The 17 Day Diet



  • Hi everyone! Well I think I am on day 14 today and I am only down 4.8 from the start. I had a few bumps in the road on 3 different days. (I blame it on Easter!) Do you think I should continue on the first cycle for an extra 3 days since I cheated 3 days or do you think I should move on to cycle 2? I'm disappointed I let myself indulge and set myself back. There are so many people that have done extremely well and lost 12-17 lbs in the first cycle. I've only managed 5. :frown: Which I know is better than gaining, but I just wish it were a little more.

    I tried the eggplant parmesan from the book last night. It was very good! I made a homemade marinara because the low carb sauces I could find were between $5-8. Crazy!! And I couldn't find fat free parmesan so I had to use regular.
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Hi everyone! Well I think I am on day 14 today and I am only down 4.8 from the start. I had a few bumps in the road on 3 different days. (I blame it on Easter!) Do you think I should continue on the first cycle for an extra 3 days since I cheated 3 days or do you think I should move on to cycle 2? I'm disappointed I let myself indulge and set myself back. There are so many people that have done extremely well and lost 12-17 lbs in the first cycle. I've only managed 5. :frown: Which I know is better than gaining, but I just wish it were a little more.

    I tried the eggplant parmesan from the book last night. It was very good! I made a homemade marinara because the low carb sauces I could find were between $5-8. Crazy!! And I couldn't find fat free parmesan so I had to use regular.

    I couldn't even FIND low-carb marinara! It took me a while just to find marinara instead of spaghetti sauce! Although I'm hitting Sprouts tonight, so I might have better luck there than at Kings. And I also couldn't find fat free parmesan so I got regular, too.
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    So I started C1 D1 this morning! YAY!!! I choked down some lemon water ( :sick: ) and then went for a brisk walk around my neighborhood, carrying a second glass of plain COLD water to wash down the lemon - it was such a GREAT way to start the day (minus the lemon water) and I already feel so energized!

    I tossed some chopped mushrooms and bell peppers into a pan to saute, then poured eggs over them and scrambled it all up! Yummy! And I had a glass of milk, since I decided there's no logical reason to give up milk during this cycle: I'm still eating yogurt, so lactose isn't being removed from my diet, and I drink skim milk, so it's not adding extra fat.

    I'm a snacker, so I decided it was best to save my probiotics and fruit as a snacks for the day. I brought yogurt with blackberries, an apple, and celery with Greek yogurt - my first taste of Greek yogurt! I hope I like it!

    And I have chicken (baked with Salt-Free Mrs.Dash) with some mixed veggies for lunch, which is actually a normal lunch for me! I haven't decided on dinner yet...
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    I am on day 14 and I think I have lost 6 pounds total... which I am happy about... I don't lose very easily, so this is a good thing, If I could lose 10 pounds a month I would be very happy.
    I'ts COLD here, 46 for a high... egads.. winter coats again!!
    Tomorrow 62, go figure?
    I am NOT riding my bike outside today...
  • llazan
    llazan Posts: 3
    I bought he book about a month ago - the first 2 weeks went really well, but I had to force myself to eat yogurt twice a day (im not a yogurt fan!!) But I followed the diet and lost 12 lbs the fist 10 days!! It really helps you cleanse your body of sugar, fats and all that other good stuff. By the 14th day I was getting tired of salad and yogurt and more yogurt. I have to tell you that I was a Diet Dr. Pepper junkie but since starting the 17-day diet I am Pepper-free! Cant even stand the taste of diet soda anymore. As a diabetic,, the diet dp made me crave sweets and more sweets, now I crave fruits. It has introduced me to a better way of eating - 17 days is a short amount of time but i was challenged to find ways to prepare chicken and turkey (hate fish)- so I looked forward to Cycle 2, which I havent really stuck with to the T, but I am eating some pork and beef now and an occasional potato! - thats when I joined myfitnesspal and it has helped me eat better and track calories and more importantly - sugar. I am more conscience of what Im sticking in my mouth and am amazed by how much crazy eating I used to do. The 17 day diet will get you off to a good start and if you can stick with it through all 4 cycles - GOOD for U!!! I couldnt but dropped a quick 12 lbs. and developed more conscience eating habits. I may do it again if I dont lose more weight soon. Another good thing about it is that you arent ever hungry - you eat alot, actually, but alot of stuff thats good for you. Best of Luck - the book is worth the money!

    I couldn't agree more with what you wrote! I am not only doing this diet to lose some weight but also to get rid of some bad eating/drinking habits and pick up some new good ones! I am hoping to be done after cycle 1 and then just go forward with a new way of eating. :)
  • Hey if there are any other nursing moms out there wondering about the diet, go here:
    3rd row down on far right he answers questions about nursing.
    Dr. Mike himself says "the diet doesn't really change the body in such a way that it can't nurse or it affects nursing." and at the end says it's "absolutely fine".
    Theres also lots of helpful info on things like constipation, cheating, plateaus....
  • Jessvaliquette
    Jessvaliquette Posts: 111 Member
    Hi everyone, I am on day 8 of Cycle 2, I lost 13 pounds in cycle one and my roommate lost 20 lbs in 17 days, we are trying to not weight ourselves until the end of Cycle 2. I found that if my calories were too low I plateau, so make sure if your weight loss is slow to increase your calories and you will notice a big difference. We haven't even started excercice yet. Also their are tons of receipes for each phase that are amazing. On phase one I made Taco Salad, Creamy Chicken Alfredo, Turkey meatloan (spicy and so so good). I am telling you your eating does not have to be boring and routine. I love this program it is no longer an effort for me at all, and trust me I have tried everything and always quit. This program really is the best one I have ever tried. Also one thing I heard that helped motivate me is this is a marathon not a sprint. Even if it takes me a few extra months to achieve my goal I know I will get there and it will be gone for good. If anyone would like the receipes let me know I can give them to you and point you to the rest of them. Thanks

    Good luck everyone.
  • You can drink coffee it just doesn't count toward your water intake and the green tea doesn't have to be for can make it cold with ice and drink it with lunch and dinner....

    I just started my second round of cycle 1 on Tuesday and already lost 2 lbs in two days. I lost a total of 18 lbs on the first round of the 3 cycles and that was with NO EXERCISE at all. I was very pleased. This round I plan to be much more active as soon as my hand recovers from recent surgery. It really does work...stick with it and you will be very happy with your results! Good Luck!! :)
  • HerbieSue
    HerbieSue Posts: 288
    You can drink coffee it just doesn't count toward your water intake and the green tea doesn't have to be for can make it cold with ice and drink it with lunch and dinner....

    I just started my second round of cycle 1 on Tuesday and already lost 2 lbs in two days. I lost a total of 18 lbs on the first round of the 3 cycles and that was with NO EXERCISE at all. I was very pleased. This round I plan to be much more active as soon as my hand recovers from recent surgery. It really does work...stick with it and you will be very happy with your results! Good Luck!! :)

    Thank you for this information, I wasn't going to try it because I want to keep drinking coffee, now I can try it!
  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
  • jeqrosen
    jeqrosen Posts: 26 Member
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    RE: Hot Lemon Water in the a.m. - I find that it's a little more palatable with a bit of Splenda or Truvia in it...more like warm lemonade than hot lemon water. :)
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    RE: Hot Lemon Water in the a.m. - I find that it's a little more palatable with a bit of Splenda or Truvia in it...more like warm lemonade than hot lemon water. :)

    That's what I do too. I believe that Dr. Mike recommends Truvia as a sweetener.
  • acrumby25
    acrumby25 Posts: 10 Member
    Bump Interested
  • bluespring
    bluespring Posts: 201 Member
    Hi everyone, I am on day 8 of Cycle 2, I lost 13 pounds in cycle one and my roommate lost 20 lbs in 17 days, we are trying to not weight ourselves until the end of Cycle 2. I found that if my calories were too low I plateau, so make sure if your weight loss is slow to increase your calories and you will notice a big difference. We haven't even started excercice yet. Also their are tons of receipes for each phase that are amazing. On phase one I made Taco Salad, Creamy Chicken Alfredo, Turkey meatloan (spicy and so so good). I am telling you your eating does not have to be boring and routine. I love this program it is no longer an effort for me at all, and trust me I have tried everything and always quit. This program really is the best one I have ever tried. Also one thing I heard that helped motivate me is this is a marathon not a sprint. Even if it takes me a few extra months to achieve my goal I know I will get there and it will be gone for good. If anyone would like the receipes let me know I can give them to you and point you to the rest of them. Thanks

    Good luck everyone.

    Congrats! You're doing great!
    I love that Taco Salad!
    Good luck!
  • Des92
    Des92 Posts: 309 Member
    I am starting this diet Monday!! I think it will be hard to completely give up the sweets and carbs, but everyone on here seems to be getting awesome results, so I'm feeling pretty motivated! And I've found some recipes that sound great!
    Congrats to everyone who is doing so well!
  • mfreeby
    mfreeby Posts: 199 Member
    Hi everyone, I am on day 8 of Cycle 2, I lost 13 pounds in cycle one and my roommate lost 20 lbs in 17 days, we are trying to not weight ourselves until the end of Cycle 2. I found that if my calories were too low I plateau, so make sure if your weight loss is slow to increase your calories and you will notice a big difference. We haven't even started excercice yet. Also their are tons of receipes for each phase that are amazing. On phase one I made Taco Salad, Creamy Chicken Alfredo, Turkey meatloan (spicy and so so good). I am telling you your eating does not have to be boring and routine. I love this program it is no longer an effort for me at all, and trust me I have tried everything and always quit. This program really is the best one I have ever tried. Also one thing I heard that helped motivate me is this is a marathon not a sprint. Even if it takes me a few extra months to achieve my goal I know I will get there and it will be gone for good. If anyone would like the receipes let me know I can give them to you and point you to the rest of them. Thanks

    Good luck everyone.

    Great, motivating post - thanks for that! I lost 7 pounds in the first 10 days and now have stalled (or even gained) over the last few calories aren't usually hitting 1000 (after exercise is factored in) but I don't know how to up them without adding fat (cheese). Should I just eat more protein or???? The veggies don't make much of a dent in the cals. If too few cals is why I've stopped losing I need to adjust something!

    Thanks for any tips anyone!
  • bluespring
    bluespring Posts: 201 Member

    Great, motivating post - thanks for that! I lost 7 pounds in the first 10 days and now have stalled (or even gained) over the last few calories aren't usually hitting 1000 (after exercise is factored in) but I don't know how to up them without adding fat (cheese). Should I just eat more protein or???? The veggies don't make much of a dent in the cals. If too few cals is why I've stopped losing I need to adjust something!

    Thanks for any tips anyone!
    Good job so far!
    Don't panic. Your weight will fluctuate for various reasons. Try not to get on the scale every day. It's hard...I know! I did the same thing. Made me crazy. Now it's once a week for me.
    More protein is the way. Greek yogurt with sugar free jam, chicken, and the Kefir smoothie will bring up your totals.
    Good luck!
  • XoCynthiaXo
    XoCynthiaXo Posts: 78 Member
    Hey im going shopping this weekend so i can start this diet on monday, anyone prefer andy certain brands of the specific food we have to eat on there or any recipes besides the ones in the book? Im not really an egg person so im trying to think what else i can eat besides eggs?
  • raksha
    raksha Posts: 30
    Hi All,

    I got the book today and am starting tom!! I am really excited to hear all the great results everyone is getting. I have 3 questions please help.

    1. i am not a big egg fan, but I do eat eggbeaters, is that ok?

    2. what kinds/brands of yogurt is everyone eating?

    3. can i put a sugar free flavor packet in my water.......i have an aversion to plain water.

    Thanks for the help. I will undate with my progress.

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