p90x classic started 3/21



  • jmecale72
    jmecale72 Posts: 214
    Ok everyone...I have something to admit. I didn't do my Ab Ripper X workout last night. I know I should have, but because I did the leg and back workout AND cardio X, I was wiped out. I guess I will get ab ripper done today.

    Just had to let that out...

    OK...I feel better now....
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    It's Saturday and we have exercising, we don't take a day off from bringing it.

    Kenpo is done, I don't have a future in UFC based on my punch coordination.

    Down to p83 left, get todays workout over with, weekend days end in y, not excuses

    Tomorrow you stretch this helps work on building your muscles helping get ready for week 2.

    A bunch of people got this far and stopped, don't be one of them!
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    Ok so I didn't finish Kenpo today, but I did do 35 minutes of it and I walked for an hour. So since Kenpo is card and so is walking i'm going to count them both together and say I at least burnt the calories I needed too lol. I don't have tomorrow 'off' since I missed a workout, so I hope everyone else gets a good stretch in :)
  • AdoraK
    AdoraK Posts: 724 Member
    Completed both the leg & back and the ab ripper X. Few Thought I was done and then looked at the calories burned. got my butt on the treadmill for get in more of a burn for a 1/2 hour.
  • dcberg00
    dcberg00 Posts: 33 Member
    I am a bit ahead, starting Phase 2 tomorrow... but I love see that everyone here feels the same after a work out. IT will all start again for me tomorrow morning. Previewing what I am going to be doing scares me to death!! Wish me luck!!
  • AdoraK
    AdoraK Posts: 724 Member
    I did two day's today. Had three day that I could not workout this past week so I wanted to catch up a bit. I did Day 6 Kenpo X skipped the day seven rest/Stretch and went back to day 1 week two and did Core Synergistics.
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    Did some time on the recumbent bike today, and then day 7 stretch. So, one week done. So, proud of the wife for completing this journey with me.

    Stretching took for ever it seemed. Still feel soreness in different parts of the body but overall not too bad.

    We are now down to p83. If your a day behind, catch up today, don't allow the days to build. You will make the wrong habit and quit.

    Congrats and thanks for taking this journey with me!
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    I am starting p90x meal plan portion menu tomorrow. Requiring 5 proteins, 2 dairy, 1 fruit, 2 vegetables, 1 carb, 1 condiment, 1 snack. For next 30 days or my fat shredding (energy level) suffers and then will move to phase II.
  • sax321
    sax321 Posts: 26
    Good Luck!!! I believe I need to be with you. I need to really watch what I am eating!!
    I almost didn't do anything today, but then I thought I should at least stretch. Okay, I was a little amazed that the Stretch X video is almost an hour long --- you gotta be kidding me ---- like I could stretch for an hour. I LOVED IT!! What a great stretch for so many muscles. I will look forward to next week. Although when I got done, I had all this energy (and needed to burn a few of the Calories I decided to eat). So instead of feeling guilty, I burned them off with Plyo.

    Looking forward to tomorrow -- the start of week 2!!!
  • jmecale72
    jmecale72 Posts: 214
    So today was supposed to be my day off. I had to go out of town today so I thought I would just get a rest day in and everything would be ok. WELL...that plan went out the window when my family and my cousin and his family decided to go eat at Olive garden tonight. UGHHHH As soon as we walk in the place, I pull out my cell phone and start looking at the calorie content for the various dishes. Well....needless to say that I went over my limit for today. So as soon as we got home and I got my family settled, I threw in the Cardio X DVD and went to work. I managed to burn off the calories I was over and added a few more. After my workout, I was back on the right side of the scale.

    I tell ya...before I would never be worried about calories and all that. But now, I realize that I have too much time and effort invested in just letting things slide for one day. If I do that, then I will let it slide two days, then three and so on and so forth. It's now 12:49 AM and I am posting this. I know it's late, but I also know that tomorrow is my weigh in and I'm hoping that I will have dropped a few more pounds.

    Ok...time for bed...
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    Good job jmecale72!

    I finished Chest and Back and Ab ripper today. I didn't burn that many calories though so sometime later today I'll be doing some serious cardio so I can eat more lol.
    Has anyone here been following the P90X diet plan? I've been trying too and I've been having a really rough time with it. Hopefully this week goes better than last. Keep it up everyone! BRING IT!
  • jmecale72
    jmecale72 Posts: 214
    Good job jmecale72!

    I finished Chest and Back and Ab ripper today. I didn't burn that many calories though so sometime later today I'll be doing some serious cardio so I can eat more lol.
    Has anyone here been following the P90X diet plan? I've been trying too and I've been having a really rough time with it. Hopefully this week goes better than last. Keep it up everyone! BRING IT!

    Good job on bringing it today!

    As far as the nutrition guide, I haven't followed it. I guess maybe i should, but I'm a little intimidated by it. I should just get over it and do it. We'll see...

  • AdoraK
    AdoraK Posts: 724 Member
    Week 2 Day 2 Down - Cardio X. Last week I thought this was not much of a cardio workout. Boy was I wrong I just did not give it all because I did not know the routine. I new what was comin this week and I brought it. Burned over 100 calories more this week and was sweatin my butt off. Then I did 15 minute on the treadmill.
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    That is awesome and that kind of dedication will carry you to the end. Keep it up
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    Week 2 day 1 is complete. Pushed harder and more weight first set. Sure hope the pull ups improve soon. Even with my feet last one struggle getting chin above the bar.

    Ab ripper continues to be haaaard. Some hurt my back more then the abs. However when all done I feel a good burn.

    Another victory fit into another belt loop hole, but too tight to wear in public. But that tells me it will be very soon. That is the third loop on a belt that when I started I don't think the ends could touch.

    Proud of you all for your hard work.

    Tomorrow brings us to p82 see you all there.
  • jmecale72
    jmecale72 Posts: 214
    I think Tony would be proud of all of us! As long as we "do our best and forget the rest" we're gonna be ok.

    So week three of chest and back. The first two weeks I did all my push ups on my knees. Week #3 and I told myself, it's time to BRING IT and do them for real. So last night I pushed myself and let me tell you...I am feeling it today. I know that all of this will pay off.

  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    Well I did my plyo for the day. I had a REALLY hard time bringing it today and so only burned 433 calories. I'm having a bad sorta week for my diet, and I think it's kinda bringing me down. Hopefully soon I'll pull out of this funk.

    At least I did the workout today lol.
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    Just completed week 2 day 2. I see several of you are doing great. Starting to build my endurance. Hop crosses still are killing as well as rock stars. Had a good burn going.

    Wife is keeping up and sometimes telling me to bring it.

    I will see you tomorrow for p81. Two more days and we enter the 7's.

    Diet is interesting all of the proteins. Feel free to view my profile if you want to see what I am eating. This is from the p90x diet book fat burn portions section.

    I find it intriguing my calorie numbers, I guess that is the fat burn. Still eating about same calorie number, but hitting more food groups. Keep up the good work
  • AdoraK
    AdoraK Posts: 724 Member
    Week Two Day Three done. I feel myself getting stronger already. Did the Shoulder & arms - was able to use heaver weights and do more reps than last week. Also did the Ab Ripper and was able to keep up better in most of the Ab exercises.

    Keep bringing it!!
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    Week 2 day 3 is complete. Tried increasing weight and always trying to push for at least 1 more rep on each exercise then time before. Guy that did 2 cycles of p90x used that method and had amazing results.

    Abs workout is still killer. kept up on some, but not most. Scissor kick slow speed is killer still feel pain in my back. You don't develop a circle pack of a belly if you have a strong core.

    Tomorrow is last day in the 80s, keep bringing it and everyday you keep going, someone somewhere dropped the program that day, and started bringing excuses. Everyone of us on the Mfp used that method on our diets and were did it get you fat and out of shape.

    So bring it and enjoy your transformation.

    Oh, and diet plan is getting little easier couple of days getting used to. For those of you not doing diet plan I can't wait to compare results. I think it will be good to do during our rest week.