30 Day Shred Motivation Thread



  • I have a confession to make, y'all... I cheated on Jillian Michaels today with Billy Blanks. Yes, my friends.... I went back to my first love. I did the same Tae Bo tape I've had since I was a teenager that I dust off every so often just to see if I can do it yet. And today I could. I did not miss a single rep, I tell you! First time EVER. And I'm afraid Jillian can't take the credit for it, because I'm only 2 days into level 1 of 30DS (today would have been day 3).

    But I repeat. I did the WHOLE THING. My HRM yelled at me a couple of times for having my heart rate too high (I maxed out at 165, I'm not supposed to go over 163, apparently) but I felt okay so I kept going. So yes, anyway, go me! :D

    I might get back to Jillian tomorrow. If I feel like it. Or I might do Zumba.... ; )
  • I think I will TRY and commit to it!! I know she sure kicks my butt even on level one...only bout 5 minutes into it. BUT....If I stick with it, one day the first 5 minutes will feel like nothing...and that would be totally awesome!!
  • yay glad I found this thread! I just bought the video tonight and did the first work out.... I havent worked out in a couple of months so this kicked my butt tonight!
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Im finished!!! Today was day 30!! I feel great! I will weigh and measure myself in the morning and post the final results!! I dont want to stop, so I guess my goal now is another 30 days, mixing it up with three different workouts. I want to add something else in too, I may try her 6 week 6 pack.

    You guys can finish too!! I definitely notice a difference, my body as a whole just feels tighter and stronger!!

    Awesome Laura--what are you going to do next??

    I'm on level 3 day 4 today and wondering about a new routine. I don't want to do it over again but want to make sure to keep the strength gained. Other Jillian Tapes and mix it up?? Are there any post-shred people w/some advice for after??

    Just an FYI....I feel strong now...starting now!! Somewhere in level 3 during the tape Jillian says to the effect of "these are the exercises you have been practicing in level 1 and 2 for you to do here" and it finally clicked how the first 2 really makes you stronger to go into 3. I have not lost any weight (i'm on maintenance so not really losing anymore) and haven't really measured anything but my waist, but I can feel a difference in how my clothing fits. definitely a little looser. love handles are smaller. Bum is tighter. Abs definitely stronger. Waist maybe 1/2 inch smaller.

    Good luck with your goals today everyone!
  • mom2TNT
    mom2TNT Posts: 29 Member
    Im finished!!! Today was day 30!! I feel great! I will weigh and measure myself in the morning and post the final results!! I dont want to stop, so I guess my goal now is another 30 days, mixing it up with three different workouts. I want to add something else in too, I may try her 6 week 6 pack.

    You guys can finish too!! I definitely notice a difference, my body as a whole just feels tighter and stronger!!

    fitness magazine just rated 6/6 as one of its top 10 workout dvd's. Bob's video was on that list too.

    Congrats and good luck!!! But your not leaving us are you?????
  • mom2TNT
    mom2TNT Posts: 29 Member
    I have a confession to make, y'all... I cheated on Jillian Michaels today with Billy Blanks. Yes, my friends.... I went back to my first love. I did the same Tae Bo tape I've had since I was a teenager that I dust off every so often just to see if I can do it yet. And today I could. I did not miss a single rep, I tell you! First time EVER. And I'm afraid Jillian can't take the credit for it, because I'm only 2 days into level 1 of 30DS (today would have been day 3).

    But I repeat. I did the WHOLE THING. My HRM yelled at me a couple of times for having my heart rate too high (I maxed out at 165, I'm not supposed to go over 163, apparently) but I felt okay so I kept going. So yes, anyway, go me! :D

    I might get back to Jillian tomorrow. If I feel like it. Or I might do Zumba.... ; )

    that it so awesome!! kickboxing is hard work. is your Zumba a tape or class?
  • Ok, do D3L1....For some reason this morning was very difficult! I had a hard time managing my breath (asthma) and every time I tried to do a jumping jack the tendons behind my left knee felt like they were going to snap-I had no leg issues with "jump rope"so I did that instead of jumping jacks. I have yoga tonight so hopefully that will stretch out whatever is going on with the left leg. I am resisting the urge to weigh myself, I am trying to make Sunday morning my weigh in time. I do feel better though, I feel like I am doing something good for myself, and I love getting up early to do this before work-gets me pumped up for the day. Keep up the good work everyone, we can do this!:happy:
  • mom2TNT
    mom2TNT Posts: 29 Member
    ok, so I completed D4L1 last night - before midnight. Lil gil went down at 9:30 so I did 45 on the treadclimber and then shred. If I can make it thru C1 I can do the whole thing. but i promise you - the push up are my enemy. I can almost do the entire first set but after the squat press I can barely do the second set. My thighs, actually the back of them, are hurting me today. That and my shoulders.

    OH, and remember that cold? Well, I could not shake the cough. Just thought it was part of the cold. Turns out I was having an asthma attack. I had to take two treatments to feel better. Doing better but cold did trigger the asthma. Not going to stop - some reason, during exercise, the coughing stops. Wierd.

    Well, going to nap. Lil one and #2 son woke up at 5am. #2 is home sick today. C25k training day for me - do that this afternoon and Shred when lil girl goes to bed tonight. Keep shredding!!!
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    You guys ROCK! There have been so many posts since I last posted! It's amazing all your hard work!

    CeeJay, for stiffness (rather, to combat it) I try to walk briskly on the treadmill after I do shred. On Shred days, I do Shred first, and then usually need to knock out another couple hundred calories to round out my workout. I walk on the treadmill just to loosen up my legs and as a result, I haven't had any stiffness.

    As for me, I did L1D4 last night. I was amazed by how quickly it went. Afterwards I went up to see my husband who came hom while I was working out and I was sitting on the couch thinking "man I need to go and work out" before I realized I'd already finished it! It really went quickly. I'm having an easier time with the first set of push ups. I think I missed only one in the first set (these are girly pushups). I did a lot better with the squat presses - those usually get my arms pretty worn out. I can do all the jumping jacks now too (which is a drastic change from just last Thursday night when I started this). I'm always so greatful when I can sit down and do the ab work. And I love it when we get to the punching because that's a workout I can handle too. Jumpropes are still killing my calves. I need to get myself in a rhythm for them so I can learn to knock them out.

    My new favorite Jillian quote is when you're doing the second part of abs in the first Circuit. When you're lifting the butt off the floor. She says something to the effect of "you know that pouch YOU GUYS get, well this will work it out." Jillian, I bet if you had a Big Mac just once, you'd be surprised at the pouches you'd develop.

    All in all, Shred went really well for me last night. I thought I'd given it a pretty good go. I'm not sore at all today, so maybe I didn't push as hard as I'd like, but my HRM certainly thought so as I'd burned more calories than I did last time I did Shred. I also hopped on the treadmill and wound up running for the longest I've run in years. So I'm feeling pretty good right now.

    Keep up the great work everybody!!
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    Alright, glad I could join this thread. I did the 30 day shred last night, and I LOVED it, yes it was kind of tough. But man it felt good, I know it was working my muscles and I know results will come. I borrowed someone's dvd, but I am going tonight to get my own copy. Everyone has 20 minutes in a day, especially if you have kids is soooo worth it, I had my son do his home work while I was working out.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Oh, and today was measurement day so here we go...

    *Start measurements taken Thursday, 2/10.

    Start Weight: 237ish
    Current Weight: 236.2

    Start Belly: 46 inches............... Current Belly: 45.5
    Start Hips: 49 inches............... Current Hips: 46
    Start Bicep: 14.5 inches..........Current Bicep - I forgot to measure this.
    Start Waist (smallest part): 39.5 inches...............Current Waist: 39
    Start Thigh: 29 inches.............Current Thigh: 28
  • laura4410
    laura4410 Posts: 44 Member
    Ok here are my final results!! After 30 days of the shred...

    SW: 174
    CW: 164 (-10lbs yay)

    Starting measurements:
    waist: 32
    arms: 13 each
    thighs: 25 each

    waist: 30
    hips: 37
    arms: 12
    thighs: 23.5

    (-6 inches all together!)

    I notice the biggest difference in my butt/thighs area. All those squats!! I also notice a difference in my arms. I can see that definition starting to come through again thanks to all those planks!! Most importantly, I feel fantastic and have been working out every day and dont want to stop!! I am going to do another 30 days at least, but throw in a second video and/or running 3 times a week. Good luck to all of you!! I plan to take pics too, so I will post before/ afters!!
  • Juicyyy
    Juicyyy Posts: 38 Member
    I am on day three of level 1. I am doing it on a daily basis in addition to cardio/C25K week 7 day 2 right now! I absolutely love it. My daughters are doing it with me they are 7 and 12. I am sore more sore than I have been in a long time, but it feels great to be getting in some strength training with all the cardio I am doing! Looking forward to some awesome results! And BTW I actually love Jillian in this video she is so motivational. Good luck all!
  • oliveoil87
    oliveoil87 Posts: 141 Member
    I did level one today!! I can't believe I made it through!! I had a about 2 five sec breaks but I pushed myself!!!
  • I am on L2 D4 today. It is definitely a tough workout, but to all the people on L1, keep it up as you will see results. It is worth it! I never took measurements at the beginning, but my waist has definitely shrunk, and I feel so much better doing it now. L2 is very tough, and I have sneaked a peak at L3 and that looks worse, but will see it through. I can see myself dropping a dress size and being more toned my the end! Good luck to all doing it!
  • Dimples99
    Dimples99 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi! I'm new to this thread. I started the 30 Day Shred 11 days ago. I did 10 days at L1 and i did my first day of L2 today. I don't have a scale and I don't know if I have lost any weight but I can definitely tell a change in my endurance. I did weigh myself at a friends house about 4 or 5 days into the program and I weighed 167. I will get a scale soon to see if any weight has been lost. Happy Shredding to all!
  • I have a confession to make, y'all... I cheated on Jillian Michaels today with Billy Blanks. Yes, my friends.... I went back to my first love. I did the same Tae Bo tape I've had since I was a teenager that I dust off every so often just to see if I can do it yet. And today I could. I did not miss a single rep, I tell you! First time EVER. And I'm afraid Jillian can't take the credit for it, because I'm only 2 days into level 1 of 30DS (today would have been day 3).

    But I repeat. I did the WHOLE THING. My HRM yelled at me a couple of times for having my heart rate too high (I maxed out at 165, I'm not supposed to go over 163, apparently) but I felt okay so I kept going. So yes, anyway, go me! :D

    I might get back to Jillian tomorrow. If I feel like it. Or I might do Zumba.... ; )

    that it so awesome!! kickboxing is hard work. is your Zumba a tape or class?

    Actually my Zumba is the Wii game. I just got it and I haven't done it very much yet. I still suck. Bad. :-)
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    I've heard so many great things about 30 day shred that I went and bought it today. I usually go to the gym on Thursdays, but I can't tonight because my husband has to use my car because his broke down, so I said, fine, then I am going to buy some new DVD's because I am so sick of the ones I have, lol!

    So I bought 30 day shred and billy blanks cardio inferno. I'm planning to do both tonight.

    So for 30 day shred, are you supposed to do it every day? If so, I think I will start doing it first thing in the morning because I try to go to the gym most nights and am also doing C25K right now, monday-wednesday-friday.

    Great job to those of you that are doing it now and have finished it!!
  • D3L1 completed this morning. man are my calves yelling at me. last night I also went to kickboxing class and when she pulled out the weights I thought - oh crap! but I made it. this is fun - thanks to you all for the motivation and inspiration of sharing your stories!
  • Oh my goodness!!!!! L1D7 done! :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: For some reason today was my hardest day yet! I felt like I was going to keel over and die, but I pushed through and made it. I even resorted to throwing down my 5 lb. weights and grabbing my 3's for the last half of the second set of squat and press. I used 5's for everything else except side lunge with anterior raise.

    All I can figure out is that I haven't gotten much sleep the last couple nights, my 8 month old is teething. :ohwell: Then I had to get up this morning and take my hubby to get his wisdom teeth removed, so I am taking care of both my men today. :yawn:

    I will go ahead and try to do it tomorrow, but if it doesn't go better I will probably take both Saturday and Sunday off to let my body recuperate. I am still doing the treadmill every day too.
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