Senior Golden Sneakers - February 2011



  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    High lysine/low arginine foods to enjoy include meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, soybeans and legumes. Farm-raised chicken and turkey contain more lysine and less arginine than their wild-caught counterparts and even other types of game like duck or goose. Dairy products like cheese, milk and yogurt provide an even higher lysine/arginine ratio than poultry, fish and meat. Choosing lean, low-fat or reduced-fat versions of these foods offers benefits for general health, independent of their effects on shingles.

    Foods to Avoid
    Nuts, seeds, gelatin and chocolate contain large amounts of arginine that may contribute to the duration or severity of shingles. Specific foods to avoid include plain nuts, seeds or chocolate, as well as foods that use them as major ingredients, like gelatin desserts, peanut butter, tahini, trail mix, and "gummy" candies or fruit snacks. People with shingles who suffer from chocolate cravings should choose foods flavored with small amounts of chocolate and cocoa, like chocolate pudding, chocolate milk and chocolate-coated granola or snack bars. These foods follow the high lysine/low arginine pattern of their major ingredients--dairy products and grains, respectively--so they are safe to eat.

    Read more:

    These are tips about foods to eat and not eat when you or someone you know suffers from shingles...I would not touch a nut. I still have to be careful eating them.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • xyla
    xyla Posts: 69 Member
    I would be happy to remind all of you who are interested about the walking challenge next month. I fooled around all morning - talked on the phone to my daugher for two hours - and read posts on mfp. I wasn't going to get on the dreadmill this morning because I felt like I didn't have time before I had to leave for work. However, because I am part of that challenge, I did get on and walked for one mile. As most of you know, I have been walking for two miles to make up for the weekends when I don't walk, but today, I decided that doing one mile was a lot better than not doing it at all. I really enjoy this group and hope to get to know all of you better. Have a great day!!
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Maddie - i looked at your profile again - think i have it figured out now! We both have grown sons only you got started way earlier than i did! Awesome that you're married to their Dad for all these years! My boys too, are both married to great girls only they both just started their families. They each have a baby girl - 6 month and 1 month. FUN! Cute poochies too!

    Sandy - you're right - I'm still going to log my meals but i am just going to enjoy my weekend! THANKS!!!

    Xyla - you've already completed more than half your miles for the month! Nice going!!!!

    :heart: elli
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Maddie - i looked at your profile again - think i have it figured out now! We both have grown sons only you got started way earlier than i did! Awesome that you're married to their Dad for all these years! My boys too, are both married to great girls only they both just started their families. They each have a baby girl - 6 month and 1 month. FUN! Cute poochies too!

    Sandy - you're right - I'm still going to log my meals but i am just going to enjoy my weekend! THANKS!!!

    Xyla - you've already completed more than half your miles for the month! Nice going!!!!

    :heart: elli
    Thanks, Elli....compliments to the family are always welcome. However, I was just a young girl when I started....that's why my kids are so.......crap, confused myself with this fib. :happy:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Your eyes weren't playing tricks. Unfortunately, it WAS 2:36am and I was still up--insomnia until about 4am.

    Ended up not going to the meeting I planned to attend at 9am this morning. I have been having trouble with the pinched nerve in my back, and one of my hips bothers me if I sit for very long, and this was going to be about 8 hours of sitting, so I will just have to get some catch up info from someone who did attend.

    Maddie--Regarding the bean soup being too salty due to the ham. Here is a tip that might help. What you do is when you purchase the ham, even though it is already cooked. Stick it in a pot with some water and let it boil for a while, and throw acut up potato in there, and it will absorb the salt. Then you can take the ham out, cut it up and put it into the bean pot and cook your soup however you normally do. As for the water the ham is boiled in, taste it, and if it isn't too salty for you, you can add that to your soup for some added ham flavor. The potato may or may not be usable, that is up to you.

    Pam, Thank you for catching up with us. Sounds like you have been quite busy. I am glad your brother is in an appropriate living situation for his condition, but sorry that he has to deal with his condition. Take care of yourself, and we will be happy to hear from you as often as you have the chance.

    Phoebe, Sorry about Pudge. I am glad he had two good years with you. Don't wear yourself out while you are home. It has been nice to keep up with you on the road. Thank goodness for mobile phones that can surf the web!!

    Gayla, I am thinking of you and hoping you are feeling better soon and you survive your remodeling. Hope Neil is doing okay back in his group home.

    Marie, Hope you're feeling well, and that Jerry is doing better, now that he has been diagnosed.

    There are too many of us now for me to keep up, so everyone else, you are in my thoughts, and wishing everyone well.

    Bye for now.

    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member

    Your eyes weren't playing tricks. Unfortunately, it WAS 2:36am and I was still up--insomnia until about 4am.

    Ended up not going to the meeting I planned to attend at 9am this morning. I have been having trouble with the pinched nerve in my back, and one of my hips bothers me if I sit for very long, and this was going to be about 8 hours of sitting, so I will just have to get some catch up info from someone who did attend.

    Maddie--Regarding the bean soup being too salty due to the ham. Here is a tip that might help. What you do is when you purchase the ham, even though it is already cooked. Stick it in a pot with some water and let it boil for a while, and throw acut up potato in there, and it will absorb the salt. Then you can take the ham out, cut it up and put it into the bean pot and cook your soup however you normally do. As for the water the ham is boiled in, taste it, and if it isn't too salty for you, you can add that to your soup for some added ham flavor. The potato may or may not be usable, that is up to you.

    Pam, Thank you for catching up with us. Sounds like you have been quite busy. I am glad your brother is in an appropriate living situation for his condition, but sorry that he has to deal with his condition. Take care of yourself, and we will be happy to hear from you as often as you have the chance.

    Phoebe, Sorry about Pudge. I am glad he had two good years with you. Don't wear yourself out while you are home. It has been nice to keep up with you on the road. Thank goodness for mobile phones that can surf the web!!

    Gayla, I am thinking of you and hoping you are feeling better soon and you survive your remodeling. Hope Neil is doing okay back in his group home.

    Marie, Hope you're feeling well, and that Jerry is doing better, now that he has been diagnosed.

    There are too many of us now for me to keep up, so everyone else, you are in my thoughts, and wishing everyone well.

    Bye for now.

    Maddie--Regarding the bean soup being too salty due to the ham. Here is a tip that might help. What you do is when you purchase the ham, even though it is already cooked. Stick it in a pot with some water and let it boil for a while, and throw acut up potato in there, and it will absorb the salt. Then you can take the ham out, cut it up and put it into the bean pot and cook your soup however you normally do. As for the water the ham is boiled in, taste it, and if it isn't too salty for you, you can add that to your soup for some added ham flavor. The potato may or may not be usable, that is up to you.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    :happy: :love: :heart: :blushing: Dashing to watch our evening Netflix and Mike is waiting, so just want to say
    PAM...bless yer sweet heart, for what you've been going through, and for posting here again! Thank you...
    MADDIE: I used no ham; figured the beans were enough protein, and the flavor was great! I added 2 meatballs tonight...OMG! YUM!
    I'll print the simple recipe tomorrow and by the way
    MARIE: soaking the beans overnight prevented the expected :explode: explosion! NO GAS at all :bigsmile: I'll :drinker: to that!!!
    ALL THE REST OF YOU: Read everything...will post tomorrow! :love:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hey look like we had a full house posting today, Just a couple missing. Jo An is in Mexico Playing in the sand,
    Marilyn busy working. Barbie will be along shortly.
    Of course Jeffrey.Will be around when he dig out from all that snow.

    Phoebe so sorry about prudge . How old do you think purdge was? You went to the gym,
    ??????????????????? Very good. Phoebe girl.

    Buzz no explsion.????????????

    Barbs make you a hot latte before you go to bed,. Does wonders for me.

    Jerry has a 8:30 appt tomorrow morning. I have been embroidary all afternoon. I just need 4 more blocks and I can start sewing them up. I had to keep busy or I would have snack all day long. Jerry took me out to eat. tonight I had a Hamburger steak and baked potatoe and a salad. Broug over half home with me. It will be good for lunch tomorrow.

    will bring you all up to date on Jerry in the Morning

    Sleep Well
  • judz46
    judz46 Posts: 359 Member
    Hello Gigi - hope you have a fantastic time in Mexico...sure sounds as though you will.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,004 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I just finished reading two days of, we have become such a friendly, chatty group.....i wish I had time to reply to everyone

    :flowerforyou: Here’s the happy ending to the ferret story.
    I was sure that none of my neighbors (three houses in every direction) had a ferret, but just to be sure, I looked to see if anyone had posted a notice on the bank of mailboxes that we share… luck. The next day when Jake was walking the dogs past the house next door, he saw a sign in front with a picture of the ferret and a notice that he was lost. It turns out that the man next door had his oldest daughter visiting and she brought the ferret. Jake told him about finding the ferret and taking him to PETCO. The happy ending is that they contacted PETCO and got the ferret back. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: the good news about Jake's back is that he spent one day resting and using the ice pack for twenty minutes out of every hour and by yesterday afternoon was back to doing his packing and cleaning work and today he worked extra hard when the real estate agent said that he had someone who wanted to look at our house.

    :bigsmile: the real estate agent is coming at 1 PM on Sunday to take interior photos to put on the multiple listing on the internet and he'll be showing the house at 9:30 Monday morning.

    :cry: :cry: :sad: :sad: :sad: Phoebe, I am so sorry about Pudge.....years ago I learned that the only way to avoid that heartbreak was to never love an animal and that doesn't make any sense.

    :flowerforyou: marie, I will be thinking good thoughts for you and Jerry tomorrow morning when he goes to see the doctor.

    :flowerforyou: Pam, it's good to hear from you

    :bigsmile: :heart: to all the rest of you, I loved your posts and wish I could respond personally.....:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • viliberty1957
    I tried to put on a picture of our little mouser, Skip, but it didn't work this time. Sometimes it works...sometimes it doesn't. :ohwell: I'll try again a different time of day and see if that makes any difference.

    Little Mariah was such a trooper at the hospital. She had to have an IV. She was really scared, but did very well. She was so tired when she finally got home. Her mom, Sylvia, said she slept all night and most of the morning. She's eating popsicles and toast, and looking a lot perkier today. At the hospital, I told her she deserved a "prize" and asked what she wanted. She said, without hesitation, "A stuffed unicorn." :heart: So Grandpa took her one a little while ago.

    I will post more tomorrow. I just feel like going to bed now. I mostly do what I feel like doing these days. LOL :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Just a quick Hi tonight. I forgot to tell you last night that I managed to lose 2.6 pounds last week so it was a happy weigh in last night! So glad to have Pam back and sorry that you have had such a difficult start to 2011. :heart:
    Thanks to all for your concern about my nephew. He and his wife started their family when I thought they were kids themselves but now I think that was a gift from God. They have 3 beautiful daughters. My nephew has always been very athletic and is an excellent tennis player. He now teaches tennis in his spare time. He also has been the drummer for many bands. I remember going to his Grade 8 'graduation' and listening to his drum solo with tears streaming down my face. I never thought drums would do that to me but he has a real skill. He plays drums for their church now. They have a very strong faith and they are leaning on that now which is a good thing, I think. My sister, his Mom, is holidaying with her husband in the Dominican right now. She says she has had some sleepless nights. I know all she wants to do is get home and hug him.

    Phoebe -- Sorry about your special Pudge. :heart:

    Marie -- Will be thinking about you and Jerry tomorrow.:heart:

    I will catch up with the rest of you another day. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Hi Sneakers. Thank you ALL for the wonderful messages - it is so good to be back with you. I am off to London soon to meet up with my son and his partner for a few hours. Haven't seen them since New Year as they spent most of January in Mauritius with Lorna's family who have an apartment there. After sweltering in temperatures of over 100 they found it very cold when they arrived back in the UK. After the holiday they have been very bust catching up at work so it will be really great to see them today.

    Oh yes - the scale moved in the right direction this morning; only half a pound but I'll take that and look forward to getting rid of the next 14lbs!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Take care all of you and have a great weekend. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Pam :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Tip of they day: Always keep several get well cards on the mantel so if unexpected guests arrive, they will think you've been sick and unable to clean

    Today, I got on the scale to check and that thing will not move!!! Yesterday down an lb, today up .5 lb. I've tried to think of everything that I may be doing wrong. Monday, (if it doesn't move), it will be two weeks. Any thoughts???? HELP!!! I don't want to panic and cause stress cortisol which helps to increase belly fat which you can see by my picture, I don't need any more of!! :sad:

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Elli- "go Scrappy go" !! LOL hope you have a great time of it.

    Sandy, I saw your fb photos, they were wonderful.. I see you had a great time, how was the play?

    Connie, hope you enjoy your wonderful weather this weekend, or at least I hope you get the good weather to enjoy!
    Even though I love rain, cloudy days,(it feels like a warm blanket to me) I don't mind some sunshine too!

    Maddie, if spring where you are is 40 degrees, I'm not coming for a visit anytime soon!! That was very good points you made about animals living in the moment. thank you

    I love vitamuffin tops too..can't eat them right now, but will be able to return to them in a couple of months. I love banana nut, zapped or toasted, then topped with a bit of butter.Thanks for the tip on the get well cards on the mantel, if I can find a space for them, I'll do it! My plan says not to weigh for two months! The author, Diane says your weight will flucuate from day to day,but will still go down in the long run.

    Lynn, I didn't know shingles could get that advanced..I thought it just appeared on one area of the body..little do I know. My husband will request his shot on his next visit to his doctor, in April, I think. Thanks for your foods info too..I am eating a lot of nuts and seeds..I love them all the time, but especially on this low carb thing. I wonder if the doctors can test the levels of arginine(sp) in your system?

    Xyla, the 'dreadmill' is a perfect description for my least favorite machine..I'll stick with the bicycle for now. you are funny, so glad you are here..and wow, you are putting in some miles..These walkathons I see advertised, like the 3 day for breast cancer research, etc.. one of them goes 60 miles..I can't imagine doing that..even at 20 per day, but I wish I could.

    Barb, sorry about your back and leg trouble.. I have it too. Driving makes it worse ( of course..what I do most hurts me the most!!) I have found a homeopathic leg cramp pill that helps me. Otherwise, I cannot go to sleep when it is bothering me. I try to do ankle exercises, for circulation, but the nerve still bothers me. I use a variety of cushions, and I scoot around in the seat, even sitting 'twisted'! whatever works is what I say.

    Buzz, oh wise one, good tip on soaking beans..such a great preventative step!!

    Marie, we think Pudge was between three and 5 years old. He had other health issues and the treatment for them may have led to his early heart weakness, so he had a good run for his money. The cats are looking for him..I miss him, he was a snuggler. Maybe by the time I post this, Jerry will be home again. Hope it is not too bad. I hope they give you an idea of what to expect too. I'm looking forward to seeing your photos of the needle work you have been doing. I like hamburger steak too..Sometimes a menu will have chopped sirloin and also hamburger steak..I pick the sirloin, guessing it is leaner, but I don't know..It costs a dollar or so more, and it tastes pretty good.

    JUDZ!! thanks for posting. I remember you are toasty warm and we are not!!

    Barbie, thanks for the ferret happy ending!! that is great. You know, it made me feel good to find a lost cat and I guess resolving this had made yours and Jakes day! Only animal lovers can understand how much it means. You are so right..I can never stop loving animals..I know that God put me here for that. I truly believe a commitment to caring for pets means knowing when to let them go, and not putting it's tough but part of life. That is fast moving real estate there, isn't it? hope it is not too stressful, getting rushed, etc. but it is great news that you may not have a long wait to sell.

    Bless your heart, Irene, and little Mariah too. hope you take care of yourself while caring for her..God Bless your family.

    Gayla, I too am sorry about your nephew. I sometimes wonder about the 'when bad things happen to good people'. Perhaps it is God's way to use him as an example of how a man of faith handles adversity. Yea for you on your weight going down!!

    HI Pam! so glad to hear from you again. Enjoy your visit with your son and be safe! Yea for you too..on your weight loss!

    As for me, today is laundry day and a few other tasks, but I will go to the gym first. take care of yourselves

    P S hi Joann, hope you and your knee are great!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,140 Member
    Happy Saturday!!

    Phoebe you covered everything, can I just say ditto???? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Let me just add that traffic was a bear getting downtown, we had a 5 o'clock reservation and didn't get there until almost 6:00. (I called from car) The food at the restaurant was great, I had crusted cod with a salad but had no idea how to record the calories so I over estimated (I think). The play started at 7:00 and we didn't get there until 7:30, but still enjoyed what we saw even if it was a little cheesy and over acted. :laugh: The girls had a great time being silly and I enjoyed being with them just to hear them laugh. :bigsmile:

    Because it is so difficult when you lose an animal we weren't sure if we wanted another after losing "Freeway". My husband was so depressed I knew it my heart there was no way we could not have another puppy even though he wasn't sure he could go through it again. You all know the outcome and crazy daisy brings us so much happiness and smiles there is no way we made the wrong decision.

    Maddie, love your little joke and don't get discouraged about the weight. Are you watching the salt? And remember if you haven't exercised in a long time that your body builds muscle which adds weight. Are your clothes fitting better?? Ellie and I have the same problem but I think we cheat more than the rest of you. (speaking for myself only Ellie). :laugh:

    Pam, great job on losing that pesty 1/2 pound, the rest will be coming soon. Enjoy your time with your family.

    Gayla, congratulations on the weight loss, terrific job. You brought tears to my eyes with the drum story about your nephew, I am very sentimental, after all I am a Pisces. :laugh:

    Irene, I feel the same way you do, I can do what I want when I want, I paid my dues. Glad little Mariah is feeling better, she probably can't wait to get to grandma's to bake those cookies. Did she name her unicorn after grandpa? :love:

    Barbie, I too love the happy ending with the ferret, I am so glad the little guy came to your house where he was well taken care of. Glad Jake's back is better but tell him to be careful. Things seem to be moving quickly which can be a good thing.

    Marie, I hope we hear from you soon.

    For just trying to ditto off of Phoebe, I still "talked" to much.

    I did post I lost a pound even though it hasn't been three days, I want to give myself encouragement!!!

    Have a great day!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello all.

    Here is jerry update
    He is to go in for MRI and a Cat scan next week. and they will go from There. And don't look like the hospital will be close by.. Will find out later after he go over the test next week. So more waiting.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,140 Member
    Hello all.

    Here is jerry update
    He is to go in for MRI and a Cat scan next week. and they will go from There. And don't look like the hospital will be close by.. Will find out later after he go over the test next week. So more waiting.

    Sorry you have to wait again Marie, but if it were really serious I don't think they would wait at all, so this is probably good news. Prayers are still with you and Jerry and your family. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    RECIPE for 17 Bean and Barley Soup (with my additions)

    1 Package Trader Joe's Bean and Barley Soup (I think any 16 oz pkg of dry mix will do)
    2 32 oz container Kitchen Basics Chicken Broth (no salt added) I used some of my homemade broth (use YOUR favorite broth!)
    1 C chopped onion (I sometimes buy ready chopped in Produce Dept)
    1 C chopped celery "
    1 C carrots coarsely cut
    1 C green pepper chopped "
    1 tsp dried basil
    1 or more cloves chopped garlic
    2 TBSP olive oil
    1 bay leaf
    1/2 tsp Italian seasoning (I use more)
    1 can diced tomato ( might get the 28oz can next time) look for low salt
    pepper to taste (and salt, if you use it.)

    SOAK BEANS OVERNIGHT! This gets rid of gas, as well as softening beans! Fill water at least 2 inches above bean level. BIG POT!
    DRAIN and rinse in colander. Use same pot (dried) to saute the onions, celery, carrots, peppers basil and garlic in the olive oil until
    ADD bay leaf, tomatoes, and Italian seasoning, along with the beans and 2 qts broth (you could use vegetable broth, also)
    SIMMER, covered until soft, anywhere from 1 to 3 hours, depending on how blended you like it! After 1 hour, tilt cover to allow slight
    evaporation, but keep checking liquid level and add more broth if necessary (keep a bit from the original amount)
    You can add any kind of chicken, beef, or well soaked ham (to lower sodium, to this as cooking of afterward! I added meatballs the
    second day, and it was delicious! Just 2 per person filled us up!
  • ronm4u
    Hi , I like the way you have done your board, I just joined and still looking for ideas. Hope to chat soon, ok. :smile: