200+ Pushin' For Less Cushion!



  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Andrea: I'm with you on the no loss this week. But no loss is also no gain, right?

    Kerry: I like the new profile pic! You are too funny- ALL Germans say genau about 50 times per conversation. And you are correct, it does mean "exactly". I'm totally excited for you being "overweight" - I know that sounds weird, but u get what I mean. I have 4 more pounds to go before I can say that and I can't wait for it!!!

    Kristina: Thank you for the B****slap to my scale. I think the stupid thing totally needed it. I'll step on it again tomorrow and see if it helped at all. Congrats on the weight loss this week and the great 6 mile run. I'm glad you're feeling better.

    Lacey: I've never had a cakester but given my love of all things Oreo, I believe I should stay the hell away from them. :bigsmile: Yes, I have upped my calories a bit off and on this week. I guess I kind of freak out when my calories consumed get over 2000. Today I pushed through and ate over 2000, so that should put me closer to a 600-700 calorie deficit. And my extra calories were mostly healthy (I had 2 small peanut butter cookies too- I'm no saint). I think that once I get over 2000 cals for the day, I'm just not hungry anymore so I don't eat. Maybe that's my problem. I am gonna try to keep hitting 2000 this week and see if that effin' scale moves for me.

    Eve: I have a golden retriever back at home! (My Hubbs in in the military and we're currently stationed in Germany and bringing 2 big dogs overseas was prohibitively expensive- the military will move your family but you're on your own as far as moving pets- so our golden is currently being treated to the high-life by The Hubbs' parents in Idaho. They spoil the hell out of him and walk him twice a day, I'm pretty sure he won't wanna come back to us when we do return to the States!)

    Kendal: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I'm sorry you've had such a rough go of it the past couple of days. It's always very difficult to go to a funeral of someone you're close to (especially if the death was unexpected - as your cousin's was). I wish I could give you a BIG hug. I have also had to cull "friends" from my life over the years. I believe that when a friendship becomes more "work" and drama than friendship, it's time to cut the ties. Friendships should be kind of effortless. (Maybe I'm just lazy. I'm willing to "work" on my marriage but if a friendship is draining my energy, I'm totally out of there!)

    Karen: That's so funny that we're almost anniversary twins!!

    Victoria: I would imagine that race took a LOT out of you (it kind of took a lot out of me, and I only heard about it). I think it's ok to take a couple of days off to rest and then get back to it! So....get back to it!!!

    Today was a good exercise day. Did the mile and a half running loop with the Kid and the Dog. I did my Insanity Recovery workout and I cleaned my house. The Hubbs is getting back from England tonight (somewhere around midnight) and then we're getting up at 0-dark-30 to go to Gabe's first soccer game of the season. He's so funny, he gets all nervous and can't sleep before the first game of ANY season (he plays soccer 2 times a year and one season of basketball). And while I'm talking about Gabe, I had a conference with his teacher (I home school but he has a teacher in Idaho as well) and we're promoting him a grade-level a bit early! She's tested his math and reading skills and since he's performing way above grade-level, she said we'd go ahead and bump him to 3rd grade (he was already bumped to 3rd grade in math a few months ago but now he'll be in 3rd grade all-around). He's so proud of himself!!!
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    SLOOOOOOOW DOWN! OMG.. I just got here & I started reading the posts & I was laughing one minute, sad the next & rolling on the floor the next! You gals crack me up:noway: :love:

    Glad you like my spinach Lasagna recipe.. am going to post a lean ground turkey gumbo made with indian spices.. I topped it with some shredded low fat cheese & a dollop of Fage 0%.. & Yum I was in food heaven:heart:

    Ohh... I did my 6th Bikram session this morning... & was like "is this ever going to get easier????" And the damn instructor added another heavy dose of heat 15 mins before class end (which is when they start easing off).. & I was already worn out & now could not breathe anymore!!!!! then she goes around asking the students after class.... was it hot enough:huh: & I wanted to slaughter her there:explode:

    I have to say I keep going because the damn thing works... my body is feeling so flexible, aches & pain gone, toxins out & today I could touch & hold onto my toes:bigsmile: I am starting to feel the way i used to when I was performing on stage.. all the extensive practice etc made me very nimble & I am starting to feel a bit of that.... so really happy :drinker:

    Kristina - You are doing sooo well my dear.. I am ALWAYS inspired by you:happy: BTW.. your body is not fat! And love the fact that the weight is coming off!!! Hurray!

    Sarah - WAY To go girlfriend!!!! You are doing amazing work:flowerforyou:

    Lacey - thanks for your feedback... it is hard when you really mean well & then feel you are not coming through for people:( Your daughter sounds fun:) :heart: Oooh... next time you have your TOMs... I am staying clear of target:happy:

    Amy - you are another phenomenal inspiration. Keep it up:) Great workout today & Gabe sounds like such an incredible little boy:) You need to share a pic sometime. YAY for him:drinker:

    Kendal - you are rocking it babes:) I am soo impressed:drinker: I am so sorry about the incident with your sister/funeral etc... I want to reach out & give you a bear hug. Just know you are in my prayers & I am sending you LOTS of loving vibes your way:heart: The good news is you choose your friends.. & if they cannot accept you for who you are & through the good/bad & ugly... time to move on. I have been blessed all my life with GREAT friends that I when I come across a bad one.. I know there are GREAT souls out there & I just need to find another awesome souls:)

    Victoria - So sorry you had to deal with power outage this week! Yikes.. glad to hear all is back to normal now.
    YAY for the approval to adopt a kitty! I had a dog as a child & he was soo the love of my life.. I can hardly wait to move to a home with a backyard.. so I can adopt one again:) You are soooo AMAZINg to start training for another marathon!!! Seems like you are addicted:happy:

    Kerry - WOW!!!! You exercised so intensively on your TOMS! Ok inspiration all around!!!! Hats off to you.. I can barely move my first day & am wondering what kind of exercise I should try when my next ones come around. CONGRATS on your weight loss:drinker: Love it:)

    Eve - welcome... it is so great o have anoter member.. these are a great bunch of people who are equally inspiring & crazy & funny all rolled into one.. you will prosper here:smile:

    Karen - WOWZY!!!! Great loss babes:) So excited for you:flowerforyou:

    Crystal - you are doing so well... it is hard to do this with managing a baby's schedule & needs. Hugs.

    Andrea - you know.. I am sure it will suddenly fall off next week.. so you will have a cumulative loss... my body has done that a few times.. & it is frustrating.. but hang in there.. you are doing all the right things so it has to come off. Hugs

    LOVE YOU ALL SOOO MUCH:flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: You are such incredible divas & my inspirations. I love sharing this path.. through my ups & downs & bad days & good.. I lucked out:bigsmile:

    :heart: Suzie

    PS.. I know the smiley can sometimes seem annoying.. but I love them:bigsmile:
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Kendal - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qwscb3QIVSg

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU BABES!!!! Wishing you a year filed with much joy, happiness, love & success along with healthy living in the coming year:heart:

  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    First of all, Happy Birthday Kendal!

    I was off work today for Good Friday which was nice. Yesterday ended up being pretty crappy so the extra day off has definitely get in a better mental place and I'm feeling a lot better today.

    I've been munching on chocolate all day but I'm just barely within my calories and I'm done eating for the day, so I'm okay with that. I did an extra workout to make up for it.

    I've upped my water intake and that really seems to be helping with water retention for me, since I haven't really managed to cut my sodium very effectively. I weigh in tomorrow morning (officially) and I should be down based on yesterday's and today's weights. So I'm feeling pretty pumped. Also, had a NSV this week--my boobs now stick out farther than my stomach! This makes me ridiculously happy.

    Andrea: No real plans for Easter here. I'll probably drag my butt to church in the morning, but we've got no family here so it'll be pretty mellow and laid back the rest of the day.

    Karen: The cantata sounds lovely and makes me miss my choir days. Sounds like you have a busy Easter planned!

    Victoria: Congrats on the kitty! I'm jealous ;).

    Amy: You're so close to Onederland! I know you'll manage it soon :). And wow, you've got one heck of a smart kid. You must be insanely proud :D.

    Kendal: I'm sorry you're not having a good time. Grief and family and friend dynamics all crowding in at the same time is really rough. I think pampering yourself a bit before your photo shoot sounds like a fantastic idea.

    evening99: Welcome to the group!

    Lacey: Staying away from the source of temptation near TOM sounds like a good idea. I'm one of those people who can't go near a grocery store in the 2-3 days before TOM starts.

    Kristina: Awesome loss! And way to get back into it after being sick. That's always rough.

    Kerry: Way to go on breaking out of obesity! That's an amazing accomplishment! Upping your calories a bit is probaby not a bad idea--whatever works best for you :). Happy early birthday--sounds like you've got an awesome evening planned!

    Suzie: Yoga sounds intense, but it sounds like you're getting a lot out of it. Keep up the amazingly good work!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Just a quick check-in for yesterday 2683 consumed and only burned 2255... No formal exercise... I will get back on track. We leave in an hour to get the kitty. I'll post pics and reply to all later.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Debra (makeitallsue) passed on she read on Facebook that Carolyn had a baby girl. Congrats go out to her!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Oh wow, I didn't know Carolyn was pregnant!! Very cool! I'll say a cyber shout out, Congrats!!

    Check in for yesterday:
    2700 burned/3174ate/+474 notsurplus. Gulp. The scale was my punishment this morning..212. I know its from a combination of sodium, tom, sugar, constipation, etc...I will be back down in a few days but talk about sabotage my work of the last three weeks...next month around the 20th I will have to remember to double my efforts so this doesn't happen again.

    Today its supposed to be 66 here, gasp! What lovely weather!!! So we are going to get out in our disaster of a garage and start organizing it and making a section of garage sale stuff so we can have a sale within the next 6 weeks before we leave on our vacation. We are also taking G to her Easter Egg hunt down the street at the park. I'm trying to get the fam to walk down to the park, a mile each way. I still have some headache pains shooting around in my peabrain but its more manageable than yesterday which is good. Nothing like nice weather causing sinus issues.

    Have a great weekend everyone! I will jump back on here and respond to you all tonight..and log my food and be good and and and..
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Just posted a recipe I made this week:

    Turkey, lentil & spinach gumbo (Indian style) - Crockpot http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/suzieqdiva

    If you looking for something quick, easy & fun.. & low calorie's give it a try:)
  • I'm new to MFP and am looking to join a group for motivation and support. I currently weigh 232.2 lbs and my starting weight was 240 lbs, I lost 6 lbs before joining. I'm 29 yrs old and am ready for a healthier me!!!!! My ultimate goal is to be 200lbs or less by my 30th birthday in October. Any suggestions or tips are appreciated!!!!! Thanks
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome MissWoods!!! Jump in and post away. We enjoy meeting new people.

    Suzie - Thanks for posting the recipe. The yoga sounds so fun...

    Lacey - have fun at the Easter Egg hunt!!! It sounds fun. I've never tried cakesters. I was laughing at your story !!! I'm planning to do run trails and/or hills once a week for training. I've found several great areas for training within 30 min of my home.

    sarah - 3 day weekends rock!!! How cool that your stomach is shrinking quicker than boobs...

    Kerry - awesome profile pic. PS the ofest in your ticker rocks!!! I loved the exactly story...

    Amy - I'm proud of Gabe too!!! WTG both of you. Your morning run sounds like fun.

    Andrea - I'm another one with you on no weight change this week. We are going to my mom's house (6 miles away) for dinner. I've been charged with making desert and taking beer. My MIL Apple pie and real French Vanilla ice cream...

    Kristina - I love how puggles look... Soooo cute. Great job on your run.

    Evening - glad you joined us and are another pet lover.

    Karen - I like your new profile pic too. Cute kid!!!

    Kendal - Hugs to you for all you've been through. Sometimes you need to cut your losses with a friend. You are super special and I'm sorry she can't see that.

    Sorry to anyone I missed. Happy Easter to everyone!!!

    Our trip to the shelter was great... So many lovey cats. It was hard to chose. DH really wanted a grey kitty. They had this 6 month old all grey (Russian Blue) one. We were playing with him and this black kitty was pacing and looking at us with the saddest eyes. Turns out it was his brother. So we let him into the play room with us. They'd been at the shelter 4 months and had been abused. They were both soooo shy but played with toys and let us pet them. Yeah - we couldn't separate them. So we now have 6 kitties!!! Marty and Greyson have joined our family. It will take some time for them to adjust. They are each hiding behind couches and very shy. In time, I know they will warm up and be very lovey kitties. Once they adjust, I'll get pics posted.
  • hkallembach
    hkallembach Posts: 485
    261.5 *sigh* I might be MIA for a while. Hope ya'll are doing wonderful! :heart:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    congrats on the new family addition Victoria! Its so great that you kept the brother kitties together :smile:

    so I did my photo shoot this afternoon. I was shy at first but once I got started, it was easy. It'll be a week before I get the pictures back.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Well the whole Easter Egg hunt thing didn't end up happening. Poor Gracie is just Up and Down the last couple of weeks..super emotional and sensitive. We had kindof a hard morning, but when we left she was fine...as we were waiting for the hunt to start she ended up breaking down crying, so we grabbed a pink balloon and left. Too many people and it was loud and overstimulation. (It was okay because she does NOT need any more candy, neither do I!) So we came home and spent 3 hours in the garage cleaning it out, and making an enormous pile in the middle so we can do a garage sale. It will take a few weeks to get the stuff cleaned up to sell but it will be nice to have that money for our trip in June.

    On another Gracie note..had the whole teacher conference thing..she's definitely ready for kindergarten next year and the school is going to let her go ahead even though she was born on Sept. 7th (welll I guess there is one reason to keep paying for this school!), her reading level is moving right along and so are her art skills. Teacher said she'd do art projects all day if she let her. I am not surprised. She would Rapunzel (a la Tangled) all the walls in my house if I let her. And lastly she is super empathetic, always makes sure the other kids are okay if they get hurt or are sad...which is nice to hear especially when she comes home acting like a hellion! So my sweet baby butthead is moving right along and it is great to hear. Two of my girlfriends are having babies this summer and I think they are nuts. I am so glad mine is almost five! Yeay!

    Victoria - YAY for new kitties!! I love kittens and would love to get one for Gracie one of these days but our days of getting new animals is nill until the two dogs are gone. They are getting older and would do okay with new cats but we seem to...lose...them here where we live? Our grey one that we moved here with disappeared and so did our black one we got with the orange one. I have a feeling the young dude three houses down did them in or ran them off because I saw him telling our orange cat to scram today. I called him out and told him it was our cat so he knows he's on watch, but yeah. Cats don't last long here for some reason which is super sad so its best to not get any more for a while.

    Hailie - keep plugging away at it, the more consistent you can be over time the better you get at this whole deal!

    MIsswoods - welcome!

    Suzie - that recipe looks fantastic! I'm going to make a polenta lentil cheese bechamel sauce thing tomorrow night so I will let you know how it is.

    Sarah - I LOVE that feeling of boobs sticking out farther than the belly!! WOOHOO!!

    Amy - I second, or third?, being proud of Gabe moving ahead a grade!! That is so rad. And I totally hear you about eating 2000+ cals. I find that I am eating long after I am full at my meals and its annoying, but it seems to be working (when Cakesters and such don't ge me). The only thing is to make sure I don't fill those cals up with empty ones and its so easy to do.

    Kerry - I like this part of the blog you posted : "•Your body is working against you. Everything is working against you. LIFE is also working against you. Even your friends may be working against you."
  • arieltheincredible
    arieltheincredible Posts: 114 Member
    Hello my.name is Ariel I have had the app for mfp and been using it on and off only because I wasn't really motivated to lose weight. When I first made my profile I was 226 and jumped up to 235 :( That heaviest I've ever been. So I started to Jenny Craig on Tuesday. 4/19/11 and I do zumba at home on my Wii and at my university's gym. I weighed myself on my scale at 230 today but I didn't weigh myself on it when I started so I have to wait till tuesday to weigh in with my consultant. I am really hoping I have made progress :/ but it would be nice to talk to others who are pushing for large weight lose goals like me since all my friends are skinny or only need to lose like 10lbs LOL. Hope everyone's weight lose is going wonderfully :D
  • noelle55165
    noelle55165 Posts: 41 Member
    HI there ladies

    I weighed in this morning at 198.

    Spending the weekend with my family for Easter so today I'm about 200 over. But that's just an estimation since some of these homemade dishes are a big calorie '?'

    Have a great weekend I hope to catch up with everyone next week.

  • congrads Noelle!

    just a quick post.

    Wholly HUGE Passover Sedar dinner, 8 courses, lemon cheese cake, chocolate covered strawberries, and a bottle of wine later...

    1799 calories consumed/1673 calories burned/ 126 calories over

    next holiday, hour long workout is a must. Oi Vay

    Promise to respond more next post, and give more info on myself.

    Happy Holidays everybody!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Welcome MissWoods & ABMorales09!! Glad to have you join us!!

    Onederland for Noelle! Woo-hoo!!

    Thanks for my pic comments! I think he's a cute kid too, but then again, that's my mama's boy! :o)

    And the post went nuts in the past day, so I'm thinking that's all I'm gonna manage to keep up with! :o)

    Tornado alley here! No actual touchdowns in my hometown, but we've had one skate by to the north on Friday night & one to the south this afternoon! I'm kinda tired with having to wake my kids up in the middle of the night to get them out of the trailer & go next door! Still sticking to calories today, but not much exercise goin on here! Even managed a nap! *yawn* And on that note, good night!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Happy Easter!!! The kittens are getting braver. They came out and were playing for about 10 min. It must be nap time now...
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Decided to change my weigh in from monday mornings to Sunday morning:) 1 lb loss... current weight 180.4 lbs


  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Check in for yesterday (wore the BMF on my arm): 2698/2140 ate/558 deficit. Yeay. I'm back on track. I will weigh tomorrow and hope I'm back on track for at least maintaining this week considering tom and the Incident, etc.

    Today Gracie and I are doing "cooking school". We are making meatballs, chicken nuggets for her lunch, and sugar cookies using her new cutters her grandparents sent her for Easter. I'm also making a meatloaf for one night with mashed potatoes.

    Jeff has a babyshower/bbq to go to for one of his friends...why they chose to do it on Easter is beyond me, but whatever. We will have meatloaf, mashed taters and asparagus for dinner.

    Have a great day everyone!
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