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  • brashear_2420
    i am here. i am jsut not feeling good today. Once again I have a stomach ache and a heaadache. I am also starting to cramp, feeling bloated, gross, and as big as a house. My positivity has left for the day. I will be back later if I find it. Sorry guys.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    hey everyone lets get our head up.. The only weigh in that counts is friday.. we have this.. We all know that its tough, but well worth it.. I am struggling mentally, I need a job yesterday.. I start training next week for 2 weeks but its not I am still like 6 weeks out from getting a pay check.. so low and behold I have went to 3 temp agencies.. I am going back to cheddars at 2 to talk to there manager.. I can be off at 3 and head right to training at 4, so lets keep our fingers crossed!! Amber hope you hear from the gym soon so we can hit it up together..
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Have you ever wrote an awesome post full length hit some stupid key and Poof it's gone?! Yeah that just happened! :explode:
    OK SO How do I get my mojo back to rewrite it!? :ohwell:

    OK SO I noticed that we have had almost 3000 views on this thread! We seem to have lost a lot of people that introduced themselves in the beginning BUT we have gained a few new team members that have claimed a spot with this group. If you have not been back in a while WELCOME BACK if this is your first time reading here WELCOME :flowerforyou: I have been on many many threads in the past not just on MFP but on other sites where I tried to fit in and it just didn't happen so I know how that feels. But if you are here just know that even though you mostly see about 8-10 people posting we would LOVE to have more and WE DO want to get to know you so say hello and introduce yourself. :bigsmile:
    My name is Jena (pronounced gina)I am 38 (39 in march) I have 3 daughters ages almost 3, almost 16 and a 10 year old mini me. I have been with my husband for 11 years (married 5 this coming Valentines day) and I have about 60 pounds to lose and YES I want (and will) lose it or at least most of it this year. :glasses:
    ON THIS THREAD we have some BIG LOSERS!!! Tamara who started this thread and oh who BTW has lost an entire person!! She is awesome and wiling to lend support to any and all who need it! Then we have Bobbie over 100 lbs LOST!! And jessica my fellow shorty lol (we are each about 4'10) who has lost 50 lbs in well under a year! Marci is our military mom and we love her!:heart:
    If you are trying to figure out where to start in your journey we would love to help you! We like to keep it simple and effective. We have a ongoing challenge to drink that water EVERYDAY in abudance. AND every week Tamara will give us a daily challenge This week we are doing 25 jumping jacks on day 1 (I hate jumping jacks btw) and adding 10 more each day for the rest of the week.
    We weigh in on Fridays and as you see Tamara will post our losses each week. So far our Biggest Loser is AMBER!!:drinker:
    Kerry, Karen And Rupi are our newest group participants and have fit in with us perfectly! :flowerforyou:
    Deneen is our friend who has had some stuff going on but WHEN she gets back you will :heart: her too!

    SO IF YOU ARE HERE ON OUR B2B Thread for the first time and are looking for some awesome support PLUS weekly challenges with a weekly weigh in that is charted and celebrated. PLEASE SAY HI!! Jump right in with those jumping jacks and grab your water because you will need to email Tamara with your goals Starting Weight and on friday weigh in and let us know how you did. (also email Tamara with your weigh in info each friday) ALSO ADD each of us as a friend for extended support and encouragment!

    Ok I have some jumping jacks to do:grumble: and a house to get cleaned up
    talk to you losers:wink: later!! :flowerforyou:
  • kbefit
    kbefit Posts: 116
    Jena you are by far the best cyber cheerleader anyone could have! I think every forum on every internet site needs one of you!! :flowerforyou:
  • NicoleL83
    NicoleL83 Posts: 68 Member
    Hey Everyone
    I know I have been MIA for a while. Part of it is I was away on a snowboarding trip this weekend with no computer. But I have just been a little lazy. I stopped my 30 day shred after day 2 :angry: , but plan on starting it again today. I wake up so motivated but then by the time I am home from work, made supper, all I want to do if hang out and watch TV with my husband. I think I just need to be more scheduled. Write down in my planner the time I am going to workout and make it an appointment. I am also starting train to run a 1/2 marathon in 10 weeks. Last summer I was up to being able to run 10K and this plan starts pretty easy.

    I am still reading everyone posts everyday and you guys are a huge motivation, so I will try to be one too!! So on that note have a great week everyone and good luck on those jumping jacks!!!
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Jena you are by far the best cyber cheerleader anyone could have! I think every forum on every internet site needs one of you!! :flowerforyou:
    :blushing: :smile:
  • rupi123
    rupi123 Posts: 23 Member
    Hello ladies!

    I have to say, this is by far the best group I've ever seen for support! Thanks everyone for being cheerleaders for all of us; especially Jena, Tamara, and Marci! I love reading your are such motivating women!:flowerforyou:

    Its been a ****ty week, and thats putting it mildly...haven't been doing 30day shred this week because i can't concentrate on it (no patience :mad: )....long story short, the ex is in town, and its throwing me off my game...most of you are married, so i don't know if you can relate, but all i can say to describe it is: it sucks lol

    I've been walking everyday though to relieve some of the stress....and i'm participating in a competition this weekend at the uni (law - negotiation skills) its helping keep me more focused today. I'd rather work out numbers and legal cases and research, than think about personal stuff. Will be back to my cheerful self tomorrow :heart: Trying to follow the motto: smile and the world smiles on you....

    Talk to you lovely ladies soon :drinker:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Jut checking in for a minute.. Running 45 minutes behind.

    Get those jumping jacks in.... and drink that water

    Jea- Thanks for the extra littel push for everyone

    Nicole- Get back to it ma am, you got this

    Rupi- I am so sorry about the stress, dont let him control you, show him you are stronger then this and let it slide off your back..I know easier said then done..

    I have been with my husband will be 11 years in may and we met off the internet.. dated 2 days and I moved in on the 3rd.yeah I know what was I thinking...crazy..but he is an awesome guy, when he wants to be!!

    Ok still gotta make the kids lunch, snow was suppost to be here around 3 its 347 and no snow yet, they will call school just after i make there lunches, or take them to school!! Thats my luck anyways!!

    Have an awesome day!!
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Good morning lovely ladies & gents,

    Nothing really great to report on the calorie intake and excercise front! I feel like I have been failing miserably...I just can't seem to get back to my August motivation. :explode:

    Really the only thing I have been able to do is drink my water. I have a "your daily requimemnet of water" jug that I keep at work, so since it is staring at me I drink my water and when I don't...Low and behold we have Jena to remind us!! :happy:

    Anyway...I have also started planning my daughter's quinceañera. Basicially it is the equivelant of a Sweet 16, but we do it when our daughter's turn 15. It is not until June 2012, but you have to start early otherwise we will not find a hall and it is expensive to say the I want to start making monthly payments now!!

    I was able to chat with my son who most of you know is in Afghanistan this that so far has kicked off a good day. Anytime I am able to communicate with my boy is a good day. He loved all the snacks and stuff I sent him and he wants more!! :laugh:

    Tamara...thanks for all you do for our team. I hope you find employment soon. I know how that can be...I was laid off from my previous job in 2006 and it took me 9 months to find another one. But you know God is good...he gave me a job 8 miles away from my home, 5 minutes away from my son's school....I thought at the time it was the worst thing that could have happened, but it turned to be the best thing due to my son's illness and such. So sometimes what seems to be the 'ending' is really a new 'beginning'. God will put you where you need to be! :smile:

    Bobbie...I'm worried about you. I don't like to hear that you are feeling bad. You have been such a great support for me and alot of other people here that I just take for granted that you will always be ok. Know that I appreciate you very much and my wish for you is for all your dreams to come true. :happy:

    Karen...I know what you are going through....We will conquer this, I know we will! But it is painful and because of it we will enjoy our victory alot more when we succeed. To answer your question of where I live....I live in a suburb of Houston...the town is called Magnolia. :smile: be young again!! There are too many fish in the sea...don't waste your time and energy on someone that does not see what he is missing!! Embrace your new beginning and if you trust and believe there is a lucky guy out there waiting for you! Keep up the good work you are doing great with this journey! :flowerforyou:

    Kerri....I know what you mean about wanting the weight to come off faster...I can't remember how old you are, but if you are over 40 like is harder for us older chicks!! When I was in my mid 20's I could drop 20lbs in a month. I've been at this since August 2010 and managed to lose 10lbs in 2 months then to be side swiped by the holidays and then I gained half and now as you can see I have a net loss of 6lbs...that is very discouraging to hey I have to keep trying. Hang in there! :tongue: are doing a great job with your weight loss....50lbs lost is quiet an accomplishment! I can't wait for Spring/Summer either....I get alot more walking and jogging when it is warm out. It does not snow here where I live, but I am a big wooze when it comes to cold if it is not 68 degrees won't catch me outside!! :glasses:

    Nicole....Glad to see you back on B2B! I know what you mean about getting home to second shift as I like to call and doing stuff around the house then in my case tending to the time you are done all you want to do is park it in front of the TV!! :smile:

    Deneen....I am going to put out a APB out on you!! You keep teasing us and then disappearing on us. Don't make me show you some tough love! :love:

    Jena...and then there is our biggest cyber cheerleader! I don't know how you do it, but you always seem to hit the right notes...When I read your post it's like you are talking to me! Keep talking to me girl!

    Oh and I've noticed some of the newcomers have not added all of us as friends...So maybe we can take the initiative and add them?

    Well better run it is after 8am and have lots of work to get through.

  • kbefit
    kbefit Posts: 116
    Karen I'm sorry that you're struggling but you can do this. Just look at the tickers of people who've lost a's such a great reminder of what hard work can do. Also, remember to take one day at a time. When I decided to quit smoking, instead of looking at the big picture (which can be so daunting) I'd just look at today. I'd tell myself that I was just not going to smoke today, that's it...and I would say that every day and before I knew it...tomorrow took care of itself. That was almost 7 years ago. Well now, we have this to tackle. And if we just tackle today, there's no need to worry about anything else....HANG IN THERE!!!

    Marcie, yes I'm 48 and so I know how slow going it can be but you're right...I need to be patient. I FINALLY really hit the gym this morning. After all these weeks of this stupid cold, I am finally on the mend. It felt so good to be back. There is such great support here so I know I can't let anything get in my way.

    Rupi you hang in there too!

    Thanks for the motivation Tamara!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    O yesterday was so bad eating that I didnt even log it!!! Lets just say chuck e cheese for lunch is NOT a good idea!! Thats pizza and breadsticks are so darn good its ridiculous but I walked around ALOT playing the games with my son. Then I had already put chili in the crock pot. Normally when we go out to eat later then usual for lunch and eat like that I dont eat dinner but I had it alread made and DH made my bowl I told him a half a cup!!! He says WTH thats it? I said yes sire. THen I eat it and he tells me "I have to confess to a dirty secret. I accidently grabbed the 2/3 cup instead of the half cup" GGGRRRRRR Anyways I did 50 minutes on the my bike last night to try and conter act that pizza I ate lol. Didnt get any exercise in all weekend BUT when I snuck on the scale sunday morning I was down another lb so its ok I guess. Gonna hope I get to atleast 150 on friday. If I get 149 I will pee my pants with excitement lol
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    1. Decide That You Are In Charge
    The first step is to reclaim your power. You—and only you—can make your weight loss journey happen. If you pretend that your life depends on meeting your back to basic goal each week, and you are determined to make yourself a #1 priority, you will be surprised at how great it feels to be in the driver's seat.

    2. Fill Up Your Tank on High Fiber Food
    Do what works. Studies show that eating higher fiber foods that are packed with nutrients, such as whole grains, beans, high fiber cereal, vegetables, and fruit, are essential for feeling satisfied on a lower calorie plan. You need to feel satisfied if you want to be successful. A nutrition expert can help you gradually increase your fiber intake so that you feel great and are making steady progress on the scale.

    3. Be Persistent
    You can't fail unless you quit. If you are getting frustrated, then make sure that you are not under-eating, over-exercising, or expecting too much from the scale each week. Once you find the right balance with nutrition and exercise, you should feel strong and satisfied. The experts can help you with the details of your program. Even though losing a pound per week may seem disappointing to you, in just a year, this amounts to over 50 pounds which is a tremendous accomplishment

    hey everyone this was sent to my email this morning and thought I woudl share..I think we could all benefit from it. I enjoyed reading it so I thought I would share..

    have an awesome day my friends..
  • abcstewie
    I want in!! I'm trying to get fit before I get pregnant with number 2!:wink:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    I want in!! I'm trying to get fit before I get pregnant with number 2!:wink:

    welcome please send me your current weight goal weight and name..thanks
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    I want in!! I'm trying to get fit before I get pregnant with number 2!:wink:

    welcome _______:wink:

    How old is baby #1?

    Don't forget to add us and/or accept us k? :smile:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    just have time to say hey, running really behind slept in 45 minutes then longer.. gotta jet.. tal after gym!!
  • NicoleL83
    NicoleL83 Posts: 68 Member
    Hey Everyone
    Just checking in. I had a good day for eating and then a bad night! I went grocery shopping last night because I needed to make a lasagne for my friends who just had a baby. When I was there Mccain pizza's were on sale. So picked one up (the one with the least calories) and thought it would be an easy supper and with a big side of mixed greens not that bad. Well I probably ate half the pizza. I was also so concerned with picking the lowest calorie pizza I really didn't think of the type. This pizza had italian sausage which is a headache trigger. So silly. So I was all ready to do my 30 day shred and stood up and just about fell down. Needless to say I just went to bed. Anyways today will be better I packed my running stuff and will go for a run while I wait for my husband!

    Love the post Tamara!! You and Jena are great cheerleaders. Couldn't do it without your positive attitude!!

    Good luck everyone one with trying (and succeeding) with keeping up the motivation!!
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    Sorry I haven't been around. Yesterday we had a field trip. Those days are so draining. To top it off, I haven't been feeling well. My glands are so swollen in the throat. I feel a bit better today so I don't think it's strep. Thank goodness!

    This week has been crazy: Mon. - out for a conference all day; Tues - gave the class an all day district benchmark test; Wed. - field trip; today - I had a 3 hour ELL meeting. I'm wondering when I'm going to actually teach my class this week!

    Thanks for the words of support! It's amazing how hearing "you can do it" from people can be motivating. I made some bad choices last weekend, but I pulled it together. Tomorrow is my birthday. So, we'll be getting take out for lunch at work, and then I'm going out for dinner with my family. That's going to be hard! But, my birthday only comes once a year. :)
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Sorry I haven't been around. Yesterday we had a field trip. Those days are so draining. To top it off, I haven't been feeling well. My glands are so swollen in the throat. I feel a bit better today so I don't think it's strep. Thank goodness!

    This week has been crazy: Mon. - out for a conference all day; Tues - gave the class an all day district benchmark test; Wed. - field trip; today - I had a 3 hour ELL meeting. I'm wondering when I'm going to actually teach my class this week!

    Thanks for the words of support! It's amazing how hearing "you can do it" from people can be motivating. I made some bad choices last weekend, but I pulled it together. Tomorrow is my birthday. So, we'll be getting take out for lunch at work, and then I'm going out for dinner with my family. That's going to be hard! But, my birthday only comes once a year. :)

    and you so right enjoy it.. I know I celebrate my biorthday every year.. it was a great day!!
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Good day yall,
    Today is a lovely day here, so I went walking outside where I work. It felt good. I am hoping that tonight I can build up the guts to put in the JM 30 day shred DVD! I had a fabulous salad for lunch and I have just about met my water daily requirement. So today has been good so far!

    Where is everyone else at? I wish Deneen would reappear!
    Bobbie...hang in there. I don't know how it is to be snowed in,but I'm sure it is not pleasant. We really need you to come back to us.
    Tamara...really enjoyed the article you posted yesterday.
    Welcome to abcstewey....Can you give us your name?
    Karen...I have great respect for what you do.

    Hope everyone else is doing great. I am not looking forward to weigh in tomorrow, but good luck to everyone else!

    You all have a good rest of the day and if I can I will check in tonight!