Lots2Lose & over 40 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    Joanna...have a great day at work.
  • leadvocalchick
    leadvocalchick Posts: 59 Member
    Good morning lovely ladies!!

    WED WEIGH IN - I'm a day late, but not a dollar short (thanks to all this O.T.! HA!!) And, I am down 1.2lbs this week! (also, I didn't get my 1.6lb loss into the group last week) So, I am officially 32lbs lighter!!

    THUR TRIUMPH - I'm super excited, as I have been pulling a few clothes from the back of the closet and THEY FIT!! There is nothing like having a choice on your outfits, rather than picking from the only 3 pairs of pants that fit!

    Looks like I won't have my noon brain break today....temps went from high of 77 yesterday to an expected high of 42 today! That's just WRONG!!! :laugh:

    @Jackie - Remember - A loss is a loss!!

    @Joanna - 1.5!! w00t w00t!

    @L - 1.2 is great!! (Don't you let that energy get away!!!)

    @Cathy - 2lbs is awesome! I'm sure the Dr. won't be disappointed with a 49lb loss!! :laugh: Good luck!

    @Mollie - Best of luck at the Dr's!!!

    @Cassie - YAY 3lbs gone!! Isn't walking great??!!?

    @Shelly - good job owning that gain! Keep focused and move forward!!

    @Linda - SNOW? What the heck?? Although we went from 77degrees yesterday to 40's today and a chance of snow this weekend.

    @Sheri - Great job on the gym membership! You've motivated me to get back to my gym...once my world becomes my own again!! :laugh:

    @Karen - Great loss! 82lbs gone is AWESOME!!

    @Christy - What an AWESOME calorie burn! That scales gonna move - I just know it!!!

    I apologize to anyone I may have missed...I did a quick scan of yesterdays posts, so if I didn't shout out, don't think I'm not rooting for you!! w00t w00t!!

    Now - off to the shower and then to dig in the back of that closet!!

  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    I doubt if I will get a walk in today. It is Clean Out the Garage Day. We don't own a car and the garage is completely packed with stuff we moved from the U.S. two years ago. Our feelings are that if we haven't needed it for two years, we don't need to keep it. So I am ruthlessly clearing out stuff to go to charity, recycling or just trash.

    This is clearly at minimum, an all day project. It's 10:30 and I've already been at it for two hours and have barely made a dent. The big job so far was moving enough stuff out so that I had a place to work inside. I've just logged my first two hours as exercise and I'll log the rest later. So, I'm being productive and getting some exercise at the same time.

    Congrats to all for even the smallest of successes. Hugs to those who are struggling. Have a great week everyone!!

  • cathyv0409
    cathyv0409 Posts: 230 Member
    OK, I have always had "bat wings" but now they are disgusting. With all my weight losses and weight gains, up, down, up, down, I guess my skin has rebelled! Seriously, is anyone else considering plastic surgery when they've reached their goal? I refuse to have loose hanging skin forever.....

    Queenie, I have only lost a significant amount of weight one other time in my life. I didn't lose it in a healthy way but that is another story. Not only have I considered plastic surgery, I had the surgery when I reached 199 pounds. I only had the skin removed from my lower abdomen and I think I will be able to tighten that area back up with exercise. I haven't decided about my arms and thighs but I am definitely planning to have surgery to get rid of my "middle roll". Imagine needing to wear a second bra and that is what my belly looks like (that is probably TMI). If you have insurance, check with them to see what guidelines you have to meet to have the surgery covered. The other secret is to find a good plastic surgeon who knows how to work with insurance. If you have questions, feel free to send me a message.
  • cathyv0409
    cathyv0409 Posts: 230 Member
    Cassie - I have trouble keeping up some days too. I also need to start making notes as I read so I can respond to everyone. Please know my thoughts and good vibes are with you all!!!!

    Katz - great job on the garage! If you feel the need for more cleaning when your place is all spic and span come on over :wink:

    Karen - amazing loss!!! You are an inspiration!!

    Sheri - YAY for the gym membership!!

    I'm in on the Wednesday weigh in. For those of you who don't want your weight posted, I may be the worst at that. My husband doesn't even know what I weigh even though he gets a pound by pound account of what I have lost :bigsmile:

    I am really having a hard time getting back on track with exercise. Today is a new day and I WILL exercise!! Seeing all the exercise you all have done has been an inspiration to me!

    Thursday triumph - This isn't today specifically but this week. I cleaned out my closet and gave away two garbage bags of clothes that no longer fit! YAY!! While getting ready for the conference I had to go to the back of the closet (and plastic tub) and wore clothes I haven't worn for years and some pants I bought and was never able to wear. I felt more confident in my appearance and had the energy to "keep up" with everyone else. I LOVE that I can feel myself moving easier and faster than before. Mostly though, I love that I truly believe I can change the way I think about food (given some time). I have a long way to go but for the first time I think it is possible and can be a lifestyle change.

    Everyone have a FANTASTIC DAY!!!!
  • akaDumbo
    akaDumbo Posts: 187
    I've finally got here feeling much better today. I have so much to catch up on I haven't been able to read or reply to everybody but I do read everything that is posted in my news feed or on my profile. Well done everyone who has lost weight, and well done everyone else for still trying. You are all a great bunch and I am proud of each and every one of you. :flowerforyou:
  • ShellyBrew
    ShellyBrew Posts: 823
    WEDNESDAY WEIGH IN... Well I thought I had posted my weigh in already.....but looking back, I can't find it. So here we go. I've lost 3lbs this week. I've been without a scale for a couple months and finally bought a new one a week ago. It's amazing how getting a new scale will put you back on track. I've also started walking....gonna shoot for 4 to 5 days a week. This is a major challenge for me...but I'm on day 3.

    So am I the only one who has a hard time keeping up here? I'm sorry for responding to everyones posts ....but I think I'm gonna start keeping notes when reading posts. That way maybe I can keep track of where I left off. Please....someone tell me I'm not the only one....LoL.

    So I'm off to sleep. Catch ya all in the morning. Keep up all the good work.

    WooHoo...congrats on your lose!!
    No you are not the only one. When I settle doen at night to truely look over the tread I open a word document and keep notes then copy and paste when I am done. I am such a geek :tongue:
  • ShellyBrew
    ShellyBrew Posts: 823
    Good morning lovely ladies!!

    WED WEIGH IN - I'm a day late, but not a dollar short (thanks to all this O.T.! HA!!) And, I am down 1.2lbs this week! (also, I didn't get my 1.6lb loss into the group last week) So, I am officially 32lbs lighter!!

    THUR TRIUMPH - I'm super excited, as I have been pulling a few clothes from the back of the closet and THEY FIT!! There is nothing like having a choice on your outfits, rather than picking from the only 3 pairs of pants that fit!

    Looks like I won't have my noon brain break today....temps went from high of 77 yesterday to an expected high of 42 today! That's just WRONG!!! :laugh:

    WooHoo on your loss. I am also enjoying re-discovering my old clothes but I am also to the point where most of my clothes are to big. At some point I am going to have to break down and get some new ones.

    I hear ya on the crazy weather, was 80s the last 2 days and now we have a frost warning for the AM :angry:
  • ShellyBrew
    ShellyBrew Posts: 823
    Good Morning All....Just a quick check in before work distracts me :noway:

    Thursday Triumph...So, I was not looking for a job but one of my "clients" is trying to steal me away. I have a phone interview this afternoon at 4:30 EST. When they first approched me about a potential job opening I really was not interested but it never hurts to keep your options open. Now I really want it! It would be a good change with better advancement potential along with bump in pay/benefits. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

    This thread is moving along and don't feel you have to address each one individually each time! I know each of you is hear to listen to me and support me, even if you don't personally respond to me. A quick check in and Hi is just as good :flowerforyou:

    All I can say is we can all do this, yes it is hard, yes it is a life-long committment, yes it is a life style change, yes it sucks sometimes. Once you find the right mind set for yourself and that one thing that truly clicks and motivates you it gets a little easier. I just have to keep repeating to myself "this is a life style change and not a diet" and "eat to live, don't live to eat". I have come to the realization that I am always going to struggle with food choices and exercise, I am going to have to monitor for the rest of my life and keep a good eye on my choices. Once you have been over-sized and endulgent it does not go away...it is so easy to slide back into old habits and so hard to reverse them.

    With good resources and the support of MFP and others in our lifes, we can make this change, just don't give up :)

    Have a Terrific Thrusday and I'll see ya all tonight (((hugs)))
  • gabbygirl37_2001
    gabbygirl37_2001 Posts: 93 Member
    Good Morning groupies! Today is Thursday triumph day.....and today for the first time in a long time, I woke up without back pain. My body actually feels good right now. I have had back pain for years, worse since I have gained a ton of weight, so this is a nice surprise. Im sure that its a combination of the walking and the weight loss..even though I've only lost about 6 pounds, it really seems to be helping. One of my motivators to lose weight, was not only to look good, but to feel good. I can only imagine how good my body will feel when I get to my goal. I feel great this morning!

    Life is good!:flowerforyou:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    This thread is moving along and don't feel you have to address each one individually each time! I know each of you is hear to listen to me and support me, even if you don't personally respond to me. A quick check in and Hi is just as good :flowerforyou:

    All I can say is we can all do this, yes it is hard, yes it is a life-long committment, yes it is a life style change, yes it sucks sometimes. Once you find the right mind set for yourself and that one thing that truly clicks and motivates you it gets a little easier. I just have to keep repeating to myself "this is a life style change and not a diet" and "eat to live, don't live to eat". I have come to the realization that I am always going to struggle with food choices and exercise, I am going to have to monitor for the rest of my life and keep a good eye on my choices. Once you have been over-sized and endulgent it does not go away...it is so easy to slide back into old habits and so hard to reverse them.

    With good resources and the support of MFP and others in our lifes, we can make this change, just don't give up :)

    Have a Terrific Thrusday and I'll see ya all tonight (((hugs)))

    Ohhhhh Shelly thanks so much for this post.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I so needed to read it today. Long story but hopefully I will get a chance to post today, but it is doubtful. It has been a madhouse at work this week and month end is coming up too. I will probably read it again when I get to work.....:-) Because it is so true we have to realize this is forever. Bad habits are hard to break and good habits are hard to keep up.

    I hope you get the job too!! Knock their socks off. I love phone interviews.

    :flowerforyou: Hello Everyone! Have a wonderful day! Hugs!!:heart::heart:
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Good Morning Everyone:drinker:

    :noway: Page 4 already?:laugh: I am only on page 2 :laugh: Need to get my butt in gear after breakfast. Do you think I am addicted if I come on here to check in before I even eat. LOL...my excuse I want to add my foods..rofl. I am sticking with this excuse.:bigsmile:

    Just wanted to do a quick post on saying that 2 of our members Mollie and Cathy have dr, appointments today. Wishing u2 the best possible results toady. :flowerforyou: Please let us know how it goes. Hugs
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    OK, I have always had "bat wings" but now they are disgusting. With all my weight losses and weight gains, up, down, up, down, I guess my skin has rebelled! Seriously, is anyone else considering plastic surgery when they've reached their goal? I refuse to have loose hanging skin forever.....

    While I am no fan of surgery - really paranoid about going "under" - my partner has said every time that I mention excess skin and how I will look like a deflated balloon by the time I reach my goal even with exercise, that we can have it surgically removed. There are some areas where clothing can help out a lot - waist/midsection even boobs - but there is not a lot one can do by way of camouflage for the arms :cry: At this point, I just try to make sure that all my short sleeved shirts come all the way to the elbow and then am self-conscious about raising my arms in such as way as to let the sleeve ride up. Sleeveless tanks - forgeddaboutit for me.
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    Wednesday Weigh-In/Exercise

    I'm still gaining/losing the same pound. :angry: I started the calories cycling this last weekend & I hope to see some results by the next weigh in Wednesday.

    Today my son & I went to Pinnacle Mountain with my sister-in-law & nephew. We hiked for almost 2 hours. It wasn't hard core hiking but it was fun! I burned over 750 calories according to my heart rate monitor.

    Hey Christy, yay for you with all that hiking! What a great burn plus a fun activity to do with your son!!! I am anxious to see how the calorie cycling works for you. I feel a plateau coming on myself and am thinking of giving it a go.
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    I have considered it and went for an evaluation but way too expensive for me. My parents agreed to help me but I don't think I want to pay the money and I really need it for my thighs and butt areas before I would consider my arms. I have made peace with my body image and will move forward with the hanging flab.

    Congrats Mollie!!! It is a very big step to accept oneself they way she is and find value in oneself as-is! You continue to inspire me with your winning attitude!!! I hope to be there with self-acceptance one day myself but I fear it is a long way away.

    BTW, I am totally in for the challenge. Feel free to track me!!! No weight loss for this past week (at least as of yesterday), so my start weight will be 350 :ohwell:
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    Wed Weigh in - i had been wighin in on fridays but changed it today. still managed to lose 2 pounds. Not having a stellar day energy wise but nothing i can do about it


    Great job with the 2# loss!!! Here's hope your energy improves today too!
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    Hello everyone....well I lost .9 this week. I wish it was better, but hey, its something right? Ive been playing with my calories a bit...going from 1 1/2 pounds a week to 2 pounds a week, so see what works. Its hard...because I feel I wont lose as well on 1 1/2 pounds a week...but when I go with 2 pounds a week...that leaves me very hungry in the evening. the calorie difference is about 300. Good news...I walked today....1 mile. It was beautiful here! I dont walk far, but I go. I will be increasing this distance in April. I will be doubling my time/distance. Have a great evening everyone!:flowerforyou:

    Jackie, congrats on the awesome loss!!! And the walking. I know how you feel with the calorie thing. I am at 1700 right now which, according to MFP, should result in a 2.5# loss each week. Then, I try to burn between 500 and 600 calories per day through exercise and if I eat them, it is no more than 1/2. Yet somehow, I am not averaging that 2.5# loss, so I wonder if I am eating too much, too little or something in between. Thinking of trying calorie cycling next week if no loss again this week just to shake it up a bit.
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    I am amazed at how much stuff (or another word that begins with "s") we have!!! Deep in my heart, I know we don't NEED most of it.

    After six hours, with only two short breaks, our garage is halfway done. This is not just tidying and sweeping up. This is going through boxes and bins that haven't been opened since we moved two years ago. Now that we are more or less settled in here, it's time to get better organised and let go of some of the material things we've hung on to.

    I'm skeptical of the number of calories MFP says I've burned (1200) but I am pretty worn out. Time for a shower, followed by a cup of tea and a relaxing afternoon.

  • Sue_Smiles
    Sue_Smiles Posts: 1,001 Member
    OK, I have always had "bat wings" but now they are disgusting. With all my weight losses and weight gains, up, down, up, down, I guess my skin has rebelled! Seriously, is anyone else considering plastic surgery when they've reached their goal? I refuse to have loose hanging skin forever.....

    I might consider it after I get to my goal if the hanging skin is too bad, but to tell you the truth I am scared to have surgery. I have never had surgery except for having my tonsils out in the 4th grade. And except for then only been in the hospital to have my babies.

    I won't have it done for the opposite reason, I've had too many surgeries to ever want another one again!
  • Sue_Smiles
    Sue_Smiles Posts: 1,001 Member
    Good morning/afternoon!

    Well my "official" weight in stayed the same at 1.5 down so I'm a happy camper. It's so hard to lose weight when 4 of your meds cause weight gain and peri-menopause doesn't help either. 15# down from January 3 is incredible to me and I'm so happy that I found MFP and this group. You are all extraordinary women and a world of help and motivation.

    I haven't worked out in a week, so I'm afraid that the 1.5 is muscle, not fat. So when I'm back in the saddle again if I gain or maintain, I'm not going to beat myself up, in fact I'm expecting that to happen. Not that I'm being a pessimist, but a realist.

    To everyone who has beautiful weather it's 24 degrees here right now!!!!!!!! :grumble: ARGH, the robins are asking why they bothered to come north and the flowers are wondering why the bothered to wake up :smile:

    @ Christy - yesterday's hike sounds wonderful! I hope you do get to the flower beds today, it's such a wonderful and relaxing way to spend some time (and calories)

    @ Jackie - .9 is a good thing!!!!!!! Great walk, too, jealous of your beautiful weather. So glad you had no back pain today :flowerforyou:

    @ Charmaine - No, it's not stupid, you have to do what works for you. We're here for you whenever you need it.

    @ L - What Cassie said! Mother's do come first, and don't beat yourself up about the crackers, you'll get back to the gym and kick those calories to the curb!

    @ Cassie - Way to go on those 3#s!!!!!!! And no you're not the only one who has a problem keeping up. I have 2 tabs open to this thread, the one I'm reading while typing up my responses. :smile:

    @ Joanna - don't work too hard!

    @ Amy - congrats on the weight loss and have fun "closet" shopping!!!!!

    @ Cathy - "Mostly though, I love that I truly believe I can change the way I think about food (given some time). I have a long way to go but for the first time I think it is possible and can be a lifestyle change." That is so wonderfully put!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile:

    @ Shelly - darn, your clothes are too big *NOT*, have fun shopping for new clothes, you deserve it! Good luck with the job interview. *soapbox* - we made a lifestyle choice when we started over-eating and under-exercising, we're now reversing the way we lived. *end soapbox*

    @ Katz - You will probably feel every one of those 1200 calories burned tomorrow! We've been putting off cleaning our garage for about 5 years now. Not looking forward to doing it this spring, but it needs to be done!