Turbo Team!! xx



  • GlynisH
    GlynisH Posts: 69 Member
    I just did my cardio party. I really didn't want to do it. I was so tired and my abs still hurt from yesterday. but i did it and i'm glad i did. thanks for being here.

    nmoreland- i smoke too and i know how you feel during a workout. i want to quit eventually but i have a lot of stress right now and i'm not ready. if you need help quitting, i recommend chantix. i did that for a month and i quit for several months until i started going thru the stress of wedding planning. i didn't suffer any of the side effects. it was really great. the only reason that i didn't stay quit is because i didn't take the med for the recommended amount of time which is 4-6 months. i know if i were to try it again and do it right, i'd be successful. the only problem was it cost nearly $300 for the first month.

    sandypants- about not seeing results on the scale, i'm in the same boat. I lost 4 pounds and now i'm up 2 pounds from my starting weight. i'm just not really sure if the scale is an accurate way to measure your results. i think its more important how you feel. i still continue to weigh myself everyday, but i'm not sure how much stock i want to put into it. it doesn't seem right. i just know that i have a healthier lifestyle now and i feel better about myself. and eventually i will see the results in my body. i just have to stick to it. that's why i'm glad i have you guys here. if i was doing this myself, i would've given up by now. and also, good job on sticking to it even though your not feeling well! you are an inspiration!
  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    I did the Punch, Kick, Jam workout today. Let me tell you, my quads were burning during up downs (I can't remember if that is the right name or not) in the beginning of the workout. I have not done that one in a while, and I bet it is killer with gloves. I have to buy new ones cause my dogs got a hold of them a while back. :)

    Anyways, I hope everyone is having a good day!
  • nikkiWIP
    nikkiWIP Posts: 14 Member
    Hey guys!! I'm see that ppl are keepin up with TJ... unfortunately I got a call from doctor who advised me to stop working out until he has me run more test he believes I have some injured muscles...ooops I thought I was only sored lol

    Anyway, you guys keep pushing, I was already on my Day 20 of TJ when we started our group so I shouldn't be too being when I'm ready to workout again.

    I don't really post on the discussion board because I mainly use my phone and we can't post on the boards just yet with the Iphone app, but I'm still part of the group and u guys are doing AMAZING, keep pressing play!!!
  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    I want to join!! I am new to MFP and have been watching my calories and doing TJ for 4 weeks now. Today was cardio party and I burned 504 calories during my workout today. Just an FYI I weigh 166.4 today and started 4 weeks ago at 174. I am still not sure if I am "tucking it under" right because I feel the workout in my upper legs more than my abs. Only time my abs ache is after doing the floor ab workout. Anybody else have this problem and can someone tell the proper way to "tuck". My upper legs get tired when I tuck, not my abs :(
  • SlimLittleMrs
    Hi gang, sorry I didn't get my workout in today (Thursday), but I promise to make it up on Saturday so that I still have completed the proper number of workouts this week.

    You are doing so great and I wanted to thank you all for your support, you are such wonderful friends.

    Also, welcome spcopps! Definitely, the more the merrier!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,073 Member
    Nikkito -- Sorry to hear about injury. Hope you are recovered soon. Thanks for being part of the team & so supportive.

    I did the Ab Jam and the 20 minute work out today.

    Welcome, Spcopps. I am newbie so can't give advice. I haven't been too sore yet... but I know that if anything... I am overdoing it. After not doing anything or only sporadically for years... it is amazing that I have been doing this now... almost 2 weeks on the Beginner Track. So, just to be moving consistently is good, much less getting my heart rate up & keeping it up for any length of time. I must tell y'all that I feel so good once I've rested a little while after the workouts.

    Sandypants... You are welcome, and I, too, thank you all so very much for the great support here.

    I love that we are all posting and committed. This is a terrific team and I am so excited! I joined another exercise challenge and it seems to have fizzled out except for me...

    So, thank you all for giving me the motivation to exercise regularly! And, again, especially to Nikki.

  • SlimLittleMrs
    Hey y'all - I forgot to tell you I did my 20 min Turbo Jam workout today as well as Ab Jam. Yay Turbo Jam!

    P.S. - Where is everybody??
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    I wasn't going to share these uninspiring measurements, but maybe they'll be interesting to look back on from some thinner future . . . hips 51.5, waist 43, chest 45--which is a 1.5 inch loss overall since Feb 20. I feel like I've worked way harder than that shows.

    I did stick to my schedule this week, except that I took Thursday as a rest day instead of doing yoga/pilates/karate. It's TOM, and Thursday was day 2--always my most miserable day.

    Sandy: How are you feeling? It's always so nice to see your smiling face on a post in the morning. :smile:

    Nmoreland: How are your classes going, and how's it going with quitting smoking?

    Elbee: I wasn't going to do the C25K, but then when you started talking about it, I got interested You're such a trend-setter!! Today was my first day.

    Glynis: Are you still in the wedding planning stage? Your photo is so glamorous--I bet you are/will be a beautiful bride!!

    Nikki: We miss you!

    We're going to start sparring in Karate on Tuesday. I can't wait!!
  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    The smoking thing had no changes this week. I have decided to start with tracking how much I smoke by putting a number in my food comments section. It is going to be really hard because school is stressful. I am taking it slow, and if there are times that I smoke more then I want, then I will not berate myself for it like I usually do. I m trying not to add any extra stress to myself.

    I am going to start on my day of homework after I play around on here for a bit. :) I am extremely stressed out at the moment because I feel that I have a lot to do this week, as well as every week from here till May 6 (the last day of the semester). I am also working on my resume and looking at jobs, but that is my last priority right now.

    I have not worked out as much this week as I would have liked to, and I noticed something interesting. I clench my jaw when I am stressed, and I noticed I did it way more on the days that I did not work out. I am going to use that to keep the workouts going, even when I am super stressed and don't want to do it.

    I did a 35 minute weight workout this morning. I am going to work on fun and exciting research and policy homework, then I will do a cardio workout (ideally).

    hemlock - I started doing turbo jam again about a month before this group started, and I did not see any difference in my measurements until the first week, and then I think it was only one or two inches total. I have noticed that I feel better overall, and I love feeling the soreness after a workout. My legs have started to gain muscle again, though I mostly see it when I am looking for it. :) I would like to see inches go down first, but I should have known that was going to happen since I did have muscular legs before the weight started to come on.

    A few more minutes of playing around, then homework time!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,073 Member
    Hemlock - I hope you like sparring! I loved it! I could not do it now, but would love to try it, again, when I am more fit.
    Also, I'm happy to have inspired you. I am doing the Conservative Couch to 5K. It is a 7 month plan. I have tried the other one, but never made it through it or even close... I think it is because I need to just get more consistent about doing things on a regular basis. And, not obsess with the 1 minute this and then 2 minutes that. I don't know... just looks more doable for me and the other one seemed like rushing it. Maybe if I'd had a partner to actually do it with me outside. So, the entire first month is just walking and not every day. I think that I might be able to do it this slow way. I do enjoy running/jogging more than walking (I get so bored!), but I get too out of breath too quickly and need to build up slowly.

    I've had computer problems, so it got me down... and then I missed doing Turbo Jam on Friday. I will get it in sometime this evening and also the Ab Jam that I missed on Monday or Tuesday.
  • HunnyLuvsJorge
    HunnyLuvsJorge Posts: 91 Member
    Haven't posted in a while, but I wanted to let ya'll know that I did double duty of Cardio Party and Turbo Sculpt. I'm gonna feel it tomorrow!! My shoulders are killing me! The workouts seem to be getting more difficult instead of easier, but it may be because I'm putting a lot more of my body into the movements than I did initially. I still huff and puff and sometimes I have to slow down or do some modified moves. I wish I knew what I looked like while doing the workouts because I feel like my form is all wrong. Especially when it comes to some of the sculpt moves. I use 3# weights. I thought it would be too light at first, but I definitely feel the burn towards the end of the reps so I won't be going up to 5# any time soon.

    Anyway...Tomorrow is my C25K training. I am NOT a runner by any means and it's probably the hardest thing I've ever done. I hated it at first, but once I got thru one session I felt so proud of myself!! Hope you all have a fabulous week!
  • SlimLittleMrs
    OMG! I am SO mad! I just spent about 15 minutes typing out a post to reply to all of you and send you lots of love and encouragement - and when I hit post it was gone! grrrrrrrr, how frustrating.

    Unfortunately I'm at work and I can't really take another 15 minutes to type out a message to each of you again, but please know that I'm seeing how wonderfully you are all doing and I really appreciate each and every one of you.

    I got in a 20 minute Turbo Jam workout today as well as a 35 minute Slim in Six Start it Up workout - I still owe one more 20 minute Turbo Jam workout to get me caught up with the rest of you and then I can start Week 3 back on track!

    Again, I'm really sorry I can't post a reply to each of you again right now but I am SO impressed with everyones committment and dedication to getting fit and healthy! Turbo Team rocks!!
  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    Hunnylovesjorge - When I do the turbo jam dvd's that I know, I tend to push myself harder, so then I have to do areas of modified or take a break. Even going a little deeper in my legs makes me feel it a lot more.
    As you do the sculpting more often, you will catch yourself and correct yourself more. My big thing is I do not always have my back flat, so I have to always check that. I tend to try to work on one aspect of my form at a time.

    Sandypants - sorry your post got lost, that sucks! but thanks for the encouragement even though you were frustrated. :smile:
    Great job on getting two workouts in so far today.

    I have completed a 35 minute weight lifting workout from chalene extreme today and will do a cardio workout this afternoon, probably cardio party 2 since it has been a little while since I have done that one.
  • GlynisH
    GlynisH Posts: 69 Member
    hey everyone! i got my measurements. everything stayed the same except for waist and bust. waist=36" bust= 40" So that's 2 inches lost this week. i wish it would come off faster but at least i'm seeing a little progress.
  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    I completed cardio party 2. Time for more homework now. :) I will be taking my measurements tomorrow and will post any differences. My eating habits were not too great this week, so I don't forsee any differences, but we will see.
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,073 Member
    WTG, GlynisH! 2 inches!!!

    Nmoreland -- I didn't eat too great this week, either. I just hope that I didn't gain weight or add any inches...

    I had to go out of order on the Beginner Track. Didn't do TurboJam Friday or Saturday. Did 20 minute work out & Ab Jam, today. Plus some walking.
  • fitag
    fitag Posts: 75 Member
    Ok! Im back in the game!!! I got my bottom into gear and did Turbo Jam 3T tonight, burning 301cals! ....I wont weigh or measure myself till next week because I think it either might be disgraceful or non existent in changes.

    Please dont give up on me :)

    All of you are such an inspiration!
  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    fitag - there will be ups and downs in out numbers, but I know how you feel about not wanting to know. We won't give up on you!!
    So, here are my numbers:

    weight 193 minus 2 lbs
    chest 41.5 minus .5 in
    right arm 14
    left arm 14
    waist 40
    hips 46.5 minus .5 in
    right thigh 27
    left thigh 27

    I lost two pounds and only 1 inch. I have lost 10 pounds total, and only 2 inches total, where is the weight coming from?

    GlynisH - two inches is twice as much as me. :smile: GOOD JOB!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,073 Member
    nmoreland -- I am having the same problem. Where did the 6.6 pounds that I've lost come from?

    Here are my numbers:
    I lost 3 pounds this time around, but 0 inches. Same as last week.
    I must measure in different places every time. arrrggh! But, I figure when I really lose, I'll be able to tell from loser clothing. So... here are the measurements, any way. I didn't lose any inches overall, but re-distributed, maybe? (really think it must be where and how I'm measureing... duh...):
    Chest: 40 same as last week
    Waist: 40 minus 1.5 from last week
    Left thigh: 23.5 plus .5 from last week
    Right thigh: 23 same
    Left arm: 12 plus.5 from last week
    Right arm: 12 plus .5 from last week
    Hips: 46 same

    Well, at least I didn't gain weight and I didn't gain total inches. Whew!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,073 Member
    Just finished 20 minute work out & Ab Jam.