Who wants to start Jillians 30 Day Shred with me?



  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    I am on Day 3 also, no wait, I just finished Day 3, lol. I really like it, love the fact that my face is extremely red and I am VERY sweaty when I get done. Thats when I know that I have REALLY worked out.

    Hey sis...glad that we are on the same board...lol

  • Is it too late to get started??? I need another challenge to keep me going! Please let me know if I can join thank you!
  • MsSouthernBelle5
    MsSouthernBelle5 Posts: 19 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm a little new to MFP as well and so far I've just been trying to find a place to fit in. Do you all mind if I join you? I admit I have been doing the shred for a couple of weeks, but I can use the motivation and it definitely won't hurt to keep going. I was so excited that I didn't even check the entire thread so forgive me if I ask questions that have been answered previously.
  • Gretnamaba
    Gretnamaba Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm a newish MFP member. Can I still joint this challenge??

    I fell off the wagon for a couple of weeks because I rolled my ankle playing soccer. This looked like a good way for my to get back into in and stay motivated.

    I plan on doing the Shred 5x/week. I currently work 6 days/week and need a day to do errands etc.
  • i started the shred monday as well! So id like to join the group and check in with ya.
    My starting measurements are
    210- I havent measured myself but plan on doing that friday.
    Today is day 3, and im already wishing they made toilets higher up! LOL.
    Good luck tonight ladies!
  • well i am not hurting too much BUT I am really tired. I just want to put on my pj's and snuggle up in a blanket with a book... sigh.... Thats looser talk though. I guess i'll go put on my workout clothes, head down stairs and start my workout... lol... I look really pathetic right now. haha
  • By the way, for everyonw who want's to join, Please Do!
    The more people we have the better I think. most of us are on day three, some have just started. A couple have had to take a day off.
    Myself and some others are adding this into our regular workout routine. Others are Just doing the SHRED. Do what ever think is right for you.

    Welcome and GOOD LUCK!!!
  • jessie580
    jessie580 Posts: 87
    Day # 1! wow...I thought this was going to be easy LOL I was way wrong! I sweat my *kitten* off.

    and apparently, I can not do push ups!!

    do you all do something else during times you are unable to do certain things?
    I kept trying but I just could not do them!!

    Also, 5 pound weights = toooooo heavy. I need to get smaller ones STAT.

    ;) Cant wait to do it again!!
  • Day # 1! wow...I thought this was going to be easy LOL I was way wrong! I sweat my *kitten* off.

    and apparently, I can not do push ups!!

    do you all do something else during times you are unable to do certain things?
    I kept trying but I just could not do them!!

    Also, 5 pound weights = toooooo heavy. I need to get smaller ones STAT.

    ;) Cant wait to do it again!!

    haha. day one i could not do 1 'girl' push up.... now 3 days later I can do 10 LOL. Maybe one day i can do them properly? Just do what you can with the pushups. go on your knees and just TRY your hardest, they don't need to be pretty.

    I use 3 lb weights and on some workouts, like the side lunge arm raise, I do it until i think my arms are going to fall off then I just drop the weights and do the rest without.... Still burns, love it. I DO wish I had 5lbs for the butterfly press...

    Instead of waiting till you get weights just use your 5lbs for what you can and either drop them or use soup cans for the rest till you get smaller weights.

    I got my hubby to do it with me today. He called Jillian a *****. LOL.
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Just did Day 2.....it was much better than Day 1...
    I did all of the jumping jacks with no substituting this time...I am so proud of me. I did one set of wall push ups and and then the girl push-ups and I was able to do 10 in a row...way better than the 5 I could barely do on Monday
    Time to get me some 3lbs weights though for now I am using two cans of peas :blushing:

    and to top it all off I did it right after 40 minutes of Zumba Woo Hoo!!!.....didnt think I could do it but I told myself I can let myself get more days behind the group....so glad I joined this group...now I have an extra push to do this workout
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    Is it too late to get started??? I need another challenge to keep me going! Please let me know if I can join thank you!

    Come and Shred with all of us, lets see if we can all do it!!
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    Hello everyone, I'm a little new to MFP as well and so far I've just been trying to find a place to fit in. Do you all mind if I join you? I admit I have been doing the shred for a couple of weeks, but I can use the motivation and it definitely won't hurt to keep going. I was so excited that I didn't even check the entire thread so forgive me if I ask questions that have been answered previously.

    Welcome to the challenge! Are you on Level 2?!
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm a newish MFP member. Can I still joint this challenge??

    I fell off the wagon for a couple of weeks because I rolled my ankle playing soccer. This looked like a good way for my to get back into in and stay motivated.

    I plan on doing the Shred 5x/week. I currently work 6 days/week and need a day to do errands etc.

    I started doing Shred because I hurt my calf muscle while playing soccer...it only ended up being sore for two days and now I have to do another 27 days of Shred, lol
  • kdsmith
    kdsmith Posts: 250
    i started the shred monday as well! So id like to join the group and check in with ya.
    My starting measurements are
    210- I havent measured myself but plan on doing that friday.
    Today is day 3, and im already wishing they made toilets higher up! LOL.
    Good luck tonight ladies!

    LOl at higher toilet seats!!! Welcome!
  • snkeller24
    snkeller24 Posts: 459
    Day 3 complete for me! Yay.

    I even did a cardio aerobics class at the gym.

    I'm still switching up her moves to make it a lil more challenging for me - however this may bite me in the butt come Level 2 - didn't watch them ahead of time to see if anything changes or if it's all new.

    My fly's I do in a "bridge" position. Punches are a combination as well as sometimes w/ 3lb dumb bells. I still hate side lunge with lateral raise and I use 3lbs for that. Everything else is a mix between 3, 5, and 8lb.

    Keep up the good work! We've almost made it to level 2
  • Just did Day 2.....it was much better than Day 1...
    I did all of the jumping jacks with no substituting this time...I am so proud of me. I did one set of wall push ups and and then the girl push-ups and I was able to do 10 in a row...way better than the 5 I could barely do on Monday
    Time to get me some 3lbs weights though for now I am using two cans of peas :blushing:

    and to top it all off I did it right after 40 minutes of Zumba Woo Hoo!!!.....didnt think I could do it but I told myself I can let myself get more days behind the group....so glad I joined this group...now I have an extra push to do this workout

    Awesome job Sugar! 40 minutes of Zumba too, eh? Amazing! You know what? you just inspired me to go do some TurboJam. Thanks :)
  • amchamp
    amchamp Posts: 1
    I really want to lose all this weight and want to commit to this but i need encouragement and i cant do it myself...please help me i have all the stuff i need just need the stamina to be able to do this everyday...

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    I started out at 284lbs and im working at 180lbs i really need the help so please keep me motivated... Thank you
  • luvmykid28
    luvmykid28 Posts: 185 Member
    I really want to lose all this weight and want to commit to this but i need encouragement and i cant do it myself...please help me i have all the stuff i need just need the stamina to be able to do this everyday...

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    I started out at 284lbs and im working at 180lbs i really need the help so please keep me motivated... Thank you

    You can do it, Amchamp. In the beginning it's going to be HARD!!! But it will get easier each day. Some days will be harder than others, but you just have to push through it. If you really want to do it you will.

    It took me 3 years of *****ing and complaining about my weight. I finally decided to REALLY do something about it. I have had success immediately and I am on a roll.

    Don't make your goals too unattainable. Set mini goals and meet them and in the end you will meet your long term, big goal. Reward yourself when you meet your mini goals. You can do this!!! Track your food and be honest about it. Stop drinking the soda (even diet) and stop with the sugar. But treat yourself occasionally. Otherwise you will binge. Find alternatives to the sugar, eat fruit instead.

    Put your DVD in and do what you can. Then tomorrow, do it again. And on and on and on.

    (I also suggest you read the success stories in the forums. They are amazing.)
  • luvmykid28
    luvmykid28 Posts: 185 Member
    I just finished day 4 of level 1. My stamina was better and I was able to do more high impact work tonight. I also held a can of tomatos (14oz) in each hand as weights tonight. The other 3 nights I didn't use any weight. I could def feel the difference.
  • I really want to lose all this weight and want to commit to this but i need encouragement and i cant do it myself...please help me i have all the stuff i need just need the stamina to be able to do this everyday...

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    I started out at 284lbs and im working at 180lbs i really need the help so please keep me motivated... Thank you

    You can do it, Amchamp. In the beginning it's going to be HARD!!! But it will get easier each day. Some days will be harder than others, but you just have to push through it. If you really want to do it you will.

    It took me 3 years of *****ing and complaining about my weight. I finally decided to REALLY do something about it. I have had success immediately and I am on a roll.

    Don't make your goals too unattainable. Set mini goals and meet them and in the end you will meet your long term, big goal. Reward yourself when you meet your mini goals. You can do this!!! Track your food and be honest about it. Stop drinking the soda (even diet) and stop with the sugar. But treat yourself occasionally. Otherwise you will binge. Find alternatives to the sugar, eat fruit instead.

    Put your DVD in and do what you can. Then tomorrow, do it again. And on and on and on.

    (I also suggest you read the success stories in the forums. They are amazing.)

    YES! She is right, read the stories and look at before and after pictures. Thats what I do when i feel like I don't want to do it today.
    DO NOT DRINK YOUR CALORIES!!! Thats one of the things people just don't get. Drink plenty of water and add ALL Your food, don't forget the dressing, butter or mayo :) it gets easier when you get the hang of it and when you start seeing a change you will get addicted. I lost 9 lbs in 2 weeks and haven't lost anything in the last 2 weeks. BUT I lost an inch in my arms... Still feels good. Do Jillians workout. She will kick your butt and you will want to puch her in the teeth, but just remember we are doing it together :)
    Good luck and check in everyday!!!!

    oh yes, AND don't hurt your self.
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