What foods have you given up to loose weight?



  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    people .....it turns out they are pretty high calorie and i think i heard its illegal to eat them....lol :tongue:

    but such a good source of protein!

    anyway, you don't have to "give up" anything. this same exact topic was posted just a few hours ago. just eat as clean as possible during the week and then have a free day where you eat anything.
  • nurse_chris
    nurse_chris Posts: 189
    Good thread. I have given up muffins, chips, fast food, crappy snacks like chocolate bars, cookies (i'll be back chunks a'hoy), and anything else i'd be too embarassed to post here.....
  • antfefe6
    antfefe6 Posts: 32
    Cakes, cookies, pastries, eating out, real eggs, butter, oil etc...
  • nickeymhughes
    nickeymhughes Posts: 115 Member
    So many changes in food.... I'm finding more and more it is about eating things like good fats, proteins and carbs. I went to the gym for so many years without having the proper knowledge of how important diet was, don't get me wrong exercise is important and I do it 6 days a week but I really know now that it’s 80% diet. I know different things work for different people but honestly I can't believe all I've taken away from using myfitnesspal. The struggle of knowing what to eat is still a daily learning process for me and I find myself eating more and more of the same things because over the last 4 months it has worked so well. I have always eaten pretty good foods (so I thought). As of right now I found what is working for me but I know in a month it could change because i will get bored or I find out something new. I hope that if anyone has good ideas or see changes I could make let me know and I will consider it, try it out and let you know how it works. I am always looking for any information that will help me feel better and live healthy. There is a lot more changes I have made but this is what I could think of.
    • instead of Iceberg Lettuce I eat baby spinach
    • Instead of eating French salad dressing I use fat free raspberry oil
    • instead of eating 95% turkey burger I eat buffalo meat
    • instead of eating flavored weight controlled oatmeal I eat 1 minute Oats w/a 1/2 tsp. of cinnamon & ¼ cup of blueberries or raspberries
    • Instead of a candy bar I eat a Cliff builders peanut butter bar
    • Instead of butter I use smart balance
    • Instead of salt I use Mrs. Dash table blend
    • Instead of flavored water I drink only water and add lemon, limes or oranges
    • Instead of milk I drink almond or coconut milk
    • Instead of sugar free red bull I use NO Explode
    • I refuse to eat out anymore; I want to control what goes into my food.

    Some more tips….
    • I always make sure I get good carbs in before 5pm
    • Usually either Uncle bens whole grain wheat rice or
    • Wheat noodles
    • 1 piece Wheat thin bread
    • I always eat 4 boiled eats sometime before lunch
    • I drink my protein drink right after my workout (I take it w/me and just add water after im done working out at
    the gym)
    • I eat a piece of fruit right before my work out (usually 1 apple)
    • I try to eat 10 or so almonds everyday
    • I allow myself to pick one of the following per day for a snack as long as I eat it before 5 pm (I do this because
    love snacking and because I have built into my calorie intake)
    o 100 calorie bag of popcorn (like smart balance)
    o Fat free sugar free cheesecake pudding w/ a little bit of Hersey’s dark cho. Syrup
    o Chocolate milk shake made as follows
    Dark choc. Almond Milk
    ¼ cup protein powder
    ¼ cup frozen yogurt
    ½ cup ice
    Little bit of water

    • I eat 2 tsp. everyday of either natural peanut butter or flaxseeds
    • I drink only water
    • I try really hard not to use any salt or sugar of any kind
    • I keep a basket of healthy snacks in my car just in case I find myself in a situation where i need to eat something;
    don’t want to stop at a gas station. (almonds, protein bars, a baggie of protein powder)
    • I keep a 6 pack of waters in my car
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,066 Member
    I'm right there with you, I met my wife years back at a pizza place we worked at and I received a free pizza every day I worked there, 3 years and I think I eat one (small) every day too :)

    I "usedtacould" eat a family size by myself. Well, I probably still could but am unwilling to find out.
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Mrs_McFadden Posts: 1,139
    I'd say nothing is 100% gone forever but uhmm I'm not baking in my *****in' new oven right now :sad:

    I love love, baking, I want to bake some home made pecan and apple pies, bake my favorite Edna Lewis recipe for Sunday Night cake.../sigh :ohwell:

    I'll bake again once I've wrestled with my obsession with freshly baked goods from my own hands.

    Also on the probation list: Korean sticky rice- I could eat a few bowls with ban chan :blushing: I can't help it..rice is one of my all time favorite foods. I could write poems about it. Korean special short grained pearl rice is just so utterly good to me.
  • Tamstar1985
    Tamstar1985 Posts: 334 Member
    i've given up all forms of alcohol. any drinks with added sugars. any and all restaurant food. any form of bread, cookies, cakes (sweet or salty snack foods in general).

    honestly, after the initial two weeks, i haven't had any cravings. mind over matter!!
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    The only thing I have given up is sugar in my coffee/tea. Other than that though, I still eat chocolate, cookies, chips, etc. I want to be able to eat whatever I want without feeling guilty about it. I need to focus on portion control and knowing when enough is enough!
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    I gave up my Big Train chai tea - 24 oz (though I did share it with my kids). I haven't had one in a month. The last several days, I've been thinking i'd like one, but even if I do one of these days decide it's worth the calories, I will get the 12 oz.
  • Talazws
    Talazws Posts: 101 Member
    I gave up dairy and wheat, but mostly because they both make me feel terrible! However, I think giving them up has contributed to my weight loss. Also, I used to have really bad problems with bloating, but since changing my diet this has pretty much stopped completely. Not having a painfully bloated belly obviously makes me appear slimmer! I am very aware of portion size and nutritional value now, and I think this is the most important part of my eating habits!
  • cdino
    cdino Posts: 29 Member
    All fast foods and chinese....I don't miss it at all!
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    A whole bunch of stuff, but the most difficult has been giving up chips. I love anything salty and crunchy...and chips sure fit the bill on that score. (found Popchips this week and they're pretty great too!!!)
  • meat and dairy
  • DR PEPPER :( but the diet versions not half bad. Now I see them as a treat.
  • AnitaAntone
    AnitaAntone Posts: 177 Member
    Sweet tea! use to daily all day! like a good southern girl! now only VERY rarely and limit to 1 glass!
  • sprinkies
    sprinkies Posts: 309 Member
    i didn't give up anything, i just gave up eating as much of it as i would like.

    i haven't had wings in 8 months, but i would eat one. i just don't have the desire to spend 100 cals on a tiny amount of meat.
  • Cathy92
    Cathy92 Posts: 312 Member
    I haven't really given up anything, but I try to make healthier choices. Pizza is my favourite food. If I do want it, I've found a frozen one that I feel 'comfortable' eating (as far a calories go). Funny thing is, now that I know I can eat it if I want, I haven't for a long time as I would rather have more 'filling' calories. I guess I've 'given up' wine, but it wasn't a loss,,only drank it to be sociable and never really liked it...so that one wasn't any loss. In fact, I feel that if I really do want something, I will have it. I will monitor the calories though even if I go over my limit for the day.
  • we've opted for a lifestyle change in my house & we have given up Grains & Corn products... Took us a little while to fully detox, but we feel great!. We are eating tons of Veggies. We can feel when we eat Grains & corn, we get stuffy & miserable....
    I have averaged 3 lb weightloss per week & my niece is looking at about 5 per week....The great thing is that we can eat what we want. We just choose to cut out certain things... making it our choice puts the power back in our hands
  • Cake.....this is the one thing I have a very hard time with so eliminating it from my house has worked pretty well :)
  • The one true thing I've given up is Mexican food, in a mexican resturant. It's too hard to get nutrition info so we just make it at home so we can control portion and such. I have almost given up bread and potatoes. Not totally gone yet but have really cut back on them!!
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