
  • cacrat
    cacrat Posts: 336 Member
    I'm in!
  • cmmull67
    cmmull67 Posts: 170 Member
    I am in, but I have a question. I can't get outside to walk every day. It is still cold here, and I don't always have someone home to watch the 6 year old(who is too lazy to walk a mile). If I walked in place in the house, how long do you think would equal a mile? Or how many steps? I have a pedometer.

    A brisk pace for 30 mins is about 1.5 miles
  • sherrismith82
    sherrismith82 Posts: 210 Member
    I am sooooooooo glad all you guys are joining!!!!! GOOD LUCK TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU :):):)
  • sherrismith82
    sherrismith82 Posts: 210 Member
    Where are we suposed to report? I weigh in on Wednesdays and would like to keep it that way I also report any activity as excercize on MFP Excercise Log but I'll be happy to be all yall's friends and we can support eachother holding eachother accountable for however lo ng it takes and what not to walk a mile a day 5 times a week! ;) I think it's a reasonable goal we can achieve together! How long are we going to do this a month? longer?

    I set the checkin day for Monday, but if you want to do it on Wednesday, I dont see any problem with that at all. It'll still be the same amount of time. I'm sorry it took so long for me to reply to this but I am just now seeing this. I havent really thought about how long this will last. Whats your opinion? Im thinking AT LEAST three months or til the summer ends anyway.
  • pdcarrell
    pdcarrell Posts: 101
    Well my opinion and this is my opinion no pun intended! :) Mostly b/c I get burnt out on the same thing and like to switch it up I want to make it a 30 Day Challange for myself not that it couldn't be repeated the following month and with that being said it could be a 7 day a week 6 or 5 day a week deal you could take a day off or two or not at all? It would be up to you? Just my opinion plus almost all of us have weightloss tickers on here so entering Once a week makes sence... I'll stick to my original weigh day myself and add some of ya so you know I'm really doing this or not! :) I love MFP and I've learned a lot of it is having someone to hold you accountable and keeping it fun! You asked for an opinion and you got mine :) You guys can do this! Do it how you want logging it on this thread or on your profile but Don't do it alone Do it with a friend Have someone hold you accountable! :) Here's to the next 30 days for me and however long you guys want to go You can do it!
  • sherrismith82
    sherrismith82 Posts: 210 Member
    Well my opinion and this is my opinion no pun intended! :) Mostly b/c I get burnt out on the same thing and like to switch it up I want to make it a 30 Day Challange for myself not that it couldn't be repeated the following month and with that being said it could be a 7 day a week 6 or 5 day a week deal you could take a day off or two or not at all? It would be up to you? Just my opinion plus almost all of us have weightloss tickers on here so entering Once a week makes sence... I'll stick to my original weigh day myself and add some of ya so you know I'm really doing this or not! :) I love MFP and I've learned a lot of it is having someone to hold you accountable and keeping it fun! You asked for an opinion and you got mine :) You guys can do this! Do it how you want logging it on this thread or on your profile but Don't do it alone Do it with a friend Have someone hold you accountable! :) Here's to the next 30 days for me and however long you guys want to go You can do it!

    ABSOLUTELY!!! I know what you mean about getting burned out! I get burned out frequently! That's why I made it the Mile-A-Day challenge. Because it is flexible. You could walk 5 days a week, 6 days a week, or 7 days. Or you can walk 2.5 miles two days and thats your five miles! You could do 2 miles per day/12 per week if you want. However you want to do it! I am personally doing this challenge to hold myself accountable and to motivate others. There are no rules to this challenge whatsoever. You can do this for 30 days or six months, the ball is in your court. I won't only be walking each day, but also full body work-outs starting tomorrow. And I will DEFINATELY be switching it up during the day. My main reason for starting this group is like I just said, self-accountability AND I didn't want to do this alone. If you want to do it for 30 days and take a 30 day break, that's fine by me and I don't think anyone else would have a problem with that. I am more motivated when others expect things of me and by starting a group, well, that's major accountability. You can do this! I have faith in you. We will do this together! What do ya say? Does this sound better? You don't have to stop at 5 miles/week you can do more. I just tried to make it a mile a day to get myself more motivated because I am bad for slacking and I want people around me to expect things out of me.
  • jsteras
    jsteras Posts: 344 Member
    Sherri, How about three months for the challenge and we up it every week? This week would be one mile and even if we up it .25 each week by the end of may we would be walking three miles 5-6 times a week .
  • sherrismith82
    sherrismith82 Posts: 210 Member
    Okay, that's fine with me. But me, personally, will be walking a mile a day because I wanna work my way up to running/jogging a mile or so a day. But if you wanna do it that way, that's good. As long as you're walking.
  • wigal23
    wigal23 Posts: 363 Member
    Hi Sherri, I'm in! I am trying to walk progressively further each week to prepare for a 5k, so this challenge will help keep me accountable. :glasses:
  • EbonyGemstoneHealth
    EbonyGemstoneHealth Posts: 249 Member
    I'm in! :)
  • sherrismith82
    sherrismith82 Posts: 210 Member
    Awesome!!!!! Lets do this thang!!!
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,445 Member
    Good morning. Im in weight 146
    week 3/27-
  • Tiffnicmcclure
    Tiffnicmcclure Posts: 6 Member
    Count me In, I can start today :)
  • sweettoughness
    sweettoughness Posts: 23 Member
    I'm in!
  • SueSee
    SueSee Posts: 65
    I'm in. I work on an elliptical every morning and evening, and do at least a mile each time. I'm not sure about how to report each week, though.
  • sherrismith82
    sherrismith82 Posts: 210 Member
    I'm in. I work on an elliptical every morning and evening, and do at least a mile each time. I'm not sure about how to report each week, though

    Report on this forum once a week. Some want to do it monday and some want to do it wednesday, its up to you.
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    I'm in!
  • I so want to do this!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • yazminetw
    yazminetw Posts: 85 Member
    Count me in - I try to walk a mile during my lunch break but the motivation has been lacking. This is exactly what I need. I will report in on Monday's.
    CW 171 lbs
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,445 Member
    Good morning. Im in weight 146
    week 3/27-
    Monday 2 miles Leslie Sansone DVD
This discussion has been closed.