40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    I was about to PM a few of you to figure out what in the ham sandwich is going on (lol).

    Happy Friday. Hope all of you are well and in good spirits.

    We had metabolic testing done on Wednesday. I actually passed the waistline test for the first time in 3 years. I failed the blood pressure AGAIN!!!! I get extrememly nervous when my pressure is taken. The first time was high (bottom number). I waited several hours and let them take it again and it was worse than earlier. You have to pass 4 out of 5 measures to get a discount on your health insurance premium.

    I am dealing with the BLAH's this week and have to turn this around ASAP. I train with my trainer tomorrow and I hope she kicks my can because I need it.

    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • stevehawkins99
    stevehawkins99 Posts: 6 Member
    New from whitleybay near newcastle in the uk..

    Looking to cut down 30lb of body fat in the next 6-10 months..

    Work in IT so put on a bit of podge on the belly area..
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Friday Cook Kids!! Sorry I missed everyone yesterday- Busy Busy day! I ran some intervals this morning. First time running since my hip kicked out on me at my 5k. It was a good run! :joy:
    Hubby still having tons of issues. He actually slept on the floor last night because he couldn't pick his right leg up to get it on the bed. No Bueno! He has an appointment with a back specialist on Monday. Keep your fingers crossed! :frowning:
    Have a Ladies meeting/baby shower at Church tomorrow and then after Church on Sunday I'm going to spend the afternoon with my daughter and Jake :heart_eyes:
    I have signed up for two more races this fall. One is a virtual 5k through Cabot Creamery to benefit the Food Bank- the suggested date is October 25th, but can be any time during the month- no official times or anything, but it's for a good cause. The other one is December 13th- a 5k in the next town over. I signed up for it last year, but the weather was horrible and icy so I didn't end up participating. Hoping for it to be at least dry :sweat_smile:

    Have a good day all!
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    checking into say "hi", could not find the forum with the new changes, I agree this sucks.

    Beeps - you look incredible in your picture from your nephews wedding. Way to rock it!!

    I have not been staying motivated at all this week with working out. In a major slump, I am hoping it will pass soon.
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    thanks for the bookmark tip, it worked and I can now find "ALL" of you again. Whoosh!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    Thanks, ruby. Hi KellySue!

    Hi newbies!

    I lifted today. I wanted to also go for a walk....because it is beautiful outside, but i am tired!

    Happy Thanksgiving to all Canadians! Have a great weekend.,
  • DiamondDiva914
    DiamondDiva914 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi! I just turned 43, and I'm currently into my second week of trying to lose approximately 120 pounds. I live in the Cleveland area and I'm always open to new ideas on how to get to where I want to be. It's lovely to meet you!
  • latilton1
    latilton1 Posts: 4 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hello. I would like to join. I am 55 and about 50 pounds overweight. I need some place to be accountable and report my weight loss. I have been trying to lose weight now for about 3 months. I was on Jenny Craig. It's just too slow, and I can't afford it. I have lost 11 pounds and counting. Since it is Friday, I will report. Today, I'm 203.6 pounds. Heading for 155. Wish me luck. :smiley:
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Hello Cool Kids.

    Ruby, glad you found us. I have sent a couple of PM's to some of us who haven't showed up yet.

    Welcome to all the new folks. We are really growing.

    Margie had L & A {logic & accuracy} testing today. That is where they mark every possible combination on the ballets and run them through the machines to make sure everything is working right. Early voting starts next week so she will be working 10 hour days until after Election Day. Then she will only have one more election cycle in two years. She is counting the days until she retires. {2 years, 2 months & 20 days}

    We went into town and ate supper at Pizza Hut tonight. {after I had cooked supper} My Tampa cousins came in and asked us to go out, so I put the pot of peas I had cooked in the fridge, and we ate pizza.

    I was late getting back to the mowing today. It was really hot here, and I kept putting it off until after 1500. I had been out there about 15 minutes when my cousin showed up. So I will try to get back to it on Monday.

    I hope everyone has a good weekend,


    PS: Since I couldn't get on the forums at work, I might not get on tomorrow. Unless I can remember my password.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Morning. I was able to log on to the forums here at work this morning. Not sure why I was having problems Thursday night. I got in a little workout before work, and did some walking after I got here. The pizza or something put two pounds on me, and I have family reunions and birthday parties that will bring me plates today. I need to bank as many calories as I can.

    My niece and her family are flying in from Denver tonight. We are having a big get together tomorrow at Sister's house, so I had to get the cleaning/maintenance guy to cover for me. I don't like to miss work, but it's just a baby shower.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

  • ddas66
    ddas66 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, I am 48. I have lost 32 so far and have about 80 to go. I eat a whole food clean diet. I have a large veggie garden and we also raise our own rabbits and chickens for meat so a majority of what I eat I grow or raise.

    My main exercise is walking. I walk between 40 and 45 miles per week according to my fitbit. I also follow exercise videos on youtube. My favorite exercise videos lately is Tae Bo. I just got my 25 year old bike fixed so I plan to start riding it regularly.

    I have always eaten a healthy diet, portions and carbs have always been my downfall. I am now measuring my portions and avoiding breads, pasta etc and the weight is coming off.

    I am happy to have found this forum.
  • ddas66
    ddas66 Posts: 13 Member
    Kadieter wrote: »
    New to Myfitnesspal as of today:

    I like this Topic! I'm 43 and need to kick 70 pounds to the curb! I already ditched 43 pounds, on NS then gained 7 back :( I can do it on my own without paying $300 plus a month. We are all in this together and I know we can reach our goals as long as we work hard, pay attention to what goes in our mouths and support eachother.

    Looking forward to being a loser along with the rest of you!!

    Welcome to MFP. I have been a member for a couple of months and have found MFP very helpful to stay on track.
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Hey Kid's!
    Josie's been ill so no gym anytime soon. Why do my kid's always to vomit on me? Never fails at least it was just my lap and arm this time. Supposed to be helping with the block party today. :( Not going to make it. Blankets in the wash, dishes done, and getting ready to start chili. Rainy days. Lost another 1 lb. so 19 lbs. to goal. Whoop! Whoop!
    Kelly- Good luck with the 5K's. Hope your husband gets some relief soon.
    Carmel- Sorry about the blood pressure. Mine always goes up when I'm sick.
    Larro- Enjoy your company.
    Ruby- Glad you found us. Sending a virtual kick to get you out of your slump. LOL
    Beeps- Keep up the good work.
    Newbies- Hello and good luck!
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Happy Monday kids.....Hope all of you are well, in good spirits and had a great weekend.

    Welcome Newbies. Hope you enjoy your stay.

    My trainer took it to me Saturday morning and I kept up and I was actually ready for more after it was over. As you already know I have extreme fit tonight and I am focused and ready. Had to buy sneakers this weekend and I shocked my whole family when I came home with bright pink sneakers versus my usual an all black sneaker (lol).

    Kate--I hope you regain some normalcy soon. Illness is horrible and I have yet to figure out why kids love to vomit on mommy.

    Larro--How was the company?

    Ruby--I was in a slump last week also. It is ok to feel out of it, but you have to find the strength to get back on the saddle to ride on this health/wellness journey.

    Kelly--I am happy to read you are ready to take on more races. That is awesome. You encourage me more than you know.

    Beeps--I know you are lifting heavy. You inspire me also.

    Have a great day everyone
  • nickpnh
    nickpnh Posts: 111 Member
    Hey Kids
    Back from travel and it didn't go well. Gained 4 pounds. I guess I overestimated my calorie burn and underestimated my consumption. Day 1 all over again.

    Beeps - keep up the inspiration!
    Kelly -keep the pace.Caramel nice work out and I love fun sneakers...they make me smile all day!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Morning cool kids! Not necessarily good, but it's morning. We have finally figured out what some of my hubby's back issue is. He has an abscess on his spine. We had to have him taken to the ER by ambulance last night because he was not able to get his legs working to get out of bed. They did a ton of bloodwork and a CT scan and found the abscess/infection. He is at a big hospital now- our local one is smaller and did not have anyone qualified to perform the surgery that he will need. He is going to have some more tests done today to get a better picture of his back and then surgery will soon follow- I am thinking either today or tomorrow.
    Any how, I did run on Saturday, but other exercise routines will be on hold for at least a few days. I will try to keep my stress under control so I don't eat like a crazy person, but I am just feeling like I need to focus on getting this situation with my hubs under control at this moment.
    I will be around and will check in when I can.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    edited October 2014
    Good Morning Cool Kids.

    Kelly Sue, sorry your DH is having such a hard time of it. But at least now you guys know what the problem is. We are praying for you guys.

    Nick, I have also gained 4 pounds. All since Thursday's weigh-in. Maybe I can have a few days without any big eating events so I can work on getting that back in line.

    Caramel, it is no surprise you are still kicking butt with your workouts, as opposed to me, where my workouts are kicking my butt. Lifting this morning was an example of that. And we had a good turnout yesterday for the get together. About 35 folks showed up. But that made it hard to do much visiting visiting with my niece and her family. As it turned out it was my uncle's 88th birthday. He is the only one of my Daddy's brothers and sisters alive, and it always good to see him. My niece, her DH and the kids will be at Panama City Beach most of the week. It is looking like rain, but when you are swimming, you are going to get wet anyway.

    Kate, I hope your little one feels better so your life can get back on an even keel.

    Welcome to the new guys. And hello to everyone else.

    Have a good day,


    PS: I actually cooked breakfast after my workout, something that doesn't happen too often. Picture @ http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1251741/whats-for-breakfast#latest
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Kelly I am sorry to hear about your husband. I can only imagine the stress and duress you are under at this time. Thank you for keeping us posted and being such a pillar of strength. Hugs to you....KYM
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Hey Kid's!
    Kellly- That is tough hun. At least they know something now. We will be praying for him. Maybe you could walk the halls/stairs some when he is resting. Keep some apples, almonds, and so on in his room to snack on.
    Josie's still ill. Now husband thinks she shared with him, and I'm fighting a headache. Doctor rechecked her today. Keep her medicated and keep pushing the fluids. If not better by Thursday bring her back.
    Anyway I'll check back later.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,098 Member
    Sorry, KellySue! Hope some answers come soon....and some. Ich-needed relief for you and your husband.

    I am doing a strength class this morning.