200+ Slimmin' Down in Spring!



  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hiya ladies! I just wanted to pop in and say hi! I'll catch up on the posts I missed in a bit. I just made these fabulous vegan ginger chocolate chunk scones and I had to share. Here's where I got the base recipe: http://www.theppk.com/2007/07/bikram-baking-ginger-chocolate-chunk-scones/ the changes I made was using 2 cups white flour and 1 cup whole wheat and I used 1/4 cup crystallized ginger instead of ground ginger and they were awesome. The recipe made 15 BIG scones and one is 188 calories and has 2g fiber. Also, the ginger and the chocolate together have a fantastically unique flavor that I loved. Have a great one!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Victoria: I absolutely LOVE falafel. I have a great recipe that even Gabriel loves. We're gonna have it for dinner Monday. I put falafel over a big Greek salad and it is awesome! And I think I am just getting used to the armband's way of working. I think it figures out the calorie burn for the day pretty accurately. (I burned something like 2654 calories total yesterday according to it) So, while it is different from what I've been doing, I think it will still work for me.

    Suzie: The only suggestion I have is that maybe you should try eating all of your exercise calories. I know that my body has tweaked out and stopped losing when I eat too little (even though I feel like I'm being "good").

    Lacey: Bummer that you're having technical difficulties with your fitbit. Me and my BodyMedia Fit (I didn't end up with the Bugg, but rather it's cousin) have been having issues too so I feel your pain.

    Sarah: Woo hoo!!! 4 pound loss!!! Awesome.

    Angie: Hi there! Welcome to the group! I think this is a great group if your looking for inspiration. I'm sorry you didn't have the best week for weight loss. Were you too low on your calories? Didi you drink enough water? Have you been exercising? Maybe if you give us more info, we could help you out.

    Kristina: I bet your calves are hurting (you've been running your @ss off and doing Insanity!!!). I hope they are doing better today. You're doing awesome, girl!!

    Well, we went grocery shopping for the week and cleaned the house and now I gotta do YogaX. <sigh> My biceps are SOO effin' sore from yesterday's workout that I don't really even want to think about doing Yoga - but I WILL! Have a good one ladies!!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Just checking in briefly before I eat some breakfast and run out to the grocery store.

    Just got back from a 4 mile run that I was supposed to do yesterday. Felt pretty sluggish until 3 miles in when I started to pick up the pace again, but definitely slower than I would have liked. Another INSANITY workout this afternoon/evening is planned. Thought about doing it when I came home from my run, but I was just kidding myself.

    Oh, and calorie check in from yesterday (glad you ladies are doing it as well!)
    1620 eaten/656 burned/236 left over.

    Suzie- how much of your exercise calories are you eating? How many pounds does did you set it to lose/week? If you have it set to lose 2/wk and you're not eating back most of your exercise calories, you might not be eating enough. I think one should eat back at least half of the exercise calories they burn.

    ETA: I did knock out INSANITY pretty soon after my run, so I didn't have to think about it later today. Pure Cardio? INSANE! I wasn't able to do everything, of course like they were, but I'm dead now.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    My 8 mile run is done!!! The weather here turned nasty - icy roads and 3" snow so I ran on Mr. Tready. It's supposed to warm up this week and with it staying lighter longer, I hope to run outside. I'm off to shower then paperwork/taxes. Sometimes I hate having my own business. Enjoy your Sunday!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- I don't know how you do 8 miles on a treadmill. I'm in awe. I don't like doing more than like 2 on a treadmill, so way to go! Sorry the weather is crappy. It was in the mid-30s and cloudy here, but just fine for an outdoor run.
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    akasullengal - I am eating maybe 1/4 of my exercise cal back. I am set to lose 1.5lb/wk. I am netting about 850-1100 cals a day (that is including exercise). Only Saturday did I go to 1149 cals.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Suzie I'm betting everyone is going to tell you that you aren't eating nearly enough cals for the Amount of exercise you are doing! Youre pushing your body so you've got to fuel it!!!

    Soooooooo.....got on Costco.com this morning for something unrelated and saw that the bodymedia fit was $149.99 with a 12 month sub included. Bought that thing quicker than spit. So tomorrow I will return the fitbit and hopefully the bmf will be here before i go to Vegas so I can wear it down there at least part of the time..
    I can't remember the differences between the BB and the bmf.

    I saw a dude on BL wearing his bodybugg on his calf a season or two ago and thats why I wonder if you can do the same. That's where I want to wear mine. SoI'm going to do some more Internet research and see what others think about it. I wear capris or pants so it should be ok.


    I saw two chicks at the salon yesterday wearing riding boots over their jeans with cute tops and that's like my perfect outfit and I WILL be able to wear those kinds of boots by fall if it kills me!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I cradled a 20lb bag of fertilizer seeds yesterday while hand tossing the seeds out in the yard. I mainly held it in my left arm because I didn't have good control over spreading the seeds if I held the bag in my right. So today, my left bicep is causing some serious pain.

    The double workout didn't happen yesterday- I was way too tired from all the yard work. I will catch up today.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Amy- I just made your chocolate ginger scones (used your ww flour substitution, but still used ground ginger, and chocolate chips vs. chunks). DELICIOUS!! I used light vanilla soy milk. Mine came out to 198 cal/scone when I did a recipe calculator. Plugged it into the MFP database. Am bringing in a bunch of them to work, because I can't keep them around!

    Lacey- what I wouldn't give to wear the elusive boots over jeans! Perhaps next winter for me...
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kristina: I am sooo glad you tried the scones and liked them! I used unflavored soy milk in mine and it looks like the calorie counts we got were pretty similar. I am sending a bunch of them to work with Travis tomorrow. I can't look at a pile of deliciousness like that and NOT eat them. They beg to be eaten.

    Kendal: I'm sorry your bicep hurts (but that means your getting stronger, right?). I think your yard work counts as a workout all on it's own! Good job!

    Lacey: Yay for the bodymedia fit! That's the one I got. I think the differences between the one we have and the BB is negligible. I do like that it monitors the quality of my sleep (kinda weird and creepy but informationally so). I don;t know if you got the one with the display or the one that works with your iPhone. Mine supposedly works with my iPhone but it's REALLY spotty. I looked it up and saw that Apple intentionally screwed with the bluetooth functionality of their iPhones just to piss me off. So it isn't something wrong with the Bodymedia, it's the iPhone. However, if u have a Droid, you'll have no problems. (I think I remember you having an iPhone though - which is why I mentioned it).

    It's the end of the day here and here's my numbers:
    1587 (calories consumed)/ 2422 (cals burned all day - per Bodymedia Fit)/ 835 (calorie deficit)
    What I am learning is that I am not nearly as active on the weekends and I am during the week. I like having the armband to tell me to move around a bit more. I think I like this better than a HRM.
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Hi Ladies. I am happy to say I've made it to the gym the last 3 days in a row! I am not at the fitness level many of you are. I applaud those of you who are able to run 2, 4, and even 8 miles... wow! I am lucky if I can walk 2 miles, but hopefully that will change as I keep going. I've used the treadmill (walking) and the elliptical. I want to start doing strength training too, but I sure don't want to pay a trainer to show me what weight machines I should be doing when.

    Suzie- Congratulations on your first 5 pounds. I know it can be discouraging not to see the scale move since then, but keep at it, and take the suggestions of these ladies and see if that helps!

    Amy- The scones sound yummy! And great job staying under your calories!

    I have no idea what to eat for supper, but I am starving! I still have about 1100 calories left though, so that's good. Usually around this time I have like 300 left!
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Thanks for the feedback all. I am sorry for sounding negative.. but it has been soo frustrating... being exhausted all the time & not being able to do your life stuff is no fun! Glad it happened on the weekend.

    I guess like many a wise women:flowerforyou: has said.. some things you are too stubborn to learn from others.. you have got to learn yourself... I am one of those stubborn ones.:drinker: How many times have I read in the posts.. especially the "LINKS in MFP you want to read again (and again)" :sad:

    I have changed my goals to carbs 20%/ Protein 50%/ Fat 30%. Then I took today off & am probably going to rest Monday as well.. and up & eat my exercise calories after that. If there is anything else I need to be thinking on.. please any feedback is helpful.. and my dairy is public.

    Have a GREAT week chicas!!!

    :heart: Suzie
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Thanks for the feedback all. I am sorry for sounding negative.. but it has been soo frustrating... being exhausted all the time & not being able to do your life stuff is no fun! Glad it happened on the weekend.

    I guess like many a wise women:flowerforyou: has said.. some things you are too stubborn to learn from others.. you have got to learn yourself... I am one of those stubborn ones.:drinker: How many times have I read in the posts.. especially the "LINKS in MFP you want to read again (and again)" :sad:

    I have changed my goals to carbs 20%/ Protein 50%/ Fat 30%. Then I took today off & am probably going to rest Monday as well.. and up & eat my exercise calories after that. If there is anything else I need to be thinking on.. please any feedback is helpful.. and my dairy is public.

    Have a GREAT week chicas!!!

    :heart: Suzie
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Karen- YAY for getting to the gym for three days! Way to hope back on that wagon girl! And don't compare fitness levels. We're all at different points. Remember, some of us have been part of this group for close to a year and a half now (WOW!), so we've had time to improve our athletic level. Keep and it, and you'll be amazed at what your body can do!!

    My calorie check in for the day. It was a good one as I ran and did INSANITY...
    1763 eaten/ 1075 burned/ 512 remaining

    Also.. a shoutout to the ladies who haven't checked in for their weekly weigh in. I know there's still time. Please get them in by mid-day tomorrow, so I can post them in the evening:

    Lacey (I know you're a Monday weigh-er)
    Kim (where you at girl? We miss you!!)
    Suzie (I know you said you're weighing in Monday)
    Noelle (where you been this week?)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    We went and saw Rango today. It's cute. Then on the way home we had wind gusts so hard tha it blew my 4runner around like it was wadded up toilet paper. Crazy. Luckily we aren't out of power like some in the area are.

    I made the bestest chicken tortilla soup. That and spaghetti areone of those thing si forget I just love until I make it and then im like why don't I make this more? Jeff had three bowls full! And there is enough left over for both of us Lunch tomorrow.

    I'm super tired frm the time change and I'm just not sleeping well again. Ga! It's constant and drives me nuts.
  • noelle55165
    noelle55165 Posts: 41 Member
    HI there All

    Weighed in Sat at 204. Still going in the right direction

    have a great week
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I didn't lose an hour of sleep Saturday night cause I slept in yesterday. That combined with eating a big bowl of Lucky Charms just before bed made it impossible for me to fall asleep! (plus I had a really great conversation with a boy online :blushing: so I couldn't shut my brain off) It didn't help that with the time change, its dark when I get up. I STRUGGLED to get out of bed today.

    I did not work out yesterday like I said I would. However I did spend 4 hours out in the yard again spreading fertilizer/seeds and pulling weeds. My patio looks so good now! Who knew I could pull weeds and make it look like new again?

    I'm not too worried about missing the workout (it was Kenpo....a bunch of karate kicks and punches) and will keep trucking along with Core tonight. And why didn't anyone tell me that if I let the dvd keep playing, Ab Ripper immediately follows the previous workout and I don't have to change dvds??? lol I so totally didn't know that.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: Bummer for the Spring-forward hang over. Europe doesn't spring forward for another 2 weeks but I'll be right there with you soon enough. Yay for boys! Yay for a nice patio! And I didn't realize you were changing DVDs to do Ab Ripper!! I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't do it if it wasn't on the same DVD (as I pretty much hate it - A LOT).

    Noelle: Great that you're moving in the right direction!

    Lacey: I love tortilla soup. I made a tomato basil veggie soup last night and it was pretty good. My recipe was: throw all the veggies I've got and a can of garbanzo beans in a pot with veggie broth and some roasted garlic tomato paste. It was good, I ate it for lunch today.

    Kristina: You are so hardcore with your running AND Insanity. I wanna grow up to be just like you!!!!

    Suzie: I think eating your exercise calories will help you out. It might take a weeks or so before your body understands what's going on and the scale starts moving in the right direction. Be patient.

    I had a rough night. I kept waking up for no apparent reason. So I'm a bit tired today. But I did my dog walk and my P90X Legs & Back and Ab RipperX. I am so glad I'm almost done with this program. Ab RipperX is starting to make me evil (unfortunately, it TOTALLY works and my abs are noticeably stronger - I still hate it though). Only 3 weeks to go!!! Now I'm gonna go beat my kid on the Wii - he has it coming for talking so much smack!!! Have a great day ladies!
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    I weighed in at 257.5, so that's a 1.5 pound loss for the week. I'm at work, so I can't write much right now. Have a great day!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Hey everybody!

    Well, weekend didn't go as awesome as I had hoped when it comes to calories, but what can you do. Goal for food on Friday was 1569, I ate like 2200. Saturday was AWFUL... no exercise and we went the greatest greasy spoon for breakfast, plus it was my husbands birthday party so there was lots of pizza and beer... goal for food was 1250, I ate about 2500. Ew. Ew, ew, ew. Sunday was better... I did work out, goal was 1500, I ate 1700. For me, it all comes down to alcohol on the weekends. I know that's what kills it every day. Its just so fun to go out and drink with friends! :drinker:

    I'm happy to see that you guys all pretty much rocked out over the weekend, though. And I will say that knowing I was going to get on here and tell you guys what I ate was something I was dreading. Hopefully in the future I can use that to push myself to behave a little more.

    We got our Escape on Friday, and I'm in love with it! Its so fun to drive and so much roomier than the Jetta was. Super fun.

    I'm sooo happy that there are no 30 degree days in my 10 day forecast. Once its not freezing in the morning I am going to add running to the workout regiment. I used to love it and would really like to get back into it. I HATE treadmill running (I'm so clutzy it never goes well for me... I space out and practically fall off the cursed things. :blushing: ) so it will be nice to have it warm enough to try again. I think the last time I ran outside it was, oh, 2007. Boo.