A lot to lose & over 40? Lets start a group(20 memebers max



  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    thanks so much for the info on copying the lists!
    i usually go to the gym on wed but today i had extreme fatigue again and could not get out of bed till late this afternoon....this makes me crazy!! i ususally weigh in on friday and as of today i have not had much loss since last week. I am one of those people who weighs frequently to keep on track. I also weigh and measure my food otherwise i am too generous!!
    i am insanely jealous of those people who can get outside walking....(especially katzpawz...lol) .i have a severe back problem that does not allow me to stand or walk for more than a few minutes at a time. I love to go for a walk in the neighbourhood and look at people's gardens. I am hoping to have surgery scheduled after i lose 30 more pounds so i have to keep at this. for some reason it does not bother me too much on the elliptical machine so i have gradually built up my time from just a few minutes to 20 minutes at a time....makes no sense to me. then i hope i can get back to work....i am a registered nurse in a federal prison right now. not exactly my ' thing' but it pays the bills. would like to get back to working in emergency again but not sure if i want to work night shift again!
    it is so nice to read of the determination from everyone to get healthy and fit

  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Catching up - I hope I didn't miss anyone. :heart: Sorry if I did. TIme for bed. Have a great night everyone.

    Claudia - Sorry to hear your daughter is not feeling well. I hope she gets better soon. LOL Did you get your water in? I hope so. I love to try and drink lots of water early during the day cause I am up a few times at night going to the washroom. I usually don't get it all in early enough. Congrat on your 2lbs loss last week. Hate when we plateau, glad to hear you found something that works for you and you are back to losing!!!
    ROFL Hope you had a dry drive home.

    akaDumbo - You can do this. Good luck with your next weigh-in hope that number is good to you. Sorry to hear you have some medical problems right now. It is tough to exercise when we feel good let alone try to exercise when we are in pain.
    OH MY 52 miles done so far. You rock girl. I love your drive and determination.

    katzpawz - Thanks for sharing a bit of yourself with us. Congrats on the 35lbs you lost so far on your journey. Hey we are twins I started daily walking March 1st. Yaa!!!! Sounds like you have worked out some kinks along the way and making wise choices and changes to get you to your goal. I know you can do this. We all can.

    themommie - Woot Woot!!! Congrats on your 3lbs loss last week. Sounds like you are doing good on your exercising. Let us know how it goes once you try out your 7 day free pass.

    MJ - Your welcome, and thank you for joining this group and being a great support for all of us. Without all our members posting and supporting one another this group would be nil.

    mainey - I think trying to get some type of exercise in your daily routine is important and there are prob some types that wouldn't be so hurtful on your knees. I don't know any off hand but I remember seeing some chair oneon Utube. Maybe you could do a search on the internet and you could try some out. Sorry to hear you have such a bad knees. My knees hurt when I go up stairs so I do try to limit the amount of times I have to climb them at home. But I can say something positve also..as my weight is coming off - my knees don't hurt as much. I am not much of an exercise person also. How about you make a deal with me to just walk inside your home. Like take walks back and forth (furthest wall to wall you have) you can count steps or time yourself. Just do 5 mins or 500 steps a couple times a day. I know for myself 2000 steps equals one mile. Are you game?
    Lucky you girl. A husband that can cook. Yummy. My son wants me to bake cookies this week with him. So I know I will be tempted big time. But I do have a nible here and there when I bake. Ya just can't eat cookies everyday. ROFL

    SHellyBrew - LOL my lips are sealed (no words to your boss)
    Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself with us. Always nice to hear about new friends. When reading your post I thought wow that is just like me (and prob many of us) 5 - 10 pounds a year slowly gaining until we get to where we are now.
    Good for you for having he nerve to go traveling. My weight holds me back from trying new things. Sounds like you found an wonderful trainer and it is working for you. 45lbs total loss so far is awesome. Sounds like you are doing things right and your weightloss journey will be a success.
    Sorry to hear about your dad passing and the struggles that go with that.
    ROFL with your "I'm back" post.
    OMG what a workout you have going on. You are sure to make that scale number go down. Good luck on your next weigh in.

    jjustjo - Good job on deciding that your health is more important that saving money. Let us know how it goes. Do it soon please for your own piece of mind. And then work out a plan so you can lose some weight and get yourself healthier.
    ROFL....Twenty Twits...I see you have a great sense of humour. ROFL

    leadvocalchick - Thank you for giving us your name Amy. Sounds like you are going to be so busy with work. Make sure to try and take care of yourself also during this time. Try to keep somewhat of a health eating plan. And drink lots of water. LOL

    malias - WTG!!! Awesome job on walking for 2 hours today. I believe in you. The more you walk the better you will feel. Keep going..

    Hopeful - OMG ROFL...I loved your post. Me and 7 men in the room doing squats. Great job on sticking with it and finishing it out. Even though it was difficult. Burning 821 calories is no small thing to do. Awesome choice of food when you got home also.
    I am in awe of you guys who go to a gym. I have a YMCA membership and I have not stepped foot in ther yet and I am paying monthly for it.
    Great job at a group response btw. I also will prob remember some real names and use some nicknames along the way.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member

    My weigh in day is friday last week I lost 3 lbs. I usually do alot of walking, some bike riding, leslie sansone walking dvds and wii fit plus. I am going to start doing some resistance bands also. I am thinking about joining a gym but am not sure it would be worth my while with the fibromyalgia. I have a free 7 day pass for one that is close, I am thinking of using it next week and see how it goes. Hope everyone has a good, healthy, active week......

    My daughter has fibro, she went gluten free last year and that has helped some (shedding 50lbs didn't hurt either). She uses the WiiFit Plus and is slowly starting to exercise again. She was on Lyrica (can't afford it anymore) and that helped her trremendously. Have you tried it? If so, did it work for you?

    Be super careful (but you know that already) and take care. I wouldn't wish fibro on my worst enemy.

    Sorry to hear your daughter also has fibro, it diffinately is not fun. I am on lyrica it does seem to help some, I also play the wii fit plus and a few more wii games with the kids, I had to start out really slow with the exercise but I have been doing this since july so I am now able to do quite a bit more. I will do some research on the gluten free diet. I know that losing 61 lbs has helped alot , along with the exercise and eating right.
  • leadvocalchick
    leadvocalchick Posts: 59 Member
    Good morning all! Wow - we are a chatty group, eh?!? :happy: I've not had the chance to read thru every single post, but I am slowly working my way thru the profiles of my new friends! I've not been this motivated in awhile!!! I can't thank everyone enough!!

    So, I put in a 13 hr day yesterday, got a good 6 hrs sleep and have 1 hour before shower, so I'll give you a rundown of the world that is Leadvocalchick, aka Amy (also Miss Amy, when I'm on stage)

    Yep - leadvocalchick is short for singer! Love it love it love it! I've been singing since I could put words together. Music was always a big part of my family. Sang in Swing Choir in school, but I didn't get serious about singing out until a family tragedy pushed me - my ex played drums and his cousin Chris sang/played guitar. When Chris (our best man) passed away suddenly less than 30 days after our wedding, we were beyond devastated. My ex turned to another cousin, Daniel, who played guitar but did not sing, and to music to get thru it. I started by just helping them learn the songs - chorus goes here, bridge goes here, etc. - until someone said 'Hey - you sing in tune and keep good timing, why don't you just sing?'. Ever since then, that's what I've done. Now, I have no 'American Idol' aspirations, no visions of Nashville or record deals dancing in my head. I'll sing - either karaoke or with a group of musicians - and people seem to like it. I've never had things thrown at me, or had to sing behind chicken wire...and that's a good thing!! :bigsmile:

    My weight has always been an issue. From being the screaming, fat bald baby in the nursery to the chubby girl throughout school to the heavy set young lady to the obese woman I've become. I've lost/gained, tried pretty much every diet out there and have always been successful..except when it comes to keeping it off. I've FINALLY learned in my old age (ha!) that it's NOT a diet - it's a life change! Nobody can eat crap, not exercise and be healthy!!

    After being laid off for 9 months, I've been at my current job for close to 2 years, and I love it. My official title is Purchasing Coordinator - we're an animal feed company, and I purchase most of the ingredients for (4) of our (6) plants. I also do Receiving, Payables and general office mayhem! We've been on a new computer system for just over a year, and I've done a pretty good job of learning the ins and outs....to the point where every plant calls me when they have issues. I've started answering my phone "Help Desk - This is Amy"!! Again, I put in alot of hours, and put up with alot of 'schtuff', but I am well compensated for what I do, and I truly love what I do...'most' of the time!

    I also have a side job where a friend and I run a concession stand for a local auctioneer. This is great also, since I love to cook! We do the standard hot dogs, sloppy joes, etc., but we're kinda famous for our desserts! You'd think I'd be tempted to eat all those yummy snacks, but when I look at a cookie/slice of pie/brownie - I see dollar signs! Putting that cookie in my mouth is taking money out of my pocket! :wink: We actually have one this Saturday....it's sooo big I'm taking Friday off just to cook! It's probably a 6 hr, 2 ring sale, which will be a 10+ hr day for us.

    I'm divorced, just ended what i now see was a toxic relationship, no kids, 2 cats and a job that fills most of my time. I'm planning some home renovations this summer that have been put on hold for awhile, and I couldn't be more excited about it!!

    So ladies - there you have it! Glad I got a minute to share myself with y'all!!

    Everyone have an awesome day!!
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    wow...this moves fast...just checking in to say that i am still alive...will try to write more later
    can i print the list off the posts?? or do i have to retype it??

    You can just highlight it with your mouse and right click to "copy" and then paste into a text file - I used Word for mine :bigsmile:
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    Happy St. Patrick's Day all! Hope you have a bit of the luck of the Irish today!

    So much has happened since I last checked the board. Did not get to check back last night. The bum knee and I did a 45 minute walk of 2.6 miles and I turned it early. Not sure I will be able to go that long this evening. Someone mentioned a knee brace, so I need to hit the pharmacy and see if I can find something to provide a little support when walking. Otherwise, cycling might be my exercise of choice for a while.

    I have read through all the posts and tried to jot down all the particulars, but do please forgive me if I miss someone. You are all in my thoughts and I am sending major happy and healthy vibes to one and all! :flowerforyou:

    @ Amy – great to find a fellow singer! Like you, I started singing as soon as I could put words together. My parents, sis and I sang in church – my Dad was an awesome self-taught piano player until his death in 2006. I did choir in high school and women’s chorus in college. In 2002, a friend of mine told me about a local women’s community chorus in our town and I have been a member ever since. In fact, I am president of the Board this year. Anyway, would not know what to do with myself without the healing power of music :smile:

    @Sheri – So sorry about your fibro. One of my friend’s daughters has it and she spends half her time in bed. Glad to hear you are able to live your life normally for the most part. And I agree that the weight loss has probably helped. Hopefully, the healthier you become, the easier the disease will be to handle. Hugs!

    @Karen – Great to hear from you. Sorry about your back issue. The extra weight has really made mine ache a lot, but just the 45# I have lost have made a huge difference in that department. Your ability to do the elliptical for 20 minutes is impressive! I tried it back when I lost a bunch of weight in 2006 and even then, 5 years younger and 100 pounds lighter I could not do more than a couple of minutes. For some reason, it hurts my knees standing still on the pedals more than it does walking – I am so weird sometimes. Anyway, hope you are able to get your surgery soon and that it helps tremendously!

    @Hopeful – I totally understand your gym scare. At my current weight, I would be way too intimidated to walk into a health club. What is it about gyms that make us feel like we have to already be in great shape to go when the whole purpose of going is to get in better shape???

    @Malias – Those 15 minute seasons really add up!!! 2 hours is great. Just keep at it and before you know it, you will be able to do the 2 hours without a break. It is so true that the journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step. And you have already taken thousands of them!!!

    @Shelly – Great reading some about you! Sounds like you have led and interesting life with all the neat places you have lived!!! So glad you broke your plateau and are back with your PT! He sounds like a great guy! Sometimes I feel like I am floundering with my exercise – should I lift weights, do squats, crunches, buy a bike – wish I had a pro to tell me exactly what to do and when. Maybe when I lose another 50#, the thoughts I hiring a PT will not seem so intimidating.

    @Mollie – Saw you were under your calorie goal again girlie!!! Awesome – high five!!!

    @Jolene – Glad you are going to get checked out by a doctor. I am the same way with money – always something better to do with it like save it, but truly investing in yourself and your health is the best investment you can make. I LOVE you file name!!! I was so uncreative and just went with “Over 40 List” – how boring. Think I might steal yours!

    @Mainey – I agree with what Linda said, just moving a bit more will help. Before I was able to stand for more than 5 minutes at a time, I did a google search and found lots of seated exercises online. You should be able to find some things that way that are non-weight bearing until you build up to walking.

    @themommie – 3# last week – super congrats! Can’t wait to see what this week will bring you!

    @akaDumbo – Were you able to get in your cycling yesterday? What kind of bike do you have? If my knee keeps being gimpy, I might have to look into getting a machine like that as an alternative to walking.

    @Claudia – I have read a lot about calorie cycling and plan to try it as soon as my losses stop – which if history is any indicator will probably be in about 10 more pounds. I might need to get some more specifics from you then if you do not mind sharing.

    @Linda – Hope you had a great nights’ sleep and are having a wonderful St. Patrick’s day!

    @Cass, Sue, Cathy, Jackie, Joanna & Katzpaw - Hope you all have a super day today with lots of sunshine and happiness!
  • christyrussell2
    christyrussell2 Posts: 630 Member

    @Christy - so sorry you have hit a plateau. Not sure if you have tried this or if it will help, but I have read some about "Calorie Cycling" on MFP and plan to give a shot when I hit a wall. You eat a different number of calories each day - like a low day, then a high day, then a medium day - to keep your body guessing. It is supposed to jump-start the metabolism, but as I said, I have not actually tried it yet. Whatever you do, just hang in there because your body will eventually respond! :flowerforyou:

    Thanks, MJ. I haven't heard of this but I'll give it a shot. Hopefully, I'll be able to post a loss next week.
  • akaDumbo
    akaDumbo Posts: 187
    Hi tis I Sara checking in again. Well done to everyone who lost weight last week and well done to everybody else for still trying.

    There seems to be a common theme of back and knee pain to varying degrees with people who are over weight so I think we can all sympathise with each other. Fibromyalgia is not as accepted here in the UK as it is in the US so treatment is not as readily available. I use amytriptalin at night and prozac in the morning for it Yes I know they are antidepressants but amitryptilin also works on nerve pain and makes you drowsy so helps with the rubbish sleep, and prozac helps wake me up again in the morning. I also take the maximum dose of both tramadol and paracetamol for pain. As well as the fibromyalgia I have bursitis in both knees they need surgery but I am putting it off until I have lost more weight. I have a pseudo arthrosis at the base of my spine and a couple of bulging discs and arthritis throut the length of my spine. Recently I underwent investigation on my heart but fortunately it turned out that the chest pains were refered pain from the back problems.

    I find it very dificult to stay on my feet for more than a minute or 2 at a time so I get up and walk up and down my passage way whenever I am watching TV and the adverts come on. The bike I bought is a concept crosstrainer/exercise bike which I got from amazon for £80 (originally £200). I dont really feel safe using it as a cross trainer yet so I am sticking to use it as a bike till I get rid of a bit more weight and my balance improves.

    As well as the above conditions I have multiple allergies food intolerances and chemical sensitivities. I used to give myself 5 injections a day but I can no longer afford them. I take 2 different kinds of antihistamins everyday and I have to take sodium cromoglycate before every meal ( this coats the mast cells so reduces the reactions to the food) unfortunately even when the blood tests come out positive for every thing you still have to eat to live. This leaves me with various symptoms including irritable bowel, rashes/hives, nausea/vomitting, peripheral oedema, restless leg syndrome, depression (even hallucinations with some normal everyday chemicals) and various other things. Needless to say I am virtually house bound and keep my home chemical free with very few visitors. I would be completely lost without the Internet.

    You thought that was it, I'm afraid not I also had high blood pressure last year it was 215/105 last week it was 138/82 so I am well pleased with that. I had to try 5 different blood pressure medications before they found 1 that I wasn't allergic to. My cholesterol is still 8.2 with high LDL and tryglicerides, I have not been able to tolerate any of the statins but I have just started taking a fibrate and I am hoping that the side affects stay limited to the effects they have on my bowels and dont become any worse.

    If all that wasn't enough last summer I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I have just completed the Xpert course and although it didn't really tell me anything I didn't know already it did put some things into perspective and it came as a great relief for me to find that no food was actually banned it was just a question of balance and spreading out the carbs not cutting them out. This came as a great relief to me as I have to rotate all my foods anyway because of the allergies. I had a check up last week and my HbA1C is now down to 7 ok not perfect but it is getting there and it is certainly much better than the 18s and 19s I had been getting.

    Sorry for making such a long post, sometimes I just don't know when to shut up.

    Good luck to all my fellow over 40s keep on fighting the good fight
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member

    Thanks, MJ. I haven't heard of this but I'll give it a shot. Hopefully, I'll be able to post a loss next week.

    Check out this thread: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/178788-zig-zagging-calories-is-awesome
    It seems to have a lot of good info and also references some other sources for additional guidance. Best of luck!!!
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Good Morning Ladies :flowerforyou:

    It looks beautiful out here in Ontario, Canada. Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!:drinker: Does anyone celibrate this holiday? Have a wonderful day!!! I just wanted to check in and say hi before I head out today . I didn't have time to read over the post as of yet (I will later today/tonight), I am going to do something with my son today...like I have been mentioning it is his March Break from school and I am trying to make it fun for him since we did not take a vacation anywhere this year.

    Eat healthy and get some exercise in today everyone :smooched:

    P.S. Just wanted to add - awesome job everyone one with posting their weightloss (congrats) and exercising yesterday. And keeping our new thread HOT HOT HOT. Don't you feel the :heart: . :love: here?

    Take Care & Talk Soon
  • Sue_Smiles
    Sue_Smiles Posts: 1,001 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Just a quick check-in before going to help at senior bingo at my mother's complex. It's fun and the ladies and gentlemen are so sweet.

    It's Thursday Triumph day! I've now gone 2.5 weeks without eating out. I think the streak might break tonight, though, depending on how busy we are.

    Have a great St. Patrick's Day, I'll check back later...
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    Linda - Have fun with your son!!! I know you will.

    Sue - Congrats on the Thursday Triumph!!! I wish I could avoid fast food for 2.5 weeks, but there is always a day when we do not feel like cooking or failed to thaw something or something comes up and we end up eating take out or something.

    I guess my Triumph was walking for 45 minutes yesterday evening with my gimpy knee. Just hope I did not make it worse by exercising on it. Fingers crossed! It also marked 21 days in a row of at least 20 minutes of exercise. For someone who has spent most of her life trying to figure out how to move as little as possible, this is a pretty big accomplishment :bigsmile:
  • malias
    malias Posts: 82
    Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! Luck o' the Irish to you all! Hope everyone has a great day. I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to exercise today....is housework exercise?
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    Hi everyone! started my day off by over-sleeping and showing up an hour late for work! Not good. anyway, I have to play catch up at work, but I know a few of you asked about calorie cycling. Here's a quck run down:

    Monday: 1426
    Tuesday: 1160
    Thursday: 1426
    Friday: 1283
    Saturday 1568
    Sunday: 1426

    Do this for 3 weeks, then stay at 1400 for entire 4th week, then start all over.
  • christyrussell2
    christyrussell2 Posts: 630 Member
    Thursday Triump

    One of my co-workers told me yesterday that she could tell I've been losing weight. She said the sweater I wore normally bulges at the waist but was lying flat now. :bigsmile:
  • possom1
    possom1 Posts: 1
    would like to join i am new to my fitness pal i have 60 lbs to lose i quit smoking 8 months ago and packed on pounds but if i can quit those nasty things i know i can shed this fat!!
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member

    Thursday Triump reporting: My triump has been going absolutely cold turkey on all my favourate items once I decided to loose weight on that fateful day of 2nd January 2011, the same day I joined this site after my friend Kate recommending it. In summary:

    Before 2nd January 2011: Eating loads of cakes, biscuits, chocolate, sweets, crisps

    2nd January until today (and beyond.....!): Not one cake, not one biscuit, not one piece of chocolate, .......but I have had a few 'low fat' crips (always within my calorie count of course!)

    I think that is a pretty good triump! Can't quite believe I have done it but I have to confess it has been more driven by the fear of getting out of control rather than be being 'saintly',,,,, I am terrified the sugar-monster will get me addicted to bad food again if I have so much as one sugar-loaded item! Lol!
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Okay so I went to the gym today after work. Me and 7 men in the room. Me doing my squats (back to them)….feeling like a complete idiot ….. almost falling over whilst I try to put one foot in front of the other to do a ‘lunge’ , oh my….. it is a whole new language and underworld! I felt like I had arrows pointing at me so I got out my newly written out programme the trainer prepared and kept referring to it, figuring that my audience might take pity on the new girl looking so out of her depth! Lol! Horrid, horrid, horrid!!!

    Am I the only person in the world who finds that even doing 5 mins on the elliptical at the gym is a killer!? OMG!

    L...don't let the gym intimidate you, trust me they are concentrating on there workout and not paying much attention to you! It took me a while to get over the "gym scare" but now I just don't care...trust me, I am not pretty, very uncoordinated and it shows. It took me awhile to complete lunges without wobbling and falling. Thos squats and lunges burn TONS of calories..Don't give up!! And no...I hate the elliptical also, it is killer, just work your way up a few minutes at a time.

    Thanks Shelly!
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    Busy day today!! We had to travel to the opposite side of Greater London today for part of our visa renewal process. It's been a tiring day, but a small price to pay for getting to live here for another two years!

    On that note: we did not have the best food choices available to us while we were out. We ended up in a sandwich shop and each had a meatball wrap. I haven't looked up the calories yet (I'm a little afraid to) but we also did do a lot of walking.

    And a funny thing happened on our way home. We passed a bakery on the way into the train station. It was the only place that we could get beverages for the train (bottled water, not soda). Without even thinking about it, we each ordered a water and a chocolate muffin. When we got on the train, we wondered what the heck we were doing. We have carried the muffins home and will work them into our calorie allotments tomorrow. We absolutely got the muffins out of habit, not because we were hungry. That's something I'll have to remember in the future. Don't go into automatic mode where food is concerned!

    By the way, my partner has joined MFP and we're supporting each other. We usually do a better job than today with the muffins.

  • malias
    malias Posts: 82
    Christy....That's awesome! Hope that made your day! Keep up the good work!