Losers! Challenge 2 (28/03-20/06)

chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
Hello peeps! This is the new thread for the new challenge...

This week will be a "Set your own challenge" week so you can all post your week 1 challenges on here...

Also don't forget to post your start weights and goal weights so I can sort the spreadsheet...

:drinker: :drinker: Here's to the next 12 weeks! :drinker: :drinker:


  • ski3r4life
    ski3r4life Posts: 206
    SW: 150
    GW: 130

    Goal for this week: 14 g fiber per day and 45 g protein per day and eat something fresh everyday!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I'll give the challenge a try

    HW: 255
    MFP: SW: 242
    CW: 221
    GW: 150 (unless i cahnge it)

    This weeks challenge. 300 minutes of exercise cleaning not included.
  • This sounds like a fun challenge and I can alwways use motivation....

    CW- 257.8
    GW 245

    My personal challenge for this week will be to have a fresh fruit or veggie with every meal and to go to the gym at least 5 times.
  • Haha, thats a good way of solving it Claire! I actually thought the same thing. For me this weeks challenge is to walk a marathon (combined that is) and to drink 2 litres of water each day.

    CW: 214.7
    Challenge Goal Weight: 195
    GW: 150
  • Well, i just realised that if we'll have a percentage or lbs goal for everyone in this group - i'll just go with the flow. But i expect nothing less than a loss of 20 lbs in 12 weeks for me :) Maybe im overestimating myself lol... Maybe 10%? But that might be too much? Since the average was around 6 - 7% in the last challenge we might wanna go slightly higher than that as this one is a little bit longer? Any ideas?
  • queenstatus
    queenstatus Posts: 267 Member
  • sgo7
    sgo7 Posts: 3
    I am new to this challenge group, I ran into it and thought it was JUST what I needed.

    SW: 165lbs
    CW: 145lbs
    GW: 125lbs

    My goal this week is to start exercising. I will use the stationary bike for 30min each and every day. I ALSO, need to drink at LEAST 8 glasses of water each day.
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Ooooo new peeps! Hello to you all! and Welcome!
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    oooh yay a new challenge! i will be better at this one, i swear

    SW: 305 lbs
    CW: 298 lbs
    GW: 170 lbs

    this weeks goal: at least 120 minutes of exercise at the gym, 3 days of strength training, 96 oz. of water a day (that's 4 of my new sweet water bottles a day!)
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    My challenge this week is going to be to increase my distances, so I'm aiming to swim 1.5km each time, run 8km each time and bike 25km each time (or more if I'm up to it!)

    I've weighed in this morning and I'm in shock! Start weight for this challenge is 86.2kg or 190lb, how on earth I lost 1.3kg since wednesday is an absolute mystery to me, but I won't complain! Goal weight for this challenge 75.3kg or 166lb, which will take me to less than my pre-pregnancy weight! I am now just below what I was when I got pregnant with my second child ... just another 4kg and I'm back to pre-pregnancy weight!!! Thank you loser for all your help and support so far, lets do it all over again! YAY!

    Wow! Lots of New peeps! Welcome everyone! Shall we do our intros??

    Name: Rachel or Rach

    Location: Auckland, New Zealand
    I am originally from Yorkshire in the UK, but have been living in NZ for 9 years now.

    CW : 86.2kg or 190lb

    GW for this challenge: 75.3kg or 166lb

    GW : 70kg or 155lb

    Workouts: I have been training for short distance triathlons, so I run, bike or swim 6 days a week and then have 1 rest day. I'm now working towards being able to run 10km and have entered a series called "Run Auckland" which is 6 races of 5km, with the last 3 having a 10km option and the final race having a 20km option. My aim is to be able to run the 20km option in July. I can currently run 6km.

    Food facts : I'm vegetarian, though started eating fish when I was pregnant. I aim to have a chunk or two of chocolate every day. My current aim is to make sure I eat all my protein.

    Interesting fact : I have webbed feet!?! Makes me a better swimmer!

    So you can copy and paste if need be, courtesy of the loser's secretary Claire!
    GW for this challenge
    Food facts
    Interesting fact
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    My challenge this week is to do 5 - 7 hours of exercise.

    Starting weight for this challenge 101 kg. Only loss 100grams last week,. Oh poo bum. Didn't think I did that bad. Oh well its a loss and will keep working at it this week. (Maybe its all the water I drank)

    Name - Jenni
    Location - Sydney Australia
    CW - 101kg (222.6 pds)
    GW for this challenge - 95kg (209.4)
    GW - 75kg (165.3)
    Workouts - Stationary bike, treadmill, Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, ballet, zumba, aquarobics.
    Food facts - vegetarian
    Interesting fact - : this is the hard one, In my earlier years I was a dancer (cabaret/showgirl). That body is now wrapped in bubble wrap, many layers. My daughter (19) is now a showgirl.
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Yay a new challenge!

    Name - Beccy
    Location - Midlands, England
    CW - 281
    GW for this challenge - 260
    GW - 180
    Workouts - Walking, aerobics, cross trainer
    Food facts - I am addicted to sushi / sashimi
    Interesting fact - I am half Portuguese
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Ok Claire, its already Monday here, down under, so I have done day 1 level 1 of Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. I jog on the spot instead of jump rope as it hurts my knees, and I can now finally do 10 bicycle crunches. Anyone else have this dvd feel free to join in with us. Oh I most likely wont be able to do tomorrow as I am waiting for confirmation to do my first aid certificate tomorrow, and then I'm going to the opening night of the Sydney Dance Company latest show.
  • orangejellybean
    orangejellybean Posts: 53 Member
    Happy Monday everyone :):)
    New challenge day! YAY!!

    My challenge for the week is to do at least an hour of exercise every day, so that would make 7 hours total for the week... it will be hard as i am off to Sydney on Friday for the weekend with some friends, but i am hoping some dancing and walking around the city will probably be included!! Although Sunday will be spent mostly in the car... maybe i can do a few extra workouts during the week to make up for it??

    I cannot seem to find how long this challenge is going for? To plan a goal weight... is it 12 weeks??
    My start weight today is 94.7kgs...
  • orangejellybean
    orangejellybean Posts: 53 Member
    Hello peeps! This is the new thread for the new challenge...

    This week will be a "Set your own challenge" week so you can all post your week 1 challenges on here...

    Also don't forget to post your start weights and goal weights so I can sort the spreadsheet...

    :drinker: :drinker: Here's to the next 12 weeks! :drinker: :drinker:

    Ok i have had a shocker! Haha, must be still waking up.... i see the challenge last for 12 weeks!!
    So my goal is to weigh 88kgs in 12 weeks time :D
    I think that is pretty realistic as there is Easter, and my holiday to New Zealand in the middle of all that plus no doubt other social events. So hopefully that should be achievable!!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Hello everyone! I would love to join you!

    Name - Steph
    Location - Ontario, Canada
    CW - 176
    GW (12 weeks) - 161
    GW - 135
    Workouts - Belly Dance, 30 Day Shred, C25K (running), stationary bike, Zumba (less than once/week)
    Food facts - I have a lot of food sensitivities (mild allergies)... A LOT! (tomatoes, peas, almonds, cashews, peanuts, sesame, coca, olive oil... It's a miracle that I can have wheat and dairy again, which used to be included!!)
    Interesting fact - I almost died in a mosh pit once.

    My self-challenge is to travel at least 70 km this week (biking, walking, running).
    Goal for this week: 14 g fiber per day and 45 g protein per day and eat something fresh everyday!
    Excellent!! Remember that fiber makes your feel fuller! I aim for 25-30 g/day (MFP sets us WAY too low), and add ground flaxseed to cereal, smoothies, and apple sauce.
    Food facts - I am addicted to sushi / sashimi
    Love it!!! :love:
    Food facts - vegetarian
    Interesting fact - : this is the hard one, In my earlier years I was a dancer (cabaret/showgirl). That body is now wrapped in bubble wrap, many layers. My daughter (19) is now a showgirl.
    You think you know a person... :bigsmile:
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    oooh, I really like everyone having their own challenges, it's helping me to think of what I could/ need to change! Love the move more than 70km challenge Steph, that's about what I'm going for too!
  • I like the introduction idea....

    Name - Sarah
    Location - Maine (USA), have lived her my entire life ....so far :)
    CW- 257.8
    GW for this challenge- 245
    GW- 175
    Workouts- I like to do a mix of things, variety keeps me from getting bored. I use the elliptical and weights at the gym, wii fit and Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred inside at home and occasionally walking when the weather is nice enough.
    Food facts- I am addicted to Subway sandwiches
    Interesting fact - I HATE needles, but LOVE tattoos
  • orangejellybean
    orangejellybean Posts: 53 Member
    Interesting fact - I HATE needles, but LOVE tattoos

    Hi Sarah and welcome to the group! Everyone is so lovely and supportive here :)

    I am EXACTLY the same!! I freak out whenever i have to get a needle at the Dr, but i like the pain from getting a tattoo! Mind you, i only have 2, but i definitely want more. I have one on my ribs and one on my foot, and i have been told they are the most painful places to get one, so i figure if i survived those 2 then i should be right with any more that i get haha!

    How many do you have?
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