
  • It pisses me off when ...

    My stupid *kitten* conniving cheater roommate uses the rent money to buy drugs and we get an eviction notice. Stupid fat c-word.

    Wow i'm sorry to hear this one, that suck i would be PISSED too.
  • Pixacious
    Pixacious Posts: 2 Member

    People who feed their kids *kitten* my sister recently made dinner for her kids... Frozen chicken nuggets, french fries and mac n cheese FML way to start the bad habits young!!!
    People who judge what others feed their kids.

    I fed my son veggies and fruits every day since he started eating solid foods. One day he refused them, and refused to touch them ever since. He can spot a veggie a mile away no matter how small it is cut or diced and he will NOT eat it or anything that resembles it. Therefore his dinners often resemble your sisters, because he needs to eat SOMETHING and that is what he will eat. We continue to offer fruits and veggies although we know he will refuse, though.

    Exactly! I have had people make comments to me about the stuff my son eats, but my 16 month old is on a high fat/high calorie diet and is working his way off a feeding tube. Sometimes you just have to do what it takes!
  • when people chew loud or with their mouth open or when people drive slow or dont know how to drive lol
  • when my coworker comments on the conversation that I am having....I mean hello I am on the phone and I am NOT on the phone with you! So mind your own f&@*%!g business!! If I wanted you to comment I would have said hey _____ I know you are listening to my conversation as I sit in my cubibcle what do you think about that? LMAO!!!
  • When people pull out in front of my school bus and then flip me off when I blow my horn at them. Hello I have kids on the bus and my bus is bigger then your tinny car.
  • oops
  • People who talk or text while driving and weave and swerve or go really slow. I always want to hold up a sign that says..."Hang Up and Drive". At least get a blue tooth or something. :noway:

    You need a B.U.S.T. sticker. It means Buckle Up and Stop Texting.

    If you want to see about this program go to

  • kbloodworth
    kbloodworth Posts: 107 Member
    ...when you try to push out a mean fart and a Hershey squirt comes out...while you're at a meeting...and you try to play it off like someone else did it...but the smell follows you as you crop-dust crap particles in the air on the way to the bathroom...then you have to throw away your underwear and free-ball in slacks the rest of the day.

    Wow...that was incredibly specific and detailed.
  • ....when I see dinosaurs still waking around. I'm like "hey dinosaurs, aren't you supposed to be extinct. " Gets me goin every time.

    LMFAO!!! i hate stupid animals!
  • ...when you try to push out a mean fart and a Hershey squirt comes out...while you're at a meeting...and you try to play it off like someone else did it...but the smell follows you as you crop-dust crap particles in the air on the way to the bathroom...then you have to throw away your underwear and free-ball in slacks the rest of the day.

    OMG! I think i just peed a little reading this!
  • Bdmiller42
    Bdmiller42 Posts: 149
    People don't use turn signals
  • ....somebody uses a word that I have to look up, and I don't know how to spell it.
    omg, this made me laugh out loud like a crazy person. HAHAAH. awesome.
  • when the person sitting behind me in the theater coughs. and doesn't cover their mouth. and actually makes my hair fly forward in my face.

  • cabbie461
    cabbie461 Posts: 23
    Don't get pissed off. Shop elsewhere. That's getting even!!!
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i hate it when car drivers are abusive and hateful towards cyclists... cyclists are doing the right thing for the environment, for their health, for clogged up traffic in cities, and idiots have to have a go at them.

    i am both a driver and a cyclist, and i learnt virtually everything i should know about driving, by riding my bike on roads alongside idiot drivers. And taxi drivers are the worst.
  • jon_dub
    jon_dub Posts: 166
    It pisses me off when I buy gas
  • Bdmiller42
    Bdmiller42 Posts: 149
    When people dont stick to their plans
  • QueenofCups
    QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member

    People who feed their kids *kitten* my sister recently made dinner for her kids... Frozen chicken nuggets, french fries and mac n cheese FML way to start the bad habits young!!!
    People who judge what others feed their kids.

    I fed my son veggies and fruits every day since he started eating solid foods. One day he refused them, and refused to touch them ever since. He can spot a veggie a mile away no matter how small it is cut or diced and he will NOT eat it or anything that resembles it. Therefore his dinners often resemble your sisters, because he needs to eat SOMETHING and that is what he will eat. We continue to offer fruits and veggies although we know he will refuse, though.

    Exactly! I have had people make comments to me about the stuff my son eats, but my 16 month old is on a high fat/high calorie diet and is working his way off a feeding tube. Sometimes you just have to do what it takes!

    I agree. I used to "judge" (aka, just not understand) parents who fed their kids "junk" but as a Mom now, sometimes you just have to throw together a quick meal that you know they like. Pizza, fish filets, nuggets....everything is served with a veggie. I feed both my kids the exact same thing, and my son will eat all vegetables but my daughter just flat refuses and we have to struggle for her to eat one bite.

    Harsh judgments about anyone is not a good place to be. And just remember, we all speak in 1st person. That which disturbs us in other people is something we need to forgive in ourselves.

    (i.e. I mentioned earlier in this thread that my pet peeve was judgmental ppl about kids and parenting....but I was one of those ppl once, so I know that as soon as I forgive myself for being judgmental, I will cease to allow other's judgments to bother me.)
  • marji4x
    marji4x Posts: 144 Member
    when people complain about bicyclists when it's going to affect maybe 2 minutes of their day! YEAH I went there ;D
  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    ....somebody uses a word that I have to look up, and I don't know how to spell it.
    omg, this made me laugh out loud like a crazy person. HAHAAH. awesome.

    haha.... this is so me :)
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