New Couch to 5k (C25K) thread - anyone out there in week 1?



  • magicsonata
    magicsonata Posts: 15 Member
    I am going to start this this week. I am looking forward to joining you all!! Thank you for the motivation!

    I decided last week that I was going to pick a race to keep me motivated longer term. It can be so hard to keep with it as time passes. I have been doing well, but since I have been working out so much I am not seeing weight loss (that darn scale!) but I am seeing inch loss, and I had to go shopping for smaller clothes, but is can be disapointing to see the scale stay the same with all that hard work. So I thought aiming for a 5k would be a good motivator. I am glad to see this thread! It will help keep me honest and motivated!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Ha, week3, day1: is that all you got???
    I was getting myself scared about the 3 min run in week 3 so decided instead of repeating week 2 I would just do it.
    The second 3 min run was harder than the first, but I did it!!!!
    Of course I'm "running" so slowly that I'm surprised i'm not going backwards, but I did it!
    Walk tomorrow, then W3 again on Thursday :)
  • I didn't read through all of this but here is the website I use.

    It actually has a treadmill program so you don't have to have podcast on yoru MP3.

    I'm redoing week 2 this week as last week I didn't get all 3 exercises in.
  • I am just starting the program tomorrow morning. Someone recommended it to me once before and I paid them no mind. I am going through a difficult time right now and sometimes I think running would help me feel better. I am not in shape by any measure so I am sure this will be quite a challenge. I am putting this out to everyone to be held accountable. By posting and seeing everyone's results and encouragement will keep me on track!
  • I am a bit unsure at what stage I should move on to the next week of C25K. Some people are repeating weeks and some aren't so basically I'm wondering how do you know you're ready to move on? At the end I feel tired but not exhausted (although my shins are really starting to hurt!) Also I'm doing it every day as I am enjoying it and want to keep some routine to my day. Should I do W1 for the whole week even if I feel ready to move on?
  • kspedsrn
    kspedsrn Posts: 35 Member
    Just completed W2D1 today. Keeping it at the same pace I did week 1 and it works for me. Survived day 1, looking forward to the next 2! Good luck to everyone else wherever they are on their journey.
  • I have started the program, but I did not complete it. I have wanted to start again, but needed a bit of motivation. I think I found it!! I will be starting week 1 day 1 tomorrow. I am not scheduled to participate in a 5K, but I want to, and it would be such an accomplishment for me to be able to run that long or that far. So, count me in as well!

  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 433 Member
    I did w4d1 yesterday after not working out for 10 days. I could not complete the entire workout. I had to stop after the first 5min run. I was a little disappointed. I didn't stop because I was winded but because my calves were killing me. Any suggesgtions or is this just natural?
  • RatBoyGL
    RatBoyGL Posts: 100
    I just wanted to reiterate to anyone new to this thread that if you are doing the C25K, that Bluefinn software makes an excellent iPhone app for this program.

    It tells you when to switch between running and walking, allows you to queue up your music from your iPod and control it within the app, and also has a GPS ad on if you want to track distance on the road.

    Makes keeping track of the times zero work so you can just focus on the task at hand.
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Ok, so far so good. Yesterday was Monday, which is a yoga day for me. Check. Today is a run day. I have my workout clothes with me, and I'm planning on going to the gym at lunch. I'm posting here to be accountable. :wink:

    HT, love your workout-kitty profile pic! Very cute!

    Jenn, how was your 20 min run?! I hope you had some good music to keep you motivated!

    Cygnus, loved your post! :laugh: Way to go on sticking with the jumped-ahead workout!

    Anne, I agree. Choose a speed at which you will be able to complete the workouts, then once you've increased your endurance, you can work on increasing your speed.

    Ruby - congrats on kicking W3D1's butt!!

    Jay, running is a great stress reducer, and will help you feel great about yourself, so I think it's great that you're picking up on the program!

    Grey_stars, your shins could be hurting from over-doing it. The C25k program is only meant to be run 3 times per week, not daily. If this is your first time running, it can be hard on your body. You need rest and recovery time. You should try a cross-training activity on alternate days with less impact (cycling, elliptical, walking, strength training, swimming, etc). If you have completed your 3 workouts for the week, and are doing ok, move on to the following week. If you can't complete the workout, and have to stop during your run intervals, etc, then you might want to repeat that week's workout until you feel you can move on.

    fit4life - stretch out those calves!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Ok, so far so good. Yesterday was Monday, which is a yoga day for me. Check. Today is a run day. I have my workout clothes with me, and I'm planning on going to the gym at lunch. I'm posting here to be accountable. :wink:

    Week 3, Day 2 complete.
    Run 5.1 to 5.5 mph
    Walk 3.3ish

    Tomorrow is a 'rest' day. I have a 3 hour class in the evening, after a full day's work, so trying to plan a workout is more stressful than helpful.

    I'll be running again on Thursday. See you then.
  • Cmccracken1
    Cmccracken1 Posts: 326 Member
    Ha, week3, day1: is that all you got???
    I was getting myself scared about the 3 min run in week 3 so decided instead of repeating week 2 I would just do it.
    The second 3 min run was harder than the first, but I did it!!!!
    Of course I'm "running" so slowly that I'm surprised i'm not going backwards, but I did it!
    Walk tomorrow, then W3 again on Thursday :)

  • Julesjhj
    Julesjhj Posts: 150 Member
    Completed W3D3 yesterday and chose to run in my neighborhood instead of the treadmill. I must say that time goes by much quicker but running on the road is much harder on your body! My neighborhood has some pretty big hills and I usually just set the incline to 1.0 when running on the treadmill. I am debating on adding an extra day to week 3 before moving on to week 4. I will wait to see how I feel on my next run day which will probably be Thurs. or Fri.

    That iphone app sounds really cool. I will definately be checking that out! Right now I use the Running in to Shape podcasts for C25k that I used last year. Last year I got to about week seven and caved but I still managed to complete a 5k last the program does work! I finished in 30m24sec. After that race I stopped running so I started all over again this January. Running is not my favorite thing, well except for the runner's high. This time my goal is to complete another 5k but to also sign up for a 10k before the end of the year.

    Happy Running,
  • tkslp
    tkslp Posts: 19 Member
    I would really like to start that program- so having this extra motivation, will help me do it! Thanks for posting! Please add me as a friend! :)
  • Hi Everyone!

    I just completed week 4, day 2.

    My walking speed was 3.7, my run speed was 4.5, except for the last 5 minute run--then I upped it to 5.0......will continue on Thursday with day 3.....good luck to everyone!
  • kbdelarosa
    kbdelarosa Posts: 183 Member
    Hey all! Just joining in! I am on week 5, tomorrow will be day 3 (the big dreaded 20 minute run). I am doing it on land so I don't know my is slow I know that much. I have two giant dogs that pull me through....I wonder how much harder it would be without them?
  • kbdelarosa
    kbdelarosa Posts: 183 Member
    Oh....has anyone tried to do this while pushing a stroller? Sometimes I have to when hubby is working and the only time I have is when my 14 month old is home. I heard it burns 20% more calories and I beleive is hard!!!!!!! Probably 20% less calories burned while being pulled by 130 pounds of dogs.....
  • Hey all! Just joining in! I am on week 5, tomorrow will be day 3 (the big dreaded 20 minute run). I am doing it on land so I don't know my is slow I know that much. I have two giant dogs that pull me through....I wonder how much harder it would be without them?

    I take my 2 big working dogs too! It is a bit disconcerting when I look down and they are doing a brisk walk and i'm supposedly "running". Anyway I think it's great to take the dogs because you have something else to focus on...although mostly I'm just focussed on trying not to trip over them
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    You guys are so lucky. I always wanted to be able to run with a dog but mine can't go 3 steps without stopping and sniffing everything she can dig her nose into. I can't even walk with her without dragging her by her leash!
  • mvedas
    mvedas Posts: 69
    I am going to start this program this week. I know it's too late to follow this group, but I am still reading it and you're all motivating!

    I don't have a gym membership, so it will be my yellow lab and I running the streets of my neighborhood! Good thing I live in So Cal, so we have great weather to run!
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