Girls- Getting sexually frusterated?



  • daniel1love
    Yeah, my boyfriend of two years has always kind of turned me down... I'm starting to wonder if I might be a beard... You wouldn't think it would take me this long to catch on! Lol.
    I know the feeling there is nothing worse then being turned down after you get "dressed" for the occasion
  • bouldert
    bouldert Posts: 225 Member
    try a F.W.B.
  • hjsyndrome
    hjsyndrome Posts: 215
    Please don`t jump on me (no pun intended) but am curious about something and just want to put this out for discussion.

    How many of the ladies here are not satisfied with the outcome of having that I mean has the guy never learned that sex is not about just him getting finished rather then desiring to please the lady first and foremost.
    If that is the case I suspect that there are signals of frustration sent and the guy gets frustrated in turn and eventually shuts down.

    Just a possibility and only asking it in the sense of making a suggestion that the lady makes it clear what she wants and enjoys so the whole thing can be better for both.
    I really don`t think a lot of guys ever learn how to give as good as to receive maybe.

    What?? She always told me it was the best 30 seconds of her life!!!


    I always make sure she goes first one way or another. Its a must in my book!
  • hjsyndrome
    hjsyndrome Posts: 215
    My story is different. I used to be like you guys until i turned 25 and my bf, who would turn me down a lot. I initiated sex 90% of the time and in 5 years i said no maybe only 2 times, him-i stopped counting. Well last year, his life became stable, mine started to be a wreck.
    Eventualy all the stress got to me and my libido is about 30% at what it used to be. Now, my partner is running after me, asking for it, he is horny all the time.:))
    It's funny, but what we experience in life affects our sex drive.

    I cant say no. My switch is on all the time, that way Im ready when she is. When it comes to sex - No is not in my vocabulary (I mean for me - she says no a lot).
  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283
    DH and I have 3 kids ages 7, 3 and 3..this sounds mean but for us to have "our" time we have movie night for the kids on Friday night before we get too tired LOL. We rent a movie off Netflix or Vudu and let the kids eat popcorn and watch a movie...we sneak into the bedroom and lock the door for a "little" while. Before we did this it could honestly be 2-4 months between our sessions LOL.

    As for disappointment girls get a BULLET!! You will be done SEVERAL times before he gets warmed up good!!
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member

    As for disappointment girls get a BULLET!! You will be done SEVERAL times before he gets warmed up good!!

    EVERY woman should have one!
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Wow...I didn't read any of the comments, but your sig. other sounds like me! I'm a full time graduate student, starting my doctoral this summer, and a teaching assistant so I teach 2 classes a semester too, along with taking 3-4 classes myself. Really....I love my husband...but I get SOOO tired and run down!

    So...I guess if you want some...see what you can do to lessen his stress? Like...if my husband would offer to help me grade exams, or help me study....I would have more time and less I may be up for it. :)

    Sorry..just a thought. :)
  • SpartanHard
    SpartanHard Posts: 170 Member
    Intersting read ladies.
  • 0mega60
    0mega60 Posts: 64 Member
    beautiful ladies...i was going to ask to join this thread but im sure i would get myself into hot water ....heee...

    ....................πολύτιμος κτητικός ότι ποτέ έρχεται σε έναs άντραs σε αυτό κόσμοs is έναs γυναίκα καρδιά ..........................................The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman's heart." -

    S>E>X> is just a bonus for the MAN with RESPECT
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    Don't feel bad, walkingGirl. My husband has been too tired plenty of times. I've ALWAYS been the one in the relationship pushing for it more than other times. I don't think that EVERY guy has to be a hornball. Just because he said "no," and he's too tired, doesn't mean he's cheating or that he's abnormal, by any means. Sorry to hear that. My husband is a Marine...I get sexually deprived A LOT. Hahaha...

    Good luck, kiddo.
    I feel for you!!!
    mine is Navy... I am tired of being deprived!!! :(
    Mine's Army... Sexually deprived for your freedom.
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Don't feel bad, walkingGirl. My husband has been too tired plenty of times. I've ALWAYS been the one in the relationship pushing for it more than other times. I don't think that EVERY guy has to be a hornball. Just because he said "no," and he's too tired, doesn't mean he's cheating or that he's abnormal, by any means. Sorry to hear that. My husband is a Marine...I get sexually deprived A LOT. Hahaha...

    Good luck, kiddo.
    I feel for you!!!
    mine is Navy... I am tired of being deprived!!! :(
    Mine's Army... Sexually deprived for your freedom.

    Thank you ladies for being sexually deprived so we can all sleep safe here in the US! :) I have nothing but respect for what your husbands do!
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    My DH and I use to have a GREAT sex life before we got married. Not that we are older our days consist of going to work, going to the gym, showering, making dinner, cleaning up from dinner, and then by that time its 9:30 or so. Now I'd be ok getting in bed at that time and having a little play time, but he ALWAYS feels the need to stay up, watch TV, and have a few drinks. Sex is just not nearly as appealing to me when I'm 100% sober and he smells of boozes. I'm not saying he has a drinking problem I jsut think some times he'd rather have a drink, rather than get in bed with me.
  • minmatt
    minmatt Posts: 62

    As for disappointment girls get a BULLET!! You will be done SEVERAL times before he gets warmed up good!!

    EVERY woman should have one!

    Exactly! If he "says" he's not interesting, pick up the bullet IN front of him....99.9% chance he will jump in, and if he doest... you still "win" lol
  • spcopps
    spcopps Posts: 283

    As for disappointment girls get a BULLET!! You will be done SEVERAL times before he gets warmed up good!!

    EVERY woman should have one!

    Exactly! If he "says" he's not interesting, pick up the bullet IN front of him....99.9% chance he will jump in, and if he doest... you still "win" lol

    OMG I love it...I never have to tempt DH with it..he pulls it out of the drawer before getting in bed and I KNOW what he has in mind LOL.
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Sorry to distract from the convo...but I've seen this a lot and still don't know what it means. What's a DH? A dumb husband? I know it has to do with husband...but the "D" part....still don't get.
  • Pineapples
    Pineapples Posts: 246 Member
    I am a very sexual person and I am not ashamed of it. I love it, need it and want it. And my husband knows it. If he is too tired and I am climbing the walls I take matters into my own hands and put him in the mood, do my thang and he always shall we say "rise's to the occasion". I know not everyone is comfortable with their sexuality or being the aggressor. But it works for me! So no not sexually frustrated. I wake him up if I have to! :devil:

    I agree.
  • pressica
    pressica Posts: 361
    Sorry to distract from the convo...but I've seen this a lot and still don't know what it means. What's a DH? A dumb husband? I know it has to do with husband...but the "D" part....still don't get.

    Ha ha!! Dumb husband...that's pretty funny. It usually means "dear" husband. But I like dumb better.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member

    Ha ha!! Dumb husband...that's pretty funny. It usually means "dear" husband. But I like dumb better.

    hahaha AGREE!
  • Wandami
    Wandami Posts: 65 Member
    Um....I ordered some Basic'm dying here!!!!!
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    My ex was ALWAYS too tired...not interested...could care less. It's not that he was getting it elsewhere, it just was't a priority for him. And honestly it didn't matter what I did, he just wasn't interested in sex. My husband now....he is 44, works 60-80hrs a week and has NEVER been too tired or not interested. We have been together 7 years and still it's almost every night.

    He's a lucky guy to have a wife that is on the same page with him in enjoying it that frequently. I'm married and I'm not even sure who the President was last time I got any.... :brokenheart:

    Like someone else said earlier, it's like glue to a relationship. Without it...stuff just falls apart all around you.

    Isnt that the truth. And having a spouse who takes your hard work for granted and doesn't give you the emotional support you need at times is a MAJOR turn off for me. Lets just say, it has been a LONG time for me :/ but damnit, once I get my body back to where I want it, he either gets into the game or he is permanently off the team