Senior Golden Sneakers -April 2011



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,262 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: BINGO!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    MADDIE, wish I could do those wonderful flower bouquets MARIE makes, but through the tears, I say thank you for giving me back faith!!!:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY BARB! :flowerforyou: Hope your day was marvelous!

    I want to thank everyone for your prayers for DD. We're not treating it lightly but we are being very cool and optimistic. :glasses: I went through the same thing at the same age and the results were benign. Haven't had a problem since.

    Also, thanks for your congrats about my milestone today. You all know how hard we work to get there. As you also know, I am also strategizing what to do to keep it off. The support here is phenomenal, so I know I'm not alone in this. :love:

    Had a great session with Marie today and she had a lot of success. :happy: I am so blessed because I get that same sense of satisfaction with Marie as I got when I was teaching 1st/2nd grade. I didn't think I'd have this opportunity again. It truly is what I was born to do. Anyway, she did really well on her first timed multiplication test and achieved it without stress. We also worked on memorization (she's chosen Bible verses) and she figured out a new crochet pattern and got it started. She's made some great progress since we started. I'm glad I can share with you all because not many people around here know I'm doing this, so I have no one to share her progress with.

    Well, it's been a productive day and I even got a short walk in, so I'm getting into my snugglies and back to my book. I think I did tell you about it, but in case I didn't: Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. It's the story of Louis Zamperini who went from being a juvenile delinquent to Olympian to WWII hero. Amazing.

    Have a great evening. :drinker:
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Connie says:

    AARP Bulletin:- August 31, 2010

    The nine-year study of women ages 48 to 83 found that those who ate a small amount of Swedish chocolate once or twice a week had a one-third lower risk of developing heart failure. Those who ate it daily received no protective benefit. Women who ate chocolate a couple of times a month also showed some benefit, but not as much as the weekly group.

    ScienceDaily (June 28, 2010) —

    For people with hypertension, eating dark chocolate can significantly reduce blood pressure. Researchers writing in the open access journal BMC Medicine combined the results of 15 studies into the effects of flavanols, the compounds in chocolate which cause dilation of blood vessels, on blood pressure.

    From the UK

    A new study has found that the cocoa in dark chocolate could help to prevent diabetes and improve the health of blood vessels, as well as reducing cholesterol levels and blood pressure . However, the researchers claim that the benefits gained from the cocoa can be offset by the problems from eating chocolate, such as weight gain.

    No one is saying you should chow down tons of dark chocolate, but in moderation it does have health benefits.

    I buy Lindt Excellence 90% Cocoa Supreme Dark bars. They are scored into10 squares. Each square is 55 calories. So a couple of times a week, when I have gotten my nutrition and I still have a few calories left, one square of chocolate makes me feel wonderful. I nibble at it, relishing each tiny bite. It is not very sweet (90% cocoa), but is rich and satisfying.
  • weagle8183
    weagle8183 Posts: 11 Member
    Good Evening Sneakers,

    Happy Birthday Barb! I hope you had a fantastic day!!!

    Deb-I briefly looked at your diary but couldn't tell if you are entering your exercise. Don't forget to include those calories you burn because you get to eat those! :happy: Don't know if you've noticed that you can edit the size of a serving when entering your food. We eat out a lot and I often eat 1/2 of the serving so when I enter it I enter .5. I'm pretty sure you can only do it to the tenths place so if you eat 1/4th you would probably round up to .3 I hope this makes sense. :glasses:

    I've had a good 3 days with exercise and even 3 days last week but I continue to sit at the same weight for the last 2 weeks.

    Sorry I can't comment on each of you...can't remember who said what!! But I do enjoy reading your posts, thanks for all you give.

    Have a blessed evening,
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    KATHY said...
    II often eat 1/2 of the serving so when I enter it I enter .5. I'm pretty sure you can only do it to the tenths place so if you eat 1/4th you would probably round up to .3 I hope this makes sense

    KATtHY, I often put in 1/4 of a cup as .25, and it gets translated to 1/4 cup!

    Sorry I haven't time to address every one of you, but I've read most of the posts, and WHAT A GREAT BUNCH OF MEMBERS WE HAVE!:flowerforyou: to everyone, and see you tomorrow!
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies,
    Sorry I have been busy with appointments after work, my legs, knees and feet have been so sore I have not been up to do much. My son e-mailed me today and said that A), I was not eating enough to feed my metabolic rate (bmr), it sits at 1600, I have a formula that all of you ladies can do to see if you are feeding your body properly, it is one reason you may not be seeing changes in your scales, the body will store nutrients to keep functioning if it needs to. My son also helped me pick some better nutrient packed foods that don't add a lot of empty calories, so I am going to try his diet and see if it helps. I gave him a sample of my daily diet and the overall message was that it was good however I need more nutrients to feed my body.

    B), I can't do a lot of exercises right now, so he suggested that I try to do aerobic activity for 35 minutes a day and work up to an hour. I said I could walk to work (40 minutes one way), but he said that I would be pushing too hard, try to maybe take my dog out for a walk 10 minutes or so, treadmill for 15, and another walk after supper for a bit. Just that will fire up my metabolism and get things started for weight loss, then we will work on another menu to feed that.

    So ladies cross your fingers and wish me success, I'm going for it.

    Catch you all tomorrow it is time for bed.

    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    It's 9:30 pm here and we just got back from the ER. My mother (89 and lives with me) started shaking with fever and was having difficulty breathing. They say the xray looks like a little CHF and a patch of pneumonia. They are still waiting for some blood test results but she will at least stay there overnight. Add her to your prayers......:cry:

  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    :flowerforyou: Your mom is in our prayers. Keep us posted.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Maddie sorry to hear about your mother

    I have lost my curseer on thi danged thing and been working with my daugter by phone to locate the little darling
    Luck I have the torch system on this computer. Which I really don't know how to used it. But I am trying

    Welcome backTake care of your Mom

    I Probable wont be on much for this is driving me nuts untill we find that cursor. Which will be Sat or Sunday
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196

    I'll add your Mom to our prayers, hope everythings goes well and she gets better so hard to see them sick.

    Keep praying is the best medicine.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Prayer is the best medicine, I agree with that. :smile:

    And Connie: Regarding Max....move over girl, I'm in that dream, too...:heart::heart:

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    I seem to be having a hard time getting motivated today. My darn back is giving me grief (sciatica in my left leg). I've slept so poor the last few nights. I made myself walk 30 and now I'm going upstairs to read my book.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    It's 9:30 pm here and we just got back from the ER. My mother (89 and lives with me) started shaking with fever and was having difficulty breathing. They say the xray looks like a little CHF and a patch of pneumonia. They are still waiting for some blood test results but she will at least stay there overnight. Add her to your prayers......:cry:
    Oh Maddie, she's in my prayers. I can relate. You were very supportive of me and my 83 yr old Mom with her breathing problems. I return it right back. Our Moms are so special, I'll add your Mom to my prayers. Best wishes and good luck.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    It's 9:30 pm here and we just got back from the ER. My mother (89 and lives with me) started shaking with fever and was having difficulty breathing. They say the xray looks like a little CHF and a patch of pneumonia. They are still waiting for some blood test results but she will at least stay there overnight. Add her to your prayers......:cry:


    She's in caring hands tonight and there is nothing you can do so take this opportunity to get some rest. I know it is easy to say, and not so easy to do but is the only wise choice considering the circumstances. When she comes home she will need your care, and you will need your strength.

    On a lighter note, may the Max be with you! :blushing:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    It's 9:30 pm here and we just got back from the ER. My mother (89 and lives with me) started shaking with fever and was having difficulty breathing. They say the xray looks like a little CHF and a patch of pneumonia. They are still waiting for some blood test results but she will at least stay there overnight. Add her to your prayers......:cry:


    Maddie, I hope your mom will be okay. My prayers will be for you to feel better too.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,262 Member
    Maddie, add me to the list of people who will keep your mom in my prayers. Stay strong and know that she is in God's hands. :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Well i don't know how long this will last but this computer is driving me nuts. I thought it was not going to let me post butfinally did. so if I come up MIA it thiss computer. I am going to unplugged it and let it get some rest for the rest of the night.. I can still read the post so don't talk about me.. Just kidding Buzz I got your message look like the little guy is after us. mine would not let me type on the keyboard just now but finally did. Hopefully I can get on in the morning.

    Love to all:heart::heart: :heart: Marie
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Maddie, thinking of you and your family. Prayers said.
    yes, youd better rest up.
    Marie, aint it fun when the computer plys tricks on you!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Connie says:

    From the UK

    A new study has found that the cocoa in dark chocolate could help to prevent diabetes and improve the health of blood vessels, as well as reducing cholesterol levels and blood pressure . However, the researchers claim that the benefits gained from the cocoa can be offset by the problems from eating chocolate, such as weight gain.

    No one is saying you should chow down tons of dark chocolate, but in moderation it does have health benefits.

    I buy Lindt Excellence 90% Cocoa Supreme Dark bars. They are scored into10 squares. Each square is 55 calories. So a couple of times a week, when I have gotten my nutrition and I still have a few calories left, one square of chocolate makes me feel wonderful. I nibble at it, relishing each tiny bite. It is not very sweet (90% cocoa), but is rich and satisfying.

    It definitely is all to do with everything in moderation. I buy bars from Lidl in the UK that are high in cocoa content, pop them in the fridge and just break off a square every other day to enjoy. It's delicious and now, after 7 weeks following MFP I don't need or enjoy lots of sweet items anymore, one piece is more than enough. I'd read about the benefits to your heart before, the same with red wine so would never cut either out completely. I've dropped alcohol until I shift the 20 lbs that I need to and once that's off will stick to my gran's teachings ~ moderation.

    Maddie ~ I'm so pleased you returned to the fold and want you to know I, like everyone else, is thinking of you and your mum.

    Another gorgeous day yesterday and I kept moving the whole time. What a difference to the previous days of low cloud, drizzle and fog that had me sitting on my backside not wanting to do much at all. I did try to swim on Tuesday but the sports centre's timetable was all amiss so we got turned away dammit!! Don't know if I've mentioned I have a couple of beehives at the bottom of my garden. Well yesterday I decided it was time to have a peak inside to check they have room to expand and my goodness, what a crowded house I found. I added what they call a super which contains frames for them to make their honey on and walked away thinking they'd be thankful but instead one decided she had to give me a good talking to and followed me up the garden so I had to keep my bee suit on until I got into the house. Having made myself a cup of tea I wandered outside again only to find my feisty friend waiting for me. Buzz, buzz she batted around my head for a minute or two before flying off and I felt myself well and truly chastised!!

    Time to shift gear and get moving so I'll catch up with you all later.
