sorry to hear about your friend; enjoy the time you have left with him. Loved the god joke!

    Mimi...........I, too, adore estate sales. I've been known to buy stuff (like an old sewing box) just to keep it from being thrown out.

    Jenn..........Big, big hugs to you.........I'm also one who wants answers NOW. Hoping everything is fine.

    Heather ..........Welcome home from Cornwall; sounded like you thoroughly enjoyed yourself.

    One of our clubs' women--Barb Mathewson--took first place in the 65 to 69 age group last weekend at the Mont -Tremblant Ironman 70.3 World Championships..............YAY!!!!!

    Off for some Netflix, then (hopefully) sleep,
    G'nite all
    mid-Atlantic, where we had rain most of the day
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,603 Member
    Hi all,
    Just had a call from my friend who broke her hip this spring. She is on the motorway nearby and wants to pop in. Mad scramble tidying up, but I haven't seen her is sooooooo long. Now just waiting for her to arrive. She is en route back to West Wales - a long drive.

    Sun still shining here. Glad I'm not on that train to London. :bigsmile:

    Heather in sunny Hampshire UK

    Yanniejannie - that church sounds amazing!

    Michele - loooooove the cat cake! It looks great! I support top layers by using a board, which you could cut to fit the cat using thick cardboard, and then dowels underneath through the bottom layer, cut to fit the height you need. I have never made anything so "sculpted" as yours though. Congratulations! :flowerforyou:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    morning ladies~
    had a lovely dinner out with our friends~ they looked at me cross eyed when I ordered warm lemon water....:laugh: I was freezing and didnt want tea... plus this was free..
    I had a waldorf salad.. different than the usual doused with mayo, this was field greens, with thinly sliced apple,walnuts,dried cranberries,and crumbled gorgonzola cheese, with dressing on the side.. ate almost the whole thing.. had a cup of tomato bisque before the salad.. all was delish.. we brought a pie to our friends house and I ended up having a slice of that with a cup of tea, which put me over in calories .. oh well...
    just having a cup of tea now and then off to grocery shop... my first stop is whole foods for stuff for me, then on to shoprite.. then home to cook..
  • . Mimi

    I saw the report of Lesley Stahl about people 90 plus. What I took away from it, is that they really do not know very much, why some people reach that age in good shape and others not.. And the only thing they said about weight is that being underweight is not good at that age. But nobody said that being at normal weight is an added health risk. Plus they were talking about people in their nineties, not people in their fifties and sixties, which is the age of most people on this forum.

    I also learned that the people who reached that age were not obsessing about food, or exercise, or vitamins. Something I saw in my own family, everybody who was over ninety just lived, nobody was on a diet or an exercise program. Obviously when you get older you eat less , and if you are not overweight you are still able to walk, swim, bike , hike or dance and play games. The one thing I completely agreed with is that we tend to lump all ages together and think what is right for a fifty year old person is right for a seventy year old person or a ninety year old person and that seems to be not true. I am learning this going through the decades. I have to relearn and readjust every decade, because what worked before does not help me anymore. It is sort of obvious, we also are not the same if we are twenty or forty.

    The most interesting part of the report was, that by examining the brains of people after they died, who they thought had dementia , had actually had mini strokes. I am convinced that is what happened to my mother

    Personally I do not really want to be so old. Physically I will probably be okay but I am very worried about dementia or Alzheimer and the chances of getting it seem to be overwhelming. .


    Congratulations that you got the cabinet home safely.

    I looked at the Tiffany windows online and they are magnificent. One day I will have to learn to make stained glass...
    Anne in the Mojave desert
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! I forgot to tell you about my senior moment at the gym yesterday. I put my clothes, shoes, cell phone, purse and ipad into locker 116. When I finished swimming, and showering, I spotted my blue lock and saw that the door was ajar. I yanked open the door to find it completely empty. I thought I had been robbed. Then I realized that it was the wrong locker altogether. Somehow I had put my lock on locker 114 by mistake! My stuff was safely closed up - but unlocked - in the locker next door. Luckily it was a really slow day at the Y. Most days the locker room would be full of teenage dancing girls looking for lockers.

    It's a beautiful morning here at the cabin. A little cool, but that's nice. We just finished breakfast and I am going to go walking while the dishes are in the dishwasher.

    Last night I made a chicken enchilada pie that turned out very nice. I plugged the recipe into MFP and it said that 1/4 of the pie was about 430 calories, so I ate the whole fourth. We have half of it left, which will be good for lunches. The original recipe called for flour tortillas, and I used corn instead, which cut the calories and salt WAY down. Plus using chicken breast instead of beef helped. It called for black olives, which we hate, so I used black beans instead. Yummy and pretty. I made a fresh batch of homemade salsa and got it just a little too hot. Our eyes were watering and our lips were burning, but it was still good. It seems the older I get the more I like spicy food. Hubby has always liked spicy stuff. We considered going down to the marina to get a piece of pie, but decided against it.

    I wish MFP had bigger quantities listed, so when you enter a recipe you could say 1 cup of salsa, or one can of beans, instead of having to calculate how many tablespoons in a cup or how many grams of beans are in a can.

    Anne, I saw that report too, and noticed the researcher said that taking vitamins didn't make any difference. All these years taking vitamins, wasted? Oh well. At least it keeps my vitamin D level up. I've had trouble with that before.

    Heather, I'm so glad you had such a good time on your trip. I enjoyed reading about it. Glad you got home safely too.

    Michele, your cat cake is a work of art! How could you bear to cut it?

    I found a new app for the ipad that is interesting. It's called buypartisan, and you scan a bar code on some product and the app tells you about the political leanings of the company. Which party they donate the most money to, etc. For example, Quilted a Northern bath tissue is owned by the Koch Brothers. I thought it was interesting. Just scanning items I already have shows me that I have a very republican kitchen. Hmmm. Gotta do something about that. The app is just for iPhone and ipad right now, but they are supposedly working on an android version.

    And (speaking of partisan companies) another interesting app is the Walmart Savings Catcher. You scan the QR code at the bottom of your receipt and it checks competing stores prices. If any are lower, you get the difference back on a gift card. I scanned my first receipt and it notified me yesterday that I have 49 cents coming back. You can save it up in an account till you have enough to fool with. It would probably work better in bigger towns where there is more competition. Ours just compared prices at the Dillons store, because that's all we have locally. No Target, or Kmart, or anything.

    Well, I'm off to go walking. Have a great Sunday.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Mimi: I love the news story about the 90+ crowd study and read every word. Thank you!!! My grandma had Alzheimer’s and so it has always been a worry for everyone else in the family. This article is very good and has some unexpected information. I wonder how to prevent mini-strokes. I also wonder whether she had Alzheimer's or strokes.:flowerforyou:

    Alison: It sounds to me like you did a great job with your dinner out with friends. Everyone goes over once in a while, and you made wonderful choices.:flowerforyou:

    Today we are going out to breakfast with our neighbor. I look forward to it. He’s a good guy. His wife has been on a trip for about a week, and this is the first time we’ve had a chance to do anything nice for him. They were both very good to DH while I was gone.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    September Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!