7-Day Cleansing Diet & Miracle Soup Recipe



  • tessaj2u
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    As a nurse, I hate seeing these diets in use. The whole idea of cleansing is based on false assumptions. If you are eating right, including plenty of soluble and insoluble fiber, there is nothing to "cleanse" because you are evacuating wastes in an appropriate manner. These diets encourage a state of near starvation and for some people they cause dehydration, persistent diarrhea, abdominal pain, and of course, weight loss. Unfortunately, the weight that is lost is mostly water weight and bowel contents, both of which will come back once you begin eating normally again. The only reason most doctors give approval for them is because most people won't stick to them for more than a couple of days, so there aren't many risks.
    The soup itself is fine. If you want to use the soup as a low calorie filler between meals or at the end of the day, great. If you want to go on a few days of vegan eating along with, that's fine too, just DO eat the beans and nuts that are required to keep some protein in your system so your body doesn't start breaking down muscle tissue, and some whole grains for the B vitamins and to make complete proteins from some of the vegetable sources.
    Please, just eat right and exercise. Don't try risky fad diets or diet supplements.
  • Jenn97355
    Jenn97355 Posts: 103 Member
    I completely agree with the "fad" diets being risky...I am 100lbs overweight, so my dietitian approved it as a "jump start" but not a way of living, unless I wanted the soup to be a filler with a high calorie meal. I have a friend whose heart will never be the same because she did stuff like this for over 8 mos... It makes me nervous when I see people only eating 800 calories a day. Organs will start shutting down :(
  • garedds
    garedds Posts: 251
    I want to make this soup so I can eat it when I need a snack, but have no calories left. Or as an appetizer before I go out or before a big dinner. Fill me up with out the calories! I don't think I could live on it for a week even with the fruit/veg/ect!
  • mcrawley22
    I am going to keep the recipe for the soup. it definitly seems like a good snack or something to eat before going out for supper. I'm interested in seeing the "3 day diet"
  • smileyface45
    smileyface45 Posts: 146 Member
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I completely agree with the "fad" diets being risky...I am 100lbs overweight, so my dietitian approved it as a "jump start" but not a way of living, unless I wanted the soup to be a filler with a high calorie meal. I have a friend whose heart will never be the same because she did stuff like this for over 8 mos... It makes me nervous when I see people only eating 800 calories a day. Organs will start shutting down :(

    Ah but did she at least get skinny? Yea yea, not the point but you have my curiosity peaked :)
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member

    Chill dude, its call google, try it!

  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    As a nurse, I hate seeing these diets in use. The whole idea of cleansing is based on false assumptions. If you are eating right, including plenty of soluble and insoluble fiber, there is nothing to "cleanse" because you are evacuating wastes in an appropriate manner. These diets encourage a state of near starvation and for some people they cause dehydration, persistent diarrhea, abdominal pain, and of course, weight loss. Unfortunately, the weight that is lost is mostly water weight and bowel contents, both of which will come back once you begin eating normally again. The only reason most doctors give approval for them is because most people won't stick to them for more than a couple of days, so there aren't many risks.
    The soup itself is fine. If you want to use the soup as a low calorie filler between meals or at the end of the day, great. If you want to go on a few days of vegan eating along with, that's fine too, just DO eat the beans and nuts that are required to keep some protein in your system so your body doesn't start breaking down muscle tissue, and some whole grains for the B vitamins and to make complete proteins from some of the vegetable sources.
    Please, just eat right and exercise. Don't try risky fad diets or diet supplements.

    YESSS!! Finally the voice of reason. Thank you so much for posting. I've never bought into the whole cleansing nonsense. I've always believed that if you just eat right and you don't have any medical problems to prevent it your body is capable of cleaning itself out just fine.
  • Jenn97355
    Jenn97355 Posts: 103 Member
    -What my DR calls the 3day cleansing, or metabolism boost!-

    Info I have found on this:

    Surprisingly surviving the test of time, the 3 Day Diet is another fad diet, dating back to 1985. Copies of the "3 Day Diet" continue to float around cyberspace, promising quick weight loss, cleansing, lower cholesterol, and increased energy. However, no diet book exists to substantiate the science behind the "unique metabolic reaction."

    Often mistakenly called The Cleveland Clinic Diet, the 3 Day Diet is a regimented plan that *must be followed exactly for three days at a time* followed by normal eating for four or five days before opting to resume the plan again.

    Followers of the 3 Day Diet are promised up to a 10 pound weight loss in three days, although realistically, most of that weight is likely due to fluid loss and not the more desirable fat loss. To achieve the proposed loss, exercise is not mentioned in the plan.
    What You Can Eat

    The 3 Day Diet is a very specific food plan that must be followed precisely. Portions must be eaten exactly as specified and dieters are warned not to overeat -- otherwise the promised 10 pound weight loss may not be achieved. Likewise, dieters should not under-eat, even if they are not hungry. The detailed plan does not mention or recommend any exercise.

    The 3 Day Diet meal plan:

    Day 1 Breakfast

    Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low or Equal

    1/2 grapefruit or juice

    1 piece toast with 1 tablespoon peanut butter


    1/2 cup tuna

    1 piece toast

    Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low or Equal


    3 ounces any lean meat or chicken

    1 cup green beans

    1 cup carrots

    1 apple

    1 cup regular vanilla ice cream

    Day 2 Breakfast

    Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low or Equal

    1 egg

    1/2 banana

    1 piece toast


    1 cup cottage cheese or tuna

    8 regular saltine crackers


    2 beef franks

    1 cup broccoli or cabbage

    1/2 cup carrots

    1/2 banana

    1/2 cup regular vanilla ice cream

    Day 3 Breakfast

    Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low or Equal

    5 regular saltine crackers

    1 ounce cheddar cheese

    1 apple


    Black coffee or tea, with 1-2 packets Sweet & Low or Equal

    1 boiled egg

    1 piece toast


    1 cup tuna

    1 cup carrots

    1 cup cauliflower

    1 cup melon

    1/2 cup regular vanilla ice cream

    In addition to its strict daily food prescription, dieters drink 4 cups of water or noncaloric drinks daily.

    How It Works

    By some unspecified magical force, the combination of the suggested foods included in this plan is supposed to create a unique metabolic reaction and boost fat burning.

    Without an author or book, there is no documentation or explanation of how the 3 Day Diet food combinations burn fat, increase energy, cleanse the body, or lower cholesterol.

    As the name suggests, the 3 Day Diet lasts only three days, though it's said that it can be repeated indefinitely, as long as you alternate with 4-5 days of undefined "normal eating." The purpose of returning to your usual eating style is to keep your metabolism from slowing, reverting to fat-storing, starvation mode.



    Enjoy, and use EXTREME caution. As I said before, I have multiple Doctors and most of them are ok with this, as long as I ONLY do it for 3 days every few months, or when I am changing a medication I do this, then juice days/liquid week/ followed by raw milk to flush my system and re-boot. Then just extremely change my lifestyle to make sure I stay at all the right levels of fat/protein/carbs/etc!
  • Jenn97355
    Jenn97355 Posts: 103 Member
    Also, because I believe this puts me WELL below 1200 a day, I have have raw milk 2x a day. And since I do not eat fish/tuna I eat chicken instead.And I only eat Nathans hot dogs or organic, but they fill the requirements.The only thing I have an issue with is black coffee because I refuse to use Splenda or Equal, etc...anymore =D
  • asherid
  • SimonsGirl
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    i'm trying this starting next saturday!!!! I hope to lose 7 lbs or somethng before the 30th for my budiour photoshoot

    background: lost 50 lbs through hard work!

    Every winter gain 20 back because I can't exersise as much as I do in spring/summer (hike, bike, tennis, running, beach volleyball) But I never dont work out and watch what I eat ... it's just the way my metabolism is and I've dealt with it ... and it's been the same 5 years running now ...

    So that being said, I was WAS training hard for a half marathon from January to three weeks ago, took one kick boxing class and broke my big toe, which a) ended my run b) no cardio for 6 weeks c) I didn't give up! I still watch what I eat and work out 5 days a week lifting weights (though squats are hte only legs I can do cuz I can't bend my toe)

    Today is the first day being able to put on a shoe!

    This being said ... I've gained 4 lbs int he past 3 weeks - even with working out - and I have my first ever budiour photoshoot in 2 weeks ... which was another goal for training for my marathons....

    Well the scale keeps going up, the muffin top is growing - so Ive decided to try this 'diet' er quick fix for my budoir shoot ... wish me luck ... will be keeping a blog

    crappy thing is next week (when I start) I have a wedding Saturday and Sunday to attend
  • mckant
    mckant Posts: 217 Member
    While we're on the topic....has anyone heard of or tried the Dukan Diet? One of the many "fads" I've tried. However, nothing has worked or kept if off like MFP :wink:

  • poohpasmommy
    I am 36 and remember my mom and aunts doing the TJ soup diet. I can remember that the soup tasted very, very yummy!! Thanks for finding this! I will definitely keep it in my back pocket. :)
  • jbond80
    jbond80 Posts: 356 Member
    I 2 am interested in the 3 day kick start diet, would love a copy. thanks :flowerforyou:
  • wagner78
    wagner78 Posts: 72 Member
  • kitkatwag
    kitkatwag Posts: 84 Member
    Me and some girls from work are doing the 7 day diet. I am starting tomorrow, they are waiting till Monday. I wanted to have my 7 days done before my birthday on March 2nd. I would like to eat Japanese and desert on that day. I am hoping to get a jump. I would like to loose more before we go to to Arkansas during spring break. Good Luck to me!!!
  • pg1girl
    pg1girl Posts: 268 Member
    As a nurse, I hate seeing these diets in use. The whole idea of cleansing is based on false assumptions. If you are eating right, including plenty of soluble and insoluble fiber, there is nothing to "cleanse" because you are evacuating wastes in an appropriate manner. These diets encourage a state of near starvation and for some people they cause dehydration, persistent diarrhea, abdominal pain, and of course, weight loss. Unfortunately, the weight that is lost is mostly water weight and bowel contents, both of which will come back once you begin eating normally again. The only reason most doctors give approval for them is because most people won't stick to them for more than a couple of days, so there aren't many risks.
    The soup itself is fine. If you want to use the soup as a low calorie filler between meals or at the end of the day, great. If you want to go on a few days of vegan eating along with, that's fine too, just DO eat the beans and nuts that are required to keep some protein in your system so your body doesn't start breaking down muscle tissue, and some whole grains for the B vitamins and to make complete proteins from some of the vegetable sources.
    Please, just eat right and exercise. Don't try risky fad diets or diet supplements.

    I agree 100 %! Please lose weight in a healthy manner! This diet is not healthy.