Silly things that annoy you!



  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    I do the LOL thing alot...probably too much (fighting the urge to put it here). But I absolutely hate the "ugh this is the worst news EVER" type status without any details. You obviously want people to ask so just tell us!
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    People who know what time you close but always show up a few minutes before.:explode:

    To add further insult to that are ones that call and ask 3 hours before closing,only live 45 minutes away and still barely make it,often with a "whew,just caught ya" like I am supposed to be happy about it. machinegunsmilie.gif
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member

    Seriously, we have electricity now. We aren't farmers trying to work our land, and those that do have lights on their equipment that are brighter than some city blocks. So, why do we still do this annoying thing twice a year that messes with our internal clock??!!
    ^5 I so agree, Byn!
  • OmelissaO
    OmelissaO Posts: 42
    I want all things to be symmetrical. When they aren't, it annoys me.

    When my husband leaves a new roll of toilet paper sitting on the sink counter instead of putting it on the holder.

    MrsMills, You must be a Libra!! lol
  • JeanMargaret
    I'll start.....

    People who spell 'lose' as 'loose'....sorry but this is a completely different word! Aaaarrggghhh! ;o)

    OMGracious, yes! I'm completely will you on this one!
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    People that trhow their trash out their car window. People that empty their cars' ashtrays in Parking lots.

    The epitome of laziness.

    Oh yeah, people that dump on empty lots or side of the road. Was walking and came across a guy a couple years ago as he was finishing dumping a truckbed full of junk on a corner lot. I made him pick it all up and put it back in his truck. I stood there and watched as he did it. He was very unhappy.
  • ♥jewelchristian♥
    ♥jewelchristian♥ Posts: 3,666 Member
    You are intimidating RD :)
  • jmzhale
    jmzhale Posts: 186
    When someone posts an NSV like being able to ride the elliptical for 10 mins or walked around the block without stopping to catch their breath and someone who is obviously in much better shape replies with how they just finished their 3rd 5k this year and yada yada yada and then says "nice job WTG" or something like that. It's obvious that they are only trying to build themselves up :mad: .....chaps my *kitten*.....:mad:
  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member

    Seriously, we have electricity now. We aren't farmers trying to work our land, and those that do have lights on their equipment that are brighter than some city blocks. So, why do we still do this annoying thing twice a year that messes with our internal clock??!!

  • LazyMogg
    LazyMogg Posts: 162
    People who just want to carry on with the same old argument. For goodness sake, people get angry say the wrong thing and apologise. Just let things go - forgive and forget, life's too short!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    People that decide that even though the light is on over the door and the garbage can is on the curb that I won't be coming home so they decide to block my driveway with their car.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I HATE guys who name their trucks. Really? The guy down the street from me has "The scrapper" painted on the front. It's the gayest thing ever!
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    I hate it when you are watching a movie or listening to someone(like for instance i went to open house at Loma Linda with my sis) and the kids behind you are coughing their lungs up or kicking your chair. And they are yelling "i am hungry" or "this is boring". And of course you are thinking "For heavens sake shut the f up". I love little kids but i wish some parents would teach their kids when to shut up.
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Mrs_McFadden Posts: 1,139
    I hate it when you are watching a movie or listening to someone(like for instance i went to open house at Loma Linda with my sis) and the kids behind you are coughing their lungs up or kicking your chair. And they are yelling "i am hungry" or "this is boring". And of course you are thinking "For heavens sake shut the f up". I love little kids but i wish some parents would teach their kids when to shut up.

    Sadly parent's can't really use mind control :p. We aren't allowed to use duct tape either...or beat them in three year old daughter never shuts up EVERRRRRRRR. I could threaten amputation..:)
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    Oh i just mean that children should know when to be quite. Usually the kids that do it to me are between 6 and 10 years old. By that age they can understand you when you explain this to them. I know A LOT of kids and there are the ones that listen when you tell them it is time to be quite and then there are the ones(like the ones talking during a movie) that will not listen for ****. I understand a 3 year olds need to ask questions 24/7 or to talk a lot..but children above 4 should understand this being quiet rule.
  • ladylocz
    ladylocz Posts: 3
    - the sound of someone brushing their teeth
    - someone staring at me, but when I say hello they look awa

  • Mrs_McFadden
    Mrs_McFadden Posts: 1,139
    People that trhow their trash out their car window. People that empty their cars' ashtrays in Parking lots.

    The epitome of laziness.

    Oh yeah, people that dump on empty lots or side of the road. Was walking and came across a guy a couple years ago as he was finishing dumping a truckbed full of junk on a corner lot. I made him pick it all up and put it back in his truck. I stood there and watched as he did it. He was very unhappy.

    HAHAHAH..that is AWESOME!!

    I hate litterbugs!!
    I will confess:
    I am not all physically intimidating..I don't look like an epic Amazon woman. I was driving on the road that leads up to my neighborhood a few years ago and a young woman threw a bag of Doritos out of her window right in front of me. I was infuriated! There is a gas station right near my neighborhood and she proceeded to turn in ..(this is bad...I am probably really bad for doing this) but I followed her and I got out of my car and then told her "I cannot believe you just threw that bag of Doritos out of your window only to drive to this gas station mere minutes later that has a perfectly serviceable trash can! You suck- you're the reason why entire areas look like trash! Why would you want to live in a world that looks like that?" I did not scream I just walked away but I was just tired of seeing people do this in front of me without saying anything!!
  • TTaylor21093
    Mean Dionne Warwick on Celebrity Apprentice referred to Marnie Matlin, a women who does not hear, as being "death", not deaf. I have heard this before. People are clueless sometimes.