Fit For Future Families - March 2011



  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Hey ladies! Checking in :)

    So I ate like a pig for the last week, and sat on my *kitten* to do it. Have I ever mentioned what a horrid emoitional eater I am? I really am!

    More pregnancies around me, added to the CP last month and I'm losing my freakin mind. I talked to my OB's nurse this morning about the CP and she said that if it happens again this cycle they'll bring me in quicker than my May appointment. I've been losing hope quite quickly, and just feeling like it won't happen for us - so yesterday we called for an adoption info pack. It's something I want to do anyway, and DH agrees, so we'll keep trying and tryng and look into adoption at the same time. Adoption in Nova Scotia is handled by the government, and it's a 2 year paperwork process before you get put on a waitlist. So who's to know?

    So I hit the gym today and had a great burn (yay) and I'm having a parrifin wax pedicure tonight (c'mon Spring!). Also, DH and I just signed up for a summer session of Soccer-Baseball through the city's rec program - it should be fun :)

    Hope all is well with everyone - miss you!
  • How do I join this group?
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Just tell us a little bit about yourself, Showell, and welcome to the group!

    Sorry you're having a rough time, Jalara. Hopefully you won't have to go through another CP and you'll get pregnant again right away.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Showell - you just did :):flowerforyou:

    Jalara - We went through that process here. It was horribly managed, but I've heard great things about you NS-ers. I tried NS, NB and MB as well for a placement and were turned away since they typically only place in province. If you think TTC has lots of things to learn, wait until adoption...LOL It's an adventure!!! If you need anything (even thoguh the processes would be slightly different) feel free to let me know :):happy:

    Alisa - I agree with Erica. If you don't have a cycle or have an extended cycle, they call it anovulatory. It means that you just didn't ovulate and just because you start AF, doesn't mean there was ovulation (the body has a way, in most people, of realizing it's been too long and just starts shedding). Hormones and stress are the most common reason. This is one of the most common side effects of PCOS is the anovulatory cycles - it's really quite common unfortunately :explode:

    Still no sign of the little hag yet today....frustrating. Looking forward to getting the dogs out for their walk (even if they do want to run away from home) before it snows again today.....Had a healthy breakfast & lunch, feeling on track again....!!!!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 376 Member
    The mentally deranged side of me is enjoying reading about so many of us who are just sort of in a cruddy place right now, for whatever reason. Maybe misery loves company? I hope you all know what I mean when I say that. At the shower I went to on Sunday, my husband's great-aunt saw my little boy running down the hall and said "About time to give him a little sister, don't you think?" It caught me off-guard and what came out of my mouth was "Yes..." And then I had to walk away because I just couldn't say anything else and didn't want to lose it. Not the sort of interaction I wanted to have. Oh well...what can you do? I hope we ALL get to a more positive (literally and figuratively) soon. I'm just feeling generally un-hopeful about everything--babies, eating right, exercising. Blech. I hate being in this place. I'm hopeful it won't last much longer. I'll stop being a negative nancy now....

    We have an appt with the RE on April 11th. So, it'll be a few weeks, but I'm okay with that. It's a little "break" for me, if you will. I was looking at the paperwork, and they ask all the reproductive history, and I just don't know what to put--maybe an asterisk saying "Please see accompanying page". Haha. I'm acting all like they haven't dealt with this before with hundreds of other people...

    As for the buying clothes to "grow" into--I went into a Kid to Kid (consignment, resale, etc) the first month we started trying again and they were clearing out a bunch of maternity clothes. Well, I couldn't pass THAT up, so I bought a few more tops and a cute jean jacket for about $15. As of now, all of my pregnant friends are reaping the rewards of that well as all my clothes from little boy #1. Well, I'm glad someone is getting to use them. I think you are's kinda like those "skinny jeans" that people buy to motivate themselves and remind them of their goal. Getting pregnant is the goal of this group right now, so why not? I wouldn't invest in a wardrobe at this point...but it's great to be optimistic--spread that around, please!

    CyberHugs to everyone--especially those who really need one, and for everyone else....well, an extra hug never hurt, right?
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Oh, to answer the question about buying things, I did buy a bib that says "Love My Daddy" and a snoogle (a pregnancy body pillow) probably around cycle 6 or 8. I threw the bib away and just gave the snoogle to a pregnant person. There's zero point in me having them. I wouldn't buy anything else. But I think you probably have a higher chance of walking away pregnant than I do.
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    You ladies are breaking my heart. :flowerforyou: for everyone!!!!!!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    I woke up feeling much better today :) Thanks to everyone for hugging me through my rough patch....LOL

    Had a relatively good day - an average one for me I'd say, foodwise.

    As for buying stuff, I bought all kinds of stuff when we were almost placed 5 years ago (dresses, toys, some furniture, you name it). I've given it all away now. I won't be doing it again until I'm really sure (which means DH will have to stop by the store going to the hospital while I'm in labour to buy the car seat :P

    Hope everyone starts having better times :D
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    I definitely have not bought anything. I occasionally find myself wondering the baby aisles and then force myself to leave before I get too depressed in the store. There are lots of things I want to buy, but I don't want them around as a constant reminder that I don't have a baby to put them to use. I had a coworker that had an entire nursery set up of three years and still TTC when I moved way. She found it as hopeful- to me it was depressing and I know I wouldn’t be able to handle it. I did recently make some curtains for the room that could probably stay when the room becomes a nursery or I could patch out the fabric to make a blanket out of it. My husband and I haven’t even painted the room yet- it is the same ugly light gray as when we bought the house (we don’t want to paint it until it will be nursery for our baby…probably a light creamy orange or sky blue)

    I spent over 40 hours this weekend sewing a baby quilt for my friend. It looks beautiful, but it was definitely difficult to be sewing a baby quilt for someone else.

    The last six days have not been very good- I’ve only made it to the gym once…oops that’s what happens when I’m sewing. I’m going to try to get motivated to go tonight.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    My nursery is actually being painted in the next month - it's going to be very unconventional. It's going to have 3/4 wall height white high gloss (read: very washable) wainscotting. and the top 1/4 of the wall is going to be navy blue. I figure it will go well with any of the colours that typically are associated with babies. Since I don't plan on finding out the gender of the babies in advance, it will be a good choice :)
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 376 Member
    My nursery is actually being painted in the next month - it's going to be very unconventional. It's going to have 3/4 wall height white high gloss (read: very washable) wainscotting. and the top 1/4 of the wall is going to be navy blue. I figure it will go well with any of the colours that typically are associated with babies. Since I don't plan on finding out the gender of the babies in advance, it will be a good choice :)

    The room that we used was a colonial blue on two walls and a lighter blue on the two others. We did a gender surprise, and since we weren't repainting,we did a very loose underwater theme--i.e. I did a tropical fish embroidery (I worked on it when I couldn't sleep at night), and a friend made us a tropical fish baby quilt that we used as a wall hanging. It worked--till we moved, and now the walls are white, and it doesn't look as good, but we have a yard, and so we think the tradeoff was worth it.

    My son caught a bug somewhere and I was up all night long with him last night as he was throwing up. My first parenting experience with that. OMG--horrible. I just want to sleep today, but he seems to feel better and wants to play. Figures... I'm just hoping I don't fall back on food to keep me going today. Have a good day, ladies...
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 524 Member
    First, I just want to say Thank You to all of you. I'm SO glad I have you around. :smile: :flowerforyou:

    I have been feeling that negativity too lately. Luckily, I haven't been forced to deal with preggo friends/family (now that I say that, just watch). A lot of my friends and family are going thru divorces/separations right now (5 to be exact), so I really don't see babies in their near futures. I am hopeful that this will be our year (fingers crossed!), but I think it is going to take a while and some medical intervention.
    As for buying/painting... I haven't bought anything personally, but my sister has handed quite a few things down to me now that Lilly is 18 mos. We have a corner in our basement dedicated to baby paraphernalia; clothes, swings, bassinet. Thank goodness it’s in the basement and I don't have to look at it everyday, reminding me that it hasn't happened yet. I'm sure if everything was "working" and I had some hope that we could get pregnant any day, then it may be different, but for now I think I'll keep everything in the basement. DH and I have already picked our nursery theme though, Dr. Seuss! We both love those books and they are SO colorful we think it will make a fun space for either a girl or a boy (hopefully both! twins :happy:)! My mother caught wind of this idea and is running with it! She is a sewer and has already bought all the Dr. Seuss fabric she can find, including taking a few road trips for more. She has made tons of quilts, baby, blankets, and even an entire nursery set for our friends, so I can only imagine what she is going to do for us. So I guess we can't change our minds now! Also, she mentioned to me the other day that she has a little savings stash going for our crib, and she is planning on selling stuff on ebay to make some extra for it. Ugh! You would think this is her first grandbaby. The bad thing is that my MIL is a sewer too, so I think we will be covered from both the grandmas! LOL Ok enough about that! Didn't mean to get carried away.

    Yesterday was a terrible eating day! DH and I have been slacking on the home-cooking, so Wendy's it was. Which easily pushed me WAY over in every category. Grrr... I know today will be much better. Well, I'm not sure it could be any worse to be honest.
    As for exercise...not bad. Zumba-Monday, Teach dance-Tuesday (trying to move more while teaching), Zumba-tonight. I am going to try to do some pilates or toning of some sort Thursday, I think I need to change things up. I weighed in at 142 on Monday and am back up to 145 this morning. I cannot get away from this 145!!! My body is probably getting used to my routine now and needs to be shocked. I really can't wait for the weather to get better (and stay good) so I can start getting out on my bike and taking the pup for some walks. I know I could take her now, but I REALLY hate being out in this crappy weather!
    Forgot goals for this week...
    1. Water water water (at least 8 glasses)
    2. Some movement EVERY night/day
    3. More veggies
  • cdemumbran32310
    cdemumbran32310 Posts: 102 Member
    I'm hoping I can join you ladies. I am Courtni from Tennessee. Yesterday after completing yet another round of clomid (50 mg, nothing. then 1 successful but ended in miscarriage Dec 31,2011 at 100 mg then another round of 100 and then 150 with nothing) my doctor finally threw his hands in the air and referred me to specialist. I am 24 years old, and remembering only ever wanting to be a mother, so I was heartbroken. My husband and I dont have the money to see a specialist (insurance wont cover anything) so after a 30 min drive home while crying, I got home and looked at myself in a mirror and said I was done with my body. I am 5'1.5 and 232 lbs. I have been on metformin for over 2 years (on and off). But I went and joined the gym yesterday, hired a personal trainer, and signed up for MFP. I also went and ordered a month of nutrasystem ( I dont cook and BK is my favorite). So I am here to lose weight and hopefully be able to get pregnant and stay pregnant in the next year.
  • MrsHinds7
    MrsHinds7 Posts: 64
    Hi! My name is Shannon and I am interested in joining this group! My husband has had cancer three times in three years so we can't have babies naturally anymore so we have to do IVF. Its expensive- like $15,000- so we've been applying for grants (very few available) and have been saving money. We know that once we have enough funding to afford it, that we have one shot, because it will be years before we can come up with that amount of money again. Anyways, so my goal is to lose 55-60lbs so that I am in the healthiest possible shape for the baby and of course me too!
  • RHOyalT
    RHOyalT Posts: 204 Member
    Hi, Would love to join this group. Husband and I have been TTC for about 10 years. I have PCOS and my doctor says I would need to lose about 100 pounds to conceive. That's a lot of pressure! I just recently stopped taking BC which was to control long, heavy periods.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Welcome, cdemumbran! I feel your pain on the cost of the specialist. I'm in a similar boat. Good for you for joining a gym and getting a meal plan. I hope it helps!

    Welcome, Shannon! I'm so sorry that your husband has been through so much. I hope that the IVF works and you don't have to worry about it anymore!

    Hi, Kim! Sounds like a fun nursery plan!

    Sorry about your sick little boy, Karen.

    AFM: We booked our vacation to Siesta Key. I fully anticipate that now that I don't want to be pregnant for a fun beach vacation, AF will not show in a few days. :laugh:
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 376 Member
    Hi new people! Welcome to the group!

    Hey Erica--it's a win win that way right? BFP or beach vacation--sounds like a bit of a win/win either way...

    I'm trying to be positive. Little boy is through the worst...yay!
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    Oh Courtni....Welcome. :flowerforyou: Don't give up. The specialist might come up with something really simple as the cause. Just take it one step at a time and do what you can financially.

    Mrs. Hinds. I'll be going through IVF next month and I feel you on the expense of it. Luckily we were in a position to save it this year but this will be our one shot due to the cost. Thank god we qualify for the refund program. It's heartbreaking that I will only be able to give my hubby this one chance at pregnancy. I have 2 kids from a previous marriage. We decided this week that after the IVF I would not go back on BC afterwards. I have my tube tied (I only have one) so doc said there's a 1 in 10 chance of getting pregnant again. I swear I would have 3 or 4 with my hubby if I could. I'm also going to talk to her about possibly reversing that tubal ligation to increase the chance so hopefully we will have a little surprise in the next few years. I'm hoping for twins from the IVF but I did read a blog yesterday about having twins and it scared the heck out of me.

    AFM AF came today so I'll be going tomorrow for my bloodwork that is required for the refund program. 4/14 can not come soon enough but I'm totally scared out of my pants.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Well, yes, Karen, unless I spend the entire vacation throwing up. That won't make me very happy. And since the progesterone in the 2ww makes me super nauseous, I fully anticipate being one of the lucky ones who gets all-day sickness. Hopefully not... but we'll see. Then again, I'm sure it's all just wishful thinking anyway. :laugh:
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    Erica!! You'll be fine and what a story you would have for the kids if that came true. :)
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