40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    jazi, yes you still apply. But you won't be as cool at 49 as say someone who just turned 42. *wink wink, that be me last Sunday*

    Hello everyone else, quick check in today.

    BeckyAnn- woot woot on going for a 5K. I am training for my very first 10K that I plan to do this Spring. Why a 10K? cause I am too sexy for a 5K. hahahahaha just kidding! But I sent you a FR. You can see my daily jogging posts (but not on Sunday) and we can encourage each other!

    Princess. That is awesome on your results. Congrats to you. And yes, I plan on doing something while I am gone in NJ. Push-ups, sit-ups, and offcourse I will be bringing my HRM and my smartphone with my runtastic app on it, and my sneakers. So at a minimum, it will be jogging.
  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    50 here
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hi All! Made it back to the gym today. A little bit of weights- OMG, being gone for almost two weeks definitely made it harder!! Also a little bit of cardio. Good work out overall.

    So so glad tomorrow is Friday. My little guy, Jake, is going to be 1yr old next Monday and we are having his birthday party on Saturday. Lots of preparations to do tomorrow. His mommy and daddy have invited everyone and their brother to be there! It will be overwhelming for him, I'm sure, but fun!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Good Morning cool kids,

    wow, it's been a few days since I've posted. Busy weekend away with no exercise...other than running around shopping.

    Chelle - great progress pictures! AWESOME results! What is PCOS?

    Did run the last couple of days, but need to get back to the gym to start lifting. I really need to focus on my lifting if I want to see the physical changes. Tough to fit it all in when I always seem to be in training mode for another run. :tongue:

    Welcome new cool kids!

    Met a young lady at the gym yesterday that has literally walked off over 100lbs in less than a year! She started walking instead of taking meds to ward off the winter blues. What an amazing story...she just "took control" . Love it! She is now starting to lift and change up her workouts as she has plateaued. I have just become her biggest cheerleader.
    Told her about MFP; she had no idea such tools existed.

    Still trying to get ready for Christmas...am sure by Christmas Day, I'll be there.:tongue:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Today I'm gonna squeak a visit back to the gym. Hope I don't KILL it because I wanna squish one in tomorrow. I'm so competitive with myself that when I get to the gym, I look at last work-outs' numbers and try to replicate/beat those! Ugh. Today, I have to PREPARE myself, mentally, to just GO LOWER on the weights. Just for today.

    Tomorrow, I can KILL IT - if DOMs don't strike.

    Saturday is cardio....with a little Xmas party in the women's changeroom afterward with all my gym buddies. Mmmmmmmmmmmm, Baileys!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Hello. Checking in. Hope all you people are doing well. It sounds it.
    Tommorow leaving to go back to old home for a week long visit. So if I don't check in, you know where I am.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member

    ^^^ I'm titling this selfie "thin-line thursday".

    Seriously, in REAL LIFE, that line was D-E-E-P.

  • JessyLovesJCS
    JessyLovesJCS Posts: 169 Member
    I haven't read...but I'm marking my spot with the 'cool kids'! :happy:
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Beeps...Awesome, Awesome, Awesome guns!
  • NCSteveVH
    NCSteveVH Posts: 85 Member
    Beeps.... This thread just popped up so I thought I'd check it out since I'm well into the 40+ age group. Wow, you have some serious deltoids! Gotta love defined shoulders....
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Since beep's photo got rejected by the firewall at my work, I had to check out her photos for the first time. WOW! She is much sexier than that avitar she has posted. hahahahaha Keep up the good work.

    By the way, I may not be posting much now until the new year. Heading to NJ later on tonight. Have a great Christmas and New year everyone. Muahs to all you cool cats!!!!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Friday!! Did some aerobics this morning, but am quite sore from weights yesterday. Yesterday was also a bad, bad day for food. The candy and cookies were flying around here and I did not behave! Trying to have better self control today.

    My grandson's first birthday party is tomorrow! (His birthday is Monday) My plan is to make it to the gym early in the moring before getting everything ready. Hopefully everything and everyone around me will cooperate!! Also trying to plan for the time over the holiday and try to get in as much exercise as I can.

    Everyone have a wonderful holiday if I don't get to check in here before then! :happy: (too bad there's no smiley with a santa hat! lol)
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    Hello everyone...think Ill be a cool kid too. Hope everyone is having a great productive day!
  • Beckyann1971
    I have to make sure I don't forget about this thread, so I don't get behind too much, lots to catch up on in just a couple of days. I normally don't frequent the forums much.

    Anyhow, welcome to those of you who just joined in after me!

    Beeps- You look fantastic!

    Stoshew - Enjoy your trip, and thanks for the direct and indirect encouragement!

    I completed my C25k today, I had to take it easy the last two weeks with all my other workouts because my SI Joints were flaring up, and my right hip was giving me problems, so I'm thrilled that I completed on time, running a full 5k. Just over a year ago, I had to stop working out, working period, and even driving because of health issues, so this is beyond exciting for me to have completed. I have yet to run on the cement, and I need to in order to do the MS 5k in Spring, so I will be needing to work on that.

    I head out Monday to Reno, have lots to do before then, Im super excited as it's been about ten years since spending Christmas with my parents. So If I don't make it back in here, Have a wonderful Christmas!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    NCSteve - "deltoids"....check....now I have to go take an anatomy course to *know* what I'm actually working, lol!!

    Stoshew - Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to you, too!

    KellySue - a smiley with a santa hat (and other year-long decorations....a pumpkin smiley for halloween, etc, etc.) would be AWESOME!

    hi handyrunner and Beckyann!

    Got another work-out in today, so no, I did NOT get "4" in, but I got 3 and when I hit my Saturday cardio, tomorrow, I'll count that as "4".

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Here is how I did in the "Striving for my Svelte" challenge:

    Start of Challenge Weight: 147 lbs
    Challenge Goal Weight: 135 lbs
    Working to Lose (lbs): 12 lbs

    09/23: 147.0
    09/30: 146.2
    10/07: 145.6
    10/14: 145.4
    10/21: <<<mini goal weight: >>> 142.0 - UNREAL - I bounced to 149.8 TODAY.
    10/28: 150.2 (even WORSE than last week!)
    11/04: 146.6
    11/11: 149.2 (this was after Halloween stuff, so it's "ok"
    11/18: <<<mini goal weight: >>> 138.5 - I'm a full 10 lbs too MANY! 148.6
    11/25: 146.8...nearly 2 mths to get BACK to where I STARTED!! SHEESH!
    12/02: 148.8...ugh!
    12/09: 146.8
    12/16: 146.8 - holding steady!
    12/23: 147.0<<<challenge goal weight: >>> 135.0

    I kid you not!! I literally weighed EXACTLY the same amount of scale-weight, at the beginning of this challenge, as I do right now.

    meaning: I seem to have MASTERED MAINTENANCE.

    THAT would be totally awesome, if that were my goal....but, I'm 10 LBS from goal, so, shyte, I still have to KNOCK THAT WEIGHT down come 2014, lol.
  • enipla
    enipla Posts: 46 Member
    HI there, I "joined" this great group of cool kids a couple of weeks ago..got real busy with work so I have not had time to log in here too much. I have been doing some form of exercise/workout just about every day. Last Saturday I was finally able to get back up to the mountains for some backcountry skiing for a few hours. Felt great to be back up there. My eating I still need to clean up a bit. It has not been too bad.

    Hope everyone is doing well.
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Greetings cool kids, I hope all of you are well and in good spirits. I made it to onederland for one week then my TOM comes and put me 5 pounds exactly over for weekly weigh in. I am frustrated, yet I understand that weight fluctuates.

    What upcoming goals do all of you have? My goal is to have noticeable definition by Summer and take some nice photos. I intend to stay focused and allow nothing to get in my way.

    I will do a better job checking in here.

    Have a wonderful evening....Kym
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    Beeps - lovely cut in that arm! I love that defines shoulder look. Hope your changeroom party was fun! I was in that group too but missed a couple weigh ins. Did you sign up for the next one?

    KellySue - Hope the bday party for Jake goes well today... what a fun age!

    Sto - safe travels and I hope you enjoy your visit with family.

    Beckyann - congrats on 'graduating' from c25k!! sounds like you need to do some strengthening exercises for hip support if you haven't already started. Most times, the glutes aren't as strong as the quads so a little attention to the rear will help. =)

    enipla - welcome back then. Small steps lead to some big changes!

    caramel - my goals for 2014 are to drop my body fat down to 22 - 25% by the end of the year. That's it for long term anyway. I haven't really focused on short term yet but I know it's not going to be anything crazy, lol.

    I had a luncheon at work yesterday and had a party last night. It was also a refeed day for me so it worked out quite well, I ended up just a smidge over TDEE. There's just something about seeing the numbers in red that gets me though. I have 4 more parties over the next week but I have come to the conclusion that I am just going to enjoy them, while keeping my head of course.
    Have an awesome Saturday!!
  • enipla
    enipla Posts: 46 Member
    All is good here...with exception of injuring my left hand while doing some woodworking.. I will have to take a break from pushups and other weighted activity with it for a little while. Before I hurt my hand I got in a nice HIIT this morning and in the afternoon I went on a walk. Eating was good. I threw out some candy covered snack mix that MIL sent us so I would not be tempted to eat it..sorry Carmen.. I am bummed about my hand because I do enjoy lifting and doing pushups. Oh well, I guess it could be worse.

    Happy weekend all!