Senior Golden Sneakers -April 2011



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Irene thanks foor keeping us informed. Keep that courage up there girl. Having faith that it will work is a big step. If you live closer I would drive up there and give you a great big hug And bring the rest of the sneakers with me. for they would wont to give you a hug too.You are being so brave.. I admire you attitude. Just remember if you need to talk we are here. for you. Hang in there Irene.

    How is the Great grandaughter . She is so cute. and love you so much.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    IRENE, I agree with MARIE, thanks for keeping us up-to-date.

    And MARIE, I'd be with you with that great big hug.
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Judy, that story made me laugh til I cried. I sent it on to some friends.

    The weather finally was nice for walking today so I was able to get out. It felt so good. :smile: Exercise is my weak area and something that I must, must, must improve. In order to maintain, exercise is of utmost importance. Many of you have inspired me to get it going, especially now that I have my dr's blessing. I'm allowed to do cardio, but not strength training.

    Barbie, I don't know if I just thought this, or if I actually mentioned it....There's a new Wii game coming out that's called Country Dancing and it's line dancing. I thought I'd get it and I think my grandkids would enjoy doing it with me too. I'm still going to call around to see if I can find any classes around here. I'm sure they're out there.

    Hope everyone had a good weekend.

  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies, had a great workout today, body felt light and mobile first in months. I was so happy until I got my son's email this evening, he said to stop the crunches and anything that flexes the back. I could paralyse myself. Good grief! Yes he knows what he is talking about. So he is going to help me find better foods and I am on my case too to do the same thing. He suggested for now to increase the aerobic to three times a day 15min in the morning, 10 around the lunch hour and 10 at night. Well I can't do it in three spots but I will try to put some time in to amount to 35 minutes per day. It is okay for upper body and lower (leg) body exercises, so two of four programs I have can still be done.

    Marie, yes I would go and give Irene a hug too. I had a neighbour two years ago, she had cancer in the pancreas, she did not stop for nothing. She said well it is going to take me, so I'm going to live the best way I can until the end. It takes courage and determination and love to do that. Irene has some great things to help her, and us too!:heart::heart: :heart:

    Catch you gals tomorrow:smile:

  • judz46
    judz46 Posts: 359 Member
    Just want to say big hugs to Irene and would be there with Ma to give you one.[:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: ]

    The Importance of Walking

    Walking can add minutes to your life.
    This enables you at 85 years old
    to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing
    home at $7000 per month.

    My grandpa started walking
    five miles a day when he was 60.
    Now he's 97 years old
    and we don't know where he is.

    I like long walks,
    especially when they are taken
    by people who annoy me.

    The only reason I would take up walking
    is so that I could hear heavy breathing again.

    I have to walk early in the morning,
    before my brain figures out what I'm doing..

    I joined a health club last year,
    spent about 400 bucks.
    Haven't lost a pound.
    Apparently you have to go there.

    Every time I hear the dirty word 'exercise',
    I wash my mouth out with chocolate.

    The advantage of exercising every day
    is so when you die, they'll say,
    'Well, she looks good doesn't she.'

    If you are going to try cross-country skiing,
    start with a small country.

    I know I got a lot of exercise
    the last few years,......
    just getting over the hill.

    We all get heavier as we get older,
    because there's a lot more information in our heads.
    That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    :bigsmile: Before I lose anything more, I want to add this link I received today for information from the government on nutrition counts. Looked interesting:
    <>... wish I knew how to make a link of it!

    DEE...[quote Here's why I feel comfortable about this support group.....if we fall off the wagon, we admit it; if we gain, we change our ticker and restart; if someone discusses a problem or a hurt, they get warm fuzzies; if someone has a different point of view, we listen without arguing and then do what is right for our own's a loving and beautiful thing. [/quote] ...what a lovely thing to share! Glad you feel that way, 'cause I do , too. :wink:

    PHOEBE...thanks for appreciating my bagel story. And remembering how delightful flights used to be!:ohwell:

    ALL OUR BRITISH GALS...happy Mothers' Day; you deserve it, dears! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: gosh, you mentioned every sweet thing about all your friends!!! :love:

    JERI...such discipline, riding the bike after such a full, full day! Go, girl! :drinker: crack me up...LOL and rolling on the floor! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    WEAGLE... you'll look great for that wedding. Welcome to "our crowd". I wonder if the sugar content of your morning drink was the problem! I was shocked and returned a whole case of mine after checking the nutrition label. Have you a name we can call you ?:smile:

    MADDIE...WOW, lady, you really made me stop and think! Tough love is probably the greatest love we can give, but we worry so for one another and you seem to be the one to recognize perhaps we are actually harming each other without being aware of it! THANK YOU, lady of many facets! (And I still have a long road ahead of me, by the way!) :heart: :heart: :heart:

    PHOEBE..Hope the headache's gone now. Am I not here long enough to know who's no longer posting? I recall a couple of folks popping in for a peek, but we were not the group for them. Who else is missing that we might want to check on? :embarassed: spelled exzema just fine; sorry the baby has the rash, but the only thing I recall using was Desitin! There must be some other things today. Glad the K's were fun for you.

    MARIE...Mike always keeps Oreo cookies in the pantry, as he often wakes in a "low sugar" sweat at night, and those and a glass of milk seem to work best for him. Just learned my DS now has type 2 Diabetes, and is actually willing to work on losing weight and exercising wheras as nothing convinced him before his Dr told him this diagnosis! 100 # to lose! He already developed neuropathy in 2 toes. I do think on that OA plan you enjoy, you'll get bavk down to a reasonable weight, and then find a lifetime plan to stick with. SouthBeach worked for me for years, and was my kind of eating, but somehow when my exercises slowed down, so did my response to SBD!
    And you're right about the website; I just can't figure out some of the tools, like how to delete food items that aren't on the 1st page, and how to move foods over to the most used page! But even my DD is delighted with the site and introduced friends to it to enjoy the same success she has found! :bigsmile: :heart: :bigsmile:

    IRENE: looking forward to hearing from you as you progress! We love you, dear! :flowerforyou:

    DEE and BARBIE, I 've had a line dancing VHS tape around for years, and I haven't even unwrapped it yet. I think I will do just that in the morning, as I need something to get me going again! I just ordered a senior T'ai Chi Qui Gong (sp?) DVD, as I really responded so well in terms of joint pain years ago! I may also order T'ai Chi Chich which does not appear to have instruction, but between the 2 discs, maybe my hip will improve. I have the lake out back for serenity, now all I need is the "push"!!!

    Have a super Sunday, what's left of it! :love:

  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Buzz said:
    WEAGLE... you'll look great for that wedding. Welcome to "our crowd". I wonder if the sugar content of your morning drink was the problem! I was shocked and returned a whole case of mine after checking the nutrition label. Have you a name we can call you ?:smile:

    Connie replies:

    Buzz, weagle8183 proper name is Kathy. Update your list.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    The day went well. The sun shone all day, nice and bright, melting lots of snow.

    My DH and I went out for coffee and then over to Mom's for a couple card games. She loves to play cards and was feeling good today. Hope it holds.

    I came home, had supper and walked on the treadmill for a little better than 45 minutes.

    Have a good night everyone.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,127 Member

    I want to mention something that may be, like, a downer.....why is that so many of us give ourselves and each other permission to eat whatever we want for whatever reason???? Weight loss does not take a vacation or a couple of days off. We've all seen the results on our tickers (remember my recent donut incident. It took me a week to lose the same two lbs that I had already spent a week losing). We have to find a way to live our goals wherever we are and whoever we're with......I recently saw a sign outside a church (love their signs) that said "A goal without a plan is just a wish". How's your ticker doing? :ohwell:

    Maddie:bigsmile: I agree with you 100% :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: the reason I lost weight was that I didn't take a break from my plan for anything (not even Thanksgiving, my birthday, potlucks, restaurants, vacations) I frequently took my own food to events and in my suitcase on vacation :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: thank you for speaking up so clearly :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi all. Dave and I took the day off today and watched the tennis final, was hoping for a Nadal win but will have to wait for next time. Then we watched Canada curling in the Worlds. Yeah, we won. My friend says curling is like watching paint dry but I love it. We used to curl, not well but did curl! We had our first 'reno' spat yesterday! I think we have done quite well and today we are back on track. I think taking the day off was very healthy.
    Neil had a good weekend and enjoyed going out to the hockey game with his buddy. After dinner tonight he said he thought he should go home so off we went. So nice not to have to fight about going back. He had a couple of seizures today so along with a late night I am sure he was tired.

    I, too, am going to have an earlier night tonight. Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite. :heart:
  • judz46
    judz46 Posts: 359 Member
    Happy Birthday Lynn [:heart::heart: :heart: ]
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: HAPPY BIRTHDAY LYNN. HAVE A GREAT DAY :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Remember what Helen Hayes once said "Age is not important unless you're a cheese".:laugh:

  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Thank you all so much for your warm welcome and mothers day wishes. Yes I am a brit! I am from Essex which is south east of London and only a short train ride away. Is anyone else from Good old blighty?

    I had a lovely weekend. The ballet was wonderful and the Hen party lively. I am afraid to say that I was very weak and ate everything that was placed in front of me. It was a set menu. I only had 1 glass of wine and drank 2 diet cokes. I told myself this was ok as it was only 1 night, but then the kids treated me to a lovely roast dinner with all the trimmings for mothers day yesterday:smile:
    I too am in the obese bracket so I should be much stronger than I have been.:frown: Back in the mind set today though and I am going to an extra Zumba class tonight. Hopefully it will help undo some of the damage:frown:

    The sun is out to play today, so I am waiting for grandaughter no 2 Isabelle to wake up so we can go play in the garden. I look after Isabelle 2 days a week as her mum Emily (my sons partner) works. I work the other 3 days. I will be looking after grandaughter no 1 Jessica and grandaughter no 3 Amelia also from the middle of May as her mum Kerry (my eldest daughter) is returning to work after maternity leave. Emily is due to have another baby in July. Not sure if I can cope with 4 under 3yearsof age but we shall cross that bridge when we come to it.:laugh:

    I'm sorry not to comment on some or all of your posts, but still trying to keep up!:smile: I love it here already:heart: Lots of your comments have made me think about what I am trying to achieve and lots have made me laugh out loud:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Irene I dont know you well yet, but I am sending big hugs and positive thoughts to you from across the pond.

    Should I add you all to my friends on MFP? Not sure how it all works yet.

    Love to you all:heart:
    P.S I am hoping to add photos soon. It is so nice to be able to see faces when on here.x
  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    :bigsmile: HAPPY BIRTHDAY LYNN:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello Sneakers ~ Yesterday I walked around the local lake, nearly 3 miles AND went to the allotment to dig potatoes in. It seemed a good idea at the time but having spent the afternoon standing in the greenhouse potting up seedlings my back was complaining by evening. We were lucky with the weather on our walk because although we could see dark clouds scudding across the skies we didn't get rain but when I drove home found the roads just a mile away running with rain water as well as flooded areas. We had been swatting midges during the walk and I said I thought they were storm flies and it seems those little creatures definitely knew there was a storm going on not too far away!! Fine this morning and I'm ready to get out and moving again.

    Maddie ~ I'm sure we all know each other well enough to be honest and take well intentioned comments about how we approach this lifestyle change. We're amongst good friends here and I'd hope you'd never feel anyone would want you to drop off the thread for saying what you feel. It's that old problem on the internet of not seeing a person's face to be able to gauge how a comment is meant but tough love is exactly what's occasionally needed so please stick with us.

    Judy ~ I'm sorry to hear how bad things still are in Christchurch. Just shows how fickle the media is when they drop stories and move to what they think we might be interested in. I think we'd all like more follow-up stories, whatever the subject. My heart goes out to everyone there.
    Your cabbie story made me laugh. You do come up with some good ones.:laugh:

    Irene ~ I'll add my name to Marie's message. Big hugs and please do let us know how things progress, :heart:

    Buzz ~ I'm as bad as you with your Line Dancing video because I've got one on Yoga that hasn't been viewed. When I purchased if from the supermarket the girl who served me joked saying "come on, you know you'll only watch it once!". I haven't even done that yet!!!

    Gayla ~ Friends of mine living in London Ontario go curling every winter and I used to think it sounded pretty boring, that is until a team from Scotland got into the winter olympics final a few years ago. Because of the time difference half the country was sitting up at 2 am to watch a sport none of us understood just because it was a British team!!:laugh: The sport isn't shown much over here in the UK but I can certainly now see the pleasure in it, much like bowls, the sort of thing to relax with a cup of tea to watch.

    Dear me, half the day gone and I've done very little so must get myself off my butt and out.

    Happy Monday to you all.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I'm as bad as you with your Line Dancing video because I've got one on Yoga that hasn't been viewed. When I purchased if from the supermarket the girl who served me joked saying "come on, you know you'll only watch it once!". I haven't even done that yet!!!

    Well, I said I would, and I sort of did; I got a dance site off my Cable TV On Demand channel, and did 12 minutes . Better than nothing, huh? I'm determined to take control...AGAIN...:noway: :ohwell:

    LYNN....HAPPY:heart: BIRTHDAY:heart: TO:heart: YOU:heart: ....:drinker:
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    For cluckheads like me, can we request everyone sign their name at the bottom of every post? :embarassed: :ohwell: Thanks Connie :flowerforyou:
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member


    AND I'M SHARING IT WITH YOU......HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :heart: :bigsmile: :heart:

  • weagle8183
    weagle8183 Posts: 11 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    It is a beautiful but VERY windy day here in East Tennessee. They are predicting some dangerous weather here later this evening but we shall see what actually develops in my immediate vicinity. I'm sure it will be bad somewhere in the Southeast.

    Not much on my agenda today. I'm waiting on DH to wake-up. He is working nights 3 more nights this week so he will sleep till about 11ish and then we will go to the gym, come home, clean up, and piddle around until he goes back to work... the night shift really blows the day away.

    Irene- You don't know me but I send my love, hugs and prayers also. The battle you are fighting is a daily one. Strength and blessings to you dear lady.

    Judy- I had to research to remember when the earthquake 6 weeks ago, seems like a life time for us but I'm sure it is all too fresh for those in the midst daily struggles.

    Happy Birthday Lynn- I hope you have a fantabulous day!!!

    I have a story to remind us why we are really doing this weight/exercise thing.:

    I have a younger friend (38 I think). She is very overweight and diabetic. She has done nothing to control the diabetes since being diagnosed about a year ago other than take her meds. Last Thurs. she started experiencing an uncomfortable feeling in her chest that continued till Fri. night when she finally went to the emergency room. They did tests over the weekend and a heart cath this morning. There was no blockage but and inflamed heart...not sure what that really means for her but I am hoping this is a wake-up for her to get herself in shape and start eating healthier.

    My point is the weight is important but the biggest benefit will be getting your heart and the rest of your body healthy. I started this journey because I want to look better when I see my girlfriends at the end of April and when my daughter gets married in Nov. But I also keep reminding myself that even if I don't reach the weight goals, my exercising will improve my health, reduce my blood pressure and cholesterol and hopefully keep me around for my precious grandbabies for a very long time.

    Wow that was a lot more serious than I like to be...

    I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday :happy:

  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Thanks Kathy for sharing that story! :flowerforyou: It really spoke to me. I need all the inspiration I can get. I was always active, not an athlete by any stretch of the imagination, but liked to walk, bike, roller blade, hike etc., not to mention I was an early childhood educator and got right in it with the kids....even when I was at my heaviest. When I got sick and the dr told me my disease will destroy my muscles if they get too inflamed scared the life out of me, so for 4+ years I was pretty inactive. There was a point where I was so weak I couldn't climb the stairs to the 2nd floor of my house and that REALLY scared me. Anyway, it's taken over 4 years to get the meds right and I'm in a great remission and have lost my fear. We're experimenting now and my next bloodwork is in about a month and we'll see if the muscle inflamation has increased due to my increased activity. I need everyone's prayers, that's for sure.

    Today is cleaning day at my daughter's and I've left my sweater on so I'd work up more of a sweat. Think that'll work? OK, it's time to tackle the kitchen.

    Dee :smile: