Fit by Summer - January



  • mjanet
    mjanet Posts: 54
    Good morning everyone!

    So first official weigh in. When I joined the group I logged in at 215lbs. This morning after my weigh in I'm at 209lbs. It feels good to know that my sacrifice is working. I know they first few pounds are the easiest but i'm exited to get to my goal of 175 by the summer.

    How you do?

    Good luck!
  • tritta01
    tritta01 Posts: 311
    Hello All! My name is Trista I am 26yrs old and I just joined in Jan 2011. I am really wanting to loose around 30-40lbs by the end of Sept/ early October. My reasons #1 to feel good about myself/ look good for my husband, #2 Going to Mexico at the end of Sept #3 My Sister In Law is getting Married early Oct. This website is amazing with great people to help motivate each other. I plan to loose this weight by eating right, walking my new puppy, and doing P90X workout.
  • OceanAddict
    OceanAddict Posts: 55 Member
    Friday weigh-in! I'm at 157 pounds this morning, down three pounds from last week! So last week's plus two pounds must have been water weight - phew!
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    OK so I didn't get the scale last night, but I will this weekend I promise, walmart didn't have the one I wanted. So the scaled reading I got yesterday was 259!!!! SCARY!! You guys should have seen my face when I saw that. That is 10 pounds more then the reading I got last week!! So here I am back at the starting line..well 4 pounds still under the starting line...workout today is gonna feel dam good.

    Weigh in: 259
    Goal: 230 by summer

    Don't get discourged. Just keep at it. Increase the intensity of the workouts, and you'll see it'll come right off. Drink more water, and stay under calories. That seems to be working for me. Just keep going!

    Thank you girl, will keep these tips in mind and just concentrate on the day to day.
  • OceanAddict
    OceanAddict Posts: 55 Member
    OK so I didn't get the scale last night, but I will this weekend I promise, walmart didn't have the one I wanted. So the scaled reading I got yesterday was 259!!!! SCARY!! You guys should have seen my face when I saw that. That is 10 pounds more then the reading I got last week!! So here I am back at the starting line..well 4 pounds still under the starting line...workout today is gonna feel dam good.

    Weigh in: 259
    Goal: 230 by summer

    Don't get discourged. Just keep at it. Increase the intensity of the workouts, and you'll see it'll come right off. Drink more water, and stay under calories. That seems to be working for me. Just keep going!

    +1 to that!

    Also, are you measuring? Last week I was bummed when I was up a couple pounds, but when I measured myself I was actually smaller. I think the time of the month and salt intake were really screwing with my scale reading.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Weighed in this morning and haven't lost but maintained. I am trying to be happy with that since I have steadily been gaining since I quit BF'ing my daughter. :sad:

    Have worked out 3 nights this week and will be doing Pilates tonight!! :drinker:

    We can do this!!!
  • Welp, the scale can jump in a lake. I worked out Monday-Friday and the scale says 152.6 as of this morning, but my fresh-out-of-the-dryer jeans falling off of me as soon as i put them on yesterday told me much more. ;)

    Hubby got a wild hair last night to try jogging, so I made sure we did intervals so he didn't immediately burn himself out and we managed to go for about half an hour - through our neighborhood, up to the park and back. Wrapped up this week with 45 minutes of yoga...nice mellow workout before i take this weekend to recover.

    and can i just say: coconut water is about the best thing ever for soreness. it takes a little getting used to the flavor (and beware, the Goya stuff has chunks, which really caught me off guard) but it really does help; I don't think I could've worked out all five days without it.

    so, i'm not liking the scale, but i AM liking the way i'm feeling. looking forward to week three!
  • minni2906
    minni2906 Posts: 182
    I also weigh first thing in the morning, after the bathroom, but before breakfast. Seems if I weigh myself later I am unhappy with the reading. I didn't have time to weigh this morning though because mom stayed over last night. They lost power with the snow storm that tore through here Wednesday night, and therefore had no heat. It was 55 degrees INSIDE their house. Crazy. Hopefully I'll remember tomorrow, and with any luck at all, I'll be at my goal weight for my first fitting which is at 1:30 tomorrow!!!!!!! Yipes!!
  • tmdugger
    tmdugger Posts: 132 Member
    grrrr Weigh in did not go well....I am at 214...up 4 lbs.:blushing: I went on vacation last week, but I did well...Skiing 4 days burning lots of calories plus a 3 mile hike...I did drink less water so I think that might be part of it. Off to refill my water bottle now.

    I'm still down 10 lbs. though since January 1st and my pesky monthly visitor is coming up so I'm trying not to sweat it. My initial January goal was to lose 5 10 still kicks but
  • Hello everyone, I am new to this site as I didn't like the one I was using and this one seems much easier to navigate. I started this journey to health with 22 of my coworkers 3 weeks ago. I have lost 6 lbs so far and want to lose a total of 40 lbs to reach my goal weight of 175 as I am 5'11. I am so proud of the group of ladies as we 11 of us are actually trying to LOSE weight. The others are trying to maintain now or tone. We help each other make healthy choices and the 11 of us trying to lose are excercising together AT WORK at the end of the day 5 days a week. It has been amazing! So motivating and talk about accountability. I am loving every minute of it and love reading all your progress as well.
    We are not alone in this quest to health. Let's get off the couch and DO IT!
  • oysterboy
    oysterboy Posts: 31 Member
    Week 1 of the challenge and I stayed the same weight. I had a very heavy weekend last weekend with a couple of different social events. I'll do better this week :)
  • chloerhiannon
    chloerhiannon Posts: 1 Member
    Is it too late to join in? :) I think this site is great, and the support and motivation you guys all give each other is outstanding :D Hopefully, having to admit to people if I've put on weight will push me to make the extra effort to work it off!! I'm only 18, but I want to sort out my eating habits and stuff now to help me live a healthier (and hopefully skinnier!) life in the future. My goal is to lose around 14-21 lbs by my summer holiday with my friends from 6th form. And I'm not sure if there's an "official" weigh-in day, so I'll do mine now. This morning I was 147lbs, but that weight has been sticking around for the past week and a half, so I'm trying to think of ways to kick-start my weight loss again after this sort of plateau.
    Thanks, and good luck everybody! :D
  • darrenw74
    darrenw74 Posts: 86 Member
    I weighed in at 204.

    5 pounds till my first goal.
  • bebemc
    bebemc Posts: 38
    Hello! My name is Becky and I'm grandmother to three energetic grandsons. I work at an elementary school and we recently started boot camp and I also do a spin class a couple of times a week. I'm feeling better already! I would like to lose 25-30 lbs. Looking forward to being motivated to continue the challenge as well as supporting all of you!!
  • minni2906
    minni2906 Posts: 182
    Excited to report, I am no longer stuck at 201! I'm down to 200.8. Sure it's only .2lbs, But any weight loss is better than no weight loss! Also ECSTATIC to report, I've lost 6 inches since starting this adventure in November! Woot. Now a 39in waist!
  • minni2906
    minni2906 Posts: 182
    Excited to report, I am no longer stuck at 201! I'm down to 200.8. Sure it's only .2lbs, But any weight loss is better than no weight loss! Also ECSTATIC to report, I've lost 6 inches since starting this adventure in November! Woot. Now a 39in waist!
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    I had a well deserved day of rest today.I will stretch and tone tommorrow.You all are doing so good.Have a happy weekend everyone.
  • Hi Everyone. Can i come be a part of this group. I wanna be fit by summer! ;)

    My name is misty, and i just started this tuesday, so im still learing how to use all this. So far Im loving it! Losing alittle everyday.
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    Come on into the group. We are just here to check in with people that have the same goals for motivation and support.

    Everyone, make note that I will be starting a new thread which I will link to this one on Tuesday at the start of February. Good luck!
  • rdy2lose
    rdy2lose Posts: 106
    I didn't submit my weight on Friday, should I wait until tomorrow or just do it now.

    I didn't have a weight lose so it is the same 193.2. With all the snow I only got to the gym once last week.
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