Sharon's coaching thread

telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
This thread is for all of my MFP friends who've asked me to coach them for the next 90 days. I thought it would be great to have our own place for discussion so you all can meet each other and share your stories, thoughts, challenges, and successes!!!!

Please introduce yourself and let's get started on the road to a better you!!!!



  • Hey!! I want in on this!! My name is Melinda and I wanna lose about 35 more pounds! :)
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi Melinda!!!!!!! Welcome! Please tell us a little bit about your goals, what you're doing for exercise and eating, and what you want to accomplish in the next 90 days!

  • A couple years ago, I gained 45 pounds after I took a radioactive iodine pill to kill off my thyroid. The doctors didn't tell me that I needed to do anything after that, so I wasn't taking medication for about 2 months and that is when I gained all the weight!! I hate the way I look right now, so I just want to get back into my "skinny" clothes that I've kept!!

    I usually do at least 30 minutes on the exercise bike, then when its warm enough, I walk 3 miles each day. I do 100 crunches and lift weights for about 10-15 minutes per day.

    Within the next 90 days, I hope to have at least 25-30 pounds gone and I want to be more toned. I just ordered p90x and it should be arriving any day now! :)
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Those sound like great and achievable goals Melinda! There are plenty of people on MFP who have done or are currently doing P90X so you should have tons of support. That program is no joke! I have a couple of customers doing it and they're all getting great results.

    What about your eating? Are you logging your food every day? Is your diary public so we can talk about?

  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 320 Member
    Hello Sharon!

    I am using the Beach Body site and the MFP site to log food and exercise. My goals are pretty basic.....I have about 10 lbs. that I'd like to lose, I would like to increase my nutrition (i.e. eat better) and drop some body fat.

    I ordered Hip Hop Abs this week, and will be getting a sample of Shakeology. So, I'm going to try that, and may end up ordering it. I'm going to look into which supplements I should be taking to fit my needs.

    Thanks for starting this thread!
  • First of all Sharon, THANK YOU, for doing this for all of us! I so appreciate the help and really feel like with MFP I am going to be completely successful this time!!!!

    MELINDA, I have NEVER met anyone in my entire life that has had to have Radioactive Iodine to kill their thyroid. I had it done when I was 13. Before it was discovered that I had Hyperthyroidism I was always a normal weight. I weighed about 108 pounds when I had my thyroid destroyed and I was tall so it was a perfectly healthy weight for me. I never had issues with food, I was a perfectly normal girl until this happened.

    In the years that followed I found I was gaining weight even while being on my thyroid medication. Not having a thyroid is not an excuse but it is harder for us to get the weight off and keep it off. I just wanted to let you know that I know EXACTLY what you are going through and I have had many health problems since so if you ever have questions or want to talk don't hesitate to contact me. I have been dealing with my thyroid issues for 25 years and it hasn't been easy.

    Ok, my name is Laurie and I want to lose 116 pounds. Well that was my original goal but I have lost 16 so far so now my goal is 100 pounds. I don't have a set time frame that I want to lose it in. I want to take it slowly in hopes to not have to deal with skin issues after the weight comes off.

    In the next 90 days my biggest goal is to embrace exercise. I want to find things I really enjoy doing and make it a part of my every day routine. If I can accomplish that in the next 90 days I will be SO FAR ahead of the game because right now I don't like exercise very much at all.

    I know I have a long road ahead but I really feel like this is it for me. I just KNOW I can do it. I am here ALWAYS for support so if you need some encouraging words please let me know.

    I have logged my food on MFP since January 7th and haven't gone over on calories yet. I LOVE being accountable for what I eat and I am learning a long the way what is best and what to stay away from.

    Thank you so much again Sharon. For me you literally are a life saver!
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    Hi, I'm Tracy.I would love to join this thread! :) I would eventually like to lose 130+ lbs, I'm not sure what my goal for the next 90 days is... For exercise I have been working out with my sister 2x week for an hour..(she is a trianer, i wish she could come over more often..) and besides the elliptical maybe once of twice a week thats been it. But that stops today! I have jillian's 30 shread I plan to do that 5 times a week, would also like to start useing the elliptical more fequently and start walk/run/jog on the treadmill but I havent worked out a schedule yet. My calorie goal for the day is 1580..

    weight: 288

    neck: 15.5
    R arm:18.5 L arm: 18.5
    R thigh:29 L thigh:29
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    wow this thread is so
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    YAY this is so exciting!!!!!!!!! First let me introduce myself! My name is Sharon and I am 42 years old and 5'8". I started my weight loss journey in 2005 at 194 lbs when I saw Turbo Jam on TV and bit the bullet to buy it. At the time I also started Jenny Craig. I lost 43 lbs that year and then struggled to keep about 15 lbs of that off for several years. I went back to Jenny Craig a couple of times and would get the weight off only to eventually put it back on. I finally discovered how to eat properly by reading Tosca Reno's Clean Eating Handbook and following those principles. It's enabled me to lose the weight by eating real food which is something I was never able to do. Combining that with working out 6x/week and taking Shakeology on a daily basis has settled my weight down between 152 and 154 lbs. I still want to lose another 7 - 10 lbs. and tone up my arms so I can see definition when I wear a tank top.

    I became a Beachbody coach because I've seen what the workouts and nutrition supplements have done for my weight loss results and now I want to share my knowledge and experience with others. I am not a nutritionist nor am I a certified trainer. Instead I am a woman who has gone through exactly what you all have gone through and has figured out a solution that works for me.

    Thank you all so much for wanting to go on this journey with me. I hope you find the motivation, encouragement, and level of butt kicking you personally need to achieve your goals. My hope is that your fitness and health will become a priority for you like it is for me.

  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    So I think I'm going to join this. I started a challenge group recently, it's for anyone that has a goal in the summer.
    I personally like having a good support system. Having people there to help you out and let you know when you messed up helps!

    So about me...
    I'm Pattie, I'm 21. All my life, or at least since about 8th grade I've been 170 or over. I've never seen myself skinny, other than the little kid type of skinny. At the end of last year I stepped on the scale and weighed 197lbs. For my height of 5'3" that's WAY too much. I've watched my mom struggle and continue to struggle with her weigh, blood pressure, and borderline diabetes. I didn't want to do that. I decided something needed to change. Time before I would try to eat healthy, but then I'd quit a few days later. This time something hit me, I knew it needed to be done. I started Jan 13, 2011 and so far I've lost 7lbs. I've struggled, had some bad days, but I always try to get back on it. I'm hoping that by doing this i can inspire my mom to do it too, even with me! I think that part has already begun, She wants to start walking with me and want to get a Wii fit to 'play' That makes me smile!
    My goal? Well, I'd really like to be at 135 (a pretty good weight/BMI for me) by May 10, that's a few days before I go to the beach for my birthday. I realize this is a pretty big goal. About 55lbs in a few months. I think if I could get to 145, I'd be happy though. I want to be below what I was in HS and actually look good in a bathing suit on the beach.

    Right now I'm at 190. I've noticed a bit of shrinkage in my measurements, and a pair of PJs that were too tight are now fitting a bit better, enough to wear to bed.

    I hope that joining this will give me even more motivation and encouragement. OH and good luck to everyone else too! I've met some amazing people on this site!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Welcome Patti! Glad you decided to join us!

  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    My name is moraima, im 5'1 and 130 pounds, i am wanting to lose the last 10 pounds, i started my weight loss journey in 2006 at 18 years old and 204 pounds, i was always depressed and hated how i looked, i had ordered taebo bootcamp the year before that but never got the nerve to get up and do it, so one day i was looking in the closet and found it and from that day forward i never stopped exercising, wasn't counting calories at that time just eating smaller portions, i lost 40 pounds doing that , then i hit a plateau , i then started counting calories and i have been doing so ever since, sometimes i feel like giving but i have friends here on mfp like sharon to always keep me going, i know i will reach my goal , if i just keep going , i am currently doing tubo fire and love it , sometimes i do just because i am bored lol ,as long as i continue i know i will succeed :happy:
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Welcome Moraima! So glad you found the thread!:bigsmile:

    Hi Tracy! I'm so sorry I didn't reply sooner. Thank you so much for jumping on board. I can't wait to watch you soar on your journey!

  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    Hey everyone! I'm ready to jump on board!

    My name is Brittany and I am obese. Yes according to bmi I am. And that is pretty depressing for me. My goal is to lose 50 pounds and get down to 140 or so. I'm 5'5 and a half or so!

    My story - I was always big. Even though I worked out and played sports like crazy, I was always about 160 through high school and into college. I dated a guy in college for 3 years that made me feel worthless, and when we broke up, I decided to care about myself and spend time on me. I ended up losing a lot of weight, and really toning up. I was 125 at that point. I stayed that weight, maintaining, for a few years. College ended, I got married, and gained about 10 pounds. No big deal because I probably needed it actually. Then I got pregnant. I gained a lot of weight with my pregnancy...we are talking 60 pounds...and delivery day I weighed 207. I lost the initial 20 pounds or so with my son...AND THAT IS IT. Thus I have remained at this weight for the past year and half. It's depressing. I've tried all kinds of calorie counting and exercising with no success thus far. Granted I just stopped breastfeeding a few months ago, but I thought that would help my weight loss. Not so far. But I am bound and determined. 2011 is my year, and these next 90 days I'm going to work my butt off!

    My workout goals - I'm going to be doing P90X with some extra cardio mixed in (insanity workouts mostly, some treadmill work). With these programs, my calorie goal is 1500-1800 calories and will eat more on double workout days. I'm also trying to eat 50% protein right now. My diary is open.

    Feel free to add me as a friend for those not already friends! Good luck everyone!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I'm so happy you decided to join us Brittany. I know you're going to succeed and meet your goals! Don't forget to take before pictures so you know where you started. Even if you never show them to anyone it will help preserve this moment in time when you decided to focus once and for all on your journey. At the end of 90 days I'll bet you won't even recognize the person you are today!

  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    I'm so happy you decided to join us Brittany. I know you're going to succeed and meet your goals! Don't forget to take before pictures so you know where you started. Even if you never show them to anyone it will help preserve this moment in time when you decided to focus once and for all on your journey. At the end of 90 days I'll bet you won't even recognize the person you are today!


    Thanks for the warm welcome Sharon! I do have before seems like lots and lots of before pictures! I took some before I started insanity...then only got 6 weeks through due to an injury. Still took pictures at that time and while my body changed, my weight did not. Took before pictures again at the beginning of the year so those are going to be my before pictures for this year. It seems like since Oct, I've been losing and gaining the same 5 pounds over and over again, so I'm really hoping that this higher protein diet is going to help me this time around. I play to stay with these ratios until I start to feel I need more carbs for my workouts (I read this was ok in the nutrition guide since I have a lot of fat to shred). I'm hoping to get a great start in these 90 days so I can set myself up to be extremely successful for the entire year with this weight loss business! Plan for today - P90X Kenpo, insanity or treadmill work.
  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    Sorry I'm late.
    I'm 27 years old. I have never been skinny ever! I started MFP at 193 pounds. I dont even believe I was under 110-120 all through school. At the end of HS I was 170. After HS I lost 33 pounds going to the gym 2 times a day. I would go to the regular gym and burn 1,000+ cals in cardi, use every machine, then head straight to Curves and head straight to the lake or river to walk another 3+ miles. I lost cartilage in my right knee and partial in my left.

    After meeiting who I thought I was going to marry I gained to about 165-170 from depression. I only tried to please him and it backfired on my weight and friendships. Within the year I became sick and had to take lots of medication that didnt help me lose. To break up small lumps all over my body. Which brought me to the 180s. Where I met my new boyfriend and just became depressed with life and I ended up at a high of 193. When I seen during TOM it tip over 200 I knew I had to do something.

    Today I am engaged to be married 9/8/12. I'm the happiest I have ever been in life. Just 100% unhappy with how I look. I am 170 right now. I'd like to drop 10 by 3/5. And be back to that long lost 137 or lower if I can by the end of October of this year and keep it that way for life.
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Hi NIcole! You're not late. We saved a spot here just for you! Welcome! :bigsmile:

  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    I'm going to be completely honest...Sundays are my rest day and I don't log my food. I make Sundays a physical and mental day off from my typical routine. This is really wonderful during football season when all I want to do is park my butt on the couch and watch games all day. My husband and I will take our dog on a 3 mile walk just to get the blood flowing and I'll drink my double chocolate Shakeology when I get back (it's already chilling in the refrigerator). Other than that, I'll try to drink water throughout the day but I know I'll be eating more than usual and maybe having a couple of drinks. Give yourself permission to take a breath once in awhile. If it's planned into your day/week/month the effects will be minimal and you'll actually give yourself something to look forward to when the workout gets tough or you just don't want to get out of bed.

    Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday.
  • Hey Sharon,

    I've been fighting this weight since i had my twins 14 years ago. I can't seem to get past it and hoping this mfp is the answer.
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