"Move-it" Challenge 360 Minutes for Each Week in March



  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I got in 40 minutes yesterday and 80 today!:tongue:
  • light1980
    light1980 Posts: 158 Member
    Monday: 17 minutes/145 calories doing Zumba; 41 minutes /460 calories running
    Tuesday: 17 minutes/145 calories doing Zumba; 31 minutes /339 carories running; 23 minutes Arch trainer/ 261 calories
    Wednesday: 35 minutes/104 calories doing yoga; 36 minutes/410 calories burned running

    Total: 200 minutes/ 1864 calories burned
  • terrivision
    terrivision Posts: 58 Member
    You all are doing amazing. Thanks for the challenge. Keep up the good work.

    Goal for the week of 3/7/11: 360 min, 3500 Calorie Burn

    Mon: 113 min
    Turbo Fire 45, HIIT 15, & 2.77mile walk
    Tue: 103min
    P90X - Kenpo X & 2 mile Walk
    Wed: 113min
    P990X - X Stretch & 3.32 mile Walk
    Total: 329min

    Left to go: 82min
  • Goal for this week: 360 min/3,5000 calories/64 oz. of water a day

    Mon: 45 minutes - 190 calories - walking my dog in the neighborhood (rest day) - 64 oz. of water
    Tue: 95 minutes - 729 calories - treadmill and strength training - 64 oz. of water
    Wed: 68 minutes - 611 calories - 3m run and strength training - 64 oz. of water

    Left to go: 152 minutes, 1,925 calories and 256 oz. of water

    Signed up for a half marathon in mid April. Excited! :happy:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    March Week 2
    Monday~78/735 HRM
    Tuesday~60/678 HRM

    Love this challenge!

    Forgot to add this up this a.m. Spent all day getting a presentation finished for tomorrow. So glad it's done!!!!!!:tongue:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Goal 360 for the week of 3/7/11:

    Mon: n/a
    Tue: 90 min = 25 min bike, 20 min elliptical, 45 min weights..............................270 min left!
    Wed: 70 min = 33 min Elliptical, 17 bike, 20 min weights....................................200 min left!
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    Weekly Goal: 4500
    Mon: 545 calories burned (C25K & arm circuit)--minutes 71
    Tues: 577 calories burned (spin & back circuit)-minutes 79
    Wed: 549 calories burned (C25K & glute circuit)--minutes 67
    Thur:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Fri: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 1671 calories/217 minutes
    Left to go: 2829 calories/143 minutes

    I injured my upper thigh running on Monday. I have been trying to take it light the past few days, I hope I can meet my goal this week :embarassed:.

    I did meet my goal this past week for this challenge and my weigh in I get to reward myself. I am 1 1/2 lbs from getting my roller skates :love:!!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I did meet my goal this past week for this challenge and my weigh in I get to reward myself. I am 1 1/2 lbs from getting my roller skates :love:!!!

    Hope that you hit your goal soon. I love rollerskating. I just got my pedicure and new workout clothes today from meeting my previous targets...not sure, what the next reward is for me? I'll have to think of a splurge....
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    March Week 2
    Monday~78/735 HRM
    Tuesday~60/678 HRM
    Wednesday~50/471 HRM
    Thursday~48/607 HRM

    Love this challenge!
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    oooh can I join please - didnt see this before :(

    So far this week
    Monday - 80 minutes - 30 day shred workout and biggest loser last chance workout
    Tuesday - 30 minutes (my mountain of ironing HAD to come before exercise today) 30 day shred workout and 10 minutes of stepups
    Wednesday - 40 minutes - 30DS workout and 20 minutes powerwalking
    Thursday -105 minutes - 30DS workout and 85 minutes pwerwalking

    255 minutes done so far 105 minutes left to do :)
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    I did meet my goal this past week for this challenge and my weigh in I get to reward myself. I am 1 1/2 lbs from getting my roller skates :love:!!!

    Hope that you hit your goal soon. I love rollerskating. I just got my pedicure and new workout clothes today from meeting my previous targets...not sure, what the next reward is for me? I'll have to think of a splurge....

    Kim, u deserve to splurge on u. Glad to hear u got the workout gear and the pedicure. I am going to get mine this Saturday. The temps are going to be nice here in Atlanta this weekend. I am hoping to go rollerblading on th trail. I can't wait to see how many calories it burns since I have my HRM.

    Thanks everyone for all the encouragement and the push to get my workout in even when I don't want to. U R the BEST!!!!
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    Weekly Goal: 4500
    Mon: 545 calories burned (C25K & arm circuit)--minutes 71
    Tues: 577 calories burned (spin & back circuit)-minutes 79
    Wed: 549 calories burned (C25K & glute circuit)--minutes 67
    Thur:966 calories burned (spin, arm circuit & walk 4.5 miles)--minutes 150
    Fri: calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sat:calories burned (how they were burned)
    Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)

    Total: 2637 calories/367 minutes
    Left to go: 1863 calories/0 minutes
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    This week:
    Sunday- 60 min of Fire 60 & 10 min of Stretch 10/702 calories
    Monday- 30 min of Fire 30/360 calories
    Tuesday- 20 min of HIIT 20 & 30 min of Push Circuit 1/350 calories
    Wednesday- none :(
    Thursday- 60 min of Fire 60/626 calories

    Total:210 min/2038 calories

    150 min/462 calories
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    oooh can I join please - didnt see this before :(

    255 minutes done so far 105 minutes left to do :)

    Of course, we need all the support and :heart: we can get

    @aablacknell, still have mounds of snow in MN...I used to live in Augusta, GA and you definitely have SPRING in the air...also, love the azeleas when they bloom
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    cool thanks - you are all doing so well Im glad to be a part of it with you :)
  • rkoontz
    rkoontz Posts: 75
    March 10 21 minutes on my treadmill 181/360 Only 179 more minutes to go
  • Mon: 45 minutes - 190 calories - walking my dog in the neighborhood (rest day) - 64 oz. of water
    Tue: 95 minutes - 729 calories - treadmill and strength training - 64 oz. of water
    Wed: 68 minutes - 611 calories - 3m run and strength training - 64 oz. of water
    Thur: 67 minutes - 623 calories - 3.5 m run and ab workout - 64 oz. of water (had to shove it down today )

    Left to go: 85 minutes, 1,347 calories and 192 oz. of water

    Looking forward to my "rest day" tomorrow! :love:
  • light1980
    light1980 Posts: 158 Member
    Monday: 17 minutes/145 calories doing Zumba; 41 minutes /460 calories running
    Tuesday: 17 minutes/145 calories doing Zumba; 31 minutes /339 carories running; 23 minutes Arch trainer/ 261 calories
    Wednesday: 35 minutes/104 calories doing yoga; 36 minutes/410 calories burned running
    Thursday: 67 minutes/555 calories doing Zumba; 15 minutes/274 catories Arch trainer; 30 minutes/346 calories on treadmill

    Total: 312 minutes/ 3039 calories burned
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I got in my 60 minutes this morning! i'm so excited for tomorrow's workouts, I finally got a hrm.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Monday, 16 hours work, got to be worth something...
    Tuesday, 60 minutes Zumba...531 calories
    Wednesday, 12 hours work
    Thursday, 60 minutes Zumba...464 calories
    Saturday, 8 hours work
    Sunday, 8 hours work

    Guess what, the high 50s are hitting MN this weekend...Spring is in the air, can you feel it??? Time to break out of the house.
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