Starting "30 day shred" 4/18/11.. anyone want to join???

AwesomeSauce4 Posts: 1,062 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hello Mfp Buddies:

I am starting Jillian's 30 day shred on 4/18/11 anyone up for starting it with me, we can compare are inches and weight loss together.. And be there to push each other.. Just give me a holla :) I finished Jillians "last chance workout" last week and for the 6 week challenge I loss 29lbs so now going to give myself a 1 week break on the video peice of my daily w/o routines then going to jump right in there on the 18th...



  • Fayve
    Fayve Posts: 406 Member
    I've been doing 30DS for the last 3 days, but I'm going to be away from my house and stuff until the 14th/15th. Would love to join in with you once I get back if you'll have me :)
  • I am 4 days away from finishing Level 4 of Jillians Ripped in 30 and thought I would go back to using her 30 Day Shred with 8lb weights. It'll be my 4th time going through it and planned on starting it on the 18th! I've lost over 30 inches already with Jillian and running and biking along with almost 40lbs (I think I will hit 40 at my next weigh in!) Go ahead and add me if you want the support!
  • sculptcha
    sculptcha Posts: 163 Member
    Yes! I just put it on my Netflix queue, should be here tomorrow. I was going to start it right away, but I'd much rather have some support, and to be able to support others. I've sent you a friend request. :)
  • Rebjones612
    Rebjones612 Posts: 408
    I would love to! You can count me in!
    Are we doing it everyday or how many days a week?
    Feel fee to add me as a friend.
  • Elinakc
    Elinakc Posts: 2
    I will deff join too. since 4/18 is 5 month to the day of my wedding, that will help motovate me!!
  • Kissxx
    Kissxx Posts: 99
    Im joining! I just ordered the dvd yesterday and would really want some help. I heard it really kicks your butt!
  • humble64
    humble64 Posts: 69 Member
    I would like to join as well. I tried her 6 week 6 pack abs but did not finish it so i would like to try this one and complete it. You have my support. :smile:
  • AwesomeSauce4
    AwesomeSauce4 Posts: 1,062 Member
    Good Deal everyone!!! we all need to check in on monday morning the 18th with are current weight or inches or both at that time... I myself am going to be doing it everyday (maybe sundays off :) But i will continue my daily cardio with it as well( with sunday's off)... Looking forward to sweating and losing these extra pounds together!!!! I have also heard that 30 day shred is one of the hardest workouts out there right now.. But I KNOW we can do this together!!!! Thank you all for joing and feel free to add me as a MFP buddie:smile:

    ~Rachel~ "Blessed mommy and wifey"
  • anechka66
    anechka66 Posts: 4 Member
    Yep...Is tart my diet today ... It's my first 30 days marafon
  • anechka66
    anechka66 Posts: 4 Member
    Im joining! I just ordered the dvd yesterday and would really want some help. I heard it really kicks your butt!
    iI am enjoy ,exiting ....about result and how long I will have force to do it...
  • Kissxx
    Kissxx Posts: 99
    When you do the shred, does it have to be everyday?
  • AwesomeSauce4
    AwesomeSauce4 Posts: 1,062 Member
    I think it all depends on what you want to do.. I myself will do it atleast 6 days of the week... but it is completely up to the individual how often they want to do the shred :smile:
  • I'd like to join you all. I have had it for months.........I did manage to look at the dvd. Yeah, not watch it, just look at it. Would be so happy to have a push to put it in the player!
  • I'm in, i did the shred a couple of months ago and loved it!!!!! i will do this 6 days a week with my cardio work out as well, good luck everyone, add me if you are wanting support! :):)

    Will log in Monday with weight and measurements
  • It is a really good workout. I've done it in the pass but gave up because I was discouraged but I would love to join.
  • AwesomeSauce4
    AwesomeSauce4 Posts: 1,062 Member
    Thanks all the New adds :) count down begins.. 1week from today and we shall get this party started!!!! "Blessed" feel free to add me as a buddy if you like, never could have to many :~)
  • humble64
    humble64 Posts: 69 Member
    Ok i started the 30 day shred today and feeling good so far........
  • DJKenn
    DJKenn Posts: 17
    I'll join! I just added it to my blockbuster queue, so hopefully it will be here by then.
  • kbrodzen
    kbrodzen Posts: 66
    I would love to join this group .. i have never done a challenge with others on here.. and I need the motivation to get back on track ... i never heard of this dvd... but I wanted to know where i can find it...
  • laleepop
    laleepop Posts: 3
    I am totally in! I'm new to the site, and I gotta admit I quit easily! I'm hoping you all can keep me motivated. 40 lbs to go!
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