A lot to lose & over 40? Lets start a group(20 memebers max



  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    I am having a heck of a time keeping up with posts and who is who. I am going to have to make a cheat sheet with usernames and real names. It sucks to be an old broad !:bigsmile:

    I hear you on this one! lol!! That is why it would be good if peoples names were in thier signatures and as we go we could learn peoples names. For me my name is my user name. I was just telling Linda thank goodness it is only 20 of us because I am having a time keeping up. I know I am 2 pages behind and kinda looking at the end posts between short breaks at work.
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    Am I still one of the first 20? Obviously I didn't take time to count - wanted to get my reply in :bigsmile:

    Yes Cathy!! Post away girl!
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    I am having a heck of a time keeping up with posts and who is who. I am going to have to make a cheat sheet with usernames and real names. It sucks to be an old broad !:bigsmile:

    I hear you on this one! lol!! That is why it would be good if peoples names were in thier signatures and as we go we could learn peoples names. For me my name is my user name. I was just telling Linda thank goodness it is only 20 of us because I am having a time keeping up. I know I am 2 pages behind and kinda looking at the end posts between short breaks at work.

    Trying to keep it together..LOL (Sorry if missed a few..but we are only a few days old)
    Hope this helps as cheat sheet...I have it printed out beside my comp screen.

    akaDumbo(Sara) - 165lb target of which 76lb already lost
    bigmama(Linda) - 125lb target of which 30lb already lost
    Cassie(Cassie) - 214lb target of which 29lb lost already
    CathyV(Cathy) - 160lb target of which 46lb lost already
    Christyrussell(Christy) - 101lb target of which 28lb lost already
    Claudia(Claudia) - 76lb target of which 24lb lost already
    gabbygirl(Jackie) - 69lb target of which 31lb lost already
    Hopeful (L)- 102lb target of which 18lb already lost
    jjustjo(Jolene) - 116lb target of which 48lb already lost
    Jojo(Joanna) - 120lb target of which 9lb already lost
    Karenleona(Karen) - 182lb target of which 79lb lost already
    Katzpawz - 150lb target of which 35lb already lost
    leadvocalchick - 124lb target of which 29lb already lost
    mainey(Charmaine) - 145lb target of which.... just starting the journey
    Malias - 185lb target of which .....just starting the journey
    milesbackwards(Sue) - 87lb target of which 13lb already lost
    MJ(Mellisa) - 234lb target of which 34lb lost already
    Mollie(Mollie) - 103lb target of which 40lb already lost
    ShellyBrew(Shelly) - 144lb target of which 45lb already lost
    themommie(Sheri) - 105lb target of which 61lb lost already
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    I am having a heck of a time keeping up with posts and who is who. I am going to have to make a cheat sheet with usernames and real names. It sucks to be an old broad !:bigsmile:

    I hear you on this one! lol!! That is why it would be good if peoples names were in thier signatures and as we go we could learn peoples names. For me my name is my user name. I was just telling Linda thank goodness it is only 20 of us because I am having a time keeping up. I know I am 2 pages behind and kinda looking at the end posts between short breaks at work.
    I started a file with names and with our daily chats topics. I had to name the file....I hope I don't offend anyone but I called it Twenty Twits. haha
  • Jojo42
    Jojo42 Posts: 223
    I am having a heck of a time keeping up with posts and who is who. I am going to have to make a cheat sheet with usernames and real names. It sucks to be an old broad !:bigsmile:

    Me too!!
  • leadvocalchick
    leadvocalchick Posts: 59 Member
    Man oh man....honestly this is NOT the way I wanted to start with this great group!! :cry:

    This has been THE longest day ever! I got 4 hours sleep last nite, up since 2:30am. And I found out today that not only is my boss gone next week, but another co-worker is out all week as well. And, as my luck would have it, I'm the ONLY back up for both of them. Add that to my already overflowing plate of responsibilities...I could just cry.

    BUT - I won't cry! THERE'S NO CRYING IN OVERTIME!!!! :bigsmile: But I won't be as active here as I so desperately want AND need to be. At least for awhile, anyways. But I want you ALL to know that I'm thinking about each and every one of you, and cheering you on with my head buried in a never ending stack of papers and my eyes staring at a glaring computer screen!!

    I'm headed to the laptop to try and get a head start on the madness. Good nite all!!

    (BTW - my name is Amy....but you can call me Amy!! (sorry - lack of sleep has caught up with me -it's loopy time!!) :bigsmile: :yawn:
  • Jojo42
    Jojo42 Posts: 223
    Thank you Linda! You've taken the hard work out or us all.
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Thank you Linda! You've taken the hard work out or us all.

    I would like to take the credit:tongue: but Hopeful made up the chart and Mollie alphabetised it and asked for our first names. So I am just the messanger...ROFL:laugh:
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    wow...this moves fast...just checking in to say that i am still alive...will try to write more later
    can i print the list off the posts?? or do i have to retype it??
  • malias
    malias Posts: 82
    Wow! I can't believe how many posts I had to catch up on in a mere 24 hrs! Walked in the mall for 2 hrs today. Of course it was 15 minutes upright and 5 minutes of sitting! But 2 hrs!...Yay me! My goal is to be able to walk for 2 hrs without having to sit down and rest every 15 minutes! My back is really hurting, but that is nothing new. I am going to be optimistic that the more I walk, the less my back will hurt. BTW, thank you to all for the suggestions on controlling back pain.
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Sara you are totally inspiring me!! I have ordered my exercise bike...it will be here in 2-3 days time x:tongue:

    Joanna x

    Do tell, what is this magic bike..... maybe I want one!????? lol
  • tryingagain
    tryingagain Posts: 40 Member
    I want to join. I am over 40. I am actually 60. Been following Weight Watcher old program for over a year. Have lost 60 lbs. Still want to lose 40 more. I weigh in on Wednesday. Gained 1.4 lbs this week. How and what are others doing. Do you exercise? If so, how often?
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Okay so I went to the gym today after work. Me and 7 men in the room. Me doing my squats (back to them)….feeling like a complete idiot ….. almost falling over whilst I try to put one foot in front of the other to do a ‘lunge’ , oh my….. it is a whole new language and underworld! I felt like I had arrows pointing at me so I got out my newly written out programme the trainer prepared and kept referring to it, figuring that my audience might take pity on the new girl looking so out of her depth! Lol! Horrid, horrid, horrid!!!

    Am I the only person in the world who finds that even doing 5 mins on the elliptical at the gym is a killer!? OMG!

    In the end I burnt 821 calories!!!!! Was so chuffed! As I am on 1200 calories a day re food intake (just about enough to keep my body awake), I am allowed to ‘eat back’ what I burn to ensure I don’t go into starvation mode….. however I usually aim to eat back about 50% of what I burn. When I got home today, even though it was late, I had a baked potato with a little coleslaw….. heaven at just 300 calories!

    Below is my first attempt at a group response post (I read through everything you had written this evening, phew you have been busy!). If I have missed anyone I apologise:


    Hope the knee is healing okay, I guess it should help mobilise you without the pain, arthritis is horrid.

    Wowwww! 9lbs, superb loss! I agree re the protein I did a high protein diet a few years ago and lost 3 stone in 3 months but I didn’t maintain it (cant remember why now). It is easy to ‘forget’ to each when on it as the protein really helps suppress the hunger once the first 4 days have passed, do keep a close watch on your calorie intake and ensure enough, around 1200 is supposed to only cover us for being awake with no activity at all.

    I also weigh daily as find it helps me keep on focus…but only use my Monday weigh in as the true reading re what I have lost in a week. I chose that day only because that is the day I started this healthy living and I am rather attached to it because of that, lol!


    Well done re the water. I find putting a jug of water next to the sofa and a glass when I am watching TV has really changed the amount of water I drink. I am sure you get lots of exercise up and down the ward, fantastic job nurses do. Well done on the 5lb too, terrific!!!


    I am with re limited access to the site in the day, it can be frustrating can’t it! Lol! Hope the beer helped the workout! A few months ago I could do no more than 10 steps on the elliptical but tonight I did 2 x 5 mins (at start and end of my workout in the gym). A killer!

    Shelley I love your post about yourself. I really admire you for keeping at it, fantastic!


    Congrats of getting moving again, despite the knee!


    Great re the list in alpha order, much better! You have done an amazing job with the weight loss, I had a look at your profile. I know you are frustrated by the gain again, but now you are back on the healthy eating I am sure you will be where you want to be again!

    Mollie how to you get up so early and get to the gym before work? I so admire you!!!!


    Thanks, thanks, thanks! Love the daily topics list, we will have fun with it.

    Terrific job on the 25lbs, it is so easy for one ‘naughty’ to fall into another isn’t it. But you are back! I too will re-evaluate my ticker when I reach goal.
    Well done re the recent 5lbs!

    Love the crib sheet with real names, I am still gonna struggle to get them exactly right due to limited time ….will probably end up with a mixture of username and real name! lol!

    The mommie

    Congrats on your 3lbs! Walking is a great way to exercise! Go for the free pass, you never know you might love it!


    Great re the pre-pack food challenge, I lived on a lot of ready meals before I started this in January, it was so convenient I didn’t think about what was in it. Good for you!

    So sorry you have had such a tough day!


    My gym trainer (just joined and he did me a programme), has put squats in mine to help my back. I don’t suffer to badly but sitting down for long periods I have the usual twinges.
    Re the weight: Very frustrating for you, especially when you seem to be doing all the right things. It could be waiting to happen, I have heard of people going 6 weeks then suddenly having a large drop? Good idea re the thyroid, I have low thyroid and it does make it tougher.


    Lots of travelling in your life I see! I am with you re the menopause, some times I feel like I don’t know me at all and this ‘other’ person takes over my body…..trouble is I never know which days it will be in advance…..memory loss….dropping things…. Mood swings… wonderful! Lol! Scoliosis is not fun, I do hope it gets a little easier as the weight goes.

    Congrats on the 1lb loss!


    Well done on the workout 4 times this week! Very impressed with the length of ride on your bike!


    Sounds like the grandkids keep you busy!

    Can relate on the emotional eating issue re loosing your uncle and divorce. I bet the doctors comments did concern you; well done for facing it and trying to do something to ensure you are as healthy as you can be,

    Well done on the 5lb loss last week!!! Fab!!


    Thanks for the sharing. Well done on all the walking!


    Well done on the 4.5 lb loss! Ouch re the knee, hope it improves for you.


    Sorry you are stuck, hang on in there….. I was the same for a few weeks but shifted this week, it will happen I am sure. Frustrating for you! Hope your Group Personal Training trainer might be able to help suggest something.


    Hope your daughter gets better soon!

    Well done on the 2lbs, love to know more about calorie cycling!?


    Good luck with exercising through the pain! Ouch! It is finding the right balance isn’t it. A great aspiration re the bike riding!
  • ShellyBrew
    ShellyBrew Posts: 823
    I am back :noway:

    I think we have so many post right now since we are trying to get to know each other, I am sure it will slow down some as we get in the groove.

    Wednesday Weigh In and Exercise day: So I normally weigh in on Mondays but did not this week as I am fighting with my scale and had to step away. I think I'll move my weigh in day to Wed starting next week. Lets just say I am up a few from my posted low of 274 but hope to have that "fixed" by next Wednesday :angry: As for Exercise my typical routine is seeing my Personal Trainer M,W,F for an hour (circuit type training that includes strength training combined with cardio). Then on T, Th I go to the gym and just do cardio (mostly the treadmill, I don't run so I do hill intervals at a fast walk), tried the elliptical this week but it was killer (will try to slowly work in), sometimes on Th I go to the Zumba class. I rarely workout on Weekends (work every other) but sometimes I'll sneak something in on Saturdays.

    @malias...every little bit helps so don't get discouraged. You don't have to make all the changes at once, baby steps. Start with the diet/eating healthy, watching portions. Then slowly work in exercise, even 20min per day is better then none..You can do it.

    @Karen...I copy and pasted the list into a word document :wink:

    @Amy...sorry to hear your so overwhelmed with work, hang in there and be sure to take a break/day for yourself once that boss and co-worker return!

    @Claudia...LMAO on you water comment, I tell you I always have to pee once I get about 6-8 glasses of water in, no matter where I go (be in the grocery store, target, gym) I have to make sure I visit the ladies room so I don't have one of those accidents :laugh:

    @Jo...to help learn portion control I used a food scale for a while plus measure things out with measuring cups/spoons. I did this for a while all the time, now I just do it on occassion. It helped alot.

    @Charmaine...Just do what you can, you don't have to make all the changes at once...every little bit helps!! I suggest you start measuring since you don't have a scale...It will give you a good idea of inches lost. I need to get better with it myself.
  • ShellyBrew
    ShellyBrew Posts: 823
    I am back :noway:

    I think we have so many post right now since we are trying to get to know each other, I am sure it will slow down some as we get in the groove.

    Wednesday Weigh In and Exercise day: So I normally weigh in on Mondays but did not this week as I am fighting with my scale and had to step away. I think I'll move my weigh in day to Wed starting next week. Lets just say I am up a few from my posted low of 274 but hope to have that "fixed" by next Wednesday :angry: As for Exercise my typical routine is seeing my Personal Trainer M,W,F for an hour (circuit type training that includes strength training combined with cardio). Then on T, Th I go to the gym and just do cardio (mostly the treadmill, I don't run so I do hill intervals at a fast walk), tried the elliptical this week but it was killer (will try to slowly work in), sometimes on Th I go to the Zumba class. I rarely workout on Weekends (work every other) but sometimes I'll sneak something in on Saturdays.

    @malias...every little bit helps so don't get discouraged. You don't have to make all the changes at once, baby steps. Start with the diet/eating healthy, watching portions. Then slowly work in exercise, even 20min per day is better then none..You can do it.

    @Karen...I copy and pasted the list into a word document :wink:

    @Amy...sorry to hear your so overwhelmed with work, hang in there and be sure to take a break/day for yourself once that boss and co-worker return!

    @Claudia...LMAO on you water comment, I tell you I always have to pee once I get about 6-8 glasses of water in, no matter where I go (be in the grocery store, target, gym) I have to make sure I visit the ladies room so I don't have one of those accidents :laugh:

    @Jo...to help learn portion control I used a food scale for a while plus measure things out with measuring cups/spoons. I did this for a while all the time, now I just do it on occassion. It helped alot.

    @Charmaine...Just do what you can, you don't have to make all the changes at once...every little bit helps!! I suggest you start measuring since you don't have a scale...It will give you a good idea of inches lost. I need to get better with it myself.
  • ShellyBrew
    ShellyBrew Posts: 823
    Okay so I went to the gym today after work. Me and 7 men in the room. Me doing my squats (back to them)….feeling like a complete idiot ….. almost falling over whilst I try to put one foot in front of the other to do a ‘lunge’ , oh my….. it is a whole new language and underworld! I felt like I had arrows pointing at me so I got out my newly written out programme the trainer prepared and kept referring to it, figuring that my audience might take pity on the new girl looking so out of her depth! Lol! Horrid, horrid, horrid!!!

    Am I the only person in the world who finds that even doing 5 mins on the elliptical at the gym is a killer!? OMG!

    L...don't let the gym intimidate you, trust me they are concentrating on there workout and not paying much attention to you! It took me a while to get over the "gym scare" but now I just don't care...trust me, I am not pretty, very uncoordinated and it shows. It took me awhile to complete lunges without wobbling and falling. Thos squats and lunges burn TONS of calories..Don't give up!! And no...I hate the elliptical also, it is killer, just work your way up a few minutes at a time.
  • mainey65
    mainey65 Posts: 342 Member
    Hi guys, just thought I'd check in again. Thanks Shelly for the suggestion of measuring myself since I don't have a scale right now. I meant to do this when I started and then totally forgot. I know oftern you can lose inches and not lbs.
    I don't think I mentioned it yet, but my husband is an excellent cook. This can be good and this can be bad. Today it is good. He knows I am trying really hard to lose this weight again so me made me a big pot of ministrone soup just packed full of veggies. What a sweetheart! Now, there are times he's not so sweet, like when I smell cookies baking and I say, "what are you doing? You know I'm trying to lose weight!" and he says, "Well, your son asked me if I could make them". I guess this is true. Just because I'm trying to lose weight the whole hosehold shouldn't have to suffer (none of them need to lose weight).
    Also, thanks so much to all of you who put together the list of user names and real names. I copied them out and keep them beside me on my desk.
    I'll talk to all of you in the morning. Goodnight all, Charmaine (Mainey)
  • lmwellhousen
    I would like to join as well! I am 51 and just signed up today! A friend from work shared this site with me and I am excited for the accountability!
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    wow...this moves fast...just checking in to say that i am still alive...will try to write more later
    can i print the list off the posts?? or do i have to retype it??

    Hi Karen - nice to see ya :flowerforyou: Hope you didn't type out the list yet. What you can do is hi-light the list and right click your mouse copy it and then paste it on to word or wordpad and then you can print it out. Hope that helps.
  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    Wow!!! You guys are just moving right along here. I was surprised to find 7 pages when I logged on this afternoon.
    I posted my Wednesday Weigh in earlier. But I do wanna say how excited I am about getting the new scale. I need that accountability.
    So much here to chat about......please forgive me in advance if I miss someone or something in my post. I have read every post and I'm excited to get to know all of you.......a few of you I already know. Everyone is working so hard on this journey here. I'm amazed!

    Hopeful and Mollie....thanks so much for putting us in order on the list. At my age...LOL...a list is real helpful.....at least till we get to know one another.

    Joanna....congrats on the 9lbs lost......one week or two....that's a great start. Also hope the knee is healing well.

    Sue....Congrats on losing 4lbs....great job!

    JjustJo....I'm so glad to see you here. I can surely relate to your plateau situation.I've been doing that for awhile. And I know what ya mean about the health insurance thing too. Keep working at it girl.

    Cathy & Gabby...congrats to both of you on 5lbs lost. WTG!

    KatzPawz.....I also one of those people that has portion control & exercise issues. We'll just have to work on that together.

    Mollie....I've watchedyour progress & posts since I first joined MFP. You've done an amazing job! Don't know why I haven't friended you before. Keep up the good work.

    MJ...Congrats on the 4.5lbs lost. Good job! Take care with the knee.

    Christy......Keep up the good job even if you are a bit stuck.....it will change..

    Claudia.....tomorrow will be a better day. Congrats on 2lbs lost!

    Sara...great attitude with regard to working thru the pain. I could learn from this.

    Linda...you're amazing! Thank you for getting this group going......even if I am behind again...LOL. congrats on the 5lb loss. We can do this!

    The mommie....congrats on losing 3lbs. Good job!

    Shelly...... Good sharing......never heard of Psoriatic Arthritis...???

    Charmaine....welcome to my "I hate exercise club". Keep trying and remember tomorrow is a new day.

    Amy....so sorry you're overloaded at work. Hopefully it will get better soon.....but overtime pay works for me.

    Malias.....do what ya can girl......one day at a time.....baby steps.

    Karenleona ....WTG!

    Sorry this is so long....hope I didn't miss anyone. Now I'm outa here to go finish my food diary. Maybe I'll check in again later since it's too early for sleep. Besides....I still have more Crystal Light to get down so I can visit the potty in the middle of the night.
    So cya all later. B-)