Looking for those who have 100 + to lose



  • Good Morning everyone!! Up and ready to go this morning. I am a little disappointed that we have not gotten our state income tax refund yet but oh well they sure do take their own sweet time about sending them out. It's almost like they hold onto it as long as they can. Better get off of that subject, it makes me :mad: , Not that I am all about money, I'm not but it's ours and we want it. Anyways, I hope you all have a great day and I will be back later.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Good morning! I think I can see you all getting thinner right before my very eyes.

    I went over my calories yesterday. Not even by a little but by almost 300. I was still under my BMR for the day so that was good. But ummmm, I also went over on my sodium. I am pretty sure it was the bacon on my sandwich. It was really good, and I am not going to get on the scale today just to see what kind of damage it did. I will just drink plenty of extra water today and stay in my calories for the rest of the week and hopefully by Monday when I weigh in I will be over the water weight gain. Let me tell you what happened. I was ordering my sandwich last night for dinner and in my head I was saying hold the bacon, hold the mayo. The words that came out of my mouth were, yes I'd love bacon and the basil aioli sounds yummy. :laugh: I hate when my mouth overides my brain. I tried putting my mouth in "time out" for not listeneing to my brain. Mbrain said "only eat half of it". But then the sandwich came and it smelled so good and my mouth just ate all of it anyway. I can't take my mouth anywhere.

    Anyway, hope you have a great day and don't let your mouth overide your brain like I did. Happy losing,
  • Good morning everyone!! Trying to be good and not weigh myself everyday haha...I know my weight will fluctuate randomly...I realized part of the reason I've been so good with calories is that I haven't have my FAVORITE Soy Chai Latte at Starbucks in a few weeks :(.....guess those are out for a long while...
  • I am having a little bit of a rough start today. I have had chronic insomnia (I experience it as difficulty falling asleep and frequent waking) since I was a pre-teen. Last night was one of the bad nights, it took until past 3am get to sleep and I was back awake every 20-30 minutes after that, with 15-20 minutes to fall back asleep each time.

    I am on a research project that I can do from home so I have some flexibility in when I get up but I have been trying to stick to a regular schedule so I can eat and exercise (as well as house work and other responsibilities) at roughly the same times each day.

    Today I just couldn't do it. I try not to think of it as a rationalization, but I told myself that I really needed the extra sleep and my brain and body would not function without it so I "slept" until 9:30, which was still less than 4 hours of sleep. This alone made me feel guilty and self-indulgent.

    I still feel wiped out and so want to blow off the gym. I am going to stick to my meal plan, but the thought of running 3 miles uphill and then hitting some machines seems impossible.

    I am not asking for permission to do so, but just a few opinions or shared experiences so I can think a little more clearly about this.

    What are people's feelings on skipping a workout if they are having a rough physical / emotional day? I am torn between going and doing what I can, knowing it might just make me feel better and not going because I feel it is important to listen to my body and allow myself a break now and then.

    Thanks in advance for any input!
  • Jenny: I can relate. When I'm on day shifts I rarely get more than 5 hours of sleep (last night and the night before it is was less than 4) because I can't fall asleep. My brain is usually too busy thinking of what I need to do, or what I did, or whatever. Anyway, yesterday I blew off a work out because I was just exhausted. I was *trying* to get to sleep earlier so that I wouldn't be so tired today :grumble: Also, this is my last shift before going on vacation (yippee, somewhere warm, I hope) and we're flying out on a red eye, so I'm likely not going to get any sleep tonight either. My hubby fell asleep fairly quickly (after I stopped talking :laugh: ) bit not me... so I probably should have worked out and then at least I might have had an excuse for not falling asleep :laugh:

    I do find that I have to allow myself to "catch up" on sleep after my day shifts. If I don't, I get really tired and then I don't feel so well and I invariably catch a cold or something because I'm feeling run down. I don't think it is "bad" that you slept in, and I can't blame you for not wanting to work out, but maybe instead just try to go for a short walk, get some fresh air, and maybe you'll feel a bit better. Plus, you won't have to feel guilty, you just didn't do your "normal" workout. We're all allowed bad days now and then - if we weren't I'd have given up by now :happy:

    Take care, and I hope you have a better sleep tonight. I'm hoping to catch a few winks on the plane myself, wish me luck!
  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    I have 90 to lose, is that close enough? Committed to making 2011 be THE year!!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Jenny, I have also skipped a workout because I was just emotionally & physically drained from work and couldn't manage to drag myself to the gym. Sometimes it happens. One single workout is not going to change what you are doing. Only if one then leads to another and another and....then you aren't going at all. But you will go back and workout because you don't want to lose the progress you have made.

    noneya- I say 90 pounds is pretty darn close to 100. Welcome.
  • oceanrose78
    oceanrose78 Posts: 133 Member
    Jenny, you have to make time for yourself, and sometimes that time is getting a little extra sleep. Matter of fact, they say that sleeping enough aids in weightloss too! No one is perfect, and one missed workout won't really matter in the long run. It's all about lifestyle changes.

    I did the first day of C25K yesterday. My BF bought the shoes that I'd been needing to run in for an early Valentine's day present, and they helped so much on the treadmill. It was a hard workout for sure, but I made it through. I'm planning on alternating the running days with biking. I'm going to try for 45 minutes on the bike tomorrow. The kids are at school till later, so hopefully that'll help in a bit more gym time :). You can sure tell a difference this month, there is no one there compared to in January!
  • Thank you oceanrose, Staci and ricey. You all offered great advice and support.

    I ended up going to the gym and having a decent workout. Tonight, however, I am going to take a sleep aid. It is something I rarely do since the insomnia is chronic and not situational and I want to stay away from dependency. Being a chronically sleep deprived person and knowing the causality between lack of sleep and weight gain, it adds extra more stress around sleep, which makes sleep more difficult.

    oceanrose and staci: Thanks for reminding me that a rough day is not enough to derail healthy overall changes to my life. That is a lesson all of us need to take to heart.

    ricey: A special thanks to you. You hit the nail on the head with getting out of the house and getting some fresh air. When I am sleep deprived it is much harder to get out of my head and see situations for the small things they are. I leashed up our beast, a 130 pound golden retriever, and took him for a leisurely walk. It was just the solution to make the "issue" of the gym a non-issue.

    Have a lovely night all you lovely people!
  • Ediz1987
    Ediz1987 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi I am new to the website. I myself am setting my goal right now at 60 pounds but in order to be in a typical healthy weight for my age and height i need to lose 120. I am 23 and after i had my daughter i tipped the scales at 305. Since then (oct. 09) I have lost 35 pounds. While i am happy i was able to lose that much i have since hit a wall so to speak. I have been eating healthy and working out 5 times a week for the last month with no pounds or inches to show for it.
  • Good Morning everyone!! Today is the day that I will be going out to have Chinese tonight with my hubby, kids, and my mom and dad. Also the day that I get my treadmill and my bike. So, today I will not be logging any food. I know, bad right but I only get to to my fav chinese restuarant every once in awhile. I will try to behave as much as I can. I am going to buy me and my daughter a new pair of shoes today as well and a bunch more stuff that we need. I will be back tomorrow and right back on it as well as using my bike and treadmill. I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Welcome to all the new people! I love this group of people here!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Good bright and beautiful morning to everyone! Exercise puts me in such a good mood and I have just returned from my workout. I am heading out to spend the day with my sister. We are going to every yarn and knitting shop we can find. I am hoping to find some brown & pink flecked cashmere wool to make a hat and scarf set. i hope I can find enough without having to spend more than $60. Not too sure if that will happen though. I have to say this sister while not dieting, is most supportive when we go out together and is always willing to forgo fast food for somewhere we can sit down and get something a little healthier.

    Laura- I will be thinking of you eating your dinner tonight. Enjoy picking out your treadmill & new bike. I am jealous, I would love to have a treadmill at home. Maybe I can sweet talk my hubby. Our anniversary is in April.

    I better go for now. I think I hear my Wii calling me. have a great day and happy losing,

    Oh Jenny, great job going to the gym even though you didn't want to. I knew you would:wink: . You are a lot like me in that sense.
  • Good bright and beautiful morning to everyone! Exercise puts me in such a good mood and I have just returned from my workout. I am heading out to spend the day with my sister. We are going to every yarn and knitting shop we can find. I am hoping to find some brown & pink flecked cashmere wool to make a hat and scarf set. i hope I can find enough without having to spend more than $60. Not too sure if that will happen though. I have to say this sister while not dieting, is most supportive when we go out together and is always willing to forgo fast food for somewhere we can sit down and get something a little healthier.

    Laura- I will be thinking of you eating your dinner tonight. Enjoy picking out your treadmill & new bike. I am jealous, I would love to have a treadmill at home. Maybe I can sweet talk my hubby. Our anniversary is in April.

    I better go for now. I think I hear my Wii calling me. have a great day and happy losing,

    Oh Jenny, great job going to the gym even though you didn't want to. I knew you would:wink: . You are a lot like me in that sense.

    Staci- When is your anniversary. my hubby and my anniversary is on April 5th. Thanks I can't wait to get to the Chinese restuarant, and I can't wait to get my treadmill and my bike.
  • superflycat2
    superflycat2 Posts: 8 Member
    Im one of those! Started at 295 at age 27, my goal is to get to a healthy weight before I hit 30. I'm a Film student and I direct theater when I get the chance :) I've had Rheumatoid Arthritis since I was 4 years old, so getting my weight down will help a lot with my functionality and pain management.

    Please enjoy watching my wight lost forum ticker number grow, I know I will! Best of luck to you all :)
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Good evening.
    Laura- I hope you are enjoying dinner.
    Superfly- welcome. You are going to meet your goal of being fit by 30 I just know it. I wish I had started earlier.

    So, I have a dilema that I haven't come upon yet. I exercised quite a bit this morning anticipating that I would need those extra calories as I was spending the day with my sister and usually Friday night is going out to dinner night at our house. So, I made smart choices today (my mouth actually listened to my brain LOL) Now I have almost 1000 calories left and it is 8:30 at night. I am not hungry at all and I just can't see eating them just because. I have never had that many calories left 50 - 100 occasionally but never that many. So, I am not going to eat them but I was just wondering what you all would do.

    I'll check in the morning for your responses. For now, happy losing,
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Wow everyone must be busy today. I got up, went to curves, went to breakfast and stayed well within my calories for breakfast, then came home and totally cleaned up my house. It feels so good to just sit here and look at the clean. LOL My hubby and daughter are out shopping I son't think the totally clean will last more than a couple more hours tops. Oh well. Have agreat day and happy losing,
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    Good morning! Where is everyone this weekend? I am here alone. And when there is no one to read my posts I feel like a crazy person talking to myself. Is it always this slow on the weekend. I am often at my cabin so I guess I just don't know.

    We had a terrible wind storm last night. There are tons of branches all over the yard, so I guess I'll get a little extra exercise today getting it all cleaned up.

    Have a great day. I'll check back later to see if anyone is here and happy losing,
  • lenwie
    lenwie Posts: 240
    Im here :bigsmile: and just starting my 4th week of MFP, what a fab site. I have dipped in and out of this 100lb los thread and have now plucked up the courage to type something.

    I have tried most diet systems, weight watchers, slimming world, cambridge diet etc but really like the concept of calorie counting, this site helps keep you on track, im taking each week at a time, still having my wine, chocolate and crisps as can fit this in ok on my cal limit per day but i do understand that this will eventually have to change with lower cal intake in the future when the weight comes down.

    Have been overweight since my early 20's, was slim when i meet my hubbie, but didnt stay that way :sad: only got myself to blame.

    Need to get myself sorted, for me, my hubbie and kids. Would love to be in a size 14 (uk) by time I hit my 40th, I dont have unrealistic goals.

    I wish everybody luck on their journey's
  • Well, we had our weekly weigh-in on Friday at work for the weight loss challenge (Feb 4 - Apr 1) and I lost 3.8 lbs, yay!!!!! I was pretty happy with that number, now to just keep it going. I have been down this road so many times where i lose 5 to 10 lbs and think I can have a little of this or a little of that it won't really make a difference... but it sure does or I wouldn't still be here trying to lose right? this time I am thinking about it differently, I can't "celebrate" everytime I lose a few pounds, I need to keep going to lose more and more and more.

    Anyway I am happy about the loss last week and look forward to weighing again on Friday and having another successful week. The person with the biggest % loss wins 1st prize which is $1330 so that would be pretty sweet to win!

    Have a great day and here's to another great week!
  • oceanrose78
    oceanrose78 Posts: 133 Member
    Hi Staci,

    My internet was down yesterday and most of today. I was able to keep my cals updated by using my mobile phone but no online time really.

    Friday, we went out to dinner to celebrate the kids good grades, and I splurged and had a few bites of chocolate cake plus some fries. Then yesterday, I went to the gym again where I did day 2 of C25K. I wasn't really happy with how my body handled it, and I plan to repeat it. There was NO ONE there, and I spent quite a bit of time playing with some machines, and did 15 minutes on the bike too. Actually it was a really good workout.

    But, today, I was cleaning the house and slipped in the snow outside and really, really messed up my ankle. I'm in a lot of pain, and really upset that yet again, I have to figure out how to handle working out. I'm actually toying with the idea of seeing if maybe I could bike tomorrow using one leg for the most part. It's just a sprain, but I can't put full weight on it at all. Reason #897 I hate snow!

    So for the rest of the day I'm going to sit and knit, and watch movies, and will my ankle to heal.

    When I've had that many calories left in the past, I have eaten enough to get me over 1200. The last time that happened I had an almond butter sandwich on bread. It's filling, and fairly healthy but packs a lot of calories.
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