Sorry I'm Not Sorry - I gotta rant!



  • Lane1012
    Lane1012 Posts: 211 Member
    I recently posted on a thread about someone who is having a hard time losing weight - upon looking at their diary, it showed that they consume a decent amount of processed, convenience, and fast foods. My advice was that they should consider really eating more fruits/veggies etc. I used the term "clean eating". Lo and behold, the inevitable comment came in response to my suggestion; I believe the exact quote was "Seriously, stop it. This is not helpful. It's not what the food is, it's overall calories and macros. As long as a person eats in a calorie deficit, the pounds will come off, it doesn't matter what the food being consumed is."

    I am going to lose my mind if I hear or see this comment again! I realize that for so many people the goal is to shed pounds, and I'm all for that! Obviously, losing the extra pounds is the first thing that is going to happen when converting to a healthy lifestyle, and it's mandatory in order to decrease the likelihood of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, etc. But that's not the point of all of this. Food can be the best, most powerful form of medicine, or the slowest form of poison. The point is to eat the foods that are going to keep you healthy for the rest of your life. YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT! Fresh produce, whole grains, unprocessed food, little or no refined sugar/ wite flours - THAT is how you lose weight, and get healthy.

    It is dangerous and counterproductive to suggest that it doesn't matter what you put into your body. I expect backlash to this rant, and I welcome all you trolls to tell me that I'm wrong - but you ask any single expert, or even just a health conscious person out there and they will say the exact thing I've just said. No one can dispute this.

    Didn't read the whole thread but .. losing weight and eating healthy are not the same. The latter may help you do the former (because of caloric density, feeling more energized thus able to exercise more, etc.) but they are different things. Burning more than you consume will cause weight loss, that's science.
  • daw0518
    daw0518 Posts: 459 Member
    I do agree with you to a certain extent, but for a lot of people, they just need to get started.

    I know when I started out, I just restricted calories. That was it. And it worked for a while. But yeah, you get into it and realize that while that Big Mac is "only" 700 calories (or whatever it is), I'm freaking hungry again two hours later. So rather than spend 700 calories, I can spend 200 on some eggs and cheese, and I'll be satisfied for just as long, if not longer, and I'm getting so much more out of it.

    People gotta figure this out on their own time. Some do, some won't.
    Some people (like me) have to work up to stuff like that. Eating the same foods that you ate before, in less quantities, is a great way to start losing weight. A lot of people have to take baby steps and this is a baby step. Down the road, once they've conquered the quantity control, they can then start incorporating healthier choices until they're eating more healthy foods and less processed foods.

    All of this. Most people can't just go from being overweight with poor eating habits to eating "clean" overnight. It's a process. I personally have no desire to EVER eat totally clean, but I do think that my eating habits have changed dramatically in the 260 days I've been logging daily here, & that's important. I started out with no exercise while eating my usual foods and realized quickly that I couldn't stay under my goal that way. I started looking for lower calorie options to replace my favorite foods, trading out my Hidden Valley ranch for greek yogurt ranch, my Jiffy peanut butter for PB2, etc. I also discovered that I actually really love a wide variety of veggies and that I could eat huge plates of veggies for like 300 calories. I realized this summer that I really suck at staying on track when I don't have work or school keeping me busy for most of the day.

    Generally, I think that this is a pretty natural progression that most people end up following when they start a journey like this, and I think it's a good one. People have to learn from their own experience & find what works for them - so yeah, I think you probably deserved a bit of a smack down in that thread. I agree that it's not helpful to preach your experience to other people like it's the one & only way to go. It's not. It worked for you and someday they might find that it works for them too, but I think they need to get there on their own. Like I said, no one is going to switch to 100% clean eating overnight, and if they do they're bound to fall off the wagon immediately. That's not helpful at all.
  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
  • raysputin
    raysputin Posts: 142 Member
    Time and time and time again the experts in the fields of human health and nutrition ( the doctors, the nutritionists, the researchers, the dieticians and the trained fitness professionals) warn us about processed food, simple carbohydrates, salt, preservatives and fat. Despite all the evidence from the professionals, we still have a core of people who think that it is all hokum and made up by puritans who don't like to see people enjoying themselves. You will never convince this core of "back porch quarterbacks". So far as I am concerned, if they want to risk their life expectancy and future health for a few moments of eating pleasure, who am I to naysay them?

    I think that you have done the right thing and can move on knowing that your conscience is clear.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Yeah...I get it. I agree with you. I have to pay attention to all the macros, not just calories. If I focus on strictly calories in/calories out, I won't lose.

    if you burn more than you will.

    If it were that easy, I would be skinny. If that works for you, then that is excellent. I must be the exception to the rule. I have tried to lose weight every way imaginable (with the exception of surgery). I'm not saying I eat clean. I still eat some processed foods. I am just saying, I personally need to pay attention to the whole picture in order to be successful. Counting calories alone will sabotage me every time. I have learned this by trial and error. I am sorry if you don't believe me, but it is true.

    so then you're not arguing against the fact that if one burns more than they consume, they will lose weight.
    your issue is that you cant seem to keep your cals below your burn.

    fair enough.

    i thought you were saying that you were eating at a deficit and not losing weight.

    I am arguing that I have eaten at a deficit before and not lost weight. I am also saying that eating processed foods doesn't fill me up like healthier options do. I am also saying that I have previously gone over my calorie limit due to still being hungry an hour after eating processed foods. I am also saying that I have damn near starved myself, and still not lost weight.

    My question is, why are you disagreeing with how my body works? It seems that you know nothing about me or my ability to lose weight...and people like YOU make me dislike this site. Not people like the OP.
    You haven't eaten at a deficit then. It is physically impossible for your body to take in less calories than it expends and not lose weight. I am being literal here. It is physically impossible.
    You weren't at a deficit, simple as that.

    i feel like i should insert a special snowflake gif here, but i will refrain.

    EDIT: nevermind....already been done. lol

    as stated above, you were not eating at a deficit.

    are you measuring and weighing EVERYTHING? if not, then how do you know?
    people are notoriously bad estimators...i was SHOCKED when i saw what a true 1/2 cup of ice cream looked like.

    im sorry that people like me make you dislike this site. that certainly wasnt my intention. i guess my hope is that those who struggle with trying to stay within restrictive guidelines and struggle are able to come to the realization that, can TOTALLY do this and still eat the things you love. hell, it may make it EASIER. it certainly does for me.

    looks like youre on the newer side to MFP, so i would like to provide these links to you. read them if youd like, or skip them and focus on eating "healthy". your call.'re+new+here

    Real mature guys...laugh it up at my weight loss struggle.

    Am I new to this site? No. I started a new account recently when I decided to change my lifestyle/eating habits after I had my last child.

    So that's cool. I'll just go ahead and eat nothing but pizza and honey buns and drink nothing but mountain dew...because you said I will lose weight doing so. Hah. Yeah I don't think so. I am not saying calories are not important. If I believed that I wouldn't count them religiously. But I am not going to sit here and say that they are the only thing that affects weight loss. You seriously don't believe carbs, sugar, sodium and fat have anything to do with weight loss? I am sorry, but I call BS. And I am not crying the blues about "what I've been through", so spare me your condescending crap. If you can eat complete garbage and lose weight then I applaud you. That is fantastic! And I envy you. Unfortunately, I can't do that. So basically I am done here. Thanks for your kind words. Really was the icing on top of a lovely day.

    you have GOT to be kidding me.

    was i mean? was i bullying?

    i get the feeling you are one of those people who loves to play the victim.

    if you think what i posted was condescending, please refrain from any other online forums. you need a thicker skin, sweetie.

    if you want people to shower you in glitter and unicorn hugs and "way-to-go"s, you have come to the wrong place.

    those links i posted are VERY helpful and written by people who have had great success here.

    i wish you all the best on your weight loss journey and hope you find success in it, however that may be.

    You, sir, are condescending. Calling me "sweetie" did nothing but justify that. Did I refer to you as a bully? No. Do I enjoy playing the victim? Not a chance. I don't need your links, so that was a waste of time on your part. I have done my own research, thank you. I am doing what works for me. You are doing what works for you. I never claimed to be a clean eater. I am also not interested in shoving my opinions down anyone's throat. To each their own.

    The thickness of my skin is just fine, thank you.

    I am not going to battle it out with some random stranger on a public forum any longer. I need to maintain a balanced diet in order to successfully lose weight. Do I sometimes splurge and eat a slice of pizza instead of a salad? Of course I do. But If I did that every day, I would fail. That is it. If you want to continue arguing with me over what works for my body then feel free. But I have other things to do. Like my workout, for example! Like you said, calories in/calories out, right? As for the glitter/rainbows/unicorn comment? have me figured out! Am I that transparent? hahahaha....Good day.

    Skullshank is pretty helpful and I read his post twice. Nothing condescending or bullying about it at all. You say that the thickness of your skin is fine but it isn't.

    I really suggest bookmarking all the links and maybe take a breather. Come back and read them and realize he really was just trying to help you.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    Unhappy, unhealthy, unfit person here checking in.


    Sup there, my gelato princess?

    Nuffin. Just #eatingclean





    Michael Jordan eats hot dogs, and Spongebob Thighgap eats chocolate... Hmmmm




    Go ahead, tell Samuel L. He's wrong for eating his burger.

  • Jaseau
    Jaseau Posts: 32 Member
    Not all calories are created equal! people need to realize they are what they eat... and we should also count chemicals! not just calories!
    I dont mean to sound harsh to the sensitive type people out there. Yes people need to start somewhere. Baby steps, slowly but surely making simple changes to their diets and taking some interest in education as to what it is they are eating will greatly help them in the journey to awesome health.
    Just my 2 cents....
  • s_pekz
    s_pekz Posts: 340 Member
    Not all calories are created equal! people need to realize they are what they eat... and we should also count chemicals! not just calories!
    I dont mean to sound harsh to the sensitive type people out there. Yes people need to start somewhere. Baby steps, slowly but surely making simple changes to their diets and taking some interest in education as to what it is they are eating will greatly help them in the journey to awesome health.
    Just my 2 cents....

    Oh this is going to end well...
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Not all calories are created equal! people need to realize they are what they eat... and we should also count chemicals! not just calories!
    I dont mean to sound harsh to the sensitive type people out there. Yes people need to start somewhere. Baby steps, slowly but surely making simple changes to their diets and taking some interest in education as to what it is they are eating will greatly help them in the journey to awesome health.
    Just my 2 cents....

  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    I agree with the original poster. Bravo!

    For example, recent research has shown that artificial sweeteners, while technically counting as zero calories, may cause spikes in blood sugar and lead to obesity, diabetes, and so forth. In this case, the math is not as simple as calories in/calories out and macros.

    While I am not a clean eater or a champion of Paleo, there is much to be said in the research for a sensible diet primarily based on vegetables, lean protein, ,low-glycemic carbs, and some fruits.

    I also say, in advance, that I am not sorry if anyone finds this "offensive" and engages in another ad infinitum, ad nauseam round of faux outrage,

    I do not come here to instagram rainbows and puppies but to speak the frank truth.
    Warm regards,
    while the bolded may be true(I haven't researched it) it still comes down to consuming more cals than you use to gain Weight. I fact if you are in a deficit and your body does somehow store, it will still have to metabolize the equivalent plus your deficit to function.

    Fair enough, I think the research might be inconclusive on the point you raised as well as somewhat relative to the individual (e.g. diabetics/glucose-intolerats).

    However, if you are not eating vegetables and fruits there's a good chance your body lacks sufficient micro-nutrients for optimal function. I think that gets lost in the "eat what you want" camp. It is not just pounds on the scale.

    Health is not a mirror selfie,
    I agree micros are vital to health, they just aren't vital to fat loss.

    And the IIFYM camp really does advocate getting your micros as well. The thing is you don't get bonus points for more micros, in fact some are dangerous to over consume. Once you have satisfied your micro requirements there is no problem indulging in those "empty cals"!
  • Marbella29660
    Marbella29660 Posts: 71 Member
    Boy I love a rant, this post is gonna run and run. Woooohoooo!
  • ThePhoenixIsRising
    Not all calories are created equal! people need to realize they are what they eat... and we should also count chemicals! not just calories!
    I dont mean to sound harsh to the sensitive type people out there. Yes people need to start somewhere. Baby steps, slowly but surely making simple changes to their diets and taking some interest in education as to what it is they are eating will greatly help them in the journey to awesome health.
    Just my 2 cents....

    Oh this is going to end well...
    Watch out for that H2O!
  • squirrelzzrule22
    squirrelzzrule22 Posts: 640 Member
    I'm going to throw my 2 cents in here because, HEY, why not. It will give me something to read when I get back from the gym later.

    I'm freaked out by all the chemicals and hormones in our food nowadays. Not in a tin-hatty kind of way, but in a very broad, very general, we eat all this chemical nonsense and we also have all these new diseases, kids these days have loads of allergies, no one knows where the high rates of autism are coming from, etc. I don't KNOW s*hit about what causes anything, and I don't claim to. But our environment is contaminated and I think a lot of our food is too. We use a lot of things in food now that haven't been around long enough to determine if they have adverse health affects. It doesn't make me wildly comfortable.

    For that and other reasons I am trying to eat "cleaner." To me that means more fresh fruits and veg, and meat that isn't fed a lot of crap. Luckily, I can afford to that. Also, I tend to feel better and have more energy, have an easier time meeting macros and micros, and have an easier time losing weight.

    But I'm also human. I would go insane eating like that all the time. I'm going to get take out maybe once a week. Usually greek or indian yummmmmm. I will buy myself a cupcake once a month. Every few months I cave and have a diet coke. I will eat a burger now and then. Most people are like me, and would go crazy if they had to focus on eating perfectly clean all the time, regardless of what clean meant to them. Restricting yourself to any diet entirely is really really hard and can lead to "unclean" binges.

    The way you feed yourself and your family is personal, maybe as personal as religion or lifestyle. For me personally, if I get sick one day, I don't want to look back and wonder if healthier habits could have helped me. Instead, I want to work on my mental and physical health now while I'm young, which to me includes a moderated effort to eat as unprocessed and "clean" as I can, while acknowledging that exceptions are necessary to my mental well being.

    OP, you can't force anyone to do anything, especially if you act like your way is the only way.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Not all calories are created equal! people need to realize they are what they eat... and we should also count chemicals! not just calories!
    I dont mean to sound harsh to the sensitive type people out there. Yes people need to start somewhere. Baby steps, slowly but surely making simple changes to their diets and taking some interest in education as to what it is they are eating will greatly help them in the journey to awesome health.
    Just my 2 cents....

    so we've got the rage quit on the last page and now a calorie is not a calorie.....I CALL BINGO!!!!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I'm going to throw my 2 cents in here because, HEY, why not. It will give me something to read when I get back from the gym later.

    I'm freaked out by all the chemicals and hormones in our food nowadays. Not in a tin-hatty kind of way, but in a very broad, very general, we eat all this chemical nonsense and we also have all these new diseases, kids these days have loads of allergies, no one knows where the high rates of autism are coming from, etc. I don't KNOW s*hit about what causes anything, and I don't claim to. But our environment is contaminated and I think a lot of our food is too. We use a lot of things in food now that haven't been around long enough to determine if they have adverse health affects. It doesn't make me wildly comfortable.

    For that and other reasons I am trying to eat "cleaner." To me that means more fresh fruits and veg, and meat that isn't fed a lot of crap. Luckily, I can afford to that. Also, I tend to feel better and have more energy, have an easier time meeting macros and micros, and have an easier time losing weight.

    But I'm also human. I would go insane eating like that all the time. I'm going to get take out maybe once a week. Usually greek or indian yummmmmm. I will buy myself a cupcake once a month. Every few months I cave and have a diet coke. I will eat a burger now and then. Most people are like me, and would go crazy if they had to focus on eating perfectly clean all the time, regardless of what clean meant to them. Restricting yourself to any diet entirely is really really hard and can lead to "unclean" binges.

    The way you feed yourself and your family is personal, maybe as personal as religion or lifestyle. For me personally, if I get sick one day, I don't want to look back and wonder if healthier habits could have helped me. Instead, I want to work on my mental and physical health now while I'm young, which to me includes a moderated effort to eat as unprocessed and "clean" as I can, while acknowledging that exceptions are necessary to my mental well being.

    OP, you can't force anyone to do anything, especially if you act like your way is the only way.

    Do you use air freshener in your house?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I agree with the original poster. Bravo!

    For example, recent research has shown that artificial sweeteners, while technically counting as zero calories, may cause spikes in blood sugar and lead to obesity, diabetes, and so forth. In this case, the math is not as simple as calories in/calories out and macros.

    While I am not a clean eater or a champion of Paleo, there is much to be said in the research for a sensible diet primarily based on vegetables, lean protein, ,low-glycemic carbs, and some fruits.

    I also say, in advance, that I am not sorry if anyone finds this "offensive" and engages in another ad infinitum, ad nauseam round of faux outrage,

    I do not come here to instagram rainbows and puppies but to speak the frank truth.
    Warm regards,
    while the bolded may be true(I haven't researched it) it still comes down to consuming more cals than you use to gain Weight. I fact if you are in a deficit and your body does somehow store, it will still have to metabolize the equivalent plus your deficit to function.

    Fair enough, I think the research might be inconclusive on the point you raised as well as somewhat relative to the individual (e.g. diabetics/glucose-intolerats).

    However, if you are not eating vegetables and fruits there's a good chance your body lacks sufficient micro-nutrients for optimal function. I think that gets lost in the "eat what you want" camp. It is not just pounds on the scale.

    Health is not a mirror selfie,
    I agree micros are vital to health, they just aren't vital to fat loss.

    And the IIFYM camp really does advocate getting your micros as well. The thing is you don't get bonus points for more micros, in fact some are dangerous to over consume. Once you have satisfied your micro requirements there is no problem indulging in those "empty cals"!

    ^Exactly. A quote I like:
    "Once our nutrient needs are met, we don’t get extra credit for eating more nutritious food!' - Eric Helms

    For lurkers interested, a couple good reads in regards to IIFYM:
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Hoping this isn't wiped before I finish reading.
  • mz_getskinny
    mz_getskinny Posts: 258 Member
    Skullshank is pretty helpful and I read his post twice. Nothing condescending or bullying about it at all. You say that the thickness of your skin is fine but it isn't.

    I really suggest bookmarking all the links and maybe take a breather. Come back and read them and realize he really was just trying to help you.

    You seem to really want a response, so here it is. I don't need your help, nor do I need help from "skullshank". I have lost 12 pounds in the last 25 days. I did not come here looking for guidance. I simply replied that I agree that making healthier choices when it comes to food could indeed assist in one's weight loss journey. I don't understand where the thickness of my skin comes into play here, but I assure you I am not over here crying because of some dude on an online forum. I am just not going to say YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY CORRECT SIR! EATING A BALANCED DIET IS COMPLETELY INSANE AND I WILL STOP DOING THAT IMMEDIATELY BECAUSE I AM WRONG AND YOU ARE RIGHT.