200+ Pushin' For Less Cushion!

akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
It's time for a new 6-week challenge for our group. A few things for people hopping on this thread:

-We always welcome new members. Some of us have been here for over a year and a half, while others just joined us for our last challenge. Just introduce yourself, tell us a little about yourself, and hop into conversation!
-Each challenge we post our weights between Friday and Monday mornings and I'll post a chart each Monday evening with how everyone did and this week's biggest loser.
-As this is a new challenge, please post your starting weight (unless I already have it from this week's weigh-in), and any goals you have for yourself this challenge

And now for the results of our 200+ Slimmin' Down in Spring Challenge. I'm posting the results a bit different than normal because there's more information:
Starting Challenge Weight/ Last Week's Weight/ This Week's Weight
Week's loss: Pounds Lost, Percentage Lost
Challenge Loss: Pounds Lost, Percentage Lost

See my next reply, cause I want to be able to edit this in case I screw something up in the process..


  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    The results:

    182.4 / 179.8 / 178.4
    week: -1.4, 0.78%
    Challenge: -4.0, 2.19%

    192 / 191.75 / 190
    Week: -1.75, 0.91%
    Challenge: -2.0, 1.04%

    passed the past several weeks, so I didn't calculate. I'm going to need a starting weight for you at some point

    206.6 / PASS / 208.4
    Week: passed last week
    Challenge: +1.8 (not really fair, cause you just got back from a trip.. that'll melt back off again)

    211.2 / 204 / 203
    Week: -1.0, 0.49%
    Challenge: -8.2, 3.88%

    255 / 257.5 / PASS
    Week: pass
    Challenge: +2.5

    241 / 231.2 / 229
    Week: -2.2, 0.95%
    Challenge: -12.0, 4.98%

    231 / 212 / 210
    Week: -2.0, 0.94%
    Challenge: -21.0, 9.09%

    218 / 220 / ?
    Week: didn't weigh in
    Challenge: +2.0

    247 / 230 / 230
    Week: 0
    Challenge: -17.0, 6.88%

    191 / 184.6 / 183.4
    Week: -1.2, 0.75%
    Challenge: -7.6, 3.98%

    237.5 / 239 / 238
    Week: -1.0, 0.42%
    Challenge: +0.5

    213 / 203 / 201
    Week: -2.0, 0.99%
    Challenge: -12, 5.63%

    260 / 255 / 252.2
    Week: -2.8, 1.1%
    Challenge: -7.8, 3%

    225.1 / 216.4 / 212.2
    Week: -4.2, 1.94%
    Challenge: -12.9, 5.73%

    218 / 220 / 215
    Week: -5.0, 2.27%
    Challenge: -3.0, 1.38%

    AND THE WINNERS (or shall I say, losers?) ARE......

    For this past week,
    In both pounds lost and percentage weight lost, with 4.2 lost, and a 1.94% of her body weight lost is KERRY!!! :drinker:

    AND..... for the whole last challenge... we had several really big losers... SO proud of everyone. We had some major losses among you, and some of you are so close to ONEderland, and you will definitely hit it this challenge...

    With the most weight lost in pounds, as well as percentage weight lost is BLESSEDMOMMY!!! With an ASTOUNDING 21 pounds lost, and losing 9.09% of her body weight!! :noway: Amazing!

    Great job everyone. Seriously. All of you are such inspirations. Looking forward to seeing all of your goals for this upcoming challenge.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Finished INSANITY as planned. I think I recovered with my eating today after going out for brunch. Here's my log for the day... though I'm sure there's more calories eaten than logged... just probably that brunch was more caloric than logged...

    1405 eaten / 831 exercise calories (yeah under 11min mile!) / 626 left over

    My goals for this challenge:
    -Continue with INSANITY through the end
    -Continue to train for my half-marathon
    -Post at least once here daily (can miss a day if out of town)
    -Post my food intake/burned every day for accountability to myself and you
    -Weigh under 170. UBER lofty goal for me, but if I stay on track, it's possible.
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    Hi! Sorry I missed the last weigh in deadline! Weight today 215. The last week has been a big dud with way to many me appt. More wed. Yippee ~ not really a yipee but i dont know how to post a growl!

    My goal is 6 lbs and exercise goal is on hold until I find what is up medically
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    wichelle, thanks for checking in. I edited the chart to include you now.
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Just bumping so I don't lose it. Nice job everyone!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    ok those of you who have an itouch/iphone/ipad thing. I got the mfp app but now its showing up in some "health" folder and I don't know how to take the shortcut out. help!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Hey everyone! Pushin for less Cushion woooo!!! This challenge ends May 8th..42 days.

    1. Log all food and be a bit lofty with cals so I don't underestimate.
    2. Get in 63 miles of cardio...treadmill, elliptical, bike, etc. That works out to 1.5 miles per day.
    3. Get minimum 500 calorie deficit overall per day.
    4. Lose 1 lbs per week.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    As of right now, I've burned 2405 cals and eaten 1835 cals after my snack in a while, for a 570 deficit. Tomorrow I will post the final numbers.

    I didn't get to the gym today. I stayed home and cleaned for a good three hours and then took my dog to the vet. He's been coughing and gagging for over a month now. Two hours later...Turns out he has congestive heart failure. He is 12 and has been slowing down, but I've had him since he was 4 weeks old, he's been with me through all the boys...lol. So we're pretty sad here tonight. The vet put him on some meds for a month to see if it helps him out. If it does he could live for up to two years. If they don't work, then anywhere between one month to two years. Ouch. He has had a heart murmur since birth so..yeah.

    Anyways, I feel like i did pretty good on the food front today and didn't want to blow it with my food choices tonight after I got back from the vet. I am seriously really hoping that this bodymedia fit will give me the overall picture I need to keep up with my motivation.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    ok those of you who have an itouch/iphone/ipad thing. I got the mfp app but now its showing up in some "health" folder and I don't know how to take the shortcut out. help!

    Um.. I don't have a health folder on mine. Yet. Plug it into your itunes and do it on the syncing pages where you can move the icons around.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Effing double posts.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Woohoo way to go everyone! Y'all did great!

    Lacey: That sucks about your dog :(. I hope the meds work out and you get a couple more years with your furry friend.

    Anyway, my goals for the challenge:

    1. Get to 220 lbs or less (my birthday is right before the end of the challenge so the timing is nice) OR fit into the new workout clothes I bought last weekend (size 1X).
    2. Work out at least 2 hours/week combined cardio & resistance training
    3. Finish my current program with no missed workouts
    4. Start a new program or redo the same one but at a higher intensity level
  • hkallembach
    hkallembach Posts: 485
    My Goals:

    -Every time I am at work I have to work out at LEAST 30 minutes
    -Log food the second it touches my lips (ok, not the EXACT second but you get the point!) :)
    -Do not get mad when the scale isn't in my favor
    -Weigh myself at least 3x's per week
    -By the end of this challenge move my daily calorie allowance (I think that's what it called) down to 2200
    -Be in the mid 250's for my weight
    -Realize that I burn calories just sleeping, walking, sitting, etc. even though I don't have a machine to tell me how much I burn

    *sorry I have a lot of goals but this is the only way I'll be accountable*

    -Post on here at least twice/week but read posts daily
    -Feel confident for prom!

    All right my starting weight (as of yesterday morning) is 261.0


  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    bump. will post tomorrow.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hello Ladies! Check in for Monday: 3225 Cals burned (the most I've burned in one day since I got my BMF)/ I ate 1992 calories for a calorie deficit of 1233. Way to go Spring Cleaning!!!

    Here's my goals for this Challenge:
    * Lose 10 pounds (get to 193). I always set my challenge weight loss goal to something like lose 12 pounds and I have yet to get to it so I am reigning it in a bit to make it more achievable.
    *Keep active during the weekends. I'm great during the week but my calorie burn dips way down on the weekends when I just slug around.
    *Log everything. All of it. All of the time. No excuses!!!

    Hailie: I think you've got great goals and I KNOW you'll feel awesome at prom if you keep going the way you're going.

    Sarah: Yay for new workout clothes!!!!

    Lacey: I cannot express how sad I am for you and your dog. I hope the meds help him out. I'm proud of you for making good food choices after such a stressful vet appointment. I'm sure that was really hard. I like your goal of 63 miles of cardio - u rock!

    Kendal: I don't have any weird folders on my iPhone. I think you should do what Lacey said and sync your iPd to your computer and then rearrange your icons that way.

    WIChelle: I hope everything is ok with you!

    Kristina: Hells yeah for your Uber-fast run yesterday!!! You rock!!!!

    Well, there were some SERIOUS losers here during the last challenge. I'm hoping I can absorb some of your weight-loss mojo for this challenge!! Keep at it girls! You rock!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Love everyone's goals!!!! WTG on the run Kristina!!! Sorry about your pup Lacey...

    My goals:

    1) complete my 1/2 marathon run April 17th
    2) cont to log and post cals everyday...
    3) lose 8 pounds to get back to my lowest weight of 182
    4) try to burn 2500 cal on weekend days (I'm normally a slug on weekends)
    5) aim to average an hour of exercise a day

    On this note, I'll post my cals for Monday :( 2527 burned and 2920 consumed... I will say my frigging food scale freaked out so I had to guess at some numbers and tried to go the high side... A new one is on the way. I did manage a total of 55 min of exercise - all low impact aerobics.
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    I'm liking everyone's goals! Yay new challenge!

    My goals:

    1. P90X 6 days a week with some sort of additional cardio on the strength days
    2. Pre-planning meals even on the weekends to keep myself accountable for cals... plus logging of course
    3. Find ONEderland. Its 12.2 pounds. Which is probably a little lofty of me, but I WANT IT. So bad.

    I'd like to add some sort of running goal into this, but I just did P90X for the first time this morning (chest/back/ab ripper) and am a little nervous about kicking my own butt too much. I really need to get a HRM... I have no idea how to log my calorie burn from this morning and its frustrating. Did I burn 300 cals? 500 cals? 700 cals? Everyone is so different! GRR.

    Ok, I need food. Talk to you gals later. Oh and yesterday for calories I was at a goal of 1800/577 burned/ 7 left over. Ha! Just made it! Going out for lunch really threw my day off.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kristina, you're right about me needing to weigh in for the beginning of the challenge so I hopped on the scale this morning. 216.2. To be honest, I was scared that I was still around 217-218 like I have been for months, so I was happy to see that tiny loss. (Plus the fact that I haven't worked out in a couple days and I couldn't stop eating yesterday.) I didn't work out last night cause I got my iTouch so I spent all night messing with it. Had to download iTunes and update the software on the itouch before I could do anything....that took a while.

    I had to delete the MFP app and reinstall it to get it out of that "health" folder.

    My Goals:
    -Continue to give my all during my P90X workouts
    -Walk Lexi as much as possible when it gets warmer- two workouts a day will only do me good

    anyways, I need to get some work done now
  • noelle55165
    noelle55165 Posts: 41 Member

    I wish you could hear the chants and cheers that go through my head while I read posts. They just don't translate to text. Just know that I am a cheerleader at heart and I'm sending you mental *pom poms*.

    Question. Hailie said one of her goals is to weigh herself 3x/week. And I've notice others do the same. Do you find that beneficial? I have the thoguht that I don't worry about the daily ups and downs. I hop on the scale on Sat or Sun morning before breakfast. Thoughts?

    Ok here are my goals
    1. Keep losing. I'm not really bothered how much per week just as long as I continue to shrink.
    2. Exercise at least 3 days per week. I want to develop the habit of moving. (I am going to track this Sunday to Saturday and let you know what I do and for how long.)
    3. Start the Couch 2 5K. When it's slightly above freezing. (It has been snowing again. Blah. How do you run outside and suck all that cold, cold air into your lungs? Ouch! Really! I want to know.)

    And that's me. **Go us, go us** Shake our groove things **Go Us**

    HAve a great Tuesday
  • emourato
    emourato Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Ladiesss!!!

    I weighed myself on Saturday and was at 198.9 a 3-pound loss... I weighed myself this morning and I'm at 200.0...a 1-pound loss. What the heckkkk?! :noway:
    I hate TOM.. so frikken annoying!!! I'm in pain and eating everything in sight.. Can't wait for it to be over! LOL:sad:

    Well then.. My Goals
    *189 by end of 6-weeks.. I want to be at least under the 190!!
    *Start Coach to 5k.
    *Be signed up for a 5k.

    Good luck ladies!!!:drinker:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Noelle, I think people have different philosophies about weighing in. Some like to do so once a week, some more often. I personally step on the scale almost daily for a few reasons. It keeps me accountable to myself. I start to stay away from the scale when I'm not eating as well because I don't want to see the number. Also, because weight does fluctuate day to day, I don't stress out if I'm up a couple of pounds a day, because obviously that's not possible, and I know it's salt, TOM, etc. that's causing it. I also now know more what sort of eating or circumstances will cause a jump. I'm always up at least 2-3 during that special time of the month. If I only weighed in once a week, I would be afraid I was weighing in on an off day, and the scale isn't reflective of my real weight I've been at most of the week. That's just my thing though.

    So I have some good and some guilty news. Firstly, I stepped on the scale this morning and I was 177.2--- wowsas-- down 1.2 from yesterday. Me likey! I'll just be happy if I keep that or lose a bit more by weigh in next week. Now that I'm losing a bit more consistently again, it reminds me about how I was losing when I first started. I would seem to drop all the weight I would for the week in 1-2 days and then maintain that lose for the rest of the week. Weird, I know.

    Now for the guilty news... I passed by and then into a Dunkin Donuts. I know I know! I've been so good. Damn that sweet sweet, well sweetness was so alluring. I might have gotten a few donuts. *looks down in shame* but I didn't eat a whole one of any of them, but it probably averaged out to about 2 whole donuts. Ugh... that's like close to 700 calories wasted! See, this is why I try not to eat that crap. It's so many calories for so little amount of food. That can be 2 meals for me normally. Ugh. Well, I threw the rest of them away and I'm back on track for the rest of the day. My only saving grace is that I have both a run and an INSANITY workout this afternoon, both will be major calorie burners, and if I keep myself in check the rest of the day, I should be under calories--- barely.
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