

  • MegE_N
    MegE_N Posts: 245 Member
    Google "compartmentalized" and lay off him about this. Trust me, he thinks about a lot of things, 99% of which aren't important. If anything, he's guilty of loose lips sinking ships.

    Or just break up.

    This! I can't believe no one's mentioned it until now. While it's natural that he still thinks of his ex, why would he vocalize that in the infancy stages of this new relationship? Two months in and everything's all glitter and rainbows so why would you say something that would most certainly create insecurity? He should have just kept it to himself because there's really advantage in bringing it up.

    He said something that clearly shows how honest he is. I think that is a good quality to have. I want to know how OP got this information? How did it come up?

    Eh ... so many people today use 'honesty' as an excuse for being generally terrible people.

    "I told my girlfriend how much I want to bang her sister ... look how HONEST I am!"

    Honesty is a good thing, but so is tact and being respectful. Using honesty as a crutch because you're REACHING to find a nice thing to say about yourself is pathetic.

    What if that was a fantasy? You can't tell your SO how much you want to bang a celebrity?

    I am bias though every person I have dated has been caught in lies and just stupid ones.

    Couple things.

    1. If your SO has fantasies about banging your blood relatives, it's likely time to find the door no matter how 'honest' that person is.

    2. People applaud 'honesty' to avoid dealing with other red flags. As my example above shows, there is likely an issue, or at the very least a long discussion, that needs to be had when 'I want to bang your sister' becomes public knowledge in the relationship. 'But he's so honest' is the excuse people use to keep their head in the sand over real issues because they want to make excuses for otherwise bad behavior.

    3. Applauding honesty above other traits (like not wishing to bang the sister) is an example of the 'at least' mentality. "At least I'm honest, I should be praised for that." No, you shouldn't. You shouldn't need to be rewarded for honesty. Being an honest person should not be a stretch, it should not be worthy of praise that you didn't tell a lie. It should be a given that you're honest. I will not praise you for showing basic human decency and not being a lying sack of poo.

    ETA: Honesty =/= Sharing every thought in your head.
  • TheNewPriceIsLoading
    TheNewPriceIsLoading Posts: 2,135 Member
    ditch his *kitten* quick!
  • lunglady
    lunglady Posts: 526 Member
    I'm still stuck at two months...
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I'm going to forego my usual snark and give you a real answer.

    I spent 12 years with my ex. I don't want to be with him and I'm not in love with him, but it's hard to block out the last 12 years of my life and not think of him at all. To ask your bf to do that is unfair. Of course he's going to think about her; he gave her 7 years of his life.

    I think you're just really insecure and you need to fix that.

    All of this. Plus, you've only been dating 2 months. To be declaring love so soon and living together...doesn't seem like the best idea.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Google "compartmentalized" and lay off him about this. Trust me, he thinks about a lot of things, 99% of which aren't important. If anything, he's guilty of loose lips sinking ships.

    Or just break up.

    This! I can't believe no one's mentioned it until now. While it's natural that he still thinks of his ex, why would he vocalize that in the infancy stages of this new relationship? Two months in and everything's all glitter and rainbows so why would you say something that would most certainly create insecurity? He should have just kept it to himself because there's really advantage in bringing it up.

    He said something that clearly shows how honest he is. I think that is a good quality to have. I want to know how OP got this information? How did it come up?

    Eh ... so many people today use 'honesty' as an excuse for being generally terrible people.

    "I told my girlfriend how much I want to bang her sister ... look how HONEST I am!"

    Honesty is a good thing, but so is tact and being respectful. Using honesty as a crutch because you're REACHING to find a nice thing to say about yourself is pathetic.

    What if that was a fantasy? You can't tell your SO how much you want to bang a celebrity?

    I am bias though every person I have dated has been caught in lies and just stupid ones.

    Couple things.

    1. If your SO has fantasies about banging your blood relatives, it's likely time to find the door no matter how 'honest' that person is.

    2. People applaud 'honesty' to avoid dealing with other red flags. As my example above shows, there is likely an issue, or at the very least a long discussion, that needs to be had when 'I want to bang your sister' becomes public knowledge in the relationship. 'But he's so honest' is the excuse people use to keep their head in the sand over real issues because they want to make excuses for otherwise bad behavior.

    3. Applauding honesty above other traits (like not wishing to bang the sister) is an example of the 'at least' mentality. "At least I'm honest, I should be praised for that." No, you shouldn't. You shouldn't need to be rewarded for honesty. Being an honest person should not be a stretch, it should not be worthy of praise that you didn't tell a lie. It should be a given that you're honest. I will not praise you for showing basic human decency and not being a lying sack of poo.

    ETA: Honesty =/= Sharing every thought in your head.

    Well like I said. I don't know how OP got this. Did he just come out a say one day damn I am thinking about my ex? Maybe she felt he was caught in a thought and ask what he is thinking about?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    What if that was a fantasy? You can't tell your SO how much you want to bang a celebrity?

    My fiance and I talk all the time about the celebs we would bang. He even told me he'd leave me for one of them. We laugh about it because it IS fantasy.

    Announcing that you still think about an ex is cruel and unnecessary. I think about my exes. I would never tell him that. It would only hurt him for no reason because it really doesn't affect us. I'm not going back to them or wishing I was with them. I'm sure he thinks about his exes, being human and all. I don't need to know about it, though.
  • dmeyers1969
    dmeyers1969 Posts: 130 Member
    I fully expect to see this on an upcoming episode of Dr Phil
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    <~ still thinks about my ex(s)

    isn't that normal/ human nature.
    im happily married with 2 kids- but im still an animal. I know what I am.
  • bridiemac211
    bridiemac211 Posts: 7 Member
    Uhhh, these are normal things. I think about my exes sometimes...I'm not thinking about hooking up with them though. I don't miss them at all like that. And I'm engaged. I have a wonderful life. But things come up that make you think about the past.This is normal.

    Be mature about it. He had a life before you. And he is with you now. Like it or leave it.
  • kimnsc
    kimnsc Posts: 560 Member
    People are always going to think about past memories in their lives, especially ones that left a mark. Not a day goes by I don't think about people who used to be in my life, but are no longer an active part of it. You have to either accept that or find someone who has no past.

    This! I still have a couple ex's that I have fond memories of. I think of them and it makes me smile, that will never stop.

    You're very insecure. You need to try and figure out why and work on that.
  • jasonmh630
    jasonmh630 Posts: 2,850 Member
    What if that was a fantasy? You can't tell your SO how much you want to bang a celebrity?

    My fiance and I talk all the time about the celebs we would bang. He even told me he'd leave me for one of them. We laugh about it because it IS fantasy.

    Announcing that you still think about an ex is cruel and unnecessary. I think about my exes. I would never tell him that. It would only hurt him for no reason because it really doesn't affect us. I'm not going back to them or wishing I was with them. I'm sure he thinks about his exes, being human and all. I don't need to know about it, though.

    Again, though... We don't know how or why he told her he still thinks about his ex. For all we know, she could have flat out asked him.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    I realllllly need some advice.

    I have had a boyfriend for 2 months . We are together every day and and I love him alot.
    Today he tells me sometimes he still thinks about his ex. they were together 7 years and his only real relationship before me.
    I got mad and started packing my things. he kept telling me he wants me , he loves me..... He says that he dosent know why he thinks about her, that he dosent love her. He knows they will never be anything ... I asked him to please be honest about us. He said he is in love with me and loves being around me.

    But now I am left to think how do I stay with a man that still thinks about his ex....? i love him so much. he is the first guy i think i could marry and live each day with happily.
    But i dont want to get heartbroken.


    seems like quite an over reaction. i still think about every woman i ever said i love you too. doesn't mean its something i would want to rekindle. and in the age of facebook, how could your really avoid it?
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    OP, you admit you have insecurities...sure, many people (both men and women) do but what you have to understand and learn is that these are your problems, not his - and it should stay that way. You forcing him to behave a certain way is going to be bad for your relationship in the long run. Wouldn't you rather he be honest about his feelings and thoughts rather than feel he has to hide everything from you or risk losing you in a big emotional huff? Look, I get it, I was young and super insecure and jealous once too. You can change these thoughts and behaviors and become a much better woman to have a relationship with.

    As far as moving in fast, it'll remain to be seen whether this was a good or bad idea. Hubs and I moved in together after three months and we've turned out ok (17 years together in Nov) but we sure as hell have had some hard times on and off. And you know what? Most of the bad fights have boiled down to stupid stuff in our heads that come from insecurities.

    Also, if you really love this guy, leaving in a huff wouldn't be an option. Don't fool yourself.

    You're going to have to come to terms with the fact that she's part of his past and his memories and he will be thinking of her now and then. Don't you think about people who were in your life years ago? I know I do! My exes come to mind now and then, especially the ones I'm not friends with on FB. It doesn't mean I want them back or that I still love them, it just means I'm thinking of them. Simple as that.

    You may see some of this as harsh but trust me, I've been in your shoes sweety and so have many of the people who are trying to give you advice (in the case of the men, his shoes). Either you dismiss it and keep thinking your man placating you is a good idea or you'll start listening and realize most of us know what we're talking about.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    What if that was a fantasy? You can't tell your SO how much you want to bang a celebrity?

    My fiance and I talk all the time about the celebs we would bang. He even told me he'd leave me for one of them. We laugh about it because it IS fantasy.

    Announcing that you still think about an ex is cruel and unnecessary. I think about my exes. I would never tell him that. It would only hurt him for no reason because it really doesn't affect us. I'm not going back to them or wishing I was with them. I'm sure he thinks about his exes, being human and all. I don't need to know about it, though.

    Again, though... We don't know how or why he told her he still thinks about his ex. For all we know, she could have flat out asked him.

    If she asked then that can be a honest answer. Now if he came home and said I have been thinking about my ex all day out of nowhere. Then it is discussion time.
  • JojoW8183
    JojoW8183 Posts: 540 Member
    What if that was a fantasy? You can't tell your SO how much you want to bang a celebrity?

    My fiance and I talk all the time about the celebs we would bang. He even told me he'd leave me for one of them. We laugh about it because it IS fantasy.

    Announcing that you still think about an ex is cruel and unnecessary. I think about my exes. I would never tell him that. It would only hurt him for no reason because it really doesn't affect us. I'm not going back to them or wishing I was with them. I'm sure he thinks about his exes, being human and all. I don't need to know about it, though.

    My husband and I often talk about celebrities we'd sleep with, we even have a list. We've discussed past sexual experiences, never in full detail, because that's awkward for anyone, but we do talk about them openly. We talk about each other's preferences for visual input during self-gratification. Crap he's even told me which of my female friends he finds attractive, and I can't blame him, I have good looking friends. I'm even friends with one of his exes, and yup we've talked about their sex life. Maybe we're just weird, lol.
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
    What if that was a fantasy? You can't tell your SO how much you want to bang a celebrity?

    My fiance and I talk all the time about the celebs we would bang. He even told me he'd leave me for one of them. We laugh about it because it IS fantasy.

    Announcing that you still think about an ex is cruel and unnecessary. I think about my exes. I would never tell him that. It would only hurt him for no reason because it really doesn't affect us. I'm not going back to them or wishing I was with them. I'm sure he thinks about his exes, being human and all. I don't need to know about it, though.

    My husband and I often talk about celebrities we'd sleep with, we even have a list. We've discussed past sexual experiences, never in full detail, because that's awkward for anyone, but we do talk about them openly. We talk about each other's preferences for visual input during self-gratification. Crap he's even told me which of my female friends he finds attractive, and I can't blame him, I have good looking friends. I'm even friends with one of his exes, and yup we've talked about their sex life. Maybe we're just weird, lol.

    There's an old joke about this. Hubs asks wifey if she could have any man in the world ,who would she have. Wifey says wealthy and well built NFL great Terry Bradshaw. Wifey asks hubs what woman he would pick and he replies: "your sister."
  • Tydeclare44
    Tydeclare44 Posts: 572 Member
    I still think about a sandwich I had in Boston 3 years ago.

    Don't overreact. Let your relationship play out and see what happens. Work on your confidence. You'll be fine.

    hahahahahahahhaha yesssss
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member

    My husband and I often talk about celebrities we'd sleep with, we even have a list. We've discussed past sexual experiences, never in full detail, because that's awkward for anyone, but we do talk about them openly. We talk about each other's preferences for visual input during self-gratification. Crap he's even told me which of my female friends he finds attractive, and I can't blame him, I have good looking friends. I'm even friends with one of his exes, and yup we've talked about their sex life. Maybe we're just weird, lol.

    seems like most adults should be able to engage in that kind of conversation. I'd file that under 'fun discussion topics' lol. It would probably make it a little weird for me if i was friends with the ex though
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member

    My husband and I often talk about celebrities we'd sleep with, we even have a list. We've discussed past sexual experiences, never in full detail, because that's awkward for anyone, but we do talk about them openly. We talk about each other's preferences for visual input during self-gratification. Crap he's even told me which of my female friends he finds attractive, and I can't blame him, I have good looking friends. I'm even friends with one of his exes, and yup we've talked about their sex life. Maybe we're just weird, lol.

    seems like most adults should be able to engage in that kind of conversation. I'd file that under 'fun discussion topics' lol. It would probably make it a little weird for me if i was friends with the ex though

    Did you read through this forum? I think you find the opposite.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Nope, didn't read