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Looking for those who have 100 + to lose



  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Good morning my Stunning Saturday Sisters. It is great to hear that you are not letting a little set back get to you. I know in my past whenever I would have a gain I would really let it get to me. It is great that you have already thought about why it happened and what you need to do to get past it. great job ladies! I am also proud of you Jenny that yousee that this party might be a problem for you and that you are not ready to tackle that problem quite yet. Eventually you will be ready for it and will do just fine.

    I got my workout in already this morning. I still need to shower though so don't get too close to your screen,. I might smell a little. I am heading into downtown Seattle to look at some photograph proofs of my son and his girlfriend. Then I really have to finish my laundry. Then I get to play which for me means uninterrupted crafting time. Yay. there will be nobody home but me from about 6 - 10 tongiht and I can do whatever I want.

    Have agreat day all and happy losing,
  • kristieb1
    kristieb1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Laura! I'm wanting to lose about a hundred or so too. I just had a baby and was at 326! Yikes! I have 3 kids total and am looking to get back down to the 100's category! Good luck to you!
  • Hi everyone! I'm currently at 273 and am looking to get down to around 180...I know it's 93 and not 100 but I thought it was close enough. I just joined up MFP yesterday and am doing my best to really get started on the right track!!
  • jittythekitty
    jittythekitty Posts: 62 Member
    I'm 19 and a college student. I'm about 5'8" and my goal weight is around 150 --- maybe lower. (I still have to talk to my doctor about reasonable weight loss goals and such.)

    I started this week and have already lost about 6 pounds --- add me. I'd love some more people around me that are loosing about the same amount of weight XD I have to loose about 119 pounds.
  • Hey all, Im a fellow 100+ and i was just looking for some friends who are in the same boat as me, who know what its like and to help each other along the long road :-) If any one feels like adding me go ahead i would love as many new friends as possible being that i only joined yesterday. Hope to talk to a few of you soon
  • Hello everybody. I started with 100 pounds to lose, too. I am 90% there with 10 pounds to go. It has been a long long road for me but I see light at the end of the tunnel. I wish I knew a few things when I first started out. Mostly the calorie equation but you are all ahead of me since you belong to MFP. I am rooting for all of you. Best of luck.
  • Good Morning everyone!! I am going to take today and tomorrow off from tracking food, but I will not go crazy with it and will be right back to it Tuesday. I also will be taking Friday off b/c we are getting our taxes back that day and we want to go out to eat at my favorite Chinese resturant, then we are going to get my treadmill and my exercise bike.

    Jenny, I will not beat myself up over the gain since I know it's water retention b/c of the sodium.

    Welcome to all the new people!!!! I can't accept any more friend requests on MFP due to the fact that I am to the limit of 250 friends. However, if anyone has a facebook account and wants to add me, just send me a message and I will let you know how to add me to your facebook account.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Good morning and happy Super Bowl Sunday! Woot, woot! I have a super busy day with lots of stuff to do before the game. My daughter has a soccer game this morning. Then we have to run to the mall for a birthday gift. Then I have to drop her off at a Super Bowl/birthday/graduation party. Then I have to come back home and change the sheets on the beds and start laundry. Then, start the chili. Then I gat to sit down and watch the game (and the commercials). I will check in again this evening. Happy losing,
  • Today during the Super Bowl I had the rare experience of having the whole gym to myself at normally peak hours.

    It was surreal and kind of cool, I tried equipment that is hard (embarrassing) for me to use due to my size and had a very open conversation with the shows on Food Network while on the tread climber. It was like a scene from a zombie movie where a lone survivor goes about her day with everyone else gone (or off eating brains). Then people started to trickle in after the game and I finished up and said a quiet thanks for those unique moments that make life interesting.

    My partner had a great time at his party and regaled me with all the junk food he ate. It didn't bother me at all, I was really glad he got a chance to cut loose and eat foods we don't have around the house very often. He knows he can eat whatever he wants at home without it bothering me, but he is compassionate about my struggles with food and is also trying to improve his sometimes unhealthy diet, despite being slim and having an annoyingly rapid metabolism.

    I hope everyone has a great start to their week!
  • I definitely want to do this with friends who have 100 or more pounds to lose. I have considered surgery but would prefer not to do that if I can truly change my lifestyle and eating behavior. I would love the support of others who are about where I am weight wise. So feel free to add me as support and let's do this.....Jill
  • Nice to have the gym to yourself!
  • Hello all, haven't checked in to this forum in a while. Just wanted to stop by and say hello.

    Thanks to my workplace wellness fund I have a new toy in our basement, a rowing machine. I'm really enjoying the workout I get from it, and I've been building up time on it. I love having it in the basement, we've created our own gym down there complete with exercise bike, elliptical and wii fit :) I've been buying the equipment for a few years thanks to the wellness fund (use it yearly or lose it :) but haven't used the equipment much until this year. I love the rower, don't mind the bike, and HATE the elliptical:smile: Well, really it hates me. I can't get through more than 6 minutes without my legs really hurting, and not in the good "I'm exercising, I should hurt" way, but more the "STOP NOW" way :grumble: The bike and the rower hurt me the other way, and it does feel good afterwards, the elliptical, not so much.

    My hubby and I both decided things needed to change. I'm so thankful he decided to make the change with me, especially since he does the majority of the cooking :) I'm very lucky that way - it means we're helping each other to avoid our vices (mine is chips, his is chocolate) So far we've both been doing fairly well. A friend pointed us to this site, and I'm so happy she did. It has been working, and I'm hoping it will continue to work. I find reading other peoples struggles, successes and advice very helpful - it is good to know we're not alone in this.

    My hubby and I are going to face a challenge next week - we're going on a cruise, so there will be a LOT of temptation to avoid. I'm hoping that the 5 weeks of better habits will continue, but I'll be really happy if I don't regain :laugh: Wish me/us luck.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Good morning! Happy Monday!

    ricey- nice to hear from you again. A rowing machine would be my hubby's ideal piece of gym equipment. Mine would be the elliptical. It is awesome that you have a nice variety and at home too!

    Jenny- how awesome to have some time alone at the gym.

    So, last week I did not meet my 3500 calorie burn goal (again) but, I did workout 6 out of 7 days last week. I am going to try again this week. I did lose 2 pounds last week too. Woot, woot. I now have less than 20 to get to onederland. I am hoping to be there by the end of this 2nd round of biggest loser at work. I already warned them that there may be tears when it happens. So, I better get to work this morning. Happy losing,
  • Hello everyone!! I am off today as far as tracking food but right back to it tomorrow. My hubby is down in his back and I have been having to do everything. I hope and pray that he feels better soon. It's hard on me and now my upper back is hurting. We went grocery shopping today and I did all the lifting, no wonder my back is killing me. Anyways, just checking in.
  • Staci: I need to get to work, but just had to congratulate you on being less than 20 pounds away from the 100 zone. You're posts are very uplifting and hearing that was just the right boost to get me started on a healthy Monday.

    Ricey373: It's cool to have a new piece of equipment to try out, isn't it? It also sounds great to be able to work out from home. Your work program sounds great. I work for a university and the faculty / staff campus gym membership is higher than my neighborhood franchise gym, maybe I should poke HR about getting on the ball regarding health and wellness.

    Jilli: If you need support you came to the right place! Welcome and please look for my add.
  • EricInArlington
    EricInArlington Posts: 531 Member
    I have 117 total Im going to lose, hit me up!!
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    This is something that iam gear up to do. I will stay on board until i reach my goal.
    Sw 350
    Cw 295
    Future Weight 200

    95 pounds to go
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    Staci, that is so exciting!! I hope the 20 pounds come off quickly. I have also had a hard time reaching my 3500 calorie burn goal, just don't know why :(
  • Staci: Wow, 3500 is a lot of calories to aim for, you're doing way better than I am. I also have trouble working out when I'm working night shift, so getting a work out every day is unlikely for me. I'm trying though - on Saturday morning (after my Friday night shift) I worked out for 30 mins, but then I had trouble getting to sleep. So needless to say, Sunday morning I was feeling dead after work and crashed right away instead. Monday morning, I probably should have done something, but my intent was to go right to sleep. Unfortunately my mind wouldn't settle (body felt tired enough ;) and it took hours for me to fall asleep. This evening we had a friend over, so no usual evening work out... so tomorrow is a must :smile:

    Jenny: Yes it is a wonderful program. We have to submit receipts to claim the money and then get reimbursed for our purchase up to $750 every year. So over the past several years we've been creating our gym. The money could have been used to join a gym if I had wanted to do that, but I feel so self conscious at the gym I probably would have quit! I'm loving having the stuff downstairs (mind you I'm good at avoiding it at times - hubby is good at getting me off the couch though :) I could have also used it to join weight watchers or something similar, but having found MFP I don't see the need for WW. I tried it before, and I actually prefer this so far.

    Well, I should get to bed, I'm supposed to be switching back to days so I can work Wed, Thurs day shifts. It's about 3:30am right now and I'm starting to feel sleepy.

    Take care everyone!
  • cathyv0409
    cathyv0409 Posts: 230 Member
    Jenny - I love those rare times when I'm the only one in the gym. I'm so self conscious on the elliptical because I can only last 5-7 minutes compared to those who are on there running for 30 minutes or more. Because of this I usually stick to the bike and dusted off my Walk Away the Pounds DVDs.

    Ricey - I think I'm jealous :laugh: I work for a health insurance company who talks a lot about getting healthy but have not gone to the length of paying for workout equipment. You are fortunate!! I do have a weight loss coach I have started working with and since I have so much to learn she will be helpful.

    Good luck to everyone and stay motivated! I have been reading some of the posts and love the support and motivation you all provide! This board was a great find for me. I look forward to getting to know you all better.
