Who wants to start Jillians 30 Day Shred with me?



  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    Only 29 more to go? this should be easy! (I am being VERY sarcastic!)

    I LOVE YOUR SARCASM!!! See if you can pick up on mine.....

    Wow, I've never felt better than running two and a half miles and then deciding to do day one of the 30 day shred at 9:30 at night!

    Yup, sarcasm! Gotta love it! Well, if anything, I'm hoping to love the results :-) I do feel good, but I did feel like laying down on the couch while watching the DVD as opposed to actually moving along with it. I'm glad I stuck with it.

    I also took my measurements tonight. I don't own a flexible tape measure so I used a cord and lined it up against a regular old metal tape measure. So I'm not sure of the acuracy of my measurements, but I figure if I measure myself again in 30 days the same way, at least then I should see the numbers consistently.

    Bust - 43.5
    Chest - 38.5
    Waist - 34.25
    Navel - 38.5
    Hips - 46 (eek)
    Thighs - 25.5
    Arms - 15.5

    If pain is fear leaving the body (to quote Jillian) then I must be FEARLESS!!! :) Here's to Day 2!!!
  • neyes67
    neyes67 Posts: 167 Member
    Count me in! :happy:

    This will be round 2 of 30 Day Shred for me (I did my 1st round Feb 8 - March 10 with GREAT RESULTS:bigsmile: )

    Here are my starting measurements as of 4-18-11:

    Starting weight: 215.6
    Height: 5'10

    Bust: 42.5
    Chest: 35
    Waist: 37
    Abdomen/Navel Area: 39
    Hips: 47
    Right Thigh: 27.5
    Left Thigh: 28
    Right Arm: 13.5
    Left Arm: 14
  • StephanieJ82
    haha! You girls are funny.
    Glad you stuck to it today.
    Was anyone not able to do it today? If so, Don't worry, don't count your self out you can start tomorrow.
    I can feel a knot starting in my sholders. time to sucker hubby into a sholder rub :P
  • julesaz
    julesaz Posts: 12 Member
    I did my 30ds tonight and it was a little harder than yesterday. I also had bootcamp this morning and went to Bikram. So, by the time I did this I was pretty tired. Plus I'm a little sick. It's 8 o'clock and I am heading to bed. Nighty night!
  • feelingready
    feelingready Posts: 1 Member
    I'm starting it (again) right now. I did a week then a week off due to vacation. Now I'm starting it again at my original MFP weight.
    I am always bouncing between 152 - 147lbs. First goal is 140lbs by July. Hope I can do it and really hope the shred will work for me. I sure could feel it that 1st week!
    Good luck to you all.
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    Just finished Day 2. Wow. That's all I can say, just Wow. I didn't realize how out of shape i was. I didn't puke, faint or die, but I was pretty close to all 3.

    One question for you all who have done this before. How long until you don't feel like you're going to be sick? It starts during round 3 and continues for about an hour after. Any advice on how to calm things down? I have some extra time in the morning this week, but next week it's going to be work out and get ready for work. I honestly don't think I could move right now if the house was on fire.
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Day 1 kicked my butt....I woke up this morning sore in places I didnt even know had muscles lol

    My honest review:
    I dont like the Shred....I like the idea of a circuit etc but I found I had to do alot of modifications especially for my knees, and I'm not sure that it is something for beginners....
    Secondly I hated having a set with one floor exercise and then one standing....I spent alot of time trying to getup off the floor....would have been nice if all the floor exercises was lumped together as much as possibe..

    Nevertheless I did the entire workout this time and I plan on keeping up with you guys... maybe its because Zumba has spoilt me since its so much fun...but I do like the fact that I know when I'm done I'll be 10X stronger....I' so ready for Day 2 Woo Hoo!!!!
  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    Well, my DVD didn't come in yesterday so I walked 4 miles. While trying to cool down from my walk, I decided to buy the level one instant video from amazon. Wow, that was a great workout. I like that it was simple moves but tough! Really easy to follow.
    I am really feeling it this morning!

    I took my measurements also:
    Weight 178.4
    Arm 12
    Chest 40
    Waist 33
    Hips 42
    Thigh 24

  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Well, my DVD didn't come in yesterday so I walked 4 miles. While trying to cool down from my walk, I decided to buy the level one instant video from amazon.

    Do you have a link for the instant video...that would be awesome....because I live outside of the US and I've been having problems sourcing workuot DVDs
  • alibur85
    alibur85 Posts: 122 Member
    okay, my DVD didn't get to me yesterday either. My husband surprised me and got it at Sam's last night. I wasn't able to do it this morning, so I will start day 1 this afternoon (is it okay that i'm nervous ;) )


    Neck: 13.75
    Left Arm: 12.25
    Right Arm: 12.25
    Navel: 36.75
    Hips: 39.5

    I'm so excited to loose inches!! These current numbers are not fun!
  • snkeller24
    snkeller24 Posts: 459
    Love that everyone is doing some extra burning in addition to 30 day shred. Ladies are awesome! Keep it up. Did 50 minutes (20 elliptical and 30 jog/treadmill) now about ready to do day two.

    Side lunges with the lateral raise def kill me! I feel the burn in my shoulders with the squat press towards the end, just praying for her to hurry up!

    Challenge yourself with the push ups - start in regular push up position and do as many as you can before you drop to your knees!

    I also switched up her 'boxing cardio segment' - instead of jabs I've incorporated an uppercut and cross into the pattern. Might do those with either 2 or 3lb dumbbells.

    Push through ladies! You've got this.
  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    Well, my DVD didn't come in yesterday so I walked 4 miles. While trying to cool down from my walk, I decided to buy the level one instant video from amazon.

    Do you have a link for the instant video...that would be awesome....because I live outside of the US and I've been having problems sourcing workuot DVDs

    Not sure of the exact link but you can go to Amazon.com and click on instant videos and search 30 day shred. The video cost $1.99.
  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    okay, my DVD didn't get to me yesterday either. My husband surprised me and got it at Sam's last night. I wasn't able to do it this morning, so I will start day 1 this afternoon (is it okay that i'm nervous ;) )


    Neck: 13.75
    Left Arm: 12.25
    Right Arm: 12.25
    Navel: 36.75
    Hips: 39.5

    I'm so excited to loose inches!! These current numbers are not fun!

    Don't be nervous. :) She gives some simple moves but just really tough. Just when you think you can't go any more she changes to a different exercise. I loved it!!
  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    By the way, I used my heart rate monitor with this and it said that I burned 260 cals. I was pretty excited about that.
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Well, my DVD didn't come in yesterday so I walked 4 miles. While trying to cool down from my walk, I decided to buy the level one instant video from amazon.

    Do you have a link for the instant video...that would be awesome....because I live outside of the US and I've been having problems sourcing workuot DVDs

    Not sure of the exact link but you can go to Amazon.com and click on instant videos and search 30 day shred. The video cost $1.99.

    Yeah I just checked it out but its not available outside of the US....which kinda sucks :grumble:
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Challenge yourself with the push ups - start in regular push up position and do as many as you can before you drop to your knees!

    I did that the first time and could only do two, then when I drpoped my knees I did 5 more....so I ended up doing wall push ups...so my new strategy is wall push ups for the first set and then for the 2nd set try on the knees and then the regular ones...hopefully I can work up to more regular and less wall push ups as time goes on
  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    Well, my DVD didn't come in yesterday so I walked 4 miles. While trying to cool down from my walk, I decided to buy the level one instant video from amazon.

    Do you have a link for the instant video...that would be awesome....because I live outside of the US and I've been having problems sourcing workuot DVDs

    Not sure of the exact link but you can go to Amazon.com and click on instant videos and search 30 day shred. The video cost $1.99.

    Yeah I just checked it out but its not available outside of the US....which kinda sucks :grumble:

    Wow, I am so sorry! That bites. And you can't find where you are at all?
  • kellibean13
    kellibean13 Posts: 92 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone! I shredded today for the second day in a row, and it was just a "leetle" bit harder than yesterday! I definitely feel sore, but not so sore I can't move... And since everyone seems to be posting their least favorite exercise from the video, I'll post mine: the lunges. I hate lunges! The side ones aren't so bad, but I DREAD the normal ones with the bicep curls. Oh well, I'm developing killer quadriceps that will be the envy of all of my triathlete and marathoner friends. ;-)
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    Day two done. Lunges were easier, but I still can't master those bicycle crunches. A few seconds in and my body is saying "What the hell?!"

    Two things I learned from day one that helped on day two:

    1. Wait until you've *just* gone to the bathroom to start the video. I had a bladder malfunction whilst "engaging my core" on day one. :-/
    2. No sneakers. I don't know what kind of sneakers you guys have, but by the end of yesterday's workout I felt like i had cinder blocks tied to my feet.

    See you on day three! :-D
  • StephanieJ82
    wow great job ladies. I am eating breakfast at the moment so i am waiting an hour to do my day two. My upper body is hurting so good. lol. last night i had a lot of energy so I did p90x cardio X for the full 45 minutes. I only do that because I don'y move around much during the day at all. I am going to try to do my Shred in the afternoon, and someting like Zumba or Turbo Jam in the evening...

    Heres the thing though. I am not eating enough calories. I hate eating in the AM so i drink a protine shake. then Lunch I eat a nice big salad, and at dinner i have the perfect portion meal. If I eat anymore I feel bloated. I am only hitting areound 1000 cals. I am worried that will effect my metabolism.... put me into starve mode?? Anyone know what to do? I don't want to keep eating if i am full.