P90X - First timer



  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    Did Kenpo today and LOVED IT! I think it's for sure going to be my favorite workout. Said I burned 755 calories (I have a cheaper Sportsline HRM) so not sure about that number). However, I am overweight and my HR gets up into the 170s sometimes so maybe that is close to the real amount burned. Usually, though I don't eat those calories back. Like last night I could have had 350 more but didn't since it was already 10 by time I finished working out.

    So, couple questions for those in Phase 2: Have you actually seen any differences in your body yet? Just wondering around what week I should expect to actually "See" my body look different instead of just "FEEL" it.

    Do you still get REALLY sore? Some mornings, it hurts just to get out of bed! HAHA since my ab muscles are like jelly (Damn Ab Ripper X!)

    Only on Day 6 so I hope by Day 30 I will start to see some change. Trying to stay away from the scale but so far, no weight loss :(

    I have a Sportline, too, and the heart rate measurement is suppose to be really accurate on them. I did Kenpo X, and it was pretty good, aside from fearing I'd knock my uncoordinated self out with the complicated punch moves.

    It said I burned less than I did when doing the muscle groups. I had a calorie count of 675ish, with some burn afterwards. I, too, was in the 170s a good portion of the time.

    Toward the end, I was gettting tuckered out, so I wasn't doing as well on the punches, kicks (though I did like that 100 punches one--I was good at THAT).

    I don't get very good work outs with the abs yet. It strained the small of my back trying to keep my feet in the air, but I already saw improvement the second go round. I actually was able to do one or two of the ones with your legs in the air. I was proud of that. Still, until my ab muscles get stronger, the small of back will probably pay for it.

    I still can't do the reverse bicycle very well, either! I get all screwed up.

    Anyone else have these problems?
  • DaveGlasnost
    DaveGlasnost Posts: 146 Member
    Lots of good comments to see, reassuring as I am seeing the same things you guys (and gals) are.

    Still ignoring calories burned on HRM since I am too lazy to see if there's some settings I can change.

    Not seeing any real outward body changes, still feel like I am imagining that my jeans are ever so slightly less tight. The general wisdom I am picking up is to basically ignore the scale, don't look for massive body changes yet, except to see easily-observable endurance, flexibility and strength gains.

    What I am seeing (at week 3, day 1 complete so far) are changes in ability to get through the programs. I am taking less breaks, and no longer am close to needing the 2 hours to finish a workout that I used to need just to survive. Especially happy with yesterday's result: I really struggled with pushups in week 2 day 1, resorting to doing pushups on my knees the whole workout, but yesterday I somehow rebounded and did not resort to the knees.

    The cloud to the silver lining is the fact that I didn't have good form on the pushups, and I didn't do terribly many. I'll be hoping to build on my rebound with good quality pushups next time. I'll take the fact that I got back up off my knees as progress for this time around.

    Another real trouble area are pullups. I cannot yet come close to doing a single unassisted pullup. I did get my pullup bar only after week 2 started, so I have only just started trying "real" pullups. Doing assisted pullups and trying to make myself do negatives with little or no assistance, but concerns remain.

    Ab ripper and similar stuff are putting strains on my back, as someone else mentioned is happening to them, so we can hope that will improve as our core improves. I am seeing my ab ripper rep counts either go up, or, if they fall, it's because I am consciously trying to reduce the pauses I take and finding my "reps when I don't take extra breaks" numbers.

    So far Kenpo remains my favorite, plyo is great fun, yoga may actually be moving up the ranks after being a 2+hour ordeal in week, 1 because I did so much better and so much more in week 2. The weightlifting days sit at the bottom mostly because my pullups and pushups situation. Doing good on the other weight training work but these 2 are killing it for me at the moment.
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    Today is my rest day from P1 week 1.

    Tomorrow starts week 2. I'm hoping my one calf (which is REALLY sore right now) is not so sore by tomorrow so I can do a much better job bringing it! My lower back is still a little sore, but slowly going away, so hopefully that's gone by the next ab section.

    I lowered my weekly weight loss goal to up my calories to help support these workouts.
  • bonboncito
    bonboncito Posts: 234 Member
    Tommorow its the start of week 3 for me and so what hrm do you guys recomed their so expensive. Im just putting in 250 to 350 cal burn. So I really dont know how well im doin.
  • DaveGlasnost
    DaveGlasnost Posts: 146 Member
    Polar I hear is good HRM, I have a Timex which works fine for me. Except I ignore the calorie count. I assume 600 calories/workout but I never seem to be able to eat enough to reach the ~3K cal/day I am supposed to need according to the calculations, so I hope it all works out. (I do try for 3000 cal but rarely get close to 2800, sadly.)
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    Did day 1 of week 2 today. I'm sick, and had a bad night last night.

    I wasn't really feeling up to snuff, but made myself do Core Syn hoping it would make me feel better.

    I did a few regular push-ups, which is an improvement from knee push-ups. Definitely can feel that my core is worked, but I just couldn't push very hard today. HRM said I burned about 560 doing this workout.

    I just felt really sluggish and worn out today.
  • DaveGlasnost
    DaveGlasnost Posts: 146 Member
    Limped through shoulders and arms due to being somewhat unwell. I was subjected to some bad food I think and am glad to be back on the wagon after a couple days of having to entertain guests. Still am not at 100%.

    My weigh-in today really suffered, too: I am now essentially right back to square one, though I guess I need to keep in mind it was a really bad weekend I simply could not avoid, and I probably picked up a lot of water weight. The weigh in, I hope, is just a temporary peak due to the weekend dietary snafus, since I have been hovering consistently at 235 plus/minus 1 lb for several weeks in daily readings. As discouraging as it is, it does not take away from the fact that I am still putting a huge effort into this exercise routine.

    Shoulders and arms did go pretty well, when I could finally do them yesterday. I found some weights could be increased this week. I needed the usual handful of breaks but also got a fair number of mini-breaks due to having to change weights. I don't have the "dial in a weight" kind of adjustables so it takes me 20-30 seconds to make changes.

    Ab ripper saw me struggling more than the last couple of times, since I did yesterday's round on less rest than the 2 previous times. Still, while sometimes I lost a couple reps, I was OK given the level of fatigue I already had and also considering some of the increases in quality of form I achieved.

    With 3 workouts to go before "recovery week" I am just starting to look ahead to what's coming next.

    I do think I am worried that I should stay in this first set of routines a little longer, because I don't do well on pushups, and, more worriesome: I can't do a single unassisted pullup on any of the varieties. Tony says you can go a little longer than 4 weeks on a given phase, but I don't know what is best -- how about some other guys (males): did you go into the recovery week and the next phase without doing any unassisted pullups in the first 3 weeks?
  • DS13
    DS13 Posts: 136
    I finished Phase 1 and took pics like I said I was going to and compared to the first. I didn't see much change physically which sucks, but what doesn't suck is that I've dropped 5+ pounds(I'm not sure how much I weighed when I started, but remember being 233 early Feb). Also I'm much stronger now. Anyway here's a comparison pic! I would post the front and side pics, but I don't feel like censoring my man boobs.


    Oh yeah, the left side is the current pic.
  • DaveGlasnost
    DaveGlasnost Posts: 146 Member
    Hi DS13, so you are at the 30 day mark?

    If it's any consolation I am 22 days in and am not seeing fantastical visual results either. But then, and I guess this is important for both of us: it is consistently the case that people don't "see" much in the first 30 days. The wisdom is that you feel stronger, more capable, but you don't get the visual satisfaction till later in the program. I hear the last 30 days is where you really see a lot of change. I hope so, as with 30 days in, there's not much to see.

    I do feel like my stomach is slightly flatter, but the measurement of my waist only kind of indicates that, depending on time of day and last meal thing. I have to stop measuring for now, hahaha.

    Like you I do feel somewhat stronger. I am getting that little bit more able to do clean pushups as my form slowly improves. I find these little improvements in ability everywhere, mixed in with all the pausing and collapsing in exhaustion. I did Core Synergistics for the first time yesterday and it destroyed me, but it also allowed me to see some core improvements. The Dreya Roll thing I was introduced to, in yesterday's workout? Well it told me I might be able to do the one (slower, more controlled) yoga move where you lie on your back and get up on your shoulders with your feet in the air. I felt a new strength in my core that just might allow me to do this move next time. At least I hope, because so far each time I tried, I looked like a seal flopping about trying to get into that position!

    On the negative side I still struggle with enduring these workouts. I also can't do very many pushups and can only go close to the floor on them a few times at best. Pullups are still completely out; I do assisted and negatives (with a bit of assistance too). I don't care that I can't (or won't) do every single exercise in the workouts I've seen so far (meaning some of the advanced yoga stuff) but I'll try to substitute in those cases. My concerns are endurance, pushups, and pullups, the rest is taking care of itself, or so it seems.

    I hope I can bring myself to do 30-day pics here, especially if I have something worth posting. I hear you on the manboobs thing. I keep thinking how I went to a barbeque last summer, didn't think anything of having my shirt off -- but the pics afterward had me horrified! (BTW that moment of seeing those pics is one of my motivators!)

    If I do post pics , I'll probably go right ahead and "bring it" exposing the sad beginnings including frontals, and hopefully showing improvement after 30.
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    My husband and I just finished Phase 1. My weight hasn't changed and I have only lost 2 1/2 inches but I do see a difference. My calves and thighs have firmed up, I am seeing some muscle in my arms again, and I feel great!! My husband on the other hand has lost about 10 lbs! We are loving the workouts and are both getting stronger and our endurance is building. Can't wait to see the final results!

    Good luck!
  • DS13
    DS13 Posts: 136
    Hi DS13, so you are at the 30 day mark?

    I did day 2 of phase 2 today. I still struggle with Plyo lol

    So far I can see how the changes should be expected this round because yesterday was crazy. I was thinking, okay, pushups again, lets try to improve my numbers from last time. Then it was like, completely different with a million different exercises. I felt it this morning big time!

    @Stefani - Don't say only 2.5 inches, that's a great drop!
  • cmarsh1
    cmarsh1 Posts: 23 Member
    I am glad I am not the only one not seeing the scale move. I started week 7 today. I feel great and stronger. I am pushing myself with increasing weights, some push ups on my feet, and doing better with ab ripper. i am happy with how I feel just wish the scale would show it.
  • dmkaiser83
    day 19 of lean version. yoga kicked my butt yesterday but it's getting easier to do. by no means is it easy, just easier than it was in the beginning! i refuse to measure or step on the scale until my 30 day check in.
  • my8kidsmom
    my8kidsmom Posts: 64 Member
    Day 2 of Week 5 here :) Still struggling with the push ups but I will get there! I can almost do every rep on Ab Killer but still haven't made it all the way through the Yoga yet mostly because it bores me soooo much. I am headed to the gym soon to do an hour of yoga there. So far I have lost 5 lbs and 4 inches.
  • DaveGlasnost
    DaveGlasnost Posts: 146 Member
    Day 5 of Week 4 tonight. Going on faith now, had a little movement on the scale and hoping lots of well-hidden changes are going to come to light in the next few weeks.

    Have a huge issue with my nutrition, am feeling more achy than I should right now. Going to have to redouble my efforts to eat right (I'm not eating crap food, no-no-no! Just not the right amounts and proportions of good stuff).

    [Edit to add more points:]

    The small of my back on the right side is not happy these days. I am being careful but it's kind of chronic issue now until it somehow gets sorted out.

    I am not doing some of the jumping stuff like the "X-style Jumping Jacks" because I am babying what feels like the merest beginning of a shin splint on my right side. I had really bad shin splints that it seemed to take a year to get rid of, so I am understandably shy about jumping around too much. I may have to substitute exercises in Plyo or do Cardio X or something as I move forward.
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    How is everyone doing?

    I start Phase 3 tonight and have really noticed my strength and cardio fitness really ramping up. I've heard that the last month can do wonders if you push yourself, so that's my plan!
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    Bump again!!

    I was a bit slow at Phase 3 and just finished yesterday. Down 15 lbs from the program start and made my goal of being able to do a pull-up!!
  • DaveGlasnost
    DaveGlasnost Posts: 146 Member
    Hi Creiche, and anyone else still tuning in.

    Wow saw this thread pop up on my list, been a long time since it moved. I'm still around but this thread kinda got quiet so it dropped off my radar.

    I kept on going with P90X. I'm about to finish week 12 tonight, going into final recovery week for this round.

    I had 2 rough weeks out of the whole thing, I had to restart week 7 due to travel causing 3 missed workouts, and this week I will have skipped 2 workouts. I don't like to slide my schedule and frankly don't feel like "rebooting" week 12 next week, so I will let the missed workouts slide. Biggest reason is that I will not be simply "stopping" afterwards since I already know I am still a work in progress. I will not be "ripped in 90 days" for sure.

    However, I am down 15 or so lbs from when I started P90X (overall: 21lbs). I have more muscle mass. I have room in my jeans again (I actually had to cut down or stop wearing them due to real discomfort they were so tight around the waist!) I am most definitely picking some of my clothes from a year or so ago out and positively giddy about how they hang on me. In particular some polo shirts I felt disgusting in look fantastic now.

    I have had a thousand other NSVs -- people come out of the woodwork ribbing me about how I am "skinny" now, which, when wearing clothes, is most definitely my appearance now.

    I had a vague goal of doing maybe 8 pullups by end of 90. This was quickly shattered when on my first tries I would get in position, hang, and not be able to budge an INCH. Then I changed my goal to "at least a couple" or maybe just "1" after a few more weeks of complete futility. Hope returned toward the end of phase 2 when I started being able to move my body a little, then as the weeks wore on I worked up to and did my very first unassisted pullup, culminating in recent victories of doing 4 pullups and once almost managing 5. Doubt I will hit my goal of 8 but I'd love to get past 5.

    I said "when wearing clothes" earlier, because as mentioned before I will still be a work in progress: My chest hasn't tightened up to where I want it. I now sport a paunch (which I will take any day over the protruding gut I had just 3 months ago!), and I still overall look softer than I would like. I can see a fit-looking body starting to peek out of the fat, and it is pretty obviously showing at this point (there is still a formidable albiet much-weakened layer of fat still covering a lot of the good form trying to burst out). And I would be delighted to lose another 10-15lbs, bringing my fat % to "very good" levels.
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    Great job Dave!! I agree that the NSV's were the best part of finishing up P90X (other than feeling so much better now in general than I did on Day 1). I now cannot go anywhere without people commenting on how much smaller I am and have had several people want more info about MFP and eating healthier in general. I definitely still have 10-15 lbs more to lose, which is why I've started another round of P90X. I'll probably substitute other types of cardio for some of the workouts, but I really want to see where I can get after another 90 days.

    Any idea what you'll do after your last recovery week?
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Awesome work Dave! Sometimes with P90X the NSV are the best part of the program. If you are interested in really melting that layer of fat away, might I suggest Insanity.