New Couch to 5k (C25K) thread - anyone out there in week 1?



  • jamielr84
    I just started c25k last week! I am doing week 2 day 3 tonight. I have to run on the treadmill for now because its way too frickin cold outside right now. I love this program and am excited to keep up with everyone's posts!
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Everyone is doing a terrific job!!! Very impressive...

    I did week 3 day three. I did it and even added an extra 30 seconds to end of the last run. Sticking with the theory of combing week 3 and 4 before completely moving on.
  • cohollywood

    Did W2D3 tonight.

    Warmup/Cool down: 4.0
    Runs: 6.0 for 5 of them (up from 5.0)
    Last run: 5.0 - ran for FIVE MINUTES STRAIGHT!!!! I was psyching myself out about 3 minute runs next week, and wanted to prove to myself that I could do one - so I did...and then I kept going to 4 minutes...and then I kept going to 5 minutes. I felt like I could even do 6 but, I have a lot of packing to do tonight as we leave for our trip tomorrow.

    I'm really proud of myself tonight. Thanks for all your support everyone. I will be MIA until the 14th when I get back and I will then *hopefully* be able to update you on how my Week 3 went from the track on the ship!
  • dlynn08
    I did C25K a few years to week 6 and stopped. I'm back on the bandwagon. I'm excited about these podcasts in iTunes, but I don't know how you all listen to music at the same time. Is there a way for me to listen to the podcast and music on my iPod at the same time?
  • dlynn08
    I just found the answer to my own question. Check out She has great podcasts with fun, upbeat music and she'll let you know when it's time to switch to either your run or walk. Great for when you want to workout outside (or even to avoid looking at that stupid number on the treadmill to see how much longer!)
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Tonight was W2D4 for me, finally felt a little better and am feeling better about moving onto W3 next week, not so scared anymore. Actually really looking forward to it. Put the incline back down to 0 and the knees felt much better. Warm Up and cool down at 3.1 ran at 5.0. This feels comfortable for me.
  • jalyner
    jalyner Posts: 172 Member
    Think I'm going to start Wk1 D1 tomorrow at the gym. Got podcasts loaded up ready to go and will update my progress here when I start.

    What podcasts do you listen to? I need something to listen to while I work out and I'm open to anything!
  • mommyof5kids
    I did week 3 day 3 yesterday (just did not have any time to enter it in here)......

    *running speed was 5.0
    *walking was 3.7

    I did "extend" my time to a total of 45 minutes---felt really good to sweat--I may combine week 3 and 4 this week too (as I have noticed some others may do) day to run is tomorrow.....
  • kspedsrn
    kspedsrn Posts: 35 Member
    Started week 1 this week, have done 2 days and am headed to the gym for w1d3. I started my walking pace at 3.8 and running at 4.5! I am not a runner so this workout kicks my behind but am excited I have accomplished 2 days so far. Good luck to everyone else
  • RatBoyGL
    RatBoyGL Posts: 100
    I literally just got done with W1D1.

    I can not believe just how out of shape I am. Considering I am a former Marine, it is almost depressing.

    Though, even while in the Marines I could only run 9 minute miles. Just not a good runner at all.

    For those posting their running pace and walking pace, are you using some gizmo to capture that or are you using a dreadmill to run on?

    Oh, and for any noobs out there, the iPhone Bluefin app for the C25K app is WELL worth the 3 bucks. You can build a play list from your iPod and listen to it, and it tells you when to switch between running and walking, etc.

    As far as how I did today, I completed just a tad over 2 miles in the 30 minutes. So that is a 4 minute mile which is considered walking on this site when logging the work out.

    I have a lot of work to do obviously. :(
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    I literally just got done with W1D1.

    I can not believe just how out of shape I am. Considering I am a former Marine, it is almost depressing.

    Though, even while in the Marines I could only run 9 minute miles. Just not a good runner at all.

    For those posting their running pace and walking pace, are you using some gizmo to capture that or are you using a dreadmill to run on?

    Oh, and for any noobs out there, the iPhone Bluefin app for the C25K app is WELL worth the 3 bucks. You can build a play list from your iPod and listen to it, and it tells you when to switch between running and walking, etc.

    As far as how I did today, I completed just a tad over 2 miles in the 30 minutes. So that is a 4 minute mile which is considered walking on this site when logging the work out.

    I have a lot of work to do obviously. :(
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    none of us are in the shape that we were in 20 years it's about taking control of your life and saying your gonna be a better you... and i have found that it will spill over into other aspects of your life...good luck and stay with it..
    as for me... i finished week 3 day 3 tonight,,, with no shin pain... yay!!!!
    did a new compound workout yesterday and my legs are still sore above the knee on the front of my thigh....but i still made it through... i ran through the last 90 sec walk which made my last run 6 mins all together so i think i am ready for next week and i'm looking forward to it...
    Run speed was 5.2 mph and walk speed was 3.9 mph... treadmill cuz it's cold and wet here in north carolina...

    Have a wonderful week my friends....
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    I just finished day 3 week 1 also...I may redo day 3 again after seeing how fast everyone else is doing it on the treadmill. I was jogging at 4.2 and walking at 3.1...guess I should be going faster? I am in also!

    you dont need to move up unless you are ready to... you want to be able to go longer timewise speed doesnt really matter, you will also find i think that the people that run faster are ususally taller and i think that has something to do with it..... your doing great take your time and go at your own pace...
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Week 2, day 4 today :) which felt good. I'm temped to go straight onto week 3 instead of repeating 2, maybe I'll do a combined week and do one more week 2 run then onto 3.
    I'm a bit scared of the 3 min run and it feels that the longer I think about it, the harder it will get.
    Hard running outside today in really strong winds - hardly felt like I was moving!
    Hope you all have a great weekend, stay safe from blizzards or cyclones.
  • Kai85
    Kai85 Posts: 440 Member
    Good Job Everyone. I agree that it can be a little intimidating knowing that 10 years ago this would have been much easier. But what's done is done and by being here and doing the weekly runs we're doing a great job :)

    So since my last post I've done w4d1 and w4d2. I ended up turning the air con on yesterday because it was so hot (plus my neighbour was still up drinking from the night before @ 6am so I kind of wanted to tune him out). Did my runs and am happy that I got through them. On my off day I did an hour on the eliptical (super proud of that one!) The goal for today is more eliptical and than tomorrow to do w4d3.

    Happy Running
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    @RatBoyGL: When I run outside, I use a running app to track my speed and distance. It's really useful since it uploads to a website as well. When I use the treadmill, I use the distance/speed on there.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    I'll give a much better reply to everyone's posts tomorrow (it's after midnight already?!?)

    I have pretty much written off this weekend as being an "off the wagon" weekend. I've managed to have most of my weekends pretty low key and pretty 'not busy' but this weekend has been crazy. Dinner with friends last night, no power this morning (equipment failure down the road knocked our whole neighborhood out), friend over for board games (and bourbon) this afternoon, dinner with the inlaws tonight, dim sum with the inlaws tomorrow and super bowl tomorrow night (not to mention dinner plans with friends Monday). But I managed to find about 90 minutes before my friend came over today and I worked out. I was pretty proud of myself. I really pushed it.

    I did W3D4 today. I really thought I was going to finally hit that 2 mile mark. I haven't yet. It's ok. I did my warmup/cooldown and all my walks at 3.5-3.7 (up from 3.0-3.3) and I did my runs all at 5.0-5.1. I felt pretty good on the runs. Even was tempted at the end of the first 3 minutes to try a 5 minute run to see if I'd be able to move on to week 4. I didn't try. I think tomorrow, after I've recouperated from Dim Sum, I'll give week 4 a try. It seems like such a jump up from week 3. Walks are only half as long as the runs. We'll see.
  • grey_stars
    I hope everyone doesn't mind if I join this challenge a bit late. I have pretty much been doing the C25K on my own for the past 2 weeks (walking and trying to build up my runs) without reading the plan or listening to the podcasts but i couldn't tell if I was making any improvement. I'm soo excited to have a podcast to guide me now!

    By the way I was just wondering how many of you do this on a treadmill and how many outside? I like to go out and get fresh air so I'm doing all of mine outside. It's Summer here now so I'm starting at 6am to avoid the crazy heat. Can't wait till I can do a 5k run before work!!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Grey_stars welcome aboard! We're all at different stages of the C25K, some people (like me) are repeating each week. I'm so unfit to start so I'm keen to take it slow and not injure myself along the way.
    I'm in the Australian summer so I run outside early in the morning before it gets too hot. Lots of people here are in the US, so don't have that luxury!

    HM, enjoy your full weekend, you can catch up again during the week. and well done for fitting in some exercise amongst the socialising and eating.
    And this mght seam like a stupid questions - but could you do me a favour and tell me what SuperBowl is all about. As a non-USA person I know it is some ball game but have no idea why it's such a big deal!
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    Well, I do Week 3, day 3 today. The last two days of this week I've had to do on the treadmill at the gym because the weather has been bad. I'm looking forward to running outside today. It is still cold, but at least it isn't rainy like it has been. I found that it was so much harder running on the treadmill. I think I like running outside more because I can control my pace much easier. I'm hoping that this last run doesn't kill me. If it seems too hard I think I will repeat the week.:)

    Hope all of you are doing great, welcome to all of the new members of our little group!

    Happy running!!