The 17 Day Diet



  • Well, I've gotten most of day 1 whipped without giving in to any cravings! I didn't get my 2nd fruit in before 2, so not sure how that will effect me. But surprisingly i haven't been that hungry at all...I love that we get as much protein as we want! Veggies are gonna be hard so I think tonight I'm gonna buy a blender and try those "green smoothies" i've heard about. Maybe i can choke it down that way ;) If anyone has recipes for those, i'd love to hear them. Or tricks to help the taste of broccoli and cauliflower b/c usually I coat it with cheese but can't do that....
  • swimmer23
    swimmer23 Posts: 70
    I have no idea what's allowed on the 17 day diet but I make a mixture of raw vegetables: broccoli, cauliflower, sugar snap peas, red peppers, and carrots and then drizzle just a serving of light balsamic vinaigrette and mix it all up. Light lunch or dinner and absolutely delicious :) Every time I go home to visit my mom she always makes a huge batch of it for me to take back to school!
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    Well, today was my first day. I'm not trying to jinx myself but today was GREAT. I wasn't tempted at all. I was prepared. I have stayed satisfied.

    Honestly, I ate exactly the same foods I usually do up until about 4:00 p.m (It's almost 7:00 p.m. here). Usually at 4:00, I come home from work and just eat whatever (lots of bad carby stuff). Today, I had plain greek yogurt with some carrots. For dinner I had a huge spinach salad and chicken.

    I am really excited about see results.
  • Kimmie54
    Kimmie54 Posts: 23 Member
    Hmmm... might have to check into this... looks really interesting. Good job everyone... keep up the good work! :happy:
  • puggleperson
    puggleperson Posts: 740 Member
    Have fun gaining the weight back. It just another fad diet that no one can stick too. Lucky dr though he is making tons of money on us over weight women....
  • Have fun gaining the weight back. It just another fad diet that no one can stick too. Lucky dr though he is making tons of money on us over weight women....

    Have you tried this diet? Or read about it? Its really not that much of "fad" Yes, it sets a structure for us, but its mostly common sense. Why do we become overweight? We eat the wrong foods, too much food, and sometimes too late at night. This "diet" puts some guidelines out there to stop that. With the underlying theme that this all becomes second nature & we start eating better. So far it seems VERY easy to continue on for a long time.
  • My co-worker brought this up the other day, said she was thinking about it....I'm glad you all are posting your experiences, I plan to share them with her, too. If the diet absolutely requires Green Tea...I'm out- are there any substitutions for it/
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Have fun gaining the weight back. It just another fad diet that no one can stick too. Lucky dr though he is making tons of money on us over weight women....

    what aspect of the diet do you find to be difficult to stick to? have you heard a lot of reports of people being unable to stick with it? what about the foods in this diet and the structure of it do you find to be inappropriate and not useful for the long term?
  • bluespring
    bluespring Posts: 201 Member
    Have fun gaining the weight back. It just another fad diet that no one can stick too. Lucky dr though he is making tons of money on us over weight women....

  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Have fun gaining the weight back. It just another fad diet that no one can stick too. Lucky dr though he is making tons of money on us over weight women....


    don't laugh. i heard the dr is in secret cahoots with farmers to promote their products.
  • bump***
  • smeklc
    smeklc Posts: 94 Member
    I can't stand any kind of Tea. I take the green tea pills.
  • bluespring
    bluespring Posts: 201 Member
    Have fun gaining the weight back. It just another fad diet that no one can stick too. Lucky dr though he is making tons of money on us over weight women....


    don't laugh. i heard the dr is in secret cahoots with farmers to promote their products.

    Good one!
    (high five)
    :laugh: :bigsmile: :tongue:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I just wanted to post to commend you all on your great responses and quick thinking when that poster popped off about the diet without having a clue about anything about it. I've been popping on here a couple times this week after downloading the book to see what it's about. You are all very supportive of each other and are doing a wonderful job. That is all! :smile:
  • trejon
    trejon Posts: 203
    Why are the HATERS telling people to have fun gaining the weight back. If you do not like it and do not wanna be a part just stay away from this post. Guess this is your best way of burning calories by pissing on the goals of others. Dang some people need to get a life and leave other's the heck alone.

    17 DD people said the same for weight watchers, jenny, atkins, south beach and all the other diets. Make dieting about you and no one else. If you had cancer and for $20.00 bucks there was a slight chance you could cure it - you would make the purchase and try. Everything is not gonna work for everyone but there might a few tricks, tips or rules that someone might use for a lifetime and it works for them. Keep up the good work!
  • Emmetkelly
    Emmetkelly Posts: 23 Member
    I just skipped to the end, so I don't know if anyone has brought it up yet, but there is a Facebook page for the 17 Day Diet. The lady who runs it has a blog that has the details for Cycle 1 if anyone wants to try it out without buying the book. There are also tons of recipes on the page for all cycles.
  • Ktylerw
    Ktylerw Posts: 36 Member
    Has someone actually bought the book at Walmart in stores? Online it says that the book isn't sold in the store...hmmm
  • rosieflo
    rosieflo Posts: 218
    I'm seriously considering trying this. I've recently been diagnoses with Type 2 diabetes, and I'm a carb-a-holic. I'm going to keep up with your thread. I just need some structure to wean me off of my carbs...and then reintroduce the healthy ones back in. It sounds like this is a good eating plan for that...would those of you who have been doing this agree?
  • mfreeby
    mfreeby Posts: 199 Member
    HI! C1D11 - just wondering for those of you on Cycle 2 - what to expect for weight loss? Right now I'm losing a pound every couple of days and just wondering if that will keep up? Please share!

    We are on exactly the same cycle and day. I will have to remember this! Have you stayed on plan for the most part? I have cheated here and there and haven't done the green tea much or the exercises. Hope to kick it back into full gear this week!

    I have stayed on the plan for the most part but I've added some goat cheese and almonds to my salads. Plus the red meat I've eaten this weekend. I have low carbed a bit in the past so if I cheat, I cheat on a bit of fat but not with carbs. I've been trying to drink green tea a couple days a week and have been doing the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred for about a month and I highly recommend that for exercise. It's super quick and the results are really amazing for only a 20 minute workout. It's awesome that we are at the same point! I really want to lose another 10 pounds by the end of May!
  • ysamatar
    ysamatar Posts: 484 Member
    Bump! So interesting.
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