A lot to lose & over 40? Lets start a group(20 memebers max



  • ShellyBrew
    ShellyBrew Posts: 823
    Happy Sunday All!

    Another day of running around that was not planned. Made better food choices but still over some. Did get a walk in but not as long as I had wished. Weekends are so hard for me, I almost always slip, That is going to be my new challange to myself..figuring out how to enjoy the weekend but not be so bad with my choices...I know this is probably one of the main reasons I am having a hard time breaking my plateau.

    General Hugs to everyone one for the weekend and I so agree with Linda about having new friends and support during out journey on MFP. I also do not have a big friend/family support group around me so each of you have become important to my goals. Don't worry if you can't address people individually, just checking in, giving updates and overall support is awesome. I know I have a hard time keeping up with all the individual success and challanges so :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: to All.
  • ShellyBrew
    ShellyBrew Posts: 823
    :laugh: I forgot to respond to the question....I also have not lost enought for excess "skin" issues...I am hoping that since I am streagth training with my cardio that things will tone as I lose...Once I get down near a weight I think I can maintain then I will worry about that issue and fixing it. In my dream world I will magically be tone also
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    Hi groupies! I am a grandma!! (number 6) Baby Boy born this afternoon. 7lbs 14 oz/20 inches long. He is a cute little booger. Dave and I are in Macon, GA @ the motel 6 on our way to Kansas to see our new grandson. I will check in from time to time. We should be back in Florida by the end of the week.

    My granddaughter Cierra holding her new cousin:

  • mainey65
    mainey65 Posts: 342 Member
    Hi everyone, it's Sunday evening, just after 10pm where I am (T.O.) and I just thought I'd check in to say "hello". Well, I didn';t make the best food or drink choices this weekend. My kid sister came by on Saturday and we polished off a bottle of wine and then I ate 2 pieces of pizza. As if that wasn't enough, my husband made pasta with creamy alfredo sauce for donner tonight and I ate a great big bowl of that! What was I thinking? The problem was - I wasn't thinking. Tomorrow, it's back on track!

    Jolene - Congrats on your new baby grandson!

    To everybody else, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and heres to a great week ahead of us.
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Hello all,

    Early hours of Monday morning here in the UK. I have just spent a couple of hours reading through all the posts I missed over the last few days,, phew! Sorry I haven’t been very active but it has been a difficult time. Our friend who had a stroke on Thursday is still in a coma and has had a bleed in the brain now; he is in a critical way so we await news from the family. I have been making myself go to the gym to try and get rid of this ‘stuff’ that is in my head about another personal issue going on just now. I felt really low before I went to the gym but then when I saw myself in the mirror at the gym OMG! I just wanted to cry (some more!), I thought ‘how could I let myself get like this’. I just didn’t like what I saw, it wasn't me.... but it was. If there had been cake there I would have eaten it! Lol! Thank goodness there wasn’t…… only clear water and gym machines! I then quickly got angry and used that to fuel my workout, I doubled my cross trainer time from 5 minutes to 10 minutes at one go (when I started 2 weeks ago I couldn’t even do 3 minutes). It made me realise that with small changes we CAN make a big difference to our lives, our little steps/triumps all matter!

    Below are notes to people following reading the last few days posts:

    akaDumbo(Sara) – Sorry to hear of the loss of your dog a few weeks ago, very sad, and that your terrier still looks for her , I guess he just doesn’t understand what has happened

    bigmama(Linda) – Re calcium: I don’t drink any milk, occasionally I drink orange juice but I have moved to Cranberry light as it uses up less calories. Thanks for raising this as it has reminded me I do need to look at how much (little) calcium I am getting. I, like you, am not keen on yoghurt. A couple of links I found on the web are below, I am sure there are hundreds but thought these might help. I hate it when I sleep in, hope your son enjoyed his karate and swimming. Sounds like you had a very busy time. I bet he is loving his March break.

    I am so sorry you felt low the other day, I hope you giving me some additional support wasn’t too much for you. Apologies if it did. I hope you are feeling a little better now. You made a real difference to me.
    You are doing a fantastic job for the group, despite being busy, so thank you! You seem a lovely person! Hope you had a great meal out the other day too!



    Cassie(Cassie) – Sorry that your GrandBabyGirl didn’t get to visit the other day, and that your daughter was unwell, I hope she is feeling better. Ouch, your eyes must hurt trying to work on the site on the small screen of a cell phone. Your soup sounded the perfect meal with your 5 inches of snow; hope its not too cold! Christmas preparations already, happy crocheting! Impressive!

    Christyrussell(Christy) – Amazing how our taste buds can change, I guess great to know that you won’t be craving your humburger any more! Goodness you did an amazing job the other day with the girl having a seizure, your training seems to have kicked in! It must have been a shock to come across it nevertheless. Your son did a great job keeping up with the coach, and how sweet to want to exercise like his mum! Great inspiration!

    Claudia(Claudia) – I tried Quorn the other day. It was ok but a little spicy. I guess they added spice to ensure flavour as I understand that generally there is little taste to it. Liked the breakfast bagel idea! Glad your daughters soccer game went well…. And that it didn’t rain?! Hope the car will be ready soon. Pizza is so naughty re calories isn’t it (eating out version), but well done on the turbo jam etc.

    jjustjo(Jolene) – Wow! Congrats grandma! Love the picture of your new grandson with your grandaugher....bet you can't wait to get there! Thank you for mentioning the Hungry Girl website, I have logged it as a favourite and will take a good look. I am so sorry your dog is suffering, it must be very distressing for you, thope things have improved.

    Jojo(Joanna) – I hope you are well following your operation. It is good that you can turn a frustrating time into useful time planning your low carb meals. It takes real time to think carefully about food doesn’t it. Wow your mashed cauliflower sounds wonderful, will give that a go. Sounds like your low carb approach is going well. Absolutely agree with you re the comfort of food, or so we think at the time. It is so important to have a community of people who understand how easy it is to eat when the pressure is on and that us sharing it here does help lessen the changes of letting our eating get out of control again. So sorry to hear about your ex re the cancer, a hard time for you all and a lot for your girls to get their head around. The stroll with your friends by the marina sounds like a great break for you.

    Katzpawz – I am very sorry to hear of the loss of Chess.

    milesbackwards(Sue) – So sorry you have been unwell with bronchitis. You painted a lovely picture of you in the warmth of the sun with your cats. Love your lime juice/chicken recipe will give it a go!
    Thank you for the skinny tatste website, have put as fav to look at later. Love the reference to ‘across the pond’! lol! Nice to think we are just a short boat ride away, lol!

    MJ(Mellisa) – Wow you have some high temperatures. Funny that some on here are talking of snow and your are in the heat! Sorry to hear about your friend with the PE, nasty, glad she is at home now recovering. Very impressive that even coming home so late you got onto your Wii and exercised!

    Mollie(Mollie) – Well done Mollie on your days under 2000 calories! Fantastic! You have done an amazing job with the weight loss programme, I know you will be back down to your ticker weight soon! You can do it!

    ShellyBrew(Shelly) – Ah, your *****cat Allie looks lovely! Congrats! Your smoothie sounds wonderful I want to give it a go. But….where can I find almond milk in the UK, is it easy to find in the usual supermarkets? I’ve not come across it. As much as we love family members it can all get too much at times when it is 24/7 and there are dependencies. Where do you travel to, what is your favourite place? Re the plateau: It is so hard to eat right when we are busy, eating well (the planning, buying and preparing), all take so much time an energy. I am sure you will do it Shelly!

    themommie(Sheri) - Hope you enjoyed your movie with the kids. The pasta dinner sounded lovely.

    Thank you all you lovely ladies, and a special thanks to Linda, you are a doll, thank you so much!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hello L,

    That is the one thing the gym or healthclub does, it forces us to look at our bodies. Good for you for using the mirrors in a good way. I know this is one thing one of my thearpist made me do is but a mirror for my place. I had mirrors but not full lenght mirrors. It is useful for us to look at the mirrors. One day at a time is all we can do.

    Hello Everyone,

    I see someone was discussing the excess skin. I really have to try to see how that discussion was started. I will try to read some of the weekend posts tomorrow. I only had a chance to read a few of them.

    Have a good week everyone!:flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Daily Inspiration for March 18, 2011
    Katie Jay, MSW

    Find your way back.

    Just because temptation sometimes wins does not mean all is lost. Giving into temptation does not mean that you have failed or that you are a failure. Everyone strays from the healthy path every now and then. Everyone.

    Remember, no matter how far you wander, or how long you wander, you are not forever lost. It may take time to find your way again, but if you strive for willingness, you will find your path. Do not let a little wandering negate the great success you've already had. Even in the middle of a day of grazing, you can change course and get back on track.

    Action for the day: If you have lost your way, ask for directions from someone you trust. Then, follow those directions no matter what.
  • quixotic99
    Been using MFP but no community stuff. 47 and 86.3 lbs to lose. Have done 28 and if I can't get it done am going for the surgery. I'd rather lose it naturally, but I don't know if I can do it.

    Would love to be part of the group...am I too late?
  • gabbygirl37_2001
    gabbygirl37_2001 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi everyone.......I love this group by the way! I have been working all weekend so Im not on here as much as I'd like. I weighed myself today, and even though it is a day early for my weigh in...I havent lost an oz. In fact, Ive gained 4 oz! whats up with that? I think maybe I had my calories set too high. I reset them for less, and I will see if that helps, this coming week. Its rather odd...I think, because Im in my 3rd week, and this is always the week, that I end up quitting because I get discouraged! How can I break that pattern? Good news is....I have now walked 3 days in a row! not long....20 minutes each day, but hey, its better than nothing right? its a start. Just feeling a bit discouraged with the weight this week. I will weigh officially tomorrow and see where Im sitting.

    Someone asked a ? about excess skin. I have that when I am skinnier on my stomach. Its gross. I cant think of any other way to describe it, and Im super self conscious about it. right now...its filled in..so its ok, but once I lose this weight, it'll be there. I wish there was a way to lose it, but Im afraid the only thing that will work is surgery perhaps.

    anyway....I hope we all have a great loss this week. Are we going to have a theme for each day? I wish we could get a list in our email or something...trying to find a post amounst all of these replies is super hard. I would love to have a topic to respond to.

    cheers to losing poundage this week!:drinker:

  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    mollie thanks for the inspiration

    Jolene CONGRATS on the new grandson he is adorable. Have fun spoiling him. Babies are so precious. What did they name him?

    Linda, Do not feel bad or guilty for being busy this week. We all get busy and we all have lives. We understand if one of the members has a busy week and cant be here. You are doing a wonderful job , thank you so much for this site. It is nice to have a place to come that is safe and we can vent, encourage, motivate or just share.

    As for the hanging skin. I am just now starting to notice a little bit on my arms and stomach. I am hoping if I start doing more strength training it will help. But I guess I will worry about it when I get to my goal. But yes it does concern me, I have never had surgery , so the thought of having it removed scares me.....

    It was raining most of the day so I didnt do too much. I gave my dog a bath and brushed out her coat. I have a shui tzu that is 7 yrs old. She is a sweet dog and follows me everywhere she wont even go for a walk with the kids unless she knows I am going LOL. I went for a short walk with her and 2 of my girls while we had a brief break in the rain. Went to church this morning and out to lunch I was good though I got a chicken caesar salad without the dressing and used salsa on it instead. I also did a little house cleaning this afternoon. Hope everyone had a healthy , active weekend........
  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    Hi groupies! I am a grandma!! (number 6) Baby Boy born this afternoon. 7lbs 14 oz/20 inches long. He is a cute little booger. Dave and I are in Macon, GA @ the motel 6 on our way to Kansas to see our new grandson. I will check in from time to time. We should be back in Florida by the end of the week.

    My granddaughter Cierra holding her new cousin:


    Congratulations Grandma Jo!!! Yaaay! What exciting news! Have a fun trip. Be safe. Hope Hombre is doing better.
  • Jojo42
    Jojo42 Posts: 223
    Good Morning everyone, this is my official end of week 2!

    Now comes the testing time, I am normally all gungho for 2 weeks then I think oh what the hell.

    I weighed this morning and am the same weight, 13.5 lbs down from my start weight. The logical side of me knows that actually in 2 weeks this is a great loss, the other side of me says "oh it was all water, you have stuck to things well and since last Wednesday the scale has stayed the same so therefore it was all wasted effort blah blah blah...!

    See what the little voice demons do???

    The big difference this time is that I have this group. I WILL not let myself or YOU all down. (that sounded like a PLEDGE to me!)

    The day has started well with some homemade flax cereal(very filling though what a strange texture!), I have a food delivery coming any minute with lots of beautiful fresh produce and it is MONDAY,,,the universal day of new beginnings.

    ***Jolene, big congratulations on your new grandson! Have a wonderful time in Kansas and we will all look forward to hearing all about him on your return.

    ***"L", you are amazing, everything that you have going on and you haven't used that as an excuse to weaken or not go to the gym, that lady staring back at you in that gym mirror needs to give herself a big smile .

    ***Jackie, you are about at the same stage as me and have the same demons it seems, I will be getting back on to my exercise back later this morning and like you will try not to feel discouraged.

    ***Mollie, thank you for posting those inspirational words , I took strength from them.

    I will respond some more later...

    Joanna x
  • Jojo42
    Jojo42 Posts: 223
    ***oops that should have said 12.5 pounds down...wishful thinking I think :laugh:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Good Morning Peeps!

    For those who weighed in today and did not lose any or much be encouraged. After the 1st 2 weeks with huge losses your body will need ot adjust. If a stall continues you may want to check your calories intake and/or exercise. Success is not giving up. This journey is all about consistency not perfection. You will have good weeks and bad weeks.

    Think like a toddler learning how to walk. When the start to learn how to walk they fall a hundred times. Do they give up? No they do not, they keep on falling down until they get it right no matter how long it takes them to learn how to walk. We have to think in these same terms when we are learning how to be healthier for life. If you ate right and exercised 3 to 5 days a week for 20 to 30 min a day and did not lose weight, just be patient with yourself and your body.

    Jolene! Congrats on your new grandbaby! Is the little girl a grand too. They are both so cute!! Enjoy them both!

    Jackie, See below REPOST FROM LINDA:


    Please remember these daily topics are for fun and if you wish to participate thats fine and if you don't thats fine also. You can talk about anything on anyday of the week. These are just meant for small talk along with supporting one another each day.


    Monday Members Check In day-Everyone checks in (how has the week gone, did you lose, did you gain/stay same, what you are feeling about how the last week went weight wise)

    Tuesday Testing Yourself day- what are you challenging yourself to do for the next week /how did last weeks challenge go (give up diet coke for the week, get up earlier to exercise, etc)

    Wednesday Weigh In and Exercise day- Everyone post what there losses or gains were for the week. What have you been doing for exercise this week, DVDs, walking, gym etc and what you like about it what you don't like about it

    Thursday Triumps day-Members post about positive things that have happened to them this week. It could be about finally fitting into that pair of pants sitting in your closet for years. Could be about that chocolate bar you threw in the garbage instead of eating it. Went swimming for the first time in 5 years etc...

    Friday Foods day- Exchange what you have made for lunches, or breakfasts, or any new receipes etc this week, what you have tried and hated food wise etc...

    Saturday Share day -Anything about you and your life, tell each other something Can talk about grand kids birthday party, weekend away etc... or My mum was in hospital this week and I was worried and it affected my eating.... or my boss is putting pressure on me and I have been comfort eating.....or, I am going through a divorce etc... As all events can impact on emotional eating.

    Sunday Spy day- Not sure yet about this one yet but was thinking about it being members question and answer day, not sure if members would like it. How it would work is each member from the group name list (who wants to participate) starting from top person asks one specific question they want to know about and everyone answers her. The next Sunday it is the next member on the list to ask a specifc question etc...

    akaDumbo(Sara) - 165lb target of which 76lb already lost
    bigmama(Linda) - 125lb target of which 30lb already lost
    Cassie(Cassie) - 214lb target of which 29lb lost already
    CathyV(Cathy) - 160lb target of which 46lb lost already
    Christyrussell(Christy) - 101lb target of which 28lb lost already
    Claudia(Claudia) - 76lb target of which 24lb lost already
    gabbygirl(Jackie) - 69lb target of which 31lb lost already
    Hopeful (L)- 102lb target of which 18lb already lost
    jjustjo(Jolene) - 116lb target of which 48lb already lost
    Jojo(Joanna) - 120lb target of which 9lb already lost
    Karenleona(Karen) - 182lb target of which 79lb lost already
    Katzpawz - 150lb target of which 35lb already lost
    leadvocalchick - 124lb target of which 29lb already lost
    mainey(Charmaine) - 145lb target of which.... just starting the journey
    Malias - 185lb target of which .....just starting the journey
    milesbackwards(Sue) - 87lb target of which 13lb already lost
    MJ(Mellisa) - 234lb target of which 34lb lost already
    Mollie(Mollie) - 103lb target of which 40lb already lost
    ShellyBrew(Shelly) - 144lb target of which 45lb already lost
    themommie(Sheri) - 105lb target of which 61lb lost already
    March Goal 31 walking miles - 25 done = 6 miles to reach this months goal.

    Have a good day all!!
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    Good morning all. It is Monday - which tends to be a long day for me. I hoped on the scale this morning before my shower, even though tomorrow is my WI, and noticed I was up a pound from last week. Needless to say this was not a happy occurrence, especially considering that I have exercised longer and harder this week than at any point in my 4 month journey. However, I know that the scale does not always cooperate, so if I am up tomorrow, I will record it and forget it and just keep moving forward. My clothes are fitting me so much better now. When I started in November, the seams were near bursting and how the clothes are sort of hanging on me. I do not need a number on a scale to tell me that I have improved my condition. So, I will not get discouraged in the morning regardless of what the scale reads!

    Sue, so sorry to hear you have bronchitis! That can be a real bear to get over. Hopefully you are not a smoker which should help you recover faster. Feel better soon!

    Linda, I agree with Cassie – you have done quite a lot getting us organized already and we do not want you to sacrifice time for your family and yourself. Life happens and there will be times when some of us can post more than others who are busy with life. The good part is knowing that we will ultimately be here for each other.

    Joanna, you cracked me up with that batwings comment. I could see you flapping away for a second there. Your walk and lunch by the beach sound delightful – I have a little green-eyed monster over that. Congratulations on completing 2 weeks and being committed to continuing this journey!!!

    Shelly, I am there with you sometimes on the weekends. The work days are so much easier for me because I have my set routine. And at least while I am at work, I only have my food that I brought for the day, so it is easy not to go over with not having free access to the kitchen. Plus, the challenge of friends and family always wanting to go out to lunch/dinner at places without healthy options. I am sure you will get a handle on things. You are a strong person, so you totally have this!

    Jolene, congratulations!!!! He is adorable. Safe travels to see him!

    Charmaine, we all have weekends like that. The important thing is to not let it derail you permanently. Get right back on program and keep trucking. Sounds like you plan to do just that this morning. Good job!

    L, I am so sorry about your friend! But I am super proud of the progress you have made in your training and using the anger about your condition to kick your workout into overdrive! Great job!

    Mollie, thanks for posting the inspiration! It is too true – whether one meal, one day, one week, one month, one year, etc, it is never too late to get back on track!

    Gabby, you are doing great with the exercise!!!! Just know that even if you do not show a loss tomorrow, you are way healthier for the 3 weeks eating better and exercising that if you had not been doing those things and that is a Big Win! The scale will eventually move.

    Sheri, sounds like you had a good day with your dog and your daughters. Sorry about the rain – we have had a ton lately and it really impedes my activity. Congrats on eating out healthy at lunch!

    If I missed responding to anyone's post, I am so sorry. Back at work today and only had a few minutes to try to read through and catch up on everything. Hope you all have a wonderful day. We can totally do this!!!

    Hugs to all.

  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Good Morning :drinker:

    Voting is finished. Thank you so much for taking the time to vote. 18 members voted and it came down to 12 for Lots to lose and 5 for Geddon and one member voted for majority vote. So we will be sticking with our org name and we will be moving to new CLOSED THREAD this week.
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Just a quick catch up from weekend. Sorry if I missed anyone.

    Sara :flowerforyou: - Thank you for posting the info about the calcium and vitamin D. I was surprised at some of the foods that had it.

    Sue:flowerforyou: - Haven't looked at skinnnytaste site yet, but I love looking for new recipes. Thanks for sharing and I will be visiting it soon. Sorry to hear you were not feeling great on the weekend, I hpoe you are better today. You sounded content sitting in the sunbeams with your cats.

    Shelly:flowerforyou: - Did you get a chance to make your meal plan for the week? BTW while reading that banana shake recipe this morning it made my tummy growl. I think I better make something to eat soon. Ohhhh I love your new addition to your family. She looks so cute. You make me want to get a kittie, she looks like one I had when I was a teenager. Weekends are so tough for many of us. I know it is for me. Some great suggestions were given to me like only taking one cheat day on the weekends, or give yourself an extra 500 - 1000 calories on the weekend to eat. Hope this helps.

    Mollie:flowerforyou: - I know I mentioned it somewhere but just wanted to say congrats once again on staying under your 2000 cals a day. WOOT WOOT!!! Crossing fingers your physical goes well on Thursday. Please let us know how it goes. Thank you for sharing your inspirational posts. I always enjoy reading them. Most touch something within myself and I sometimes get an AhHa moment. I sure helps, thanks you are an awesome person.

    jjustjo :flowerforyou: - Hoping Hombre is doing good this morning. Sounds like he has been having a hard time. Hugs. Congrats Grandma on the new addition. Thanks for posting a pic. He looks adorable. Enjoy your time with him. I know it will be hard by try to keep eating healthy and get some exercise in. Safe travels.......I want to be a grandma sooooo bad. But my 23 year old is not mature enough to be a dad...so I patiently wait until he grows up..LOL.

    jojo :flowerforyou: - I so agree with you that this site should be about anything weight related - even emotional eating and such. I do feel safe and feel like we can get support here without being judged. Are you working on your menu planning for Thursday when you start work again? Sorry to hear that your whole family has to deal with cancer. I know cancer runs high in my family also. Both my mom and dad have passed away from it. Keep being strong and never give up. Hugs I am so jealous I have always been a water person. Glad to hear you enjoyed yourself with friends by the beach.

    katzpawz :flowerforyou: - Awesome walking. :) Good to hear you got right back on track when you slipped. That is something I believe we all have to learn to do instead of going back to our old habits.

    MJ:flowerforyou: - Glad to hear your friend is doing better. WOW doing your exercise after midnigh. Girl you rock!!! What dedication you have. I know it couldn't have been easy to do that. WTG!!! How did your chorus practice go? Great I hope. How long have you been singing?

    Cassie :flowerforyou: - OMG you still having snow. I feel sorry for you. I snow finally melted with the rain we have had. Just a bit here and there left from the HUGE snowbanks we had. In the forcast they are still showing snow for a few days here and there. But I hope they are wrong!!! YUMMM sounds like your vegie soup was delish. I just love it when I find something to eat that is tastey and healthy for us. Cassie don't say that bad word again for a long time please..LOL. shhhhh Christmas is associated with brrrrrrr snow around my parts. Hee Hee Hee. But glad to hear you are working on next years gifts.

    malias :flowerforyou: - Did you get to see the moon? I didn't :(

    Christy :flowerforyou: - WOW exciting weekend. Glad to hear you decide to go in and help out the girls. I know many would have not taken the time to go in and help. Just goes to show you are a wonderful person. I love that your son said he is going to work out more like you. I think that is such a great motivator for you. And just to think you are showing your son a great example of living a healthier lifestyle. I hope you feel proud! :). Breaking the cycle. Ya!!!!!

    Claudia :flowerforyou: - Sounds like you have been busy and had some tough food choices. But glad to hear you got in some exercise in and sounded like a tough workouts. Congrats on your daughter winning her game.

    themommy:flowerforyou: - Sounds like you had a good weekend. I also watch movies with my son. Kids just love it when moms watch tiv with them. Sometimes I fall asleep while one is on and my son is not happy with me when I do that. oooops :)

    mainey :flowerforyou: - Uggg sounds like a weekend of bad food choices...but they sound delish and i bet you enjoyed your weekend with your sister. Glad to hear you were set on getting right back on top of things Monday. Well its Monday I hope you are doing it? Have a healthy eating day this week. You can do this.

    Hopeful :flowerforyou: - Hugs and I hope you are doing better. :) I love it that you are working out at the gym instead of eating cake. You are going to make it through this tough time. Awesome job on upping your minutes on your workouts. Just goes to show you that your body is getting stronger. I am here for you anytime. We all are. Keep your head up. Hugs once again.

    OK well thats if for now - time for some breakfast for me and get some walking in. Time flies on here. I will be back later to finish reading our posts and give a MONDAY CHECK in for mysefl.
  • malias
    malias Posts: 82
    Good Monday morning all! Had my first weigh in this morning and lost 9 lbs!!! I know that alot comes off the first week but I am extremely happy with that. The first week is always the toughest for me and I made it through. Woo Hoo! One week at a time.....
    How was everyone's weekend?
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    Monday Check-in: my weight has stayed the same, again. Taking my new exercise routine into account, my body hasn't had time to adjust to the new level of activity. The nutritionist warned me that this might happen. I'm very proud to say that I got at least some walking done six out of seven days last week. Many of you already that things were a bit rough toward the end of the week. I was able to get back on track within a day of slipping and I'm extremely proud of that.

    Thanks to all for the kind words at the loss of one of my dogs. He was truly the canine love of my life and it was sad for him to go. He was 14 and the arthritis medicine was just not able to give him any relief and his mobility was extremely limited. He's in a better place now and I'll be okay. Our other two dogs seem to be handling things just fine. I think they knew it was time for Chess to go.

    Thanks also to Linda for managing this group and to each of you for participating. I so look forward to reading everyone's posts over my morning coffee each day.

    Let's all have a good week!!
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    happy Monday everyone! I hope everyone had a great weekend! Yesterday I took my daughter to her first pro-soccer game. It was a special day because they allowed her and her team go down on the field before the game started to be part of the 'parade of champions'. It was so cool watching them do that! Unfortunately, it was raining. And raining HARD. They gave out ponchos at the entrance, but they only helped a little. The rain NEVER let up. My make-up ran off, my hair was soaked, I was sitting in a wet chair, and my fingers were pruning because they were just never dry! It was miserable! I don;t know how the guys play in that weather! Finally, I couldn't take it any longer and we left just before half time. When we got home, my husband had dinner ready for us, but he BOUGHT it. Fried chicken (KFC). I don';t even like fried chicken, but I ate it because I was starving. Haven't had a great week food-wise, so I hope the scale goes easy on me.

    Christy: WTG on helping the girl at Sonic. You are seriously awesome!
    Jolene: Congrats on the new family addition! He is adorable! :)
    Joanna: Maybe one day our daughters will be able to meet!
    Linda: Thanks again for keeping everything on track. Don't worry about being too busy, you have a life too!
    Mailia: WTG on the super loss this week!!!
    MJ: Hope today isn't as long as usual and that you lose that 1lb before your WI.

    Sorry I missed so many of you, It's been a little more that week since I gave up coffee, and my brain is still fuzzy early in the mornings :)