Rudeness of a total stranger!



  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member
    And lets not equate smoking with being fat.

    Being a smoker is not really embarrassing, many consider it 'cool'.

    Telling someone that they're fat is NOT cool.....

    Smokers are "cool?" They're looked upon as pariahs where I live. You can scarcely smoke in public without being wailed at for causing countless deaths due to the perils of "second-hand smoke" (although drinking, which affects others much more widely, is virtually celebrated).

    You should post the location where smokers are considered cool. Perhaps they can start a little colony where they can, you know, actually smoke when they eat. Fat people get to eat as much as they'd like in public. They even have places designed for them to stuff their faces!
  • KatieKansan
    KatieKansan Posts: 61 Member
    You can continue to get healthier with hard work & determination, but I'm guessing there is very little chance that hard work will improve his propensity to be a tool.

    Im with him on this !! If he had grown up with any manners at all he would have known not to do that!! People are so RUDE!! Just keep trucking! if you stick to it the pounds will fall off!!
  • EmotionalEater84
    EmotionalEater84 Posts: 311 Member
    Coming outta left field on this one ... I might have taken his "help".

    But I'm pretty much a newbie and if someone wanted to help me and knew a thing or two around a gym I'd jump on it. Especially for the price of free.. js.

    If he was rude or not .. that's all perspective.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Coming outta left field on this one ... I might have taken his "help".

    But I'm pretty much a newbie and if someone wanted to help me and knew a thing or two around a gym I'd jump on it. Especially for the price of free.. js.

    If he was rude or not .. that's all perspective.
    But you don't know anything about the guy. What makes you so sure his help would be at all useful?

    Even certified trainers often give terrible advice and this is some random dude off the street.
  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member
    Coming outta left field on this one ... I might have taken his "help".

    But I'm pretty much a newbie and if someone wanted to help me and knew a thing or two around a gym I'd jump on it. Especially for the price of free.. js.

    If he was rude or not .. that's all perspective.
    But you don't know anything about the guy. What makes you so sure his help would be at all useful?

    Even certified trainers often give terrible advice and this is some random dude off the street.

    You act like she said she was going to marry the guy.

    Perhaps she would handle it the same way one handles those "certified" trainers. If it works out, great. If not, move on.

    Although she called herself a "newbie." Pretty much anyone with some gym experience would be able to help out.

    Or, maybe she just makes a friend (this is where everyone can chime in that the dude is obviously not worth being anyone's friend).
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Coming outta left field on this one ... I might have taken his "help".

    But I'm pretty much a newbie and if someone wanted to help me and knew a thing or two around a gym I'd jump on it. Especially for the price of free.. js.

    If he was rude or not .. that's all perspective.
    But you don't know anything about the guy. What makes you so sure his help would be at all useful?

    Even certified trainers often give terrible advice and this is some random dude off the street.

    You act like she said she was going to marry the guy.

    Perhaps she would handle it the same way one handles those "certified" trainers. If it works out, great. If not, move on.

    Although she called herself a "newbie." Pretty much anyone with some gym experience would be able to help out.

    Or, maybe she just makes a friend (this is where everyone can chime in that the dude is obviously not worth being anyone's friend).
    So he has "some gym experience." Doesn't mean his form is correct. Doesn't mean he has any real clue how to help her. He knows what works for him.

    I'm not acting like she's going to marry him. I'm being realistic about taking such "help" from a complete stranger. You can injure yourself exercising wrong. Or he could advise her to eat in a way that is counter to her goals. She knows nothing about him and as a newbie she doesn't yet have the tools to know when she's being given wrong advice.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,052 Member
    I don't understand why this is rude. According to your sticker, you have 100kg to lose. That is a lot. He wasn't trying to hurt you. He sounds like he was genuinely trying to help you. Do you know his story? Maybe someone he loved died from obesity-related causes? Maybe he was once severely obese, changed his life, and now wants to help others.

    Would you rather someone tell you that you look fine, to ignore the doctors, to eat up, etc? I don't understand. I would love to have someone reach out to me and offer to help me reach my goals.

    It would have been better if he pulled you aside or had been a bit more tactful, but some people do lack social skills. It doesn't make them bad people.

    Regardless of whether he was once obese or is trying to help, his behaviour is still extremely rude and inappropriate.

    No nobody is saying they would rather a stranger tell them they look fine, should ignore doctors etc, or that it would have been better if he pulled her aside.

    What they are saying is that he should do none of the above - he should mind his own business and say and do nothing.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,052 Member
    I was eating lunch in a food court with some colleagues when a total stranger came up to me and said I have really noticeable facial hair and he offered me some free tweezers.

    Maybe he could have been more tactful or pulled aside to offer me this but it's not rude because he meant well or just has poor social skills.
    I felt humiliated but that's just because I am too super sensitive

    And perhaps he once has an excess hair problem himself so that makes it ok.
  • EmotionalEater84
    EmotionalEater84 Posts: 311 Member
    Debate noted. Good points.

    Still, being lead astray even, would probably benefit in the end. You said yourself a PT could harm me as much as "Joe Blow". I would have to take some kind of accountability on form and proper etiquette .. etc.
  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member
    Coming outta left field on this one ... I might have taken his "help".

    But I'm pretty much a newbie and if someone wanted to help me and knew a thing or two around a gym I'd jump on it. Especially for the price of free.. js.

    If he was rude or not .. that's all perspective.
    But you don't know anything about the guy. What makes you so sure his help would be at all useful?

    Even certified trainers often give terrible advice and this is some random dude off the street.

    You act like she said she was going to marry the guy.

    Perhaps she would handle it the same way one handles those "certified" trainers. If it works out, great. If not, move on.

    Although she called herself a "newbie." Pretty much anyone with some gym experience would be able to help out.

    Or, maybe she just makes a friend (this is where everyone can chime in that the dude is obviously not worth being anyone's friend).
    So he has "some gym experience." Doesn't mean his form is correct. Doesn't mean he has any real clue how to help her. He knows what works for him.

    I'm not acting like she's going to marry him. I'm being realistic about taking such "help" from a complete stranger. You can injure yourself exercising wrong. Or he could advise her to eat in a way that is counter to her goals. She knows nothing about him and as a newbie she doesn't yet have the tools to know when she's being given wrong advice.

    Now you're just pulling out the strawman.

    You're talking about this guy's nutritional advice? Like people on here often say, doctors typically know little about it, so obviously some random dude off the street probably isn't a nutritionist. Why don't you tell her to hire a nutritionist instead of listening to anyone (like on these forums, for instance, or are all the nutritionists hiding here?).

    And cause her to injure herself, due to incorrect form? What kind of people do you know that are that clueless? I knew basic proper form as a teen (you know, before the Net, and no one has any excuse now).

    I'm not a certified trainer (or a nutritionist for that matter) but I could certainly help someone considerably, that has no idea what they're doing.

    This guy was offering free help, and you guys are busy with your convoluted logic, trying to twist what may have been an actual opportunity for the OP.

    That's ok, she'll never see the insides of a gym. Mission accomplished.

    I'll leave you the last word.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Coming outta left field on this one ... I might have taken his "help".

    But I'm pretty much a newbie and if someone wanted to help me and knew a thing or two around a gym I'd jump on it. Especially for the price of free.. js.

    If he was rude or not .. that's all perspective.
    But you don't know anything about the guy. What makes you so sure his help would be at all useful?

    Even certified trainers often give terrible advice and this is some random dude off the street.

    You act like she said she was going to marry the guy.

    Perhaps she would handle it the same way one handles those "certified" trainers. If it works out, great. If not, move on.

    Although she called herself a "newbie." Pretty much anyone with some gym experience would be able to help out.

    Or, maybe she just makes a friend (this is where everyone can chime in that the dude is obviously not worth being anyone's friend).
    So he has "some gym experience." Doesn't mean his form is correct. Doesn't mean he has any real clue how to help her. He knows what works for him.

    I'm not acting like she's going to marry him. I'm being realistic about taking such "help" from a complete stranger. You can injure yourself exercising wrong. Or he could advise her to eat in a way that is counter to her goals. She knows nothing about him and as a newbie she doesn't yet have the tools to know when she's being given wrong advice.

    Now you're just pulling out the strawman.

    You're talking about this guy's nutritional advice? Like people on here often say, doctors typically know little about it, so obviously some random dude off the street probably isn't a nutritionist. Why don't you tell her to hire a nutritionist instead of listening to anyone (like on these forums, for instance, or are all the nutritionists hiding here?).

    And cause her to injure herself, due to incorrect form? What kind of people do you know that are that clueless? I knew basic proper form as a teen (you know, before the Net, and no one has any excuse now).

    I'm not a certified trainer (or a nutritionist for that matter) but I could certainly help someone considerably, that has no idea what they're doing.

    This guy was offering free help, and you guys are busy with your convoluted logic, trying to twist what may have been an actual opportunity for the OP.

    That's ok, she's never see the insides of a gym. Mission accomplished.

    I'll leave you the last word.


    First of all, OP has said repeatedly that she is already working on herself AND having success. How do you know she's not at the gym (or planning to join at some point). You don't need exercise to lose weight, either.

    Second of all, people have bad form all the time. A LOT of people are that clueless. If you think otherwise, then I would question your lifting creds.

    Rude behavior is rude. Period. It's no one's place to comment on a stranger's issue.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    DUDE. He was way out of line. I would have shredded him. There is no place for this kind of aggressive intrusiveness in civilized society. I think I'd have to offer to help him with his rudeness and nosiness problem!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Coming outta left field on this one ... I might have taken his "help".

    But I'm pretty much a newbie and if someone wanted to help me and knew a thing or two around a gym I'd jump on it. Especially for the price of free.. js.

    If he was rude or not .. that's all perspective.
    But you don't know anything about the guy. What makes you so sure his help would be at all useful?

    Even certified trainers often give terrible advice and this is some random dude off the street.

    You act like she said she was going to marry the guy.

    Perhaps she would handle it the same way one handles those "certified" trainers. If it works out, great. If not, move on.

    Although she called herself a "newbie." Pretty much anyone with some gym experience would be able to help out.

    Or, maybe she just makes a friend (this is where everyone can chime in that the dude is obviously not worth being anyone's friend).
    So he has "some gym experience." Doesn't mean his form is correct. Doesn't mean he has any real clue how to help her. He knows what works for him.

    I'm not acting like she's going to marry him. I'm being realistic about taking such "help" from a complete stranger. You can injure yourself exercising wrong. Or he could advise her to eat in a way that is counter to her goals. She knows nothing about him and as a newbie she doesn't yet have the tools to know when she's being given wrong advice.

    Now you're just pulling out the strawman.

    You're talking about this guy's nutritional advice? Like people on here often say, doctors typically know little about it, so obviously some random dude off the street probably isn't a nutritionist. Why don't you tell her to hire a nutritionist instead of listening to anyone (like on these forums, for instance, or are all the nutritionists hiding here?).

    And cause her to injure herself, due to incorrect form? What kind of people do you know that are that clueless? I knew basic proper form as a teen (you know, before the Net, and no one has any excuse now).

    I'm not a certified trainer (or a nutritionist for that matter) but I could certainly help someone considerably, that has no idea what they're doing.

    This guy was offering free help, and you guys are busy with your convoluted logic, trying to twist what may have been an actual opportunity for the OP.

    That's ok, she'll never see the insides of a gym. Mission accomplished.

    I'll leave you the last word.

  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member
    Coming outta left field on this one ... I might have taken his "help".

    But I'm pretty much a newbie and if someone wanted to help me and knew a thing or two around a gym I'd jump on it. Especially for the price of free.. js.

    If he was rude or not .. that's all perspective.
    But you don't know anything about the guy. What makes you so sure his help would be at all useful?

    Even certified trainers often give terrible advice and this is some random dude off the street.

    You act like she said she was going to marry the guy.

    Perhaps she would handle it the same way one handles those "certified" trainers. If it works out, great. If not, move on.

    Although she called herself a "newbie." Pretty much anyone with some gym experience would be able to help out.

    Or, maybe she just makes a friend (this is where everyone can chime in that the dude is obviously not worth being anyone's friend).
    So he has "some gym experience." Doesn't mean his form is correct. Doesn't mean he has any real clue how to help her. He knows what works for him.

    I'm not acting like she's going to marry him. I'm being realistic about taking such "help" from a complete stranger. You can injure yourself exercising wrong. Or he could advise her to eat in a way that is counter to her goals. She knows nothing about him and as a newbie she doesn't yet have the tools to know when she's being given wrong advice.

    Now you're just pulling out the strawman.

    You're talking about this guy's nutritional advice? Like people on here often say, doctors typically know little about it, so obviously some random dude off the street probably isn't a nutritionist. Why don't you tell her to hire a nutritionist instead of listening to anyone (like on these forums, for instance, or are all the nutritionists hiding here?).

    And cause her to injure herself, due to incorrect form? What kind of people do you know that are that clueless? I knew basic proper form as a teen (you know, before the Net, and no one has any excuse now).

    I'm not a certified trainer (or a nutritionist for that matter) but I could certainly help someone considerably, that has no idea what they're doing.

    This guy was offering free help, and you guys are busy with your convoluted logic, trying to twist what may have been an actual opportunity for the OP.

    That's ok, she's never see the insides of a gym. Mission accomplished.

    I'll leave you the last word.


    First of all, OP has said repeatedly that she is already working on herself AND having success. How do you know she's not at the gym (or planning to join at some point). You don't need exercise to lose weight, either.

    Yeah, I'm sure she'll start going to the gym tomorrow. It's always tomorrow.
    Second of all, people have bad form all the time. A LOT of people are that clueless. If you think otherwise, then I would question your lifting creds.

    Sure, people have bad form, but they're not typically the ones going around showing others how to lift. And you can act like basic form is a difficult thing to figure out all you'd like. It's not. Of course, you could point to people that have no idea about anything. Let's talk about the average person (oh, and most know how to use the Internet).

    And you can question my "lifting creds" all you'd like. I'm not the one here looking for solutions.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Coming outta left field on this one ... I might have taken his "help".

    But I'm pretty much a newbie and if someone wanted to help me and knew a thing or two around a gym I'd jump on it. Especially for the price of free.. js.

    If he was rude or not .. that's all perspective.
    But you don't know anything about the guy. What makes you so sure his help would be at all useful?

    Even certified trainers often give terrible advice and this is some random dude off the street.

    You act like she said she was going to marry the guy.

    Perhaps she would handle it the same way one handles those "certified" trainers. If it works out, great. If not, move on.

    Although she called herself a "newbie." Pretty much anyone with some gym experience would be able to help out.

    Or, maybe she just makes a friend (this is where everyone can chime in that the dude is obviously not worth being anyone's friend).
    So he has "some gym experience." Doesn't mean his form is correct. Doesn't mean he has any real clue how to help her. He knows what works for him.

    I'm not acting like she's going to marry him. I'm being realistic about taking such "help" from a complete stranger. You can injure yourself exercising wrong. Or he could advise her to eat in a way that is counter to her goals. She knows nothing about him and as a newbie she doesn't yet have the tools to know when she's being given wrong advice.

    Now you're just pulling out the strawman.

    You're talking about this guy's nutritional advice? Like people on here often say, doctors typically know little about it, so obviously some random dude off the street probably isn't a nutritionist. Why don't you tell her to hire a nutritionist instead of listening to anyone (like on these forums, for instance, or are all the nutritionists hiding here?).

    And cause her to injure herself, due to incorrect form? What kind of people do you know that are that clueless? I knew basic proper form as a teen (you know, before the Net, and no one has any excuse now).

    I'm not a certified trainer (or a nutritionist for that matter) but I could certainly help someone considerably, that has no idea what they're doing.

    This guy was offering free help, and you guys are busy with your convoluted logic, trying to twist what may have been an actual opportunity for the OP.

    That's ok, she's never see the insides of a gym. Mission accomplished.

    I'll leave you the last word.


    First of all, OP has said repeatedly that she is already working on herself AND having success. How do you know she's not at the gym (or planning to join at some point). You don't need exercise to lose weight, either.

    Yeah, I'm sure she'll start going to the gym tomorrow. It's always tomorrow.
    Second of all, people have bad form all the time. A LOT of people are that clueless. If you think otherwise, then I would question your lifting creds.

    Sure, people have bad form, but they're not typically the ones going around showing others how to lift. And you can act like basic form is a difficult thing to figure out all you'd like. It's not. Of course, you could point to people that have no idea about anything. Let's talk about the average person (oh, and most know how to use the Internet).

    And you can question my "lifting creds" all you'd like. I'm not the one here looking for solutions.
    She's lost nearly 20 pounds on her own (without this complete stranger's help) and please point out to me where she said she doesn't exercise (FYI, you can get exercise without ever setting foot in a gym).

    Do you know something about OP the rest of us don't?
  • JenD1066
    JenD1066 Posts: 298 Member
    This guy was offering free help, and you guys are busy with your convoluted logic, trying to twist what may have been an actual opportunity for the OP.

    That's ok, she'll never see the insides of a gym. Mission accomplished.

    I'll leave you the last word.

    I think someone may be having comprehension issues. This thread is beginning to feel like it went through a free online translator.
  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member
    This guy was offering free help, and you guys are busy with your convoluted logic, trying to twist what may have been an actual opportunity for the OP.

    That's ok, she'll never see the insides of a gym. Mission accomplished.

    I'll leave you the last word.

    For someone who doesn't have much to add, you certainly know how to use the quote feature.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Coming outta left field on this one ... I might have taken his "help".

    But I'm pretty much a newbie and if someone wanted to help me and knew a thing or two around a gym I'd jump on it. Especially for the price of free.. js.

    If he was rude or not .. that's all perspective.
    But you don't know anything about the guy. What makes you so sure his help would be at all useful?

    Even certified trainers often give terrible advice and this is some random dude off the street.

    You act like she said she was going to marry the guy.

    Perhaps she would handle it the same way one handles those "certified" trainers. If it works out, great. If not, move on.

    Although she called herself a "newbie." Pretty much anyone with some gym experience would be able to help out.

    Or, maybe she just makes a friend (this is where everyone can chime in that the dude is obviously not worth being anyone's friend).
    So he has "some gym experience." Doesn't mean his form is correct. Doesn't mean he has any real clue how to help her. He knows what works for him.

    I'm not acting like she's going to marry him. I'm being realistic about taking such "help" from a complete stranger. You can injure yourself exercising wrong. Or he could advise her to eat in a way that is counter to her goals. She knows nothing about him and as a newbie she doesn't yet have the tools to know when she's being given wrong advice.

    Now you're just pulling out the strawman.

    You're talking about this guy's nutritional advice? Like people on here often say, doctors typically know little about it, so obviously some random dude off the street probably isn't a nutritionist. Why don't you tell her to hire a nutritionist instead of listening to anyone (like on these forums, for instance, or are all the nutritionists hiding here?).

    And cause her to injure herself, due to incorrect form? What kind of people do you know that are that clueless? I knew basic proper form as a teen (you know, before the Net, and no one has any excuse now).

    I'm not a certified trainer (or a nutritionist for that matter) but I could certainly help someone considerably, that has no idea what they're doing.

    This guy was offering free help, and you guys are busy with your convoluted logic, trying to twist what may have been an actual opportunity for the OP.

    That's ok, she's never see the insides of a gym. Mission accomplished.

    I'll leave you the last word.


    First of all, OP has said repeatedly that she is already working on herself AND having success. How do you know she's not at the gym (or planning to join at some point). You don't need exercise to lose weight, either.

    Yeah, I'm sure she'll start going to the gym tomorrow. It's always tomorrow.
    Second of all, people have bad form all the time. A LOT of people are that clueless. If you think otherwise, then I would question your lifting creds.

    Sure, people have bad form, but they're not typically the ones going around showing others how to lift. And you can act like basic form is a difficult thing to figure out all you'd like. It's not. Of course, you could point to people that have no idea about anything. Let's talk about the average person (oh, and most know how to use the Internet).

    And you can question my "lifting creds" all you'd like. I'm not the one here looking for solutions.

    What are you even talking about? Do you even read? Seriously.

    You don't know the OP from anyone. You don't know what her intentions are with exercise. You are making assumptions based on your own bias which is rude and offensive to not only the OP, but to everyone here who has been obese and has lost the weight. She never said anything about "tomorrow."

    And if you think that there aren't bad lifters going around showing other people how to lift, you are naive. It happens all the time, in every gym, every day. I certainly wouldn't bestown any unearned confidence on some random dude at a food court.

    People are on MFP for different reasons. Some are here for solutions, some are here for entertainment, some are here for friends, some are here for recipes, some are here for all of the above. Who are you to judge anyone's motivations for being here? Why are you even here?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    This guy was offering free help, and you guys are busy with your convoluted logic, trying to twist what may have been an actual opportunity for the OP.

    That's ok, she'll never see the insides of a gym. Mission accomplished.

    I'll leave you the last word.

    For someone who doesn't have much to add, you certainly know how to use the quote feature.
    "I'll let you have the last word" seems to mean something different to me than it does to you. :flowerforyou:
  • LiminalAscendance
    LiminalAscendance Posts: 489 Member
    This guy was offering free help, and you guys are busy with your convoluted logic, trying to twist what may have been an actual opportunity for the OP.

    That's ok, she'll never see the insides of a gym. Mission accomplished.

    I'll leave you the last word.

    For someone who doesn't have much to add, you certainly know how to use the quote feature.
    "I'll let you have the last word" seems to mean something different to me than it does to you. :flowerforyou:

    Yeah, I didn't know you were hitting refresh every 5 secs, to see the latest news.

    I had something to do, and didn't expect the opportunity to refute another post.

    You're much more responsive than the average poster.